(2012/04) Apr 2012

United sq one just opened last month. More spacious than vivo

Wow griffy
You are so lucky!!! And she's a good weight! I think my baby is no where near 4kg

Crying mummies
Wow I never heard about crying affecting eyesight leh! But yes there are bound to be moments that we feel frustrated and that's only natural. Sometimes so many things happen at the same time that we get frustrated and need to let it out. Must find some kind of outlet ok? For me, I sometimes just let hubby take #2 even when she's screaming, just so I can spend time with #1. And when I pump in the nite, hub and I watch comedies on computer

Something funny to share, hope it'll make you mummies feel better: hubby really made me laugh when I was pumping one day and he sang (remember the song Mr Boombastic?): Madam PUMPtastic and danced very rap style. Must do these silly things sometimes to remind us we're not just strict parents with no life haha

hi mommies,
had a lovely 1st month celebration this afternoon for baby. a lil tired after the party but hubby was sweet and went out to tapau indian food and ice milo for us! super full now!!

also bot a nice pressie for #1 for being such a great jiejie. she was delighted w her pressie..feel happy for her.=)

re: night feeds
my baby was pretty good and woke up only every 3 hrs at first but lately no fixed timing. past 2 nights he woke up every 1.5 - 3 hrs, quite tiring! at least my breasts dun get engorged. but scared he can only calm down and go back to sleep w latching..hhahaha...

wow, ur baby is sucha a good sleeper at night. now i start to wonder if i should bottle feed (EBM) baby more during the day so that he doesn't have to wake up so often at night..coz now i feed on demand..sometimes he can go for up to more than 3 hrs during e day.

i am using the boba baby wrap. so far so good..
ur hubby is so funny!! hahaha..ya, i know this sounds crazy but ever since baby arrived, hubby and i have been thinking if we will really stop at 2..hahah..i remember when i just gave birth to #1, we were so certain we will stop at 1. hahah..funny how being parents change our mindsets.
Has anyone heard of babyhawk mei tai? I just ordered one online. Hoping that it will be comfy.
Lovexuan: wow...u bought so many slings/carriers? I am thinking of getting an ergo too but not sure if it is suitable for bb under 5 months....
I really admire u ladies for being a SAHM...it's not an easy task at all and it can get very lonely especially if the hubbies are not very supportive.
my baby tends to make a lot of funny noises at night when he sleeps and i wonder if its too cold for him? (he loves it when its warm!)... any mommies experience the same thing? its like he is stretching and making all sort of groaning noise..and he can go on very long especially in the wee hours of the morning around 5-7am.
Lovexuan, ya let stay strong for our kids.. Althought is really tiring at times but I always tell myself as day go by everything will be better.

Haru, my bb girl does make a lot of sound when she is doing stretching I also don't whether is it normal. Later bringing my girl to pd. I will ask the pd
pinkbunny, LOL!!!

haru, but my baby doesn't like to sleep during the day unless a put him in a pouch. As a result sometimes he even latches on every hour. Drink until full full..

I agree! I was so certain i would stop at one too. But now we wonder if we will have number 3. I hope for another girl. :p

My baby also stretches and make lots of noise while asleep. Normal i guess?

resso99, i think it all boils down to individual's preference. My favourites are the pouch and ergo. I started off with MIM slings. I bought cotton for rainy days and satin for warm days. Then i realised to save the hassle of adjusting or trying to wear a squirmish toddler, pouch worked better. I used to own a pink pouch for my girl so now i bought a blue pouch for my boy. Bjorn was more for hubby but now that i read its not good for baby's legs, i decided to get an ergo. A mei tai will allow you to adjust the fitting to perfection. It takes time to learn but you will get the hang of it. It's harder to wear a newborn or infant compared to toddler. I heard the boba wrap is good too! I just became lazy after using a pouch which doesn't require adjustment. For ergo, some comes with infant insert but i bought beco which does not require an infant insert.
Resso- I am a big fan of carriers.. Bought a BAby Bjorn sport for baby when they are much smaller.. I tried pupsik along but somehow I can't get used to it.. Prefer carriers. I also bought an ergo carrier when my girl turned around 10 months and the Bjorn got a bit too straining on my back.. The ergo is wonderful! No strain on back at all.. I remember I was shopping for 5 hours at orchard with her sleeping soundly for 3 hours in the carrier.. Haha.. And also when they're Carried they're less likely to be "shocked"... Haha..
Mrs Kang, don't worry, it's normal.. Sometimes when my kids stretch, it almost sounds as if they're crying.. Haha.. But don't rush to carry them.. Let them stretch and after that they'll go back to sleep..:)
Hi mummies.. Celebrating my boy's full month today... Hope everything will go smoothly...:)
We're celebrating it 5 days in advance.. Anyone here shaving the hair on full month?? We're doing it at 100 days..:)
For baby carriers, u can consider manduca. Can use from NB to 20kg. When NB, it might be easier to use a pouch carrier like pupsik. Then switch to soft structured carrier like manduca or ergo. www.mamashoppe.com carries a good range of carriers and is currently having a promotion.
Giffy >> hw did u do tat ?!? No night feeds .. Hw much milk r u guving bb at each feed ?

Mummies, i've question need ur help .. My bb is having nose mucus .. And it's yellowish .. Wat shld i do ? Currently he's 3 weeks old..

And i feel his sleep is always kinda like interrupted by nightmares & he'll cry and wake up .. Is tis normal ?

Last question, hw much milk r ur currently giving ur bb ?
Mrs Ho, If the mucus is yellowish, suggest you take him to the pd. If he's 3 wks old now, he should be due to his assessment soon.

Under normal circumstances when my kid have runnny or stuffy nose, I use a product called Sterimar which is made up of purified sea water and infuse it into my kid's nose to loosen the mucus or for stubborn hard mucus inside the nose. Can be use for babies as young as new born. For older kids starting from 1 years old, it will be effective to be use in conjunction with a nose tip/suck(sorry not sure what's the generic name) but I bought mine from pigeon. Don't use this device for children below 1 years of age as it may hurt the veins/nerves given their young and delicate age.

It's very useful especially they too young and do not know how to blow out the mucus and thus affecting their sleep. Even with older kids, it's useful when they get these stubborn mucus deposits in their nose. Only a warm bath can help to loosen those so it's easier to pick it out from them. otherwise, if you force it out without loosening, your kid will get bleeding in their nose.

You will be able to get it from most pharmacies.

My kids are both 5 and 2 now..had been using this ever since my pd recommended this to me and a savior at night when kids having stuffy nose.

Hope this helps
finally.. finish my 40 days confinement...
tomorrow will be my 1st day of super busy, no helping from my mum lo...
Go to wake up super early to pump, prepare breakfast, feed bb, shower, school, cooking, market... wow... many things need to be done
I want to vent!

I have been trying so hard to breastfeed my baby without any moral support, went through so much pain and still feeling pain.. Finally i decided on total breastfeeding since baby would not take bottle. I met up with my close friend, baby cried and she asked if i needed hot water to make formula. But i told my friend that i was breastfeeding. She went "What?! You better stop cos your breats are going to sag and i surely laugh at you! This is a plsyground. Don't tell me ypu want to feed here???" The comment made me feel so upset! She is also a mum herself. Just that she never breastfeed or take care of her child before at all. But that doesn't give her the right to demoralise me. Grrr.....
haha, my confinement only 30 days..yesterday i had ice cream, smoked salmon, sprite, etc at my baby's 1st month party...i really take my hats off u to be able to manage so much all by urself. i only have 2 kids and i already am struggling. =P way to go mommy!!

oh dear, sorry to hear that. just remember that you are baby's mommy so only u can decide whats best for ur baby. don't let others opinion change that. hugs...
Hi mummies, just wondering what is the normal amt to pump out for a 3 weeks old baby? I'm expressing like 240ml-300ml a day but it seems insufficient for my baby.

Is it normal that my right boob has more milk than my left?
dun bother by all this ppl.... we are doing our best for our baby foundation. maybe in the long run u will let ur friend see the different between breastfeed and non breastfeed child. all my girl never get sick even the vaccine they took, also no fever or anything. They only started to get sick when they stop breastfeed and going to school... their immune are much more stronger and healthy than those formula milk taking.
wah, now that i have stop confinement and start eating normal food i can see my milk ss not as much. having a hard time getting a let down when pumping too. so sian when can feel boobies a lil hard but can't get the milk out! still some milk after feed but not as much as my last few days of confinement. on one hand good coz actually can don't pump liao but on another hand i don't dare to stop pumping coz I'm afraid milk ss will dwindle too quickly. especially since baby is still a lil too lazy to latch on both sides long enough now..

having sucha terrible headache from the heat of the weather..gonna try to sleep soon!
do u all find that is more difficult to pump out milk nowaday .milk seem thick n very hard to pump out.spent at least an hrs trying to clear the lump on.the breast.haru like wat u say breast hard but no milk out.super sian
Yho - yes, diFferent boob produce different amount of milk.

Lovexuan - your fren is a mum herself, yet she seemed to know so little. When I was in Taiwan, they have poster encouraging mums to feed in public. So I don't see why you can't bf at playground. Its getting more common to bf in public. U have our support!

I wouLd also like to vent my anger.
Usually I will pump and store my milk in fridge, if baby is hungry, I need to heat up the milk. My hb was too tired, instead of getting those that was pumped out earlier, he took the fresh one. We ended up quarrelling and he told me to throw those 'old' milk away. Super Angry! He thinks I love wasting my time and effort pumping milk? Pump and throw? Cannot forgive him.
Kirsten, if your breasts are still hard after pumping for so long, you'd better go and see a doctor.. Could it be blocked ducts, or worse still, mastitis? I had it twice with my older girl.. Not fun at all...
Sayang sayang. Maybe he just doesn't know why he shouldn't? Can you try telling him "I work very hard to express milk for our baby and I do my best to find info about milk and storage. Here's what we should do: bla bla bla. Sometimes it's really tiring to express milk; it's physocally draining sometimes. And my brain cells feel like they're getting pumped out too. So I need you to help me to remember some of this info ok? (Insert any bla bla info here). Or else I may go crazy and enter post natal depression and I really won't be much fun to be around"

I made it very clear to hubby that this time round I want to BF as much as poss and that I am DA BOSS when it comes to milk matters. He must always check with me if he wants to give milk cos I'm at home with the kids most of the time and want to keep the baby on a schedule as much as poss when it comes to bottle feeding (only twice a day). After 2 kids, he knows better than to try to mess with my half hearted attempts to stick to schedule

The men don't get it
My baby doesn't really like the pacifier so when she cries and hubby picks her, he sometimes let her suckle on his finger. Once he told me "wah she's quite strong hor? And even tho no teeth, can be quite pain hor?". I had to control myself from rolling my eyes when I said, "ya on finger pain, imagine your nipples". They need to kena themselves then they will understand. Men.

You are queen on baby carriers!!!

We are certain we will stop at two. Cos 2 parents, 2 kids, one parent can jaga one kid. And if 1 parent go out with 2 kids alone, got 2 hands to hold both. Haha. Also we cannot afford more in terms of time, space and finances. And my sanity

Wow glad you managed to whack all that yummy food!!!
I can understand how u feel... I remember that time when I'm TBF my #3 then we are very bad quarrel till I move back to my parent house and he just threw away all my ebm from the fridge! Feel like wanted to kill him right!
really?? is that why let down happens so easily during confinement?

pink bunny,
haha, yeah hubby encouraged me to eat as much as possible since i have been abstaining for a month! but sometimes i do miss my confinement food, wanna ask my dad to cook my vinegar pig trotters again..hee..

my baby seems to have a slight cough and cold. was coughing on and off since yesterday evening...=( hope it goes away!!!
help.my supply is dropping drastically due to lack of slp.does taking fnekgree really help.how long does it take effect .thank
All mummies
Anyone here using dryper diaper? Got lots of different sample size. From s to xxl... Got those pull up pants too... Any body here want? Just pay the postage will do. If self collect foc...
hi mummies, have posted in awhile and have just been catching up on all the posts.

For those of you that have been for your 6 week assessment, what did the doctor check for and what vaccines did the doctor give? How much should baby weigh at this stage?

I seem to be having powerful letdown lately and it causes the baby to choke and splutter. Feel so bad for her.

Reborn: OMG! I feel like i've been kicked in the tummy when my ebm spills, I would kill my husband if it got thrown out! Speaking if which, my baby refuses the bottle now even though I started her at 3 weeks and she was fine then. I wonder what I'm going to do with my ebm.
reborn and baby dragon,
Yes, i should just go ahead and feed my hungry child. I don't know what's so obscene about feeding in public. Moreover i am using a huge nursing cover too. Ya, i should just ignore! Happy mood=more milk...

SSP, i started using beco before baby's head was upright. It was good as i can lift up the flap for support and baby's head would be rested against my chest. You can google in youtube "beco gemini newborn". They have lots of videos to show you how to use with a newborn. Not all parents are comfy with carrying newborns upright so perhaps you want to see the videos first. I can even nurse on the go discreetly with beco. Haha.. If not you can opt for slings or pouches which allow you to do cradle carry.
So true. Whenever I transfer my liquid gold from pump to bottle, I do it very gingerly and try to get every last drop out. If anyone says to me "it's only a few drops what" I would say back "a few drops equates to 3 minutes of my nipples being pulled by the pump you know" haha

Wow chalis your letdown sounds really powerful! Like niagara falls?
babydragon, i know how it feels too! Everytime i asked hubby to feed ebm in the middle of the night, he will mess up my ebm which i arranged accordingly to date, say my ebm smells funny or it looks too watery to keep baby full tha's why keep waking up etc. Once he even takes me for a cow and points to my breasts each time baby cries. Could be diapers or burp too what! Now i no longer express and he's the happiest lor. Every night he just wakes up look at me and say "good good. Fresh milk for baby..." while i sit in the dark for 30 or even 40 minutes to feed all alone. But i don't mind cos it's my job. Haha.. Men just don't get it. It's worse this second time round. For #1...whenever i felt upset cos baby rejected ebm, he would drink it. This time he kept asking me whether expired already or not?? Grrr...
My baby started to reject bottles after full month though he had been taking it quite happily before that. Maybe cos i stopped for a period of time. After 2 weeks of trying the different bottles, i give up. Just latch on. But i feel super duper hungry after each feed! Is it normal?? I am eating a lot a lot!! Even after a feed in the middle of the night, i would grab a yogurt or drink a glass of milk. But i am losing weight. Now i weigh lesser than my pre-preg weight. Hmmm..... Any mummies with similar experience?
Hi mummies here, anyone of u noe exactly wat e diff bet beco butterfly n beco Gemini ? I try to read up on both but still couldn't see wat e diff...

Toying amg ergo, beco n manduca carriers... Dunnoe which one best to get. Any advise ? (bb is less than 2mths old)

Thx !!
Love your blog! By the way, aren't you (and your hubby and Poppy) the poster girl (family) for IKEA??

I was browsing through your blog in the morning and went to IKEA in the afternoon to utilise my 10% off voucher, needed to get some storage for #1's books and noticed that its YOU on the wall!
#1 playdate
Count me in!! I'll bring my #1 too, she's 3....though she's at full day childcare, am sure she would love a nice suprise "outing" once in a while...but am a FTWM, so might be able to join while still on maternity leave.
OMG! I wish my baby is like yours!! He only started his 3hrly sleep when he turned 5 weeks. Before that its every 1.5-2hrs, 24/7!
Am so zombified everyday!
But glad at 5 weeks, he is 2kgs heavier than birth weight

The power of mummy's milk!
my baby always pulls away and cry let down, not sure if its too fast for him..

thanks for sharing the link!
Bbliss, lots of differences between gemini and butterfly! Gemini is a 4 in 1 carrier(front, back, hip, front facing carry)) that doesn't require an infant insert as the head rest can be raised up all the way above baby's head for full support and discreet nursing. Butterfly is only front and back carry with a separate infant insert. The designs are different too.

Aprilbaby, my favourite is the pupsik pouch which i used to carry my girl till she was 3.5 years old and weighing 21kg! It still felt comfy though my girl is quite big already. I just bought this beco carrier and used it for less than a month so can't really tell but it's my top favourite for now cos i can get lots of chores done with both hands free. I also don't feel any strain anywhere as the weight is equally distributed.
Hi mummies...

I'm a Jul 2012 MTB, just wanna check with those mummies who gave birth in TMC, can we pay the deposit by credit card upon admission? Thanks in advance!
