(2012/04) Apr 2012

Coraine, Andreanie: If you are very very serious that you want to breastfeed, you can buy before. Cos I believe every mummy will have milk. And it can be increased if we all try hard enough.

If you are not sure, there are a few online stalls that sells US sets (at about 60% of local set prices) and they deliver within a couple of days. I got mine like the next day! Else, can always buy local sets at most shops.

I also bought my Avent Pump early. But it broke down after 2 months. After that I borrowed my friend's Medela Electric. Before I bought my Freestyle.

Like Pinkbunny: I also had quite sad milk supply at the start. Milk only came in like after 5 days. I was exclusively latching for 3 months. After that, realised that baby wasn't growing, so started on partial FM. For the baby's good. After that I went through chicken pox, mastitis, but, I never stopped trying. I was on the pump for until 10 months.
I will try very very hard again this time! Hopefully I can be a better cow this time!

Coraine: Just added u on FB!

Pump in Style is the best Off The Shelf Medela Pump. But it will be heavier than Freestyle.
Medela also comes in several different cup sizes and types. So good for those who do not fit into standard sizes, or have 1 big cup and 1 small cup like me! wahahahahaha...
Those who wanna buy Avent, do note that Avent only comes in 1 cup size.

so is it safe to take neurogain dha pill. becos you say try to take the pill from gyn.thx

anyone still experience ms,bloatness?my appetite not come back leh.in my 14 weeks.
I din know medela comes in different cup size! I was too disappointed in my single electric pump last time and I was quite determine not to get medela again. Will do research on this again
Hey Cheeky Duckie..thanks!!! =) You know actually i plan to bf for only 4 months..and thought of medela single pump...pump in style is quite expensive if i only use for 4 months right?

Hey Mossie..so means when buying can choose cup sizes!?
Wow I didn't know medela got diff cup size!

I remember taking neorugain for my first pregnancy, bought from gynae's office. My current gynae doesn't force us to buy fr him but said sth like if we buy outside, look out for high *something* (think it's DHA) and low *something* sorry forgot liao! But maybe the mummy who's up for next appt soon can check and share?

If you only want to BF 4 months maybe you can consider renting. I *think* some hospitals do rent out pumps. Who knows, you might have lots of milk and decide after 4 months that it'd be a waste to stop

Mums with #1s: what do you think you'll do to "entertain" #1 when you're BFing #2? One of my fondest BF memories is lying on bed with #1 and falling asleep together. But I wonder if I'll be able to do that while having to entertain #1 too. Hmm. Ideas?
kirsten: I have colleagues who were given neurogain by gynae. You can find it at guardian. Maybe u want to compare the concentration of the DHA given by ur gynae vs Neurogain.

Coraine: You can consider getting a 2nd hand one if u want. There are mummies selling in the forum. PIS n Freestyle will be expensive if you only pump for 4 months lar. For me, I prefer the dual cos it's faster. Very important for me cos I do wake up at 2am and 5am to pump. I need to sleep! There are some other Medela dual pumps that's cheaper. You might want to consider this. Medela Mini Electric Plus.
Local Set Medela Pumps
Pinkbunny: Yes Yes! Medela got different cup sizes! Haha... Medela Personal Fit Breastshield. S to XXL!
S (21 mm)
M (24 mm)
L (27 mm)
XL (30 mm)
XXL (36 mm)

Default provided is M size for most of the pumps.
Kirsten: you are not alone. I am in 14 weeks, still have bloating, ms & no appetite. Jus wondering when it will tail off.
Me too! I'm 13 weeks and still very much relyin on the anti vomit medicine. I tried to stop taking but the ms is killing me. Tmr is my gynae appt, I may Wana ask for more supplies coz I'm only left with 2 weeks supply.

I think I'm not getting anything for my number 2. My sis and a couple of buddies just gave birth so Im getting their old ones. The few things in buying will be a fridge for bm coz my granny loves to stuffs the fridge with foods! There is already 3 at home and that is not enough for her and im buying one more when I move in with my parents purely for bm or works like a bar fridge for us.

Other things I'm getting shld be a bumper playmat. Others will be small items like nice clothes and bottles. That's all.
pink bunny..thanks for the info! actually i dont wanna stop if i have..but really no choice..my job requires me to travel around singapore..so it's quite impossible to bf =( i take 4 months as a freelance already very xiong..haha!!cos i dont have maternity leave..

cheeky duckie..thanks!! =) I saw the website when u posted previously..but then the dual one is which is mini is actually not for daily pumping? is it?
The medela pumps come with standard funnel sizes. But if you are smaller or bigger, then you may want to buy the funnels for your size. For me, i had to go one size up, not because my breasts are very big, but my nipples were! I was getting abrasion from the funnels! Some people also prefer to get softer cups as they find it is more comfortable.
Good mornin mummies! Goin for my oscars in 1.5hrs time! So nervous yet excited at the same time.. Its been 4wks since i saw the little one! Wonder if i can get the oscar results today coz doc arrange for the oscar to b so early n the appt to c him later is at 5pm.. Hopefully everythin will go well! *crosses fingers*
Coraine: My colleague used that for daily pumping. That was also the one that she lent me when my pump was down. It is ok for daily pumping lar. Just that i find the controls and pumping action of the freestyle was easier and more comfy. My colleague used that for her #1 -3! And she BF for over a year for each on that!
Buy before or after really up to you. No rules for that. Better buy closer to EDD if you are getting local set. Just so that the warranty can last.

Pump funnel size: Yes. The sizes were for the nipples! I had very bad abrasion from my Avent. Cos cannot change size. Anyway, I prefer the hard medela cups compared to the soft fit. =P
My DHA vits is called NATA BOOSTS. Got from KKH, not very expensive.

As for the pumps, I think I'll get after delivery. Am SUPER DUPER LOST after reading the reviews on different pumps!
dink> my parents in law stay in the east. so my hubby has somewhere to go while waiting for me. i emailed them before, teh reply was quite fast.. less than 2 days tehy replied..
Ginger: huh? Seems that my email went to the black hole. Will try to call later as I din get a chance to go big splash over the weekend.
Dragon Mummy: Don't worry. I was equally lost when i had to decide on a pump to buy for #1! I personally went thro 4 different pumps for #1. Avent dual electric (spoilt in 2 months), Avent single Manual (Good but hands very tired and it took too long), Medela mini electric dual (not too bad. But noisy), Medela Freestyle (best of the lot. Light, portable, quiet). I used all the electric pumps with the Pumping Pals handsfree set. Works fine. Holds the Medela pumps best, cos they are the lightest in the lot.
My favourite of course is the Freestyle due to the 10 different levels of pumping action, and the fact that it's highly portable and the battery life is good. Can last me 1 whole day outside without having to bring the charger along. The quiet motor also allowed me to pump in the toilet, without causing too much curiousity by the people outside. Keke.

As to buying before or after, seriously not much difference. But if you are getting a new local set, better to get nearer to EDD, so that the warranty can last for a year after you start using. If you are getting US set, then it really doesn't matter. Just get when the deal is good I guess.
When my philips/avent dual electric broke down after a 2 months, I managed to get back full value of products in replacement for the pump. Cos they required like months to fix the motor and refuse to give me a new set. So end up I got tons of "free" Philips products, and I bought the Medela as well.
Lesson learnt? Always keep the receipts!
Morning mommies..

Mel: everything will turn out fine..You will be amazing with the detailed scan because the scan is so much clearer than the gynae scan. Can really see the features of the baby.

Any mommies have any recommendations for baby cot cum playpen because my husband dont like those wooden kind of cot.We want to get those playpen kind but most of the playpen we went to see is not very sturdy.
mummies, there will be a philips carnival sale at toa payoh this weekend, 29-30 Oct. So for mummies, who need to get the sterilizer, milk warmer, breast pump, can go check it out
smoke, i bought cot, cos i find playpen not very sturdy too. But i also have a playpen for daytime naps.

dink, update me when u find out about the updog studio yoga oki???
Morning mummies... It's a short week this week. Anyone on leave? =)

Thumbs up for Medela PIS Advanced! It allowed me to breastfeed both my kids exclusively for 1 yr each. For my # 1, it was exclusive pumping for 1 yr as he cannot latch. So imagine how intense pumping I did on my PIS at 2-3 hrly interval for first 3 mths including nites to 4 hrly interval for the remaining 9 mths and it never broke down on me. No 2 was on latch and pump but it was still working fine after so long and served me for 1 more yr. Will be using it for # 3 as well. Those looking for heavy duty pump, this is the one, but it is indeed heavy la. Freestyle came out thereafter, so no chance to try it out and compare the suction power. My fren got the Medela dual electric pump but it broke down after 6 mths of intense usage... so she discouraged me from getting.

I heard that TMC Parentcraft allow you to try out different pumps before you decide which one to get. So if you are still unsure, why dun you wait till you deliver before getting? coz different pumps may work on different people.
Smoke: All play pens are "not sturdy". I use a cot at home. Playpen i put at bbsitter's place. So that #1 can have a place to nap in the day, and also be "locked" up so that bbsitter can at least get stuff done. In any case, most playpens can take at most up to around 12kg. The bigger babies will reach that weight at around 1 year old. The smaller ones will reach that weight after 18 months. Around there. Also, the playpens are low, so it's not advised to leave bb alone inside once they can stand (which would be ard 8months).

Who's still having ms?? I'm hitting 15 weeks and still hugging the toilet bowl

Went to the bb fair but really pathetic.. though i bought a mummy/daughter dress. haha.
My sis has a playpen cum cot and it is quite sturdy but we bought that 6 yrs ago, now dont know where to find it hahah..

Eliz: i am still having ms on off and thats really depends on what food i eat. My babies are "ang mo"babies, at nite, dont like to eat chinese food. Once i eat chinese food, all will come out.
Eliz, me still ms. Still relying on medicine daily. Will ask gynae for more supplies later.
think this time I'm going to puke till duno when. My number 1 is ms still 7mth. Sian...
I think I'll get the pumps after delivery. But if lets say I already have little milk leaking before delivery, I'll get it before.
Dear mummies; m stuck with cold, flu, throat inflammation n slight fever. went see doc but trying only the lozenges. trying hard not to touch other medicines if i can.

M first time mummy. still not sure which brand of sterilizer is gd n can fit pigeon bottles. any recommendations?
Summersky- Just go and get the pigeon sterilizer. I find it quite ok.
Summer: Best is go to the shops to try. Pigeon have both wide and normal neck bottles. Also, if you are thinking of expressing milk. The steriliser must fit the pump parts.
My Avent steriliser have no problems fitting the Avent bottles and Medela pump parts.
Just to share my breasfeeding journey, I've seen almost all the lactation consultants you can name in Singapore!!! TMC
, Doris
. I was DETERMINED to breasfeed my no.1 though nobody in my family has prior experience to share with me, my mum don't, my SIL didn't manage to survive through it. No.1 was delivered via cesarean, hospital (GE)wasn't that helpful then. I tried latching after I got home, didn't work, went back to GE, also no use. I tried latching and pumping for 1 weeks, supply still cannot make it. 1 of my friend SMSed to check on me, she has advised me to go TMC for assistance, I'm glad I did, Mrs Wong has helped to latch my forever not latching girl successfully for 1hr at 1st attempt!!! I've followed her instruction on latching, pumping and resting and managed to fully latch her from 2½weeks onwards. My supply only really kicked in around 6weeks, fully latched her till 9+months when she started to teeth. I carried on to pump till 10½month when I was down with stomach flu, vomit and LS till no milk to pump out. I was using a local Medela PIS at home and I bought a 2nd hand PIS original from US for office as too much of hassel to lug up and down. Standard set comes with the 24mm funnel, usually, we'll need 2 sets of accessories to facilitate the frequent pumping. I got the bigger funnels too. For this time, I'll use the sterlization tablets instead of steriliser during the initial few months. I've used the tablets when I went back to work full time in office, really convenient and easy to use. Electric Sterilizer will be essential when I go back to work and baby needs to be bottle-fed. I've sold all my pumps away, need to get new set this time, will get from US. 1 more thing to share on Medela, if you are using the US set, you may use with a Medela local adaptor and you may get the adaptor from Medela Singapore with a local warranty card, this was what I learnt then.

I would suggest those first time mummy to try out at TMC ParentCraft then get it locally or oversea, bookmark those websites first.

Manual pump, Philips Avent is good, I used that as stand-by if I need to go out and time overrun.

<u>Nursing bra</u>
Essential to invest in good nursing bras. Mothecare has good selection. Easily, we can use 4 pieces a day!!! Thanks for Cheeky for the link to Mums and Babes, I got the Emma Janes from them. I can't believe that they are still good after 4years in the wardrobe!!!

<u>Breastmilk shell</u>
Essential to have this because when you are latching on 1-side, the other side will be dripping.

<u>Breastmilk storage</u>
MUST have if you intend to let you baby do full breastmilk. Many options, bottles, glass bottles from hospital, storage milk bags. You need to learn about storage and warming up too. I've learnt a good way to store my milk flat, neat and tidy for the freezer area, let me go dig my photo folders to find the link.

I saw at John Little Marina Square, Lingerie cashier, 1 hook, 2 hooks, 3 hooks, many colors.
Morning mummies!
Wow MeiNme, what a detailed summary!

MS mummies
I am still one of you :S and I have no idea what food in particular triggers my MS. But appetite still super healthy hehe.

My pigeon one fits medela and avent bottles too.

Ooooo bought a mini massager from OSIM yesterday. Use it for calves, neck and shoulders. Suuuuuper shiok! But lower back for preggie mummies cannot.
MEinMe: I used the long popsicles trays for milk storage! It works like a charm for me. http://www.mumsfairy.com/product_info.php?products_id=36
Just pump, pour, freeze, and transfer to ziplock! Saves a lot of space in freezer compared to using bottles. They are a whole lot easier to defreeze too. Not forgetting, easier to customize volume according to what bb wants. =D

MEinMe: you really really remind me of how i was fighting all resistance at home about breastfeeding. I think I am so gonna face the same problem this time round. Cos I am well known for my bad supply last time! But nevermind, this time round, I will pump and latch in the 1st month. Keep mastitis far away. That was my 1st supply killer in the 1st month.

Bottles and such, I managed to get a lot of "free bottles" when I bought my Avent Steriliser, Steamer, Pump sets, etc during the various sales and promos. Do look out for them. Also, try not to over buy the bottles. Cos some babies will not like certain bottles/teats. Must trial and error.
My Avent bottles are still in very good condition after about 1.5 years. No scratches inside/outside etc. Will continue to use them for the new baby! =D Money well spent.
Frozen bm can keep for a month, normal bm can keep 24hr in fridge I think. But I heard frozen ebm will have weird taste and some baby will reject it of they prefer fresh ebm. I wonder how the mummies cope on this?
One more thing mummies to help in your breastfeeding:

1) Buy nipple cream before you deliver. Nipple cream saved my life literally - i don't think i would have been able to breastfeed successfully without it. I told my hubby when i had no 1 - that it i had to go to a desserted island with no 1 and only bring one thing i would bring nipple cream and not him.. KAKAKA.. Best brand is Lansinoh HPA Lanolin

2)Milk bags - the best storage milk bags are also from Lansinoh - they seldom leak. and most importantly you write on the part that is not where your milk is. Some bags the part where you write the volumne and date is where the milk is and marker pen ink may leak through making it very unhygenic.
3) Breast pads - i find pigeon brand is the best.

Hope this helps. Also one more thing - after baby is born - make sure you latch him/her on to your breast immediately within 1/2 hour (the sooner the better la) or else they will unlearn this natural instinct and makes it much harder to latch them on later. That is what i learnt in breastfeeding class which i thought was invaluable. So yes, i was like a nazi mother screaming at the delivery nurse to give me my baby so i could put him to the breast!!!
Storage guidelines according to Lansinoh website:

Breastmilk Storage Guidelines
Where Temperature Time
At room temperature (fresh milk) 66° to 78°F
(19° to 26°C)
4 hours (ideal)
up to 6 hours (acceptable)*
(Some sources use 8 hours)

In a refrigerator <39°F (<4°C) 72 hours (ideal)
up to 8 days (acceptable)**

In a freezer -0.4° to -4°F
(-18° to -20°C) 6 months (ideal)
up to 12 months (acceptable)

* The preference is to refrigerate or chill milk right after it is expressed.
** Eight days is acceptable, ideally collected in a very clean, careful way.

For me, as my freezer compartment is seperated from the main fridge - i kept my express breast milk for 3 months.
Ayana: It's just to let bb get the hang of the breast and latching action. Not everyone will have milk on day 1. Some need to wait a few days. But even when there is no milk, still must latch. Cos the more u latch, the faster the milk will come in. That's the way our body works. I was latching bb every 2 to 3 hourly for the first few days when there was no milk.
You will learn this when u go attend prenatal classes.
Ayana - don't worry about what's coming out from the breast - even got nothing also never mind - just put baby to suckle within half an hour from birth as that is when their suckling instinct is the strongest. After that they tend to forget about this instinct.


Also, new born babies' stomachs are the size of a cooked chick pea or hazelnut for the first 2 days and only need about 1 tablespoon to 1/2 cup of breastmilk a day per 24 hours. So its normal for your breasts not to produce much milk - in fact is mother's nature way - hence your breast produces colustrum.

That's why mummies should never feed newborn babies formula or water as it fills their small little stomachs and then they aren't hugry for breastmilk and for breastmilk - demand always equals supply.

I did not let my baby drink any water not even a drop for the first 6 months of his life. Anyways, breastmilk is 70% water. My mother in law could not accept this until i showed her a Straits Times article saying that you should not feed your baby water. When i bought my no 1 to his third day check up i saw so many confinement ladies and grandmas feeding new borns with bottles of water - just makes me shake my head lor...

For references on how big your baby's stomach and how much soiled diapers they should have print this out - i followed this religiously. As a breastfeeding mum you don't measure input - just measure output. If output is fine means baby has enough to drink no matter what anyone says. I found out about this resources when i went for breastfeeding classes - they are a godsend..


I'm going to be nazi mum this time too! Last time still gong gong char char, after giving birth then just ask for blanket after blanket cos soooooooo cold! Think I only BF after a couple of hours :S

May not have milk but may have colustrum (very good for baby), and baby does help in getting milk flow started
plus it's such a lovely bonding moment.

Wow I'm clearly looking pregnant and not like I had an overly big lunch and it's amazing how so many people are suddenly sleepy and hanging on to their reserved seats with dear lives. Never mind, I am strong. And apparently stronger than the healthy fit young working folks. Oh well maybe they're thinking "wow what a svelte pregnant woman, she sure is fit and healthy". Oh I am so flattered
Cheeky, my HB was supportive and stood by me. I've locked the door while latching. He'll help to buy the fish soup from TMC cafe for me. Initially, my mum was very negative as all don't believe in the wonder of breastmilk. After I've managed to latch-on successfully then all started to envy the convenience of no milk bottle, hot water flask, just change of diaper for my outings. My SIL even complained that she didn't get proper guidance then and regretted that she didn't try. kekeke

Mel, I didn't use nipple cream, I was taught to squeeze a little breastmilk to spread over the nipple after latching or pumping, been doing that and no crack or sore nipples.

I also used Lasinoh zipper bag for pumping and storing and then freeze in Avent bags in 120ml per bag. Now, no more Avent, will use Playtex as I used playtex during the last stage of pumping. Let me go find my freezing milk flat step-by-step instruction that I did to share with my friends then.
MeinMe: Remind me about the convenience of breastfeeding! haha... I totally love it that I dun have to bring anything on my shopping trips during the 4 months ML lar! hahaha... Just bring a few diapers and i am ready to go. I am going to work hard again this time! =D
Of course, I totally totally love the going back in shape part too. hahaha...

Pinkbunny: Good to start looking preggers lar. I am still way off to some so far. Some of my colleagues haven't even realised. I think sometimes got to do with what i wear also. But definitely, no one is giving me any seat in MRT. *pouts*

Nipple cream: I started applying before i delivered #1. Cos i think everything expanding, and the nipples very itchy. So i just apply. Think I shall go buy some soon.

Mel: Loves your bf-ing guide! I shall go home to bookmark it! Thanks! Super useful, even for 2nd time mummies like me!

Ahhh... suddenly i miss my BF-ing days so much! Holding bb in arms all the time... Still can remember how #1 turned into a white mustache kitten after each bf session.
