(2012/04) Apr 2012

My hubby said the nurses said it was too late for me to take epidural as I was alr in so much pain! Hmm...

Siti hazar; thanks! Yup it was scary but luckily it's all over! Hee thanks and do let us know when it's ur turn!

Btw I asked my massage lady why my legs are swollen so badly, and she asked me "u drink a lot of cold drinks during pregnancy right?" ahh!!

Little DD
I don't think it's got to do with size. My friend had a 4.2kg at 40 weeks!!

I think gynaes can't predict when babies will arrive ba cos everything is due to nature
and doesn't mean that #1 arrives at x weeks, #2 will follow suit too. Every preg is different!

2nd time mummies
Did you know that apparently we can be 1cm dilated from week 20 onward? Wow huh? I just had my gynae visit today and he did a VE for me again (yuck). I'm still at 1cm. But he said it's common to feel pressure down below cos of baby's weight. Water level is borderline, he says but baby has yet to be engaged. Which to me means "still got time" :D

Baby dragon
I think some don't want to give epi too late cos epi takes time to take effect. About pushing: haha at whatever time you take epi, still have no idea what you're pushing!! But I cannot imagine: if already pain, then you ask for it then someone tell me to tahan another 2 hours of increasing pain???? No way jose!

Mummies: do take note that there are no epi administrators based at the hospitals. There are only a few in SG and they move around all the hospitals so will need about half an hour to get to the hospital you're at. If you're lucky, when you ask for it, there will be one already at your hospital then it will be faster

Cayden's mummy
Enjoy your massage!!!!
pink bunny,
ur multi tasking scenario sounds exactly like mine! have a big baby (hubby) and small one to look after. With another one on e way, i can imagine how busy i am gonna get!


went for check up today @ 36weeks 5days. told gynae about the pain in pelvic area and he mention coz baby was very low already but didn't say that baby is engaged. nevertheless he said it is still possible that i will deliver only at 39 weeks or later. i am really praying that baby can wait another 2-3 weeks so he has more time in mommy's tummy!! but sometimes the pain so uncomfortable that hubby thinks i'm having contractions!
My gynae also never tell if baby is engaged. Only press my lower tummy n say the baby head is here.

Ai yo really anxious... Waiting with anxiety, dunno what will b my SHOW...
Congrats sunsweet! Tat was a smooth delivery! Take time to rest well!

Wow! More and more mommies are popping! Can't wait for mine at end Apr! But i've got alot of mommies telling me i shld be enjoying the time b4 bb comes out! Anywayz I'm hoping tat the statement abt first born being ltr is true.. dun want bb to come out too early cuz his daddy will not be ard on wk 37..

Cayden's mummy
so tat remark on cold drink is true? Oh no I'm so guilty of it! Have been drinking cold drinks leh.. no wonder my feet are so swollen that ppl actually notice them 1st!
here is another mummy telling you ENJOY YOUR TIME BEFORE YOUR BABY COMES!!!!!!!!!!! you will never be this carefree again! unless you are a completely bochup mummy, baby will always be the #1 thing in your life from the day it comes

do you also get episodes of internal bursting? :p
Cold drinks
Actually I'm not sure how true it is about cold drinks giving rise to swollen legs.. Co's for my no.1, I was so careful that I really minimize or no cold drinks, i'll bring my own water whenever out for meals but my water retention was very very bad...
For no. 2, I just drink cold drinks and bubble tea as and when I like, but things are still quite normal.
Baby is finally engaged and I'm dilated 1.5 cm. Another 2 days to due date. Wonder if baby will be overdue. I had a slight fever this evening and called doctor. She told me to take 2 panadols and monitor.. Hmm

Btw, I heard that drinking barley helps with water retention. Mine is a lot better this round than with no 1. Not sure if it's due to the barley or that every pregnancy is different.
SAME! with #1 i was all herbal teas and warm boiled water... and had horrible water retention. now i just whack cold water like nobody's business and water retention is ok haha.

true true. prob that everyone is diff and every preg is diff

oh now that you mention, i remember hearing about that too. gulp. and here i was thinking 'phew, not engaged, still got time'. alamak. panic start again!!

second time mums
just curious: what's the reason you are more kanchiong this time, if any, compared to your first birth? for me it's cos we don't have any help at home, so must plan for #1 to be cared for in case birth comes at a funny time!
I still rmb my gynae telling me I won't give birth within the next 10 days frm my last appt date and I delivered on the 9th day! Zzz.

Cold drinks: haha what she meant as in cold drinks during pregnancy will lead to water retention after giving birth.. Not during pregnancy. Dunno how true lah but it's worse than during preggy! Thank goodness for the compression stockings!!
pinkbunny, my biggest worry would be for #1. I have been a SAHM ever since her arrival and we are sort of stucked together 24/7. Hubby is hardly home, in laws not living in sg and my parents are both working. Even if i need help, there will not be any at all. Not keen in having any domestic help or whatsoever too. I told hubby that he's going to have to take care of her when i am in labour. The two of them started to spend time together without me only recently. For the past 3 months i told him to bring her out to play without me during his off days. My girl and i co-sleep so it's going to be the first time we would be sleeping apart cos i don't plan to let her spend the night at the hospital. I am also mentally prepared to give birth alone in the delivery suite. I seriously don't mind as long as i know my girl is happy and in good hands. At least i can give birth at ease!

Having gone through it before also makes it seem more scary. Cos i already know what's going to take place. But i will think about my girl and how eager she is to meet her baby brother. That will give me the moral support and determination to get it over and done with as quickly as possible! Haha.. Oops. Long story. Think my preggy hormones made me more naggy lately.

Ok, enough said. Wish all April mummies a smooth delivery! Let's all JIAYOU together! ;)
Mummies, I've popped. My boy was delivered yesterday 29 mar at 3pm via natural, unassisted, without epi.

I am still feeling the after effects and shock from the labour, so will share the details of the labour later. But want to give a suggestion to mummies who are undecided with epi. Pls take it!! Haha.. I find this 2nd labour is more painful although I and hubby are more experienced and handled it better. And in fact I requested for epi but it was too late. End up now, I find that my body is still very tensed up over the experience and when I close eyes to rest, I keep having odd thoughts and sensations, as if still keep thinking about the labour pains and pushing. Terrible!
Congrats lilcactus! I feel you! The pain is really intense! Pls take care k.. Very soon all u can think about is baby le.
Wow congrats! And try to think about other things to distract your mind from aftershock ok? Maybe you tell the nurses how you're feeling and they can recommend someone you can talk to? Just in case after you are discharged you continue to think about it at home and (choy choy!) It evoles into something bigger like post natal depression

Oh don't worry the moment I get admitted I will say "epi!".

Nurse "hi what's your name"
Me "EPI!"
Nurse "madam tan, please calm down. let's get you into hospital robe"
Me "EPI!"

Should be direct enough right? Hahahah

Same! Both my parents working and in-laws not in SG. Do you have a friend or neighbour you could trust? Someone your girl is comfortable with? We will leave my #1 with our neighbour when we go deliver. I admire your courage in mentally preparing to go for birth alone. You are my hero!

Don't worry ok? Your girl and hubby will manage without you better than you think. That's what I realise too - they manage perfectly well without me but when I'm around, both know how to manja and abuse my pressence

Been getting more and more BHs lately. Quite worrying!!
Pinkbunny - Really? Luckily i got my epi within 10min after i begged for injection, my gynae have not reached, it was administered by his brother, also gynae. I think this is the level of service you will get if you pay more. SO i think before they put any drip, i must make sure that the epi administer is in the hospital already. Regarding your question on why we are more kanchiong is because we had been through it and the thought of it reminds us of how scary it was. For you, the 1st proority is to find someone to look after your girl so it occupies part of your thoughts then you wont focus on the delivery portion until you have safely homed your girl. Maybe i got nothing to worry except going st to hospital so become more worried. (Hu Shi Ran Xiang). SO funny on your Epi conversation. LOLX

Chalis - I thought your due date is on 5th Apr? I think drinking barley also helps to reduce your fever, do take care and drink more water... I was sicked when i gave birth to the 1st, end up pass the cough to her... Doc say no medicine for baby below 3 months, got me so worried. Luckily she recovered.

Desperate mum - My baby already engaged few weeks ago, but still not coming out.

Cayden's mummy - my gynae also told me that i wont give birth on that day as i reached the hospital at 4pm, haha end up my 1st baby came out the day itself, haha my gynae must be super sian, he might be preparing for his sleep already.

Lovexuan - it feels more scary to give birth alone, my hb was overseas when i was in 37weeks, told him no need to rush back, i can go through the delivery alone. But in my heart, i dare not, especially if the pain is unbearable, i hope he is beside me.

The list goes on and on... Jia you wor!!!
18th Mar - Sunsweet
24th Mar - Cayden's Mummy
29th Mar - Lilcactus

Help me correct the list if i have missed out any

Lilcactus - Congrats... Update us only when you have sufficient rest. Another hero mummy who went throught without epi... Very good very good...
Lilcactus- congrats! Rest well. How far were your contractions when you got to hospital? My doc told me that this time round I shd come in when they are about 7 mins apart to ensure I can get the epi.

Pink bunny- my greatest worry is going into labour at night and how no 1 will take it. During the day is not so bad. If it
happens at night, i'll have to wake up maid and get her to sleep in his room. The other worry is not getting to hospital fast enough to get epi. I don't think I can than without epi!! Hats off to all you mummies who did it!

I followed doctors advice and took panadol last night. Feel fine now, thankfully.

B@by(drag0n): my edd is 1 April. Hope she doesn't end up being a real April fool's baby.
Hi Mummies

Lilcactus- Congratzz

Just back from Gynae appt this AM. My Gynae say we can ask for the epi anytime. Even the cervix only dilated for 1-2cm to ensure pain free for the whole process.

So I m gg to ask for it immediately, better dont wait till 4cm dilated^^
Chope stephanie
Just to clarify: yes can ask for it anytime, BUT each dose only lasts x amount of hours. So if you take it too early and have a long labour, you may need to top up for a second dose halfway thru

Poor thing, one of my good friends who had 2 doses of epi thru a 40-hour labour, then had no time to get a third cos her 3.85kg baby decided to arrive :S
pinkbunny: according to the Dr, the epi in KK its patient control type. mean if u feel the pain then u press for the Med. so it can last up to whole day
internal bursting - yes definitely! i think your situation is almost identical to mine. Maidless and with a 3 year old that we need to think about. i am praying that baby will be delivered in the morning when she is at school! so after school, hubby can tell her "guess what? didi is here!" hahah....

congrats!! do take a lot of rest now!

was about to ask you the same qn as pinkbunny...seems like ur doc is Dr Paul Tseng..=)

my colleagues are on on standby mode already as they know i may pop anytime...worst part is that I still have stuff to handover and complete!!
Congrats Lilcactus!! Have a good rest! You were so brave. I totally agree that epi is a must have. I want a painless labour.. Hopefully i will be in time for it though.

pinkbunny, you're so lucky to have such a nice neighbour! No choice. Think my situation is real sad. NO! No friends or neighbours who can help. It's always been just my girl and myself no matter what kind of problems we run into. But my mum is saying i could drop her off at her workplace but my girl is not close to her. Shall see how when D day arrives! Hopefully she's in school and by the time i have popped, she has dismissed. Haha..

babydrag0n, so has your hubby returned? Hopefully epi can make me forget everything related to pain if i really have to deliver alone. Lol...

Talking about epi, i really wonder why the nurse refused to give it to me that time. I remember pestering them the moment i got to the hospital. No matter what they asked me, i kept saying "may i have my epi please?". Anyway during my 12 hours long labour, i topped up 3 times. Super ex man.. But i was really terrified of pain and went for maximum dosage. The moment the epi finished and machine started beeping, i rang the bell non-stop to request for top up. Lol! Yet i still took thigh jab during stitching cos the epi sort of wore off. :p
Pinkbunny / Haru - No, never heard of them, mine is Clifton. i thought is so hard to find real brothers working in the same profession, look like there are more...

Haru - Ya never ending work flowing in, no matter how you do, you never manage to complete and pass on. I think just let it be, popping is more important hahahah...

Lovexuan - thank god he is backed, wahx you took 3 times ah... no side effect for you?
Lilcactus: congrats!! Wow so brave of u to go w/o edpi ! I m not sure if I can tahan but I wonder how my mum n auntS do it..they all also deliver babies w/o epi.. Hmm... My fren who had given birth all took edpi .. I hav a feeling Tink I can't take the pain too .

hows every mum to be doing?
I start to drink coconut drink since ytd.. Very soon will b in 38weeks.. So excited don knw when bb will arrive
babydrag0n, that's great to hear! What will we do without our hubbies! Haha..

Yup, 3 doses and i was charged 80++ per dose. Omg. I think yes there was side effects. My lower back and tail bone ached like mad for 4 weeks during my confinement. It was living hell!! I could not sit, lie, stand or walk at all. Everything i did was painful and ended up i didn't eat at all during confinement. I think should be due to epi. Though gynae also said could be due to injured pelvic during labour. There was no conclusion that time. But thankfully my life was back to normal after that. No backaches or anything.
I was on epi for my no 1&2. Seriously I m having backache now due to epi. But it really make my labour so smooth coz mine was a long labour. For my no 2 once admit, I striaght away ask for it. Can't imagine the labour pain....
I had epidural for #1, but no backache leh..no vomitting shivering too..hope it's the same this round..
I think the epidural is good for me..I had it ard 8pm, abt 2-3cm dilated ....subsequently can start pushing abt 4 hrs later at 12 plus am....downside is that i can't feel anything below and finally requires forceps assistance after pushing for an hr...
Mummies, where are u all placing the baby cot ? Beside your bed? Coz today my baby cot was delivered and the delivery guy help me set up the cot and placed it near my room door. My mil say can just place it there. But I checked with my friend baby head and leg is not suppose to face windor and door. In this case I have to shift away my cupboard and place the cot beside my bed le. But beside my baby cot there will be another cupboard. Hope is okay this way
i just thought of another reason why i am more anxious with the delivery of second one. No one do to the laundry!! haha...i am afraid of coming home to a mountain high of laundry..>.<

do you know of another mommy who is able to help you out just in case? i think its good to have a back up just in case..

Ms Tan,
I have been checking out e coconut at NTUC but they only have the big one. I normally like the one that has the "opening" which makes it easier to open the husk top..shall look again tomorrow. Just the thought of the nice cold coconut juice makes me go "ahhhh...."

Mrs. Kang,
yup, baby cot is near to my bed. er..i am not into the fengshui thingy so i have no clue about positioning of cot. we just placed it where we have space and where it is convenient for us. =)
I have decided to place my baby cot beside my bed, need to shift my cupboard away. Coz friend told me baby head and leg cannot face door and windows
ah perhaps there are different variations. my friend popped at KKH btw! my epi also had control button for me (1-10 if i remember correctly) but i only adjusted it once to test test and see how i felt but adjusted it back up again quite quickly haha

hey about side effects etc
it's diff for everyone! backaches, vomitting, shivers... not everyone will have, and even if have, not everyone will have everything. i had the shivers after delivery! dragon, was it you who had shivers too huh?

same thinking: i also hope baby comes when #1 is in school!!! hehe. alamak, laundry, husband can do la!!!! you got PT cleaner? get one la... we have someone who now comes once a week (last time was once every 2 weeks) so she helps with the big jobs while i handle the everyday things.

i think that if i buy a sticker printer machine and print "EPI, PLEASE" on it, you will be my biggest customer and buy many many to stick all over your body esp your forehead when you get admitted to hospital? hahahah

mrs kang
from the little i read about fengshi, feet (baby's, adult's, anyone) shouldn't face door, window, or mirror. about head, i dunno. but remember that after a few months, baby will keep turning and turning in their sleep (seriously, like the hands of a clock) so you might just have problems finding a suitable place!

hmm. i bought and carried back my coconut, then hubby saw me open it and nicely waddle all the way to the dining table with it. i see his eyes fixed on my coconut i know already. so i just asked 'you want some?' and he sooooo buey paisay, said "YES OF COURSE!". still got the cheek to say "ahhhh so nice and cooling". grrrr. must make him go out and buy another one for me!
Mrs Kang, i placed the baby cot in our bedroom cos we plan to sleep in the same bedroom. Hubby, my girl, baby and me. Haha.. So no other furniture at all other than a queen bed, single bed and cot.
Erm...i also read up a bit of fengshui and placed baby cot at the direction that's most beneficial to baby.

Haru, i have a few close mummy friends whom i got to know thru forum gatherings and our kids go on playdates together. BUT one of them just gave birth last month, another due soon just like me and another just got preggy. What a coincidence! Lol
Thanks for your advice. But so far i really don't have plan b..

pinkbunny, hahaha!!! Yes, i will definitely become your customer and buy lots to paste on myself as well as on all my staff so i can get my message across "I WANT EPI NOW!" LOL! Epi, epi, what will i do without it... Though it caused me to shiver like mad after administering. So embarassing! Cos i cannot help it. Haha.. One of the side effects right? :p
Talking about coconuts, i also buy them home to drink. Those white thai coconuts. I am drinking twice a week. So i will buy from wet market fruit stalls and get uncle to open it and bring home to drink immediately. Very fresh and yummy!

Mummies, coconuts need to be consumed on the very day it's opened. If not drinking yet then get the uncle/auntie to open half way so it doesn't leak and won't be exposed so can keep a few days.

By the way is it true we should not eat the flesh cos it's too heaty? But i really like it...
Haha ok you can be my first customer. Buy above 20 got bulk discount hahahha

Coconut flesh
Not a fan! Unless it's nice and not hard-hard kind. Just the juice!!!

Only one more day till end of march then it's officially APRIL liao!
our babies are cominggggg!!!
pinkbunny, don't forget to inform me hor! Kekeke...

So far the coconut flesh i ate were all soft like tofu. So it's nice. Yeah! Those hard ones are yucky. Haha..

I am waiting eagerly for baby's arrival!!!

Wish all mummies a smooth delivery!
U r so funny! But so nice of u to share ur coconut w hubby ;)

I'm same as u, all squeezed in the same room, 1 king bed, 1 single bed n 1 cot. My girl refused to move out and i dun want her to think she got kicked out bcos of bb. But very cramp the room.

I also hv no help. Hope bb will come out during day time when no 1 is at school. I know is better bb stay inside than come out then more stressful, but i still hope bb come out earlier. Cos my boss really heartless, keep dumping more n more works to me b4 i go for maternity. So i hope can start my leave soon. But now just turn 36 weeks, still a long wait. Shld i walk more so bb will come out earlier heh..
ur hubby is so funny! like a lil kid!! hahah..

ur boss is prob not capable of doing ur work so he has no choice but to dump it on you. =P remember to take it easy no matter what ya?
Hi mummies, been in the delivery suite since 3.30 am. Had my epi as soon as I got in. The contractions were stronger this time than with my first baby. I left home after 2 contractions and was 4 cm by the time I got here. Have been fully dilated by 7 plus but the doc has given me some drugs in the hope that baby will turn and face the right way. Thank god for epi!!

wow chalis you're next! jiayou! wow you are dilating so quickly!

haha i see myself making the same conversation with nurses. cut the small talk, i say!

ya, agree with haru. he cannot do it so must dump it on you cos you are so reliable! don't let it stress you out. can tell him: these i can handle, these i will handover to someone else because it's no point i start on the project half way then i have to leave to go on maternity leave. well the ultimate is to walk into his room when you think your waterbag is going to burst. or better yet, bloody show! right on his carpet! hahahahahha

ps does he have kids?

haha no la. he just enjoys coconuts as much as i do. but you should see the smoke coming out of my ears when he didn't catch the hint haha.

working mums
i don't know how you do it. i'm almost at 38 weeks and my brain has been on vacation for the past few days liao. now i remember functioning like zombie at work when i was 36+weeks onward the last time. worse, i had my appraisal done just before leaving for ML! luckily my boss then just had his 2nd kid so he totally understood when i was honest and said "i'm sorry, you know this is my pregnancy brain at work. we've worked together for so long and you know my standard is better than this" hahaha
