(2012/04) Apr 2012

Pre eclampsia. Signs r protein in urine, high bp, over water retention.
For me, my bp was high during preg from the start. Keeps going up. I did the blood test, no prob also. On delivery day, bo goes mad abv 160.
Oh yes I took that too! But didn't really do anything for me in terms of milk production. Neither did fenugreek+blessed thistle leh. Hopefully this time milk supply will be better with #2. I keep hearing of friends who were literally flowing like a river (one had to buy an extra freezer just for her EBM!). So jealous

Wow sounds yum! I had early lunch (1130) and early din (530), hopefully if I trick my tummy into thinking it's not meal time, I won't throw up haha

I was happily walking toward a reserved seat on mrt when a very not pregnant woman overtook me to grab it. Tsk. Lucky got other seats.

Yikes pre eclampsia sounds scary!!
i found that fenugreek etc also didn't really do much for me. thankfully i still managed to bf for 2.5 yrs. my boobs are getting sore much earlier this time. hopefully it means more milk for #2!! i wonder how i could wake up every night at 3am to pump for almost more than a year! +.+

i put on 10kg with #1, and she was almost 3kg, but i am really trying very hard to control food intake this round. my gynae is anal about excessive weight gain so i guess that would help to keep my weight gain in check! if not, have to be prepared to kena scolding every check up,hahah...
Pinkbunny: Fenugreek gives me diarrhea. No idea whether the milk supply increase or not. All I knew was if i were to continue, I will prob kena dehydration. Dehydration, i don't think will have any milk left lar!

Yes. Pre Eclampsia like diabetes is scary! Must really take care. I am trying to rest a lot more this round. It is helping to keep my BP down. So far, still below 130. Hoping it will not go up. I also realised that I get very very very bad aches on my left neck/shoulder area. My masseuse says it's cause of the high bp. And true enough, after delivery, the pain and aches went away almost immediately. And a few good massages helped to loosen everything up.

Lactose Intolerance: I almost forgot about this until my MIL called to remind me! There's lactose free milk! Can buy from cold storage or NTUC Finest. Some normal NTUC sells also! I am so gonna get some tomorrow! Yeah! I totally forgot that I got that when i had #1! hahahahaha

Haru: My gynae also quite particular about excessive weight gain. So I will continue to work hard to keep everything within limits, abt 10kg for me i hope.
I know someone who put on only 5kg for both pregnancies and delivers 2 healthy bbs abt 3kg lar! And she is definitely not big size to start with! So it can be done! Just need healthy diet! Don't over indulge in snacks n sugary stuff! And of course, suitable exercise!
Stay healthy everyone!!!!
For #1 i also put on abt 10kg or maybe slightly less, and she was delivered healthy @ 2.8kg. =P I was lucky to lose all the weight within a month, back to pre-preg size and even slightly smaller.
Talking about weight gain...

I put on lots of weights for my past 2 failed IVF. When I started my weight loss program, I suddenly conceived naturally. And I haven't lost any kilos!!!!

Now I have to watch my weight gain seriously as I'm not a small sized person. I have an 'ang mo' built. I really admire those mummies who can just buy larger sized clothes from normal stores. I totally can't, have to source for US big cutting types.
Congrats dragon mummy on conceiving naturally. What a miracle

Wow only put on 5kg! I think I put on 12-13kg with #1 and she was 3.12kg. I remember stepping on the scale at hospital the day after birth and feeling very gek sim cos I was seriously just 3.12kg lighter haha.

Fellow MS mummies
I discovered something! When I eat at a leisurely and non stressful pace, I tend to keep my food better! Maybe you can try too? See if it works for you
Dragonmummy, I think in general Singaporean girls are just smaller built. When I was a student in the UK, I could buy the smaller sizes, once I came back I could only buy L size! Felt so depressed!
Thanks, Pinkbunny!

El, at least you can fit into L. I totally can't. Sob Sob Sob....

Saw some nice maternity dresses locally, I can't fit in them. Even if I fit in them, these dresses become my tops instead. "HEADACHE"

I bought online too (US sites). Supposed to be "BIG", when arrived... cutting is so small so have to give away and there are some that are so so BIG!!!

Haiii.... I am so troublesome!

When all of us meet at a gathering one fine day, you'll understand why my size is neither here nor there.
Morning Mummies

Yea i also gain a lot of weight. i gain 5kg during my honeymoon in Europe and i have yet to lose it, i m preggy so now i am actually 8kg more than my pre wedding weight!!
Haru, my gyane is Dr Lee Keen Whye at #08-15.

CheekyDuckie, just in case my PM didn't get through to you, my email is [email protected]. Thanks.

Actually, my weight gain was in control but sudden shot-up in the last few weeks, last scan baby was 3.2kg. My then gynae has advised weight gain to be kept between 12-14kg, I gained 18kg. I was a super duper vain pot mum, once I'm able to get up, I got my HB to wheel me to the weighing scale, offloaded 6+kg, phew.

I've changed my gynae, this time, I'm "authorized" to gain 12-16kg. I'm into my 13week, gained around 1.5kg.

Look back, I was still able to wear fit into my regular clothing till 16weeks then, now at 12+weeks, I need to wear my maternity bottom, tummy is expanding at a much faster speed!!!

Anyone has tried the BabyPlus? http://babyplus.com.sg/

Anyone going to Robinson's private sale?
Dragon Mummy - what size are you in US or UK size?
I normally get my clothes at Dorothy Perkins, even for maternity will continue to wear clothes from there.

I also shop online a lot hehehee...
By the way, anyone still sleeping on their stomach? It seems that everytime I sleep on my side, I will end up sleeping on my stomach or on my back.
Dragon Mummy - Have you tried shopping at Mothersatwork or MEV? I find the sizing of clothes there are bigger. I can get away with wearing "S"!
andreanie- I don't normally sleep on my stomach so the issue hasn't arisen. However, if you are worried abt sleeping on your stomach (without consciously choosing to), maybe you can try using a pillow to block? i.e. putting in front or behind you when you sleep on the side
hv been silently reading not not contributing much.

talking abt weight gain, i gain alomost 20kg for my #1 and i m small built. till now still cant lose the alomst 10kg *sob sob*

for my #2, so far like no gain in weight yet. will hv to wait till the next gynae visit.

oh yeah, anyone have the problem of testing positive for diabetes during the std urine test whenever visit gynae? i m quite worried as the last visit, i m tested positive but gynae not seem to be concerned leh....
El - I already have the preggy pillow but still same, sleep on the side but more to sleeping on tummy and then will be on my back and tummy again.
Sometimes wake up in the middle of the night just to adjust myself. tired man..hahaha...
Andreanie - I was US 12 or 14, big at my bottoms. At this moment, I think I might even be US 16.
I'm 177cm tall.

El - where's Mothersatwork or MEV??
I try to lie on my left when i sleep but i usually wake up n find myself sleepin on my tummy.. So nowadays i dun sleep that soundly coz i am conscious of how i sleep.. N i cant sleep after i wake up to pee.. Usually can only fall asleep at least half hr later..

Im v big sized too.. Haven started shoppin for maternity clothes yet.. Would b glad if u gals could suggest some places which i can start with.. Now im lik a 2xl or 3xl at big sized shops.. So scary when i tink of how much weight im gonna put on in the next few months..
Hi mummies I am back frm my gynae visit! And so lucky to meet one of the April 2012 mummies there, summerbliss!

Baby is 14w2 days and is 8.4cm long. Dr Ho commented that baby is long, follow daddy's tall genes! I am secretly glad. Dun follow my short genes can Le. Gender is still unknown yet!

Regarding weight gain. I have gained 2kg so far! Hope to slow it down. See if I can gain just 10kg this entire pregnancy. Had a terrible hard time losing the extra fats for #1!

This weekend is the baby fair at expo right? May Pop by to take a look!
Think I mentioned before... i put on 10kgs in my first trimester from 47kgs to now 57kgs. No one has beaten me yet in this weight gain race? Hahaha..

I'm now 13w1d and my bump has popped!!! It's annoying how we can buy regular clothes this week and the next thing we know, can't fit already. Sheesh.... any affordable places for maternity wear?

Whose going to baby expo this weekend!?!?
Ni: still has hope for a pink

Mmm... Seems that quite a number of mummies are carrying no 2.

Any mummies suffering from pregnancy insomnia? I am seriously zombified now. Dun know how to get through the rest of the day.

Baby fair from fri till Sunday in expo.
Dragon mummy
I think there's a mothers at work at tanglin mall and one at great world city. Mothers en vogue if I recall correctly, is at the mall opposite forum, between orchard towers and orchard parade hotel.

I just toss till I find a comfy position! But have never been a tummy sleeper though I do enjoy reading while on tummy hehe. Better do that all I can now!

Tummy getting bigger and bigger. Now my normal home t-shirts can't even cover belly button liao! :eek:
Mel, Robinson private sale is only today!!! I came out empty-handed cause the cashier queue was damn long.

Hokkaido, really!!! do you go to him too? I read reviews that he do not overbooked himself and we need not wait long. Last year, I went to him and find him "steady" and assuring, therefore, continue with him. His nurse is nice too, remember you by name, very impressed. My 1st gynae sucks big time, appointment at 2pm or 3pm, I can wait till 6pm!!! Every little thing, she'll refer you to specialist!!!
The Mothers En Vogue (MEV) shop has moved to Centrepoint Shopping Centre. Think it is on the 2nd Flr opposite Mothercare.

I know that Mothers at work has outlets at Tanglin Mall and Great World City.
Seem like a lot of u are fearing pre-eclampsia. Like what cheekieduckie said guess lots of rest and stay out of stressing situation should help. Anyone wants to go to the bb fair together on Friday. I should be free to go.
recently when i wake up the 2nd or 3rd time to pee at night, i will have a hard hard time falling back to sleep... must spend at least 2hrs or more tossing ard... hate it!!

any chance we can know baby gender in the 4th mth scan? or really have to wait until the detailed scan in the 5th mth... so anxious...
i will be going with hubby too! we live just across the main road hehe..

but i have no clue what to shop for. 1st time mummy here. baby cot? pram? carrier?

any recommendations for baby cot and pram?
silvery gal, my gynae blurted out my little one's gender during my 12th week scan. though she says not confirmed lar.. ask us to wait for the 16th week amnio report

depends on how cooperative your little one is. my fren just confirmed the gender today during her 22nd week detailed scan.
Silvery_gal: My gynae was pretty confident she can tell me the bb's gender by next visit. I shd be abt 17 weeks then.
Usu boys can confirm earlier. Cos more obvious mah. But of cos, if scan 1st ger, den better to wait for 5th month dtled scan. Cos boys' parts develop slower! So dun go celebrate first! haha.

Maternity clothes. 1 day i look preg, 1 day i dun look preg. That's how badly the size of my belly changes! hahahaha... But I don't care. I just wear my maternity clothes lor. More comfy leh! At least got space for belly "growth" throughout the day. hahahaha. I also packed up all my normal clothes already. Else no space in wardrobe to put maternity clothes. =P
My helper also packed my normal clothes away! haha. She say since i cannot wear them, must have space for new clothings!

Ha, i'm also very near. I used to walk over instead of driving, esp when parking can be such a crazy! But now in my current condition, so not gona walk!

I also wake up at night to pee but i'm so tired, i usually knock out pretty fast.. just now also took a power nap after lunch. Now i'm sleepy again!
Pinkbunny and El, thanks for the shop info. Will go down one of these days to check them out.

I also kept/throw/give away my old clothes. Only kept those which I still can wear, especially dresses. Sooner or later, these dresses will become my tops.
hopefully can see sth on the 1st nov! excited..

i dare not wear my maternity clothings cos i was thinking is too early... like very weird... haha...

anyway CheekDuckie, u bought so many maternity wear?
so far i only bought 4 dresses...
Silvery_gal: Yes! hahahaha... I have like 5 Maternity Pants. Ehhh... 7-8 dresses? And another 10 tops or something. That's excluding whatever maxi dresses, babydoll tops which I can still wear throughout. haha... Am intending to buy more. My excuse is that my PT maid only comes fortnightly, so I need to have enuff clothes to cycle for 2 weeks.
Aiya: Maternity wear (real maternity wear) is not cheap. So better wear early! Must make my money worth! Luckily I can still wear everything from #1 days! Else I think i will need to buy even more! I have actually shortlisted more clothes to buy lor, just haven't click the "BUY" button.

Dragon mummy: My hb nag nag nag nag nag nag nag about my clothes lar! Basically my normal clothes were spilt over to his side of the wardrobe and onto the portable clothes rack in the study. So i have no choice but to pack them up. As I packed them, I just kept chanting, "I hope I can wear these again in a year's time". My mother was laughing at me! Some of the clothes were pre-wedding size. Haha... Maybe I shd just throw them away! wahahahahahaha.
Dink, I also hope it's my license to go pink! But tough lar. ESP when sonographer spotted a lil bird during 11 weeks! Keeping fingers crossed!

I am so happy with my asos maternity loots! It came today, material is nice and comfy. Size is a lil big now but should be able to fit by year end for my upcoming wedding invites! Got 5 wedding dinners to attend! Price also not v exp, it cost me S$150 for 2 dresses
CheekyDuckie : at least your hb noticed. My hb act blur!!! So as to avoid me telling him to pay for the maternity clothes. And yes, they are EXPENSIVE!!!

My mum has been nice. She helped me to wash the new maternity clothes and also 're-invent' some for me (eg, add a button to a scarf to make it an overall).

im going to expo this weekend too! wanna go crocs sales =)
i think im not going to get anything from the baby fair yet. maybe go check on the prices first.. =)
Cheeky, you AL Ong?

Maternity wear, tell me about it, last pregnancy, I was working at RP, every few days will buy 1-2pc home!!! I've gave away a lot, those that I know I won't wear again kind. Lucky that I kept those standard plain/design that won't go out of trend. I prefer to wear pants cause I scare I may fall then whole world can see what's underneath!!! Lots of pants and capri, some work skirts and only 3-4 dresses!!!

Now got many options as compared to 6 years ago!!! Last time is either Thyme, 9moi, MEV, Spring, MotherWorks, Maternity exchange just opened not long, very limited.

I need to make sure I wear them to the max as will be my last time wearing them, squeeze the last cent out of them!!!
yest i went to spring.. and i spent $125 for 2 tops and 2 bottoms!! argghzz... y so expensive??!! n worst.. i need to buy all in XL!! y am i so fat...? argghzz...
Meinme: yes! that's me! haha...

Silvery_gal: The new ones I got from ASOS! Nice and comfy like what Ni says. I got the cheap ASOS housebrand ones though.
I also got some of mine thro real shops like, Spring Maternity, some random maternity shops @ United Square (there have quite a lot of affordable and nice ones).

Ying: Local sizes are always smaller lar. No need to worry. I am also around there, either L or XL lor. Tops sometimes can still squeeze into M, but L most of the time. Yawnz.
For #1, I went to Spring so often, until the sales lady @ AMK knows me! Same as the lady @ Modern Maternity United Square. They will automatically take out their new arrivals for me. =S

Dragon Mummy: My mother paid for my 1st batch of maternity clothes for #1 leh! So lucky right. I think she was like super happy to have her 1st grandchild. Grand daughter somemore! And once she saw the super nice maternity dresses, she just kept passing them to me to try! I think she was prob very amazed at how maternity clothes are so nice now, compared to her times! Think she spent like $200 in that 1 hr we were in the shop.
The rest of the clothes, I buy myself lar.

Shoes: I am so so so so so tempted to get myself another pair of Fit Flops! But $170... Arggg... Have been dreaming about it for a few weeks already.
Thanks, I just wannat make sure that I've accepted the right person.

Thought FitFlops is not advisable for preggy? you go read under the Q&A section, need to consult dr. I think they are supposed to be slimming slipper, therefore, not suitable. Robinson selling 1 of the model at $85, only left the bigger size like 7 or 8 onwards.
MEinMe: I seriously doubt that the slippers will have any slimming effect. It's more like how the slipper is structured and how it will give u a greater workout while you walk. Not really slimming unless u walk a lot a lot in it.
When I first started wearing, you will realise that the feel is different from normal shoes/slippers. The balance is not the same. So preggers who want to start wearing must becareful not to fall.

Anyway, I have been wearing my current pair for a while. Should be ok.
Exercise is definitely good for everyone. I have other preg friends who were wearing their fit flops until delivery. No prob also.

Haha... I need size 6. Size 6 never goes on sale. =(
