(2012/04) Apr 2012

How heavy is ur bb? Week?

Any bb here start to suck their thumb? Snatch mummy eating plate/bowl? My boy since Monday like this liao. whenever he saw ppl eating, his mouth will follow too and after he watch too long cannot eat, he will look at my breast and wants to suck!


I use kodomo baby laundry detergent due to its mildness and it smells so good too!
Reborn, she juz turned 11 week. Her wt as measured today is oni 4.3kg. Pd said too small. Sigh... Every time she refused to drink, I m terribly upset n wif wat e pd told mi abt her poor wt gain, I even more upset. Becoz of this, even quarrel wif my Dh n my mum n my dad.

My gal refused to drink so no choice I force her drink by spoon. She cried till red like lobster n den I ganna fr my mum. My mum scolded mi if she dun drink dun force.

N my gal got lot of ear wax so I used olive oil to drop into her ears to cleanse e wax, ganna qns left rite up dwn by my dad. Commented y put olive oil. Where got ppl Put oil one etc.

Dh not understanding. I cried becoz I upset but he dun understd n scolded mi cry cry cry. All I nor I cry...

Argh..... Really can't take it.
Jellio: triderm is not hydrocortisone. Both are steroids and if I not mistaken, hydrocortisone is weaker.

Beco: still procrastinating about beco. Kind of ex and not sure how often we will use it. Still thinking.....

Reborn: my baby is starting to suck his hand but his thumb has not found it's way into the mouth yet.
Bbliss, dont be upset.. The older gen people are like that one. Can u imagine one of them told me not to kiss baby's face as they will be very naughty when they grow up.. RIDICULOUS! -.-'

Anyway im a first time mum so i am not exactly in the position to say much.
But ive read up articles and they mention that unless it poses problems, we can actually leave it alone otherwise consult pediatrician. Double check with my relatives, they say leave it alone and dont touch it. I saw the articles with the olive oil as well.. I guess its up to you whether which method you wanna use.
For myself, I use a warm towel to clean it daily cos i dont dare to touch any delicate area.

Btw, is the meetup confirm? May i join in too?
Hi mummies...

Reborn: my baby is practically trying to put his fist in his mouth..

Bbliss: The ear wax will come out by itself if i'm not wrong, cos it's the case for my boy.. Hang in there, your baby needs you..
The meet up tomorrow is confirmed! Any mummies who are keen can just pop by! I will be bringing my elder girl too.

Date: Friday, 15 June 2012
Time: 12.30pm
Location: Marche at 313@somerset

Should be easy to spot us as we are a group of mummies with babies of the same age. Haha

Shuhui, yes you may join!
In case any mummies cannot locate us, do PM me in SMH or FB. My email is ilovemyashlyn at gmail dot com. I will check my email and FB again tomorrow when i reach! Just in case.. ;)
I just saw your post. By the way i just added you in FB! Wanted to message you but you don't accept message.

I bring my kids out everyday cos my boy wants to be carried to sleep! So rather than put him in a carrier and sweat like pig at home, i bring him out to air-conditioned malls. Going out keeps me sane cos i have a workaholic hubby who works 6am to 1am! Hate to be home alone.. I have 2 kids! 4.5 years old girl and 10 weeks old boy. I am a sahm so no help. Prefer to do it myself my way, anyway! I am very used to it. And yup, my boy is fully breastfed. Latch on only.
Bbliss, hugs!! Sometimes i don't know if it's better to have help/concern or be alone. For me i am always alone so nobody will interfere with what i do for my kids. But i am so used to it that i won't know how to appreciate concern from close ones anymore! Haha.. Just hope everything's fine with your baby. Take care! Jia you!!
SSP, I didn't know Triderm is a steriod. I better stop using.

Bbliss, hopefully the PD can help advise on what might be causing your girl to lose appetite.

I want to attend the meeting tmr too but my hubby's friends are coming to pick up something during lunch tmr. He told me a few days back but I forgot
My baby is also feasting on his fist. I think it's because he doesn't know how to open up his hand and just put the thumb in. He is also drooling all the time.
My baby likes his second finger better and the way he sucks on it as if his fist is very delicious..

Anyway, how much milk are your babies drinking now? Does baby boy tend to drink more milk? My baby has reduced his intake of milk so not sure if it's the norm..
me me!!! my baby likes to suckle on his own hand/ blanket now!! thinking sophie e giraffe soon liao..hahah...

i wish i could attend tom's gathering too but my girl has class so i can't make it le...next round hopefully! or any west mommies want to organize another one? =D

my hubby gave EBM about 120ml he managed to finish. now when hubby is home i try to let him give EBM so that I can nap with my #1! hahah...

I was giving him 120ml of EBM previously till about 2 weeks ago when he had a cough due to his mucus back drip. Now that he had recovered, he is only drinking about 70ml and can last him for 3-5hrs depending..

So good.. My hubby sometimes can't handle him when I ask him to bottle feed.. So i had to be on standby..
Hi mummies, my boy has found his thumb! I am a bit worried about his thumb sucking as I personally thinks its harder to wean off than a pacifier. So mummies who's babies are showing signs of suckling for comfort, do you intend to intro pacifier or allow them to suckle their thumb?
My boy is sucking his fist now. He's gonna find his thumb very soon. Im very wary of thumb sucking and pacifier habits but hb is confident can wean off my boy later. Right now i give him a pacifier to soothe himself to sleep. Smtimes he takes it, most of the time he spits it out coz prefer to nurse to sleep istead. Hehe.

Im not sure how much my boy drinks cos most of the time he latches on, but he feeds 3hrly round the clock. I rarely give him EBM coz lazy to pump and i find bottles (the washing, sterilizing, yadayada) a big hassle!

Huugs to you! Hope all will be better soon. Sometimes the older generation can be really handful. My MIL makes a lot of noise too, loves kicking a fuss over lil things but i just smile past it. Else can rly be so unhappy till i vent it out on poor hb instead!

Dear mummies, are there any mummies giving your babies FM? What brand of milk are your dear ones drinking? I am planning to start on mixed feeding due to some issues and need reviews on Enfalac HA, Similac, NAN HA and S26. I have heard lots of ppl saying NAN is closest to breastmilk in taste thus fewer chances of baby rejecting but am keen on Enfa for the highest DHA content. Confused now!
Hannah, my baby is 7 weeks old and is taking Enfalac A+ for night feed as its fuller and can last her for 5rs, I can oso slp thru e night.. Keke..
Reg pacifier, I gave her pacifier but she spits out once she falls asleep.. I personally feel dat pacifier is better den thumb.. Y ur babies can find their thumb? Are they still wearing mittens?
when my gal is less than 1mth old, she will occasionally put her finger into her mouth n suck (when mittens is off to clean her hands). Now, 7wk old, she suck with mittens on but i will push it away. Cos also dun1 dirty mittens to touch her face.

Hannah: fed my gal Similac b4 n currently S26. I know many ppl feeding Enfalac. Anyway feeding FM is a trial an error thing. feed already then know whether it is suitable for bb. some FM can b too heaty resulting in constipation, some causes diarrhea) i think rejecting chances r lower. So every bb is different!
Hannah, im also afraid of the weaning part so really hope can dont intro.

Mummy_baby2008, my boy stopped wearing mittens after he is full month. Want to let him learn to grasp things.

By the way, my boy is taking nan ha cos of family allergies.
Hi mummies, I'm a silent reader since preggy. My baby was born on 30 march.

Lilcactus, Won't your son scatch himself if he is not wearing mitten?? I cut my girl nails every week but she still leave marks on her face Everytime I take the mitten off. Somehow she manage to scratch herself from the side of her fingers and she rubbed her face really hard. I wish she can don't wear her mitten too as her mittens are getting too small for her
Nice to see all the mummies and babes at marche just now.

yes, let us organise a west gathering! Am kind of a westerner too.
Yup nice to meet you ladies! :D

Cheryl: ya my boy scratches himself too, cos his fingernails once grow out can scratch le. Muz cut very frequently. Maybe u can try filing her nails instead so won't be so sharp
Mummybaby, silverygal & lilcactus
Thanks for your replies. I hv a tin of Nan HA so maybe will try first then see how my baby reacts to it.

Any reason why u change from similac to s26? I heard s26 has higher sugar content and thus promotes weight gain. Is it true? Mind sharing your baby's weight?

My sin stopped wearing mittens after 1 mth too. Want him to learn exploring his hands. He loves it!
Cheryl, the first few days did have some slight scratch but after that no more. My boy seldom rub his face. But loves to put fingers/fist to his mouth.
Thx sisters for yr hugs n consolation. Feeling better today. Now juz hoping my gal's wt can gain more.

Hannah, I used to give my gal enfalac when she is borned. We changed to Nan HA when she abt 1mth plus coz tat time she was having colic so our GP advised us to change to Nan HA since I m oso giving her BM. He mentioned Nan HA is close to BM. But if we think logically, there no way FM can be similar to BM. But that time since she having colic n dr asked to change, we bo bian, change lor.

Haru, April bb, u mummies r in e west ? Mi in south west... Hehe... Maybe ya, can start with a mini west mtg den we join rest of mummies for central outing. Haha...
Sounds like you mummies had a great time this afternoon. Hope I can join you all the next gathering.

I gave my boy pacifier when he was merely a week old, but now he starts to reject his pacifier more often. Usually I'll give it to him when he wants to slp, but like Hannah's baby, he prefers to nurse.

I have to pump cos I'm a FTWM and will be back to work next mth. Need to build up a stash of EBM and get him to get used to the bottle. So worried that my supply will drop and will not be able to meet up with his demand. I agree it's a hassle with bottles.

My boy also scratches himself when I first removed his mittens, but now he prefers to try putting his fist in his mouth. I will also cut his nails often for prevention.
Hannah, there's once a nurse told mi tat if using pacifier to soothe bb sleeping, once bb dozes off, quietly remove it fr their mouth.

N if using pacifier to soothe them stop crying, try remove it when they stop crying. Y bbs wanna suck pacifier is becoz they wanna seek comfort.
Angela, high five. M oso FTWM n b gg bk to work nex mth too. Can I ask how u intend to pump when u bk wk ? For mi, my supply belong to e low side so abit worried tat once go bk wk, if no pump, milk will dry out. Any advice to share ?

Cheryl- our bb bdae quite close
hehe...She suppose to be an Apr bb but in e end, out slightly early
I'm interested in the west outing!! Count me in :p

Re: sterilize during work, I'm planning to buy the medela steam bags, heard from seller that we can just put everything in & put inside microwave to sterilize.. Well it's really fast, I returning to work in another week time.. My baby is only 8weeks old, I'm sure gonna miss her.. Hope I dun get too emo in e office..
Mummy baby 2008, hw come u gg bk to WL nex week so fast when yr bb oni 8 wks old ? U din take up e full 16 weeks of entitled ML ?

Sure gotta miss yr bb coz mi too. E tot of gg bk to wk really feel so sian...
Sterling at work,
i did not sterilize at work, just soak the necessary parts in hot water from pantry.
My #1still grew up illness-free.

you should latch baby when you reach home and before going to work,it will help increase supply. But yes, it is stressful to continue pumping at work. My supply did dip and i had mastitis as well. Hope this time will be better.

you free after school hols- right? I am ok with any location as i drive. Anywhere from jurong point to vivo
Thanks mummies for advices. Babies nails are so thin, even if I cut it really, she can still scratch herself. I think I will try filing her nails like what cayden mummy say. I'm really afraid that she will poke her eyes as she is starting to Suck her hand too (with mitten on for now) and her aiming really suck, sometime her finger end up in her nostril.

Bbliss, Me too. My bb was suppose to be due on 13 apr, but she came out in mar, right after the farewell that my boss thrown for me. Guess she doesn't want to be call april foo (my hubby surname is foo :p)
Cheryl, try filing, and after clipping her nails u can run your hands to check if it's sharp. But they will still scratch abit in the beginning. A bit heart-pain but they get better. She should be able to go without mittens in the day by now and enjoy her finger lickin' fingers!
My intend schedule will be pump when I reach office and again in the late afternoon b4 I knock off work. As my coy is those in tuas, so there's no nursing room. Most prob will work out with HR for a meeting room or smthg, and I bought a nursing cover to hide my pump underneath.

I wish I can latch on b4 I go to work, but it will mean tt I have to wake up at 4am.. Hopefully my supply don't dip so much.

My baby is truly an april fool baby.
Since bb full mths i also didn't put on mitten too. Only at night or when go out when is cold. I cut my boy nails twice a week,
so far so good, no problem.

Any northern mummy.... I live in woodlands! With 4 very hard to drive far coz i got no driving license and only hb have....
Mummy baby 2008,
Yes, the medela steam bagg very easy to use. I did use them until i got lazy then just sterilize once a day, bring parts to work just use hot water to 'sterilise' before re using at work.

Westie gathering,
a few places to start the ball rolling :
Jurong point
reborn, i'm in wdls too remember! too bad no chance to meet up and thank u personally for the diapers! oh if u are interested, the fb mummies in north side have meet up every week. i think next one is in causeway pt coming wed. you interested to join?
Bbliss, yes I'm going back next week.. Took only 8wks of ML due to shortage of manpower.. Earlier on was stil planning to sneak home during lunch time to see baby but recently my boss juz changed the security system, we gotta enter the office using our thumbprint, hence all our entry and exit time will b captured by the system.. Sigh.. Sian TTM!!

April baby, I'm ok with imm & Jurong point
reborn and lilcactus

I'm live in AMK.. It seemed so near yet so far..

reborn, it must be tough looking after sick sicks and a bb with the fear tt the bb will catch the virus as well..
reborn, its ok.. hope your kids recover soon. in fact my #1 is down with cough, has been 2-3 weeks of cough already.

angela, in fact i go to amk everyday! my sis house is there so i go over every weekday so my mom can help me out. maybe we can find a day to meet at amk hub?
Hi mummies ,
Long time been bz n the thread goes so fast!
I'm at bishan! See afew of u at amk or woodlands, all quite near! We Shd meet up soon. Really successful will b once a week relieve some stress and have some ME time cuz everyday with Mil. Gg faint soon.

N my Bb 8 wks plus now also without mittens since full month. He found his fist n soon I think his thumb.
he starts to learn to push things away too!
Reborn, lactilucus, u ladies r in woodlands ? Haha...my parents stay in wdl too. Mi wif my gal nw staying with them during wk days. So if there any outings at wdl & if can make it, I dun mind too
in fact, I myself stay at cck so to north or west seems ok.

Wow mummy 2008, yr opi so high tech ah. Uses thumbprint for access. But since u r ONI taking 8 wks of ml, for e rest of leave, can u say work like 4 or 3 days a week ie. flexi working arrangement so as to acc yr bb ?

Haha... Min min, pei fu pei fu. U can stay under 1 roof wif yr mil for so long ah. Life would b easier if mil r those easy gg ones

I don't mind. It's so bored at home. I'm ok with any day, you just let me know k.

Since we are still on ML, shld take up this opportunity to meet up often and let e babies have play dates as well.

Nice meeting you mummies on friday! It was fun to see so many babies of almost the same age. We had a great chat too! Haha.. I am staying at amk. Let's plan another meet up! ;)

Lilcactus, my girl used to suck her thumb from 10 weeks old. I did not stop her as it cured her colic crying that went on for past 4 weeks from 5pm till 9pm! Non-stop crying!! So of cos i took the easy way out and she started sleeping thru from 6pm till 7am, no night feeds. It saved my sanity so i could not say no! She weaned off without a fuss at 2.5 years old. No harm done. My boy has been off mittens since a month old and has found his thumbs! I am sort of trying to teach him how to suck since he refused pacifiers. Imo if it helps to soothe the child and sleep without a fuss, it's nothing very wrong. Cos the child will eventually wean off naturally by 4 years old as he or she will feel embarassed about it. Limiting to sleep time is a good start. It's your decision! Though sometimes it's hard cos like my girl, she started in the womb and nobody could stop her so she merely continued after she was out. Lol!
