(2012/04) Apr 2012

Hi can i check with mummies who deliver at thomson..do u hv the sweetest moment Incentive Card given to u?? I'm planing to order cake from them..but I deliver at mt A Duno. If the card is transferrable if mummies do not wish to order stuff frm them can gv me the card? Willing to pay for the postage..

min min
this is my 4th baby... haha

try using our breastmilk to wipe...

my bring my #1 when she is 23mths old and my #2 when she is 2mths old to perth... visit my hb for a mths.
I also bring my #3 to hk disneyland when she is 8mths old.
I think is better to bring them at young esp when they are still total bf. No need to bring soooo many things. Just nurse them as you travel, no worry!
Just when the plan start to go up and the pressure coming, bf the baby so that their ear is not block by the pressure.
my #2 runing high fever, just back from kkh.
She having gastric flu, fever go up to 40.4.
pd say the fever will last up to 3-5days. fever up and down... will be a tiring day...
Thankfully my girl's weight somehow remained stagnant after 18 months old. Haha.. Grew taller and lost baby fat. She is now 113cm tall and 22kg at 4.5 years old. On the bigger side. But hubby and i are both average size. Lol. I can't believe i managed to sling her at 3.5 years old when we went taiwan with just my mum. She was asleep in the pouch while i shopped at those night markets! Haha..

My boy was 3.5kg at birth. Even his PD commented that he looks like a 4 months old. He has never seen a 7 weeks old that big! Very tall and chubby. Think my kids are all born like this. Nothing much to do with feeding. I don't even know how much he drinks cos he's tbf and latch on only. But when he was on ebm, he was drinking 120ml every 2 hourly by 2 weeks old. Thankfully i had an oversupply else can't meet his demand. He gave up bottle after full month. So i stopped expressing.

From what i know it's best to bring after 6 months old as baby would have taken sufficient immunisations by then. But if you do wish to bring earlier, it's possible too. Just avoid crowded places. Not so much to do with air pressure. It's those viruses and diseases that are everywhere and may be harmful. Jmho! Maybe your baby is not used to the sling? Try it when he's in a happy mood? Slowly he will grow to like it. Else you can consider other kind of carriers. Actually you're lucky that baby likes stroller! I am still trying to get my boy to like it.
Jellio - my gynae advised wait at least 3months, coz if anything happen, is the country equiped with the necessary medical needs?
Be careful when buying medela breast pump from first few years, it is not a medela authorized dealer.. My pump recently died on me and I brought it to medela service centre for repair, was informed that first few years sells US set and not an authorized dealer hence I need to pay the full service fee.. I almost fainted when I learnt that..when I bought my freestyle 2 years ago, thought since it's sold in local retail shop so it should be a local set.. And I was not told that it's an US set, the price that I paid was only slightly lower than the other shops.. The medela lady also told me that many people are not aware of this..
Your babies sound rly big and chubby!! I love chubby babies!! Mine is 5kg at 4 wks.. He was 3.2kg at birth & PD say his weight gain is on track but my MIL keep saying my baby is skinny.
N im TBF so it makes me sensitive when she comments like that. As if saying my milk is not enough for baby??!

Min min
Im planning to bring my boy to aussie this dec. By then he will be 8 mths & im already nervous thinking about it! Only consolation is im going with my entire family inc aunts and cousins so at least help is in abundance. Haha.

I've been wanting to try the sling/pouch. Any shops do a live demo so i can try before i buy? Afraid i might not know how to use it if i've bought it.

Also, i have a babybjorn. Got it as a gift. It states that can be used from 3kg. I tried on my 5kg boy and he seems to like it but i feel like he's still too small for it! Anyone used the bjorn when baby is only 1 mth+? Is it rly ok for them?
that time i buy mim sling from kiddy palace. It comes with a vcd, dunno now still have anot. It been 8 years ago and i still using the same sling for all 4 kids!
Baby dragon, think gotta ask pd before hand for medicine b4 go overseas. Standby purpose ba.

Lovexuan, Bb stroller gotta start at young age from what I hear fr my gf. Otherwise will be wasted. Another of my fren bought stroller n sold it in the end even b4 his Bb turned 1 yr old. Traveling after 6 mths better hor.. Maybe I move to end of year. But I'm still v gian to go holiday b4 my maternity ends!
Btw what is Jmho? Hehe. Can see I'm quite new here.

Hannah, good that got many ppl to help. But also sometimes not v good cuz everyone will say something diff like how u Shd do this or how u Shd do that.. Gets v irritating even now when it's just my mil n mother. Must stand firm on what you want.
Reborn, u bring 2 kids on the plane together and 1 is only 2 mths ah? I cannot imagine how I can manage. My baby will only latch when he is in a good mood now cause he wants to drink fast so he likes the bottle. Thought they say can let him try the bottle after one month so I gave him at 5wks... Who knows that he would prefer that
. I went to see LC also not much help. They tell me yo force him and he will drink when he is hungry but i super heartache whenever he cry when i try to force him. Now I have to keep pumping 8 times a day. So exhausting.

Lovexuan, I think your milk must be very nutritious also. Your baby grow very fast also. He put on 3kg in 7wks wor. Your must have a very healthy and nutritious diet.
You are right that it can be dangerous if baby catches some virus and falls ill. Then the choices for holiday spots also limited. Must go to more developed places that are more medically advanced. Neighbouring countries might bea good choice then.

Min min, I have 2 slings also. 1 pupsik and another adjustable one like the moms in mind one. I find the MIM one too difficult cause I don't know how to adjust properly. I find that sometimes my boy likes the pupsik and sometimes he doesn't. Maybe I'm not using it properly.

Mummies with pupsik, do you have to put the baby butt exactly where the seam is?

Hannah, I have a baby Bjorn too. Someone gave it to us as a gift. Otherwise I would have bought another brand. We have been using it since baby was 3 weeks. My boy seems to like it. He always sleeps in it.
Min min, I also really gian holiday. My husband keep suggesting we drive to Malaysia cause he doesnt think we should take a plane. But I don't feel like Malaysia at all.
I wanna check w ya all mummies who bf via latch totally, will we face e prob of introducing fm n bottle feeding at later stage? My bb is on small side weighing 3.26 at 6th week so not sure if he can also start sleep through for the night or shd I wake him up 3 hrly or actually feed on demand?
Jellio, if u dun mind trying Malaysia just go since he willing to drive. Furthermore it's v nearby can zoom back if anything crops up.
Monica, feed on demand ba. Especially he's quite small. Maybe got growth spurt? And I used to latch on all the time but introduced pigeon bottles when I needed more rest. Aft that my Bb had no nipple confusion n even latched on better! Tink it's the shape of the teat that's good. You can try pigeon if u wanna cuz really worked for me.
Reborn, saw ur webbie but I just bought and have so many now. Cuz pumping excess better to start freezing early. I bought a few to try like medela, farlin, n 2 other Korean brands. All with different ml. Will get from u once I gg to buy again k !

Lovexuan, ur beco carrier is which one? Gemini or Butterfly2? I was jus on the webbie looking and butterfly looks good! Did you get it at mothercare or online? Think I may get 1 too. Can you eat with it? Scared food or water drop on bany's head! Hehe
Baby dragon
They gave me a card attaching the receipt, saying that the warranty is for 1 year..but the card is not a medela warranty card..
Haiyah, felt so cheated, might as well get one online..
hi mommies!
think my baby is opposite of most other babies. he is mostly happy and can sleep well in his stroller but when i use the wrap (boba wrap), he will sleep in it and then suddenly scream and cry real loud after a while. its like he is claustrophobic and wants to be set free, hhah...think i will use e wrap for short outings and gg downstairs..
I am using sleepy wrap, so far my girl likes it, It fit her snugly and comfortably and she can sleep as long as i shop , kekekk!

Also getting Boba sling too, alternate use

Time flies..our BB going to 2 months!

Love xuan, besides agape babies, do u noe which online website can we buy beco carriers ?

Other mummies who noe of other websites can share share here ?

mummies, which sling is easy to use..? i've got a pupsik pouch but i totally dunno how to use n my baby dun look comfortable in it n started cryin.. sigh..
Ms Tan,
lucky you!!! looks like my baby is the only exception who doesn't like to stay in the wrap too long!
Bbliss, there are Afew I saw when I googled. One was $190 and the other $175 or something like that. Wonder if they have it at mothercare...

Haru, my bb dun like wrap too long also! Walked opposite to ntuc n he made so much annoying noises! N whole face keep turning red. Fussy fussy!
Hello Bbliss,
Not sure if you want to buy it in stores, im using Beco Gemini and bought it at Kovan at $185.. Frm what i understand, i think there are only 3 stores carrying Beco carriers.

And mummies!
jus wanna share something, ive had a newborn shoot on my 6 weeks kiddo(thou it seems a little too late as a 'newborn') on Monday, the photos came up beautiful & worth every cent! as shes my first thus, wanna capture lil baby moment.

Not sure if you ladies will be interested as well.. hees. do PM me if you wanna check out the pics and decides if you wanna go too!
jmho=just my honest opinion

My boy is born on 2nd april!

Baby's butt need not be exactly on the seam. You can try any position you're most comfy with. I prefer to have padding near baby's head so he can lie on it too. Actually ring slings are more comfy to use during newborn.

5kg at 4weeks is big lor! how big can a newborn be? What ya mil expect? Lol! I am also fully breastfeeding my boy and it hurts when people tell me "You have enough milk meh? Later your boy will grow very slowly!" grr...

I have the same worries cos i don't intend to breastfeed long term..max 1 year.. and baby is rejecting bottles and fm. Don't know how.. No time to keep trying too!

Bbliss, i am not too sure where else. Cos i am a regular customer of agape babies so i hardly source elsewhere for baby stuff. Heehee..

I bought beco gemini. Because it can be used to carry baby in 4 ways. So far i love it a lot!! My boy has been napping for up to 4 hours every afternoon in it. I also once shopped for 8 hours straight no rest and yet felt no strain anywhere! And yes i eat with baby in it too. But i don't carry the food over his head. Always sit sideways and eat with one hand. So food does not land onto baby!
Till now I do not know how to use my sling, must seek advice during the gathering. Teach me the right method as I always feel that my baby is not comfortable.
Shuhui, oh u brought beco Gemini at kovan ? Which part of kovan? Can share on e actual place of purchase?

Besides kovan, which r e other 2 places

Love xuan- I browsed thru agape website but I tot of seeing other to see got any diff not. Since now I get to noe got shops selling such, lagi better for mi. At least I can see e actual stuff. Hehe... Mi e lao ko ko type. Dun reali like on online shopping unless no choice
Ms Tan
I'm so tempted to get the sleepy wrap previously bco's it looks sleek, nice colors and comfy.. but my boy is quite big, so I got a manduca instead..
morning mommies!
my baby cried so long and hard last night while i was trying to put him to bed. think coz he didn't had a good nap in the PM and was already tired when I bathed him. no choice, coz had to settle #1's dinner, brush teeth, changed, etc...i was so relieved when he finally slept! are you mommies finding it harder to make ur baby nap/sleep too? i noticed he gets easily distracted and just wanna keep talking to me (which is cute!)...

i have the old Beco too, can any mommy remember how heavy before i can use it with the insert? gotta go dig it out and practice with it. will be an alternative to my boba wrap.
Mummies, do your babies startle a lot when asleep? My boy cannot put himself to sleep if I don't tuck his hands snugly under a blanket. I was using the thin nappy cloth cos weather so warm but he is now strong enough for his hands to "escape" from the nappy cloth. I'm also worried that the blanket/nappy cloth would pose a danger to him. And as baby grows older, is it alright to continue tucking his hands away when they sleep?
i unsaddled my baby when he was about 3 weeks old coz his hands kept distracting him. so now he can fall asleep on his own at times unsaddled (usually at night). he does jerk suddenly, sometimes he can fall back asleep on his own, other times he will cry really loud.
Haru, I also unswaddled my boy around same time as you cos he kept kicking away the blanket. Then I always put him to sleep by latching him lying down. Now I let him get himself to sleep but have to tuck his hands snugly so that he does not startle nor play with his hands. I'm trying to let him sleep with his hands free. Think it's going to take some time to adjust.
Beco carrier: bought the Gemini model (same as lovexuan) at the motherhood fair, sold by the same company which Shu Hui bought, original price $185 fair price was $179. Gemini is the more popular model. It can be carried 4 ways while the butterfly2 can only carry 2 ways.. I love my beco carrier!

My baby has been unswaddled since 1 month old or so.. Yes they are very easily startled, hands start flying around.. Have to let them get used to it..
does yr bb cried few hrs every evening.my bb did after his full feed.i believe is wind. causing.stress forme esp when i still have number 1 to handle
lotusmun: how old is your boy? This wrap can use up to 18 months.. so is no problem. It is safe as the wrapping is kris cross and the material is stretchy so it can hold your bb weight :D I like it when i can either hide her legs from birth (newborn) ..very secure and comfy for her.

Cayden's mummy: I still Swaddle my baby at night. Ya, they get easily startled and hands moving about..and cant fall back to sleep anymore.. must pat and carry ..haiz..luckily
my confinement lady has been swaddling my baby since first month (swaddling only night time) and it has been a pattern for her and she could sleep better.
Hi mummies,
I unswaddled my boy since 3 weeks cuz he will free his own hands if I tie them down and he's like struggling to get them out. He's so much comfortable aft that. Now he sleeps with his arms wide open! He's 7 weeks + now.

Looks like its gonna b a beco carrier for me!

Anyone knows when to start introducing water if I'm on total breastfeeding ?
I have been letting him free hands day and night since 3week. So far no problem.... He will play himself and sleep. But sometime will ask us to carry if he is too warm. till now still dun really carry him unless is feeding time or when he feel warm. But i realise he sleep better on his tummy.

So far i have not done... But i think once intro solid will get him drink water ba.

Yesterday my hb fren visit my bb at my house. I soooo angry the moment they open my freezer and saw my freezer pack full of bm tell me to throw away! Or let the bb bath.... @%%%##&
Super angry lo... Tell me cannot keep on feeding my bb. Now so fat no neck liao! When they drop my bb handkerchief, just take it and put on the cot... So dirty! I got a dog run ard the house.
Somemore her daughter in law will be due this mth end say and did the same thing lo. I cannot believe she will be a good mother! Feel so pity for her unborn child! No brain!
Ms Tan
My boy is 8 weeks old. He is a big boy and can't tahan heat. He was bawling away like I'm torturing him when I put him in the manduca..
There are bound to have people who are insensitive in their comments..especially those who have not bf before, just ignore them.. wait till it's their turn or rather will they be so blessed to have a freezer full of milk..
LOL!! i know what you mean. for stuff like carriers, best to try on cos it not a small investment. i am impulsive shopper!

i think my baby has never been swaddled before! cos whenever i wrapped him up, he would kick until he breaks free. so i put him to sleep sideways. less startling. but now he's alomost 10 weeks old. no longer startles and started sleeping his own positions cos he can flip around le!

mummies, i am sooooo tired. but i cannot get to sleep when i finally have a chance to sleep. think retail therapy is the only thing that keeps me sane... i still bring my kids out everyday to keep myself sane!
Thanks Lovexuan. I will experiment with the pupsik again. I have the ring sling also but I cannot seem to get it to work properly. I'm scared my baby will fall out. It's really hard to adjust.

Reborn, your Hb's friend is really rude leh. How can they just open your fridge on their own. If anyone dare tell me not to feed my baby bm, I will surely snap lor. It's so tough to be pumping all the time to make enough milk for my baby. Those uneducated people don't understand the benefit of bm. It's is so easy to just give fm lor. Giving bm is really hardwork lor.

I also unswaddled my baby at 3 wks. The weather was too hot and he just kept whining in the day. The moment we unswaddled him then he fall asleep. We don't really carry my boy a lot unless he is not well and make noise. Usually, he just plays on his own and fall asleep. Lonely when he is unwell, then he make a lot of noise. Usually is tummy got wind. Then I will give him some rid wind.
Totally agree about the no brain part! Actually I also only became more picky after I took care of my own Bb n watched every single thing especially hygiene. Guess ppl who not used to it won't think like us. Must wake them up !

Love xuan,
Wondering if u did anything to train Bb to flip over? It's v fast at 10wks can flip over ! Or is it normal n I'm suaku? Haha.

Baby dragon,
Thanks! Did pd say for what we give water? Cuz many ppl ard me like the old aunties n some studies said to give water. But when I read up Internet also like what othr mummies said at 6 mths when intro solids.
Best is I met this auntie at the hospital w a Bb for blood test during 1st week due to jaundice. She kept feeding baby water and she said he likes water! No baby will choose what to drink rite, no milk cnfm also drink water. My confinement lady also laugh. Hehe.

Just afraid got milk tongue n not healthy for Bb?

I went to mrs wong bOh boi's class she mention 1 mth swadle in The day, 3 mths at night. Prob that's the recommended but I think it's up to the comfort for individual babies. No harm for them learning to move their hands and learn how to use them faster! Think some babies get fascinated n enjoy too.

Btw lovexuan,
How do you manage to bring them out everyday? Respect.
No sleep?
How many kids do u have? Got anyone helping to take care for you at night? U feed fm or Bm or ebm?
I wonder when is my turn to do it. Now I only get to go out on weekends when my hb is ard otherwise I'm home all the time doing online shopping. Haha!
