(2012/04) Apr 2012

hi April mummies, im supposed to deliver in Jun, but ended up delivering preterm in Apr. Any premmie mummies here? i delivered at sgh and my baby stayed there for about 2 months.

wish i could make it to meet e other mommies at the last gathering!

west side gathering:
i can make it anywhere as i am driving. =)
Hannah: oh, when my gal take Similac, she will have diarrhea that is why i switched brand. I only know their fat content is higher. Erm, i do not know my gal's wt cos havent when for checkup.
Outings are fun, thumb up
Hi mummy who are doing partial feedings, how long do you take to finish a can of 900g fm? My baby drink very little so after 1 month she only drink half a can. I'm a bit peeved with my mil. She keep saying that it's very Sai yang to throw away the unfinished fm then she will continue to give her the expired fm. Is this ok??

I stay in Seng Kang, I'm so keen to join the Amk outing but I think I ll give this time a miss in case my pil complain again. :p somehow the older generation believes that baby must ray at home. but please please keep me updated. I ll really like to find a chance to meet you mummies and to let my baby girls have some playmates.
Better don't as the formula will be exposed to bacteria in the air too much after a period of time thus usually to use within a month..
Angela, i am fully packed this week! Maybe next week or week after? We can meet for lunch. ;)

Cheryl, ask your MIL to drink it then! What sayang.. Baby's health is more important! Who will be responsible in case of an upset tummy? Most 0-6 months formula can be kept for 3 weeks only. Especially those that contains probiotics. Try to buy 400g tin next time then. I have thrown away 2 400g tins of formula so far. Cos baby rejects formula so i have stopped trying. Pardon me! I just cannot stand those older generation's illogical thinking. I mean they can think that way cos it's their freedom but they got to learn to accept the fact that younger generation could be right too when hard facts are presented to them. :p
omg. I jus finished my 1st tin after 1.5mth as she is fed formula once per day only. thank goodness she is fine, shall take note from this new tin onwards.

And yup, i've enjoyed the recent outing with the mummies! lookin forward to the next.
Tips for storage milk
When open, pour some into a new container and keep that open tin inside the fridge. This can keep longer coz only open once and when keep inside the fridge, no bacteria ....
Yup lucky my baby is fine too.. I had asked my maid to throw all the expired milk away. I'm just worried that when I start work no one will keep an eyes on the milk. I be decided to write the date on the tin and check regularly.

By the way, anyone seen mamex gold with 400g. Please let me know. I tried the ntuc near my place, have only seen 900g
Hi mummies, sorry to hijack your thread but was thinking you may be the best group to ask for recommendation of confinement lady (since you have just gone through it not too long ago).

I understand that there is no best CL so would appreciate your recommendation and why is she recommeded.

Pls PM me so I can keep my disturbance to the minimum. MTIA.
Hi mummies, I'm from the Oct thread. I'm looking for confinement caterers but need opinions.

I have shortlisted the following, please advise.

1) Natal Essentials
2) Newbaby.com.sg
3) ConfinementFood.com
4) Chili Padi Catering
5) Aunty Li Confinement Food

Those who have tried for your this/previous pregnancies or your friends/families have tried, please advise tastiness of food.

Thank you.
Hi ladies, do ur baby have flat head problem?? I realized that my boy have abit. How do i correct it??? U ladies let ur baby sleep in cot or sarong?? Wat pillow do u used ??
My girl tends to sleep facing her right side. So one side of her head is slightly flatter than the other side. I bought the pillow where the centre is flat so that she sleep facing up. I heard that sarong help to keep the head round but it will be hard to get them to sleep on bed later. Furthermore it's bad for spinal.
I would like to buy NB diapers - huggies/pampers/mamy poko.
If your baby has outgrown this size and you want to sell pls PM me
Hi Cheryl , he is using that kind of pillow since birth. Nw his back is flat. I try to put him to sleep at his side but after a while, he is on his back again. Haiz....
I'm using the dimpled pillow, cos my boy tends to slp on one side too.. So now no matter how he turns, he don't really lie on that side of his head..
My bb has the tendency to turn her head to the sides after we put her so earlier when she was having refluxes. So I'm using the inverted U pillow.
For bb's pimples, Ive diligently wiped her face with cooled down boiled water. The rashes will then dry up to become red patches after which I applied the California Baby Calendula Everyday Lotion...the rash went away and never came back!
hi mommies,
brot baby for his first 6-in-1 jab yesterday. his weight at 2 months is 5.86kg. so heart pain to see him get 2 jabs, ouch!
What is the second jab?my Bb took 6 in 1 I also v heart pain. His face like show he's crying Damn Jialat but no sound come out from him until like 5-10 seconds later.
Namie - thumb up for newbaby. They specialise in confinement food, unlike other caterers who are also doing normal catering. Food taste nice, love almost all the dishes and soup. Of coz there will be a few dishes that I don't like. Service is good, when I was in hospital, I called them to deliver the food, after that I changed to the next day, they are very nice and arrange accordingly. Once they made a mistake for my order, they told me to eat first and compensate an additional lunch for me. The delivery uncle is alsoo very nice and patient, although he got a lot of delivery to rush, he never show his temper/black face as I always forget to hang the food outside so he can pick up quickly n go. Thumb up
Haru - my tear flows out when the needle went into her fragile tiny feet. Only a week old, to test for jaudice. I can understand the heart pain. It was so pai seh, hopefully nobody see that.
Just an update, thu (tmr) 3pm starbucks civic centre. Woodlands. Its easy to locate us, all of us will be carrying a baby. Jus come up and join us if u are free.
Monica, try not to keep for too long. Bcos I don't hv enough to give my boy so tot of taking my SIL one to give him. So I ask my PD first. My PD quite against it. She said tt fresh from breast is the best. The most 1 or 2 months .Longer than tt the nutrient will be gone.Then she asked me do I keep frozen meat in the fridge for more than 3 months then cook?? The same theory apply.
My supply in the fridge is about 1 monthlong, need to store up b4 I go back to work next mth. My friend tells me that as long as you don't contaminate it, you can store longer, up to 6 months. What I do is that I separate the frozen meat and all with my bm. And I sealed all my bm in additional double zipped zip lock bag. I will freeze my bm once container is full to 'preserve' its freshness. My fridge now has devoted shelves for my bm.

Actually if can, best to nurse baby direct so that baby is getting the nutrients that he requires for growth daily..
I m taking no pay leave till dec as no one help me to take care. Waiting for the infant care to get back to me. Really pray hard that there is a slot for my boy.
Ya, this yr a lot of pple are giving birth, if there's no one to help, it's really a big headache.. Hope the infant care gets back to you soon.
Hi mummies, can I continue to breast feed if I dye my hair? If I pump must throw away one feed or must throw away the milk for the next 24hr?
Im taking 4mths thus, just started to freeze my first bag of BM. May i ask 2 ques?

- Anyone taking fenugreek to increase milk supply?
Which is better, GNC and Nature Way?

- If the milkbag stated 5 OZ, i cant store more than that (meaning to fill it up as full as possible before freezing)?

Thanks in advance!
Ya lor, alot of pple giving birth this year. Then another thing I realized is most of them are baby boy.

Seemed like most of you are taking 4 mths. Haiz.. And when our babies are ard 4 to 5 mths, our hair will start dropping.
Usually I will not fill it to the brim bcos its better if you let out the air in the milk bag before sealing it.

Is it? I din know tt.. Only heard my friend mention tt there're a lot of pple who went for IVF last yr..

Hi Cheryl, called the tmc breast feeding hotline before on this. No need to throw away but I still throw for half a day, kaisi:p the nurse says we should not dye too often though, once half yearly is acceptable.
