(2012/03) Mar 2012


i wish i could feel my baby man... so far still nothing...

spotting again last night.. i am worried... at least if i can feel my baby i know he is ok right??? wuah!!! upset!

Hi all... Gd morn! ;)

Welcome blitx...

Congratz poohwei...

Drypantz, did u c doc? Hope everything is fine..
These few days I got slight cramp on my left tummy... But it getting better.. Nt sure isit caused by my sitting posture
Morning.. Thanks J.

Drypantz, is this ur first baby too? Am sure u'll feel it soon..

Twins happiness, if cramp is slight, was told by gynae it muscle stretching
J, yah seen doc le... was warded on monday for observation. but last night still spotting leh.. sad...

J & twins happiness, slight cramp is ok! it is the baby growing...

blitx, second one... hmmm... hope to feel soon!!!
Hello everyone!!
I am new here! good luck to all the mummies-to-be =D

my detailed scan is at the end of oct! i m expecting a baby boy =D

drypantz - i find lying still and changing from side to side useful.. put ya hand on the suprapubic region (below belly button) and wait!
twins : if you still dont feel right ... the best go see ur gynae ....

drypantz : have lots of rest ....

jw : hello ... where u go do your detail scan ?
jw, thks ;)
u done alot of research hor?

i only got such feeling during the last trimester for the previous pregnancies....
Carice: I called my gynae. His clinic not available today. He say if cramp persist, go KKH women clinic. Last night was worse, dun feel as tight now. I hope my babies are fine as wat drypantz say is baby growing. I will monitor my cramp. Thanks mummies.
Twins : dont worry too much and rest more ... it could be they are expanding ...but if u still feel not right ... go kkh ok ... take care
Twins: is it cramps or sharp pain? Some pain, like the girls said, is due to the uterus stretching. You might feel more since you are having twins.
I had some slight cramps one day too and I bed rested the whole day, worried too if that's early contractions. Are you on duphaston? The hormone pill to support your pregnancy.

My detailed scan is also at NUH, next wed. Also hoping that babies are doing fine cuz there's very little movement from them. Hopefully so and can confirm the genders on that day too!
Hi jw,

I'm w NUH too. When is ur edd?
My detail scan will be on 22 weeks which is early of nov.

Do u join the antenatal class?
I went to hospital tour just now.
Welcome new MTBs!

Re: cramps
I have cramps (usually at night) sometimes too. But it usually goes off by the next day so I'm guessing it's uterus stretching.
Can go have a check if it persists or worried bah.
HAllo ladies!!!

I m in HK now... Wow... first day here, i already bought a bit of maternity wear... Die lah... going to be broke soon!
Drypantz: im sure u'll feel it soon.. My gynae always tell me to relax and rest And baby be fine.

Is hospital tour important?
Phylee: I was given a hormones pills on 1st trimester. But I didn't consume it. Now dunno what's wrong, is it safe to self-medicate?
BB: now feel ok, I went swimming and relax for 30mins just now. Hope it's uterus expanding...
J, the HK weather is slightly cooler than sg. But can b hot when e sun is shining directly!

Twins, just remember to rest more. My cousin also din take e hormones pills when our gynae prescribed her. I took it & dr will also give some pills for those false contractions given. Since this is my #2, I choose to endure the discomfort & dun take an medication.

I always tell myself to relax, taking deep breathes etc so that e pain/discomfort will go away
Twins: I think it's best not to self medicate unless under your Gynae's instructions! Don't worry since you are doing fine now
how do you find the swim? I only managed to walk around in the pool, dare not swim cuz afraid that i would over-stretch my womb. And then my hubby flipped me over and let me float, but I felt very giddy after that. Hee..

To all mummies, happy Sunday!

If u r familiar w the hospital, you may not need it.
From the tour, I can look at the delivery suite, type of rooms which can help us to decide the room we want to choose and when it's time for deliver, where should we proceed.

I find it's good to go.
Phylee: I swam 4times and walk 3times at the 50m pool. Feel good but tummy slow down the swim. Haha. Now shoulder aching becos long time no exercise le.
J: talk about hot weather. In the past, I always wrap up like bak Zhang in office. Nowadays, wear sleevesless also find it hot too. I think it's due to our body temperature too.
Hi new mummies

Ya the weather today is a killer. I wished to hv a dip in e pool too but today's my maid's off day. Melting at home n busy taking care of a active toddler. Hope to hv an early nite tonite. Mummies who swim, do u wear maternity swim wear or ur bikini? Contemplating whether to invest in maternity swim wear.
Blitx & JW - welcome !!

blitx - as a first time mom , maybe going for hospital tour might be good , so u can know what they have all this before choosing the hospital u wanna delivery in .. have u choose the hospital u wanted?

zelda - previously , i always dip in wild wild wet that dont nid swim wear den my boys can enjoy themselves ..
Yes agree, whenever I'm in the office, colleagues said it cold, dn on the fan... I still hot..
Swim: I had not go for swim since July, last brought my kids to wild wild wet..
K@ye, there's nice maternity wear in HK?? I'm gg this month end!!! Muz change more $$ go spree liao =P

Envy those who know their bb gender already, I'm still in the fog coz my last scan was at 12 wks, too early to tell. Under alot of stress frm PIL coz they keep bugging on whether is it boy. Hiakz ... Gonna see bb again this Fri like finally. Been living in fear everyday, everyday frantically feeling for heartbeat like mad woman. My first was stillborn so it instilled a phobia in me and I gotta go thru every subsequent pregnancy in fear till I pop. =|
J - maybe we shall bring our kids together to wild wild wet sometime? ur girls quite close age to my boys ! =)

momoko - they wanted a boy so badly? lucky my pil rly dont bother whether boy or girl , for my side , my mom actually wanted a girl badly

the funny part is even i told my mom its highly cfm a girl , she even had the same dream with me , dreaming that wen give birth , the baby girl had a kuku bird and its a boy lol !
Daisy, ya they are tt horrible. My first stillborn was boy then they said nasty things when he was delivered without a heartbeat. My second is a girl then they like treat us a transparent once they know the gender, till now oso can't care less abt her except once in a while. Which actually suits me fine la coz I hate them too. Now this one, the cycle starts again lo. Sianz.
momoko - do u stay with them? if ur staying with them den quite difficult to treat them transparent , but will ur hubby be difficult to be in between u n his parents?
Momoko, they re changing seasons in HK. So those summer maternity wear in HK are hvg a great sale but must b quick.

I bought some non maternity stuff to wear, those big big type! N hor when u see e kids wear, I almost went crazy again!!! But I din buy anything for my gal coz she has alot of clothes Liao!!

It's so funny, my mum & HK auntie finds it strange tt my baby is nt a boy but a gal coz they say my stomach position is high & my stomach is hard when they press! Haha!!
Momoko, I went to Grand Century shopping centre in Mongkok to get my maternity wear fr this shop called Mothers World! Level 5 there is whole level devoted to children & maternity stuff!
Good morning all!

Daisy, I'm gonna be with gleneagles unless I change gynae

Momoko, relax and don't think of what ur PIL wants. Shouldnt put stress on urself..
J - yes! initially it felt like ?popping bubbles, then it was like gas churning, sometimes he tugs or pushes as the fetus increases in size! dont worry will feel it soon.. according to what i hv learnt its 20 weeks for 1st child =D

Esth3r - oh i was with the department before haha.. so they may not offer me the tour?! mayb can bring my hubby around! hee..

Daisy - thankew! =D
Hi mummies,

I've the following to let go:

- 3 tins of Similac Mum (exp Oct'13), $12 each
- Lamaze Spin & Explore Garden Gym @ $15
- Lamaze Gardenbug Foot Finder & Wrist Rattle Set @ $10

Kindly PM me if keen, thanks!
<font color="000080">Morning!

Been MIA for a while cos no access to internet. Did amnio on Thursday and so far everything seems fine, so just waiting for results now. The nurse told me takes 3-4weeks?! I think she just doesn't want me calling to ask... damn lazy, my doc's nurse.

How was the gathering on Friday?</font>
J &amp; Twins, is your body temp a lot higher? I'm still ok for now.. cant imagine having to wear sleeveless when I put on so much weight
Daisy, luckily NO!!! Live with them I tink I may die from depression. =P

K@ye, I'm going only in 11 days time. Hopefully still have some left for me. Keke. But I going with my DD and another couple with their DS, duno if we can manage to shop anot with out babies in tow. My DD has been cranky eversince I got preggers it seems.

Blitx, trying my best too but they juz dun leave me alone. Hiakz ...

Momo_mummy, morning!! Gosh I feel so sleepy. This time round not as relaxing as last time, no Koohii to accompany me and cheer me up at work. Dun dare to bring Kyuuri coz scare he oso commit suicide when no. 2 pops out. =|

Elletwins, thanks.
hi all! been busy past week or so, so hardly hv time to come here. hope everyone is coping well.

just visited gynae last sat. my OSCAR test is cleared, so baby is going to be normal. also, it might be a girl but gynae said better to confirm next visit, which is a mth away. praying for a girl, so it'll form a hao zi. but most importantly is baby is healthy.

waiting for baby gender to confirm &amp; i can start spreeing again! i used to do so many sprees back then, when i had a boy, think i would spree even more this time. also going to order the desitin cream &amp; first teeth toothpaste.

wenwen, i haven't been able to sleep well too, feeling very hot at night, think need to on air-con for coming mths.
