(2012/04) Apr 2012

Most aunties like to give water cos they are so used to babies taking fm, if don't give water, they will costipate.. For bm, there is already water in the fore milk.. I always tell my in laws not to give water as the baby's kidney cannot work so hard with so much water...

hi mommies,
hope your weekend has been good so far. was sooo sleepy this afternoon, pat baby until i fall asleep but he didn't! haha..went to my in law's place on my own w the kids and it was nice to have family helping to entertain #1 and look after baby for a while so that i can have home cooked dinner!

just wondering if most of the mommies here experience that your kids (or baby) is fussy when you are alone at home? i told my mom that every time hubby is home, kids are easy and they go to bed easy. but if I'm alone, they will "gang" up on me and especially baby will be super cranky when i am trying to put him to bed. and she said it was exactly the same with me and my sister. hahah!!!
My MIL also always ask me whether I have given my baby water. I try to explain to her the first few times. Now I don't bother, I just say yes I feed already. I got a baby bottle with water on my coffee table but it's for show only. I don't really feed my baby the water.

Haru, my baby hasn't been very fussy but he seem to love it when my hubby carry him. Everytime fall asleep very fast. The one thing is he always only poop when he daddy not at home so daddy never sees the mess he makes and never have to help clean... Lol. He is like little angel to daddy.
Mummies, long time since we last chat here, I'm struggling now, still breastfeeding consistently but struggling with my injured nipples, they r so badly injured dat i see abit of blood today, using avent breast pump and it fits my nipple nicely in e past, dunno isit due to the injury dat I feel the pump so tight, could it be my nipples are swollen? How to cure swollen n cuts on my nipple?
Haven't logged on last few days, thread moves so fast.

My baby now only wants to be carried for whole day. If not will cry until lose voice. Thats why i so tired. Do babies grow smarter after full month?

LOvexuan, my girl also start to reject bottle now that she is 6 weeks, though I have been giving her bottle everyday since 4th week. Cos she latch on at night, so morning will be v cranky when I give bottle, cry lOudly and when I carry her want to lick my arm instead. I took it as she wants to latch instead of bottle? But I have to force her, if not when I come back to work how ?

Mombaby2008, have you tried putting breast milk on your nipple and let it air dry for 5, 10 mins? Or apply Medela nipple cream?

How did you get injured? The last time I had it was due to baby latch wrong position, after correcting position then ok.
Mummy baby 2008
I was also like that, I'm using Medela for 19 months and the pump fits well until no.2 came, don't know if the nipples grow or what, the pump doesn't fit and I bought all the bigger sized shields to try else, very painful after pump, got blisters and sore to touch even when wearing a thin tshirt..very painful when baby latched.. Felt very miserable then.. Thank God, a few mommies here recommended pumping pal flannel, it works, quite comfortable.. I'm not sure if the flannel fits Avent pump, you may like to check..I was also advised by lac nurse to rest the nipples by doing manual express..
Minmin - my fren pd says they don't need water as bm is sufficient. However their kidney (correct or not) cannot work too hard so maximum 30ml per day.

Reborn - ur hb fren is too much, who is he/she to comment on ur bm. We suffered through the engorgement and sleepless nights to get such unappreciate comments? Ignore them
How u all take care to avoid sore breast other than using bm n breast cream?

Lotusmum: Where to get pumping pal flannel?
I bought my pumping pal flannel from the SMH spree, little thinkies, but there are quite a no. of them selling the similar items, see which organiser you are comfortable with ba..
Thanks mummies, I tried using BM last night and today during shower I used my hand to express e milk to avoid engorgement.. Now I have the phobia of using breastpump.. Haiz.. Hope my nipples recover soon.. Anybody know how I can avoid this in future? It's really terrible.. I really determined to breastfeed for as long as I can but if this goes on I really feel like giving up
Mummies here, do yr babies go on nursing strike ? My 2 mths old these few been gg on strike !! Either drink very very little if not simply dun wan to drink. If force to drInk, she will cry n scream.

Any mummies experience such be4 ? Sigh....
Bbliss, does your baby also reject the bottle? My baby don't want to nurse when he was 5 weeks old becos I gave him the bottle and he started to prefer the bottle. He would rather scream and cry himself to sleep than latch. So I heart pain just pump and give him bottle. But now he slowly willing to latch again. The last 2 days I managed to latch him for 3 feeds.

The other time my baby stopped drinking milk was when he was unwell. Could it be your baby not feeling so well? Tummy got wind?
Hi reborn, I cannot find your post regarding order milk storage bagI wish to buy the sample bags to test first. Is it ok to post the link again?
Avoid sore nipples must latch on well in the first place. Practice makes perfect. If you think Bb latch wrong, take out n try again n again. Got improvement then carry on feed. I used to have sore nipples too. Use medela nipple cream, I dun wear bra at home and let it air as much as possible. Then let Bb practice latch if he can't latch properly. Aft that pump the remaining milk out n air the nipples. Dun wear breast pads too. U can even use some remaining Bm apply ard nipple. Will sooth abit..

Hopefully mine dun go on nursing strike. Maybe he's uncomfortable or wants to sleep. Got try carry him on ur shoulder? Once my Bb is full he will drink as though he gagging then cough n cry. That is my cue today he wants to sleep or has gas in tummy. So I put him on my shoulder n burp him. If no burp he falls aslp. If he dun drink at all try burping him on ur shoulder? Otherwise gas takes the space n no milk can go in. If all cannot maybe gotta see a pd Liao. Later he no energy or nutrition if this lasts long time.

Bb dragon, thanks! Think now everywhere I read is no need drink water as they cannot process the water n may get intoxication. So better not listen to those old wives tale. Unless feed on fm then bo pian gotta take abit. Those aunties huh. Iyo!

You guys got fb? Good to share photos and see how our babies are growing!
we can try go out soon n pour our sorrows soon before our maternity leave ends!
Find or add me?
Rosanne Chong
[email protected]
So far Bb n me seldom alone at home. But even if got more ppl he already start to bully us. Haha. Either my hubby or me have to carry him on our shoulder to make him sleep. He will be fussy n Kick us if we don't stand and walk ard. After we walk walk abit then he will fall aslp. Put him down n he will cry! So naughty! So we sometimes have to carry him n sleep at night. Train arm muscles!

Hopefully he's not gg to be naughtier if we are alone, haha!
my gal recently like us to carry her on our shoulder to slp n cannot make her slp in the rm. she will keep crying. must bring her to the living rm. So fussy. drink milk also like to be in the living rm n sometimes have to walk ard when feeding.
Ya my MIL is really insensitive with her comments. Always say my milk not enough thats why baby cry every 3 hrs. And she's very superstitious, this cannot that cannot.

Such insensitive ppl! I wish i have a freezerfull of BM but unfortunately i have yet to start building a supply. My BM is just enough fior my boy, how to build a stash?

My MIL and aunties also keep saying must feed baby water. I give up explaining to them. I will just give a little when they comment to shut them up. Else i can really climb up the wall with their comments!!

Anyone giving your baby pacifier? I recently gave my boy pacifier cos he keep wanting to suckle. Gave him EBM the other day and he sucked on the teat.. But spit out the flowing milk through the sides of his mouth and it went all over his neck, lol. So i gave him the pacifier that came in the avent newborn starter pack. Just asking if any mummies also give their babies pacifiers? I really dislike the habit cos scared will have trouble weaning him off later and will interfere with his teeth growth..
Hannah, maybe you can try my method. Keep a bottle of water ard. When they ask whether you gave water, just say yes give already.

I also don't dare to give pacifier as I'm afraid it'll be difficult to wean off. Sometimes I just let my baby suck on my nipple cos I'm trying to woo him back to latching (he prefers the bottle now). Only thing is he will suckle and suckle till let down then he suddenly let go and my milk drip on my bed. Make me so heart pain cos my supply also not great.
Mummies if u all breastfeed will experience dripping can use breast shield to collect as I manage to collect bout 80ml each day as I also haven't create supply.. To create supply u all needa pump 15min after bb latching n rest one feeding n pump next feed..

Both fm n bm r sufficient coz they contain water n coz bb stomach is small ,milk is sufficient n water is not nutritious ad compare to milk
my baby had such bad rash on his face and i used breast milk to clean just to realised that the rash was caused by breast milk!
Argh ! !
The doc must be thinking i am crazy.
Collecting breastmilk,
i also collect milk but i do one step further, i pump.

First thing when i wake up i realised i have a lot of supply. So baby latch one breast, i pump the other, can get 4 to 5 oz. Throughout the day, sometimes i get 2oz when i latch cum pump in the afternoon sometimes if baby sleeps for loong i get 3oz. If feeling lazy,i only pump once in the morning,then i pool milk expressed within 24hrs , freeze in deep freezer .

Enough to fill one lansinoh milk bag.
Managed to get on average 10oz when ievery 2 days.
Milk rash -my pd recommended hydrocortisone cream. Can see quick response within days. I faithfully clean my baby's face with moist towel whenever he gets milk on his face but he still get the rash but not as bad as b4
ya same got hydrocot cream, but its a topical steroid so i try to avoid when flare subside. Am also cleaning with water using cotton wool and apply aqueous cream.
Aprilbaby- ya, I only use when rash is bad. If mild rash, I wait and see. But hard to avoid rash cos he loves unlatching when feeding. Milk will squirt on his face and neck
I gave my gal pacifier when she is less than 1wk old. My mum asked me to give to stop her fr crying. But after 2-3wks later, she 100% dun like it.
Finally got myself a beco Gemini

Love xuan/ Shuihui, hw do u wash yr beco carrier ah ? E sales told mi gotta use organic detergent since e carrier matl is organic. But where do we get those organic detergent ?
i am also not intending to use pacifier. afraid it will be hard to wean off.

i can understand sometimes its hard to pump when mommies are alone at home. i face the same challenge too. i can only pump at night when kids are both in bed or when hubby is home. hence i noticed less EBM collected after each feed too. my freezer is currently full of EBM so not really stressing out since i have another 2 months before ML finishes.
Ya pumping alOne at home is challenging man. Always can't pump full. Worry My breast think no need so much Liao cuz order less n less!

Have u mummies met before? If wanna meet I need courage to go out w Bb on my own! Hehe
so sorry, i can't make it this fri. i am available most weekdays during the school term! =) I have not met any of the mommies here too.
Bbliss, where u bought ur beco? Price? How's it Bb like?? So curious!

Bb dragon, fri evening I'm gg out for drinks do aftern can't go out Liao. Next week ?? Haru can come along then too.
desperatemum, long time no see! How's everything? Coping well?

Bbliss, imo it does not make sense to use organic laundry detergent just for the carrier unless we are going for fully organic(which is also not practical)..eg. Organic clothes, organic baby bath, organic bedsheets, organic food etc. So i just put in a net and use normal baby laundry detergent to wash the beco carrier. Jmho ;)

I am also going. Heehee...
dearest mummies, congrats on your new bundle of joy

i have engaged confinement lady from PEM. jus to seek some of your feedbabck on the Confinement lady from PEM as i am due soon. any good ones for recommendation huh? so that when i call i can jus highlight their names huh?
thank you very much for your great help. greatly appreciate a good confinement lady to help us in this times.
SSP & aprilbaby, my baby also had very bad rash. We went to a GP who is also a PD and he prescribed a cream. It reads as Triderm. I'm not sure if it's the same one you have gotten but it's very effective. Can see the rash diminishing within a few hours. Only thing is the rash keeps coming back whenever we don't apply the cream but it is really a lot lesser than before already.

I want to join the next meeting too. I can make it on Fri.
We're meeting tml at 12.30pm! Please let me know if you are attending!

-cayden's mummy
- b@by (are u VS Lee at FB?)
- aprilbaby (are u in the FB group too? Hehe)

Can't wait to bring Cayden out in beco carrier! Very light and he sleeps very well in it. Btw mummies there is fox baby and pumpkin patch sale at wingtai building at kovan... Most ex item is $19 only!

Min min, I brought e beco carrier fr this shop called happy mums happy babies. Is at lowland rd there.

Love xuan, ya... Aft thinking, I oso dim bother to go search for org detergent liao. I will juz handwash using bb laundry detergent will do.

While I m quite interested to join in e lunch trw, I can't. I was juz being referred to KK trw due to my gal's weight gain issue. Sigh.... Gotta see dunnoe wat gastro Dr. My gal's weight is too small as compared to those other bbs of her age
Kind of worry aft hearing wat e pd say.
