(2012/03) Mar 2012

chomp - i only know c sect 4 bedded package.

TMC c sect - 5163
Daisy n i got a fren who fork out 1.2k for admission fee and 200+ extra when she discharged. fyi,she c sect in aug this year.

Mt A c sect - 5070

BB - she dun wan the mother when its FRIDAY!! hahaha.. she stays with my mother on fri n sat.

Oh ya.. Mayb mummies would like to check with ur gynae as I heard MT A is having major renovation. Starts and ends when im not sure. (((=
dym - lol , most of e guys r like tat .. i'm more worry on after baby give birth expenses but my hubby is damn relaxed lor ..

is TMC alrdy renovated ? ya lor , c sect like so cheap so natural maybe cheaper .. but if add epidural , maybe same price or wat ? donno leh , maybe next visit i ask gynae again ..

Kelly - ur mil so pian xin lor !! by den donno got slots in IFC not , i guess u better call up and fasten 1 place first ..

chomp chomp - oh ! we're having the same due date =) i'm going Mt A since the nurses of my gynae keep saying cheaper den TMC lol ..
Daisy - GO TMC LEH~~~~YA TMC renovated le. all done now. like that i can go visit u! If this time MT A again, i think u dun expect me to go again! hahahhaa..
Normal delivery for TMC - 1408
Normal with epidural - 1712
ligation - 530
ALL 4 bedded package hor..

Normal for MT A - 1270
Normal with epidural - 1560

Ai mai consider TMC???
dym - bth , as if we same due date like tat haha ! i ask my gynae again on my next visit ..

wen i due , u will be heavily pregnant , for lazy pattern like us , with a big tummy .. its ok for u not to come visit me even i'm at TMC lol ,i understand de haha !
dym - my mil is helping to look after my SIL's twins who are same age as my girl and she definitely likes the boy better...to 'punish' my hb, i have asked gynae not to reveal the baby gender to him so he has to wait until delivery date

daisy - after reading all the comments, think i will just secure a place at one IFC to play safe. i am also at Mt A
dym, mt. A cheaper lei ...
daisy, wah our edd the same? wah piang, can opt for bed side by side or not? hehehe. i think hub will choose either 2 bedded or 4 bedded. cos the diff is only S$100+...
Daisy - i joking nia la. the nurse confirmed say they already booked place for u de. expected. i think when u go delivery, i still got one month to go. -,-"
Kelly - good idea leh! but ur hubby sure will pester u for the gender. in the end u oso will give in. hehehe..

chomp - i know MT A cheaper. by abit only. my gynae dun want to deliver at MT A so im sticking to TMC this time again.
i see quite a lot of mummies plan to deliver at Mt A. take a look at


I plan to get a maid so she can help with cooking and housework, then my mum can concentrate on looking after the baby... hopefully we will b able to get a good one...

daisy, epidural is added cost for sure... but i'm not sure how much as i didn't use it last time...

i'll b 12 weeks tomorrow!! jia you everyone!
kelly - ya , cos seems dragon yr so hot .. lol

but if he go checkup with u and if its a boy and he will see the kuku bird , he will know the gender too lol ..

chomp chomp - ya ! we having same EDD !! =) ur going natural or c section?

nvm i can go visit u if our rooms is different haha ! i'm getting 4 bedded cos i kiasi , later 2 bedded and i'm alone , i will scare ghost LOL !!
dym - ya lor , maybe i will leave the baby to pop out her own cos my mom say better to stay womb longer den induce her out early ..

dovey - wow , salute u ! without epidural i tink i might faint , lol ..

starr_nn - oh , so epidural didnt increase price lol.. i tot everything will increase haha ! thanks for e info !
dym - personally i am hoping for a girl and he likes a boy, dunno why the preference for boy...so have to try my best to 'ren'

daisy - i remember you told michelle that the bird can be a finger pointing, so will use that..haha
i just hire part time maid, cos i cant stand strangers staying with me :D

as for my confinement period, i will ask my aunty for help, but she can only help me for 7 days. that also she wont stay with us. 9am she reach my house, and around evening time she go back, lucky she stays near my house.

cannot ask my MIL or mother for help. cos my MIL working aka workaholic. and my mom nowadays in and out of hospital (sick).

hopefullie i can handle after that 7 days period. gosh ....

daisy, choose 2 bedded lahz. then i can talk to you, u talk to me. haha. if 4 bedded also can lahz. we can occupy the other 2 beds lol !! i choose the natural birth, hopefullie got power strength to push lil fella :D

where is your gynae clinic? maybe the same lei ? haha. i'm with Dr. Tho from London Clinic at Jrg east.
Have a question on induce. Last time, i went for induce cos gynae said baby growing too big and might end up c-sect. But the whole process lasted 27 hours which was very tiring. Any of you gone through induce and how long does it normally take?
Some mummies sent your kid to ifc right? Roughly whats the time schedule like?

-after work, pick up baby
-reach home maybe 7plus pm
-have to wash up, change, feed, talk to and pat baby to sleep
-we also have to eat and bathe
-by the time, everything done, 11pm liao ah?
starr_nn - i think i can finish all by 10pm? i usually reach CCC 6.15pm after picking my girl, go for dinner and reached home 7plus. Rest awhile and let her watch her cartoons or play games den go bathe. we should be in bed by 9pm. I usually talk to her til we both sleep. LOL
dym - u very efficient leh haha...i think about all the logistics and time, i want to faint. the other day my hubby was just telling me he's scared now..next time no full night sleep anymore lol

chomp chomp - ifc infant care
chomp chomp - if our 2 bedded will be same room i dont mind lor haha .. nvm, lets cheer each other to have the power to PUSH !! lol

my gynae clinic is at bishan , Dr Vincent Lee .. cos he's my family gynae so stick to him for my #3 also .. =)

i'm a SAHM so i look after baby myself and for confinement , dont tink i will be doing so i'm not worrying on who's helping ..

Kelly - so in e end , u still give birth naturally?

my #1 & #2 was induced cos overdue, #1 it took abt 12hrs ,i had epidural once i checked in so had a good sleep until the pushing time , cried so badly and plead for c section cos i simply cant push lol ..

#2 it took 8hrs .. i had epidural 2hrs b4 i start pushing cos i worry abt the pain wen they have to cut and sew so gave in to epidural ..

i guess how long depends on individual , some takes long like urs 27hrs and i have frens who pop out baby in just a few hrs like less den 6hrs..
Kelly: When I was having #1, I suffered from high blood pressure around week 38, so doctor advised me to induce but was unsuccessul after 12 hours on drip, so he suggested for emer C-Sect as he was worried that the baby will be under stress.
starr_nn - did u see i skip ALL houseworks? im leaving all these for my hubby. thats what he get when he cant accompany us at all. somemore he ask for #2, so he has to do all the shit work.
daisy - yes, natural birth. wouldn't have been able to do it without epidural cos gynae put his hands in to pull baby out...hb was too shocked for words..
chomp chomp - lol ! sure i'll cheer u on !!

kelly - i had vacuum extract for the #1 cos i totally gave up on pushing ..
lusciousash - have u announce urs?

i announce on the day i test positive on pregnancy kit haha , i cant wait to share the happiness ..

i updated on facebook status , called up my family , close gfs to inform personally ..

lol , i'm abit kiasu on tis haha !
Ladies : at which week we can feel bb ... i dont know is it my imagination or what ... i can feel like movement inside but not often de ....
that explains why our hbs prefer to have helpers. Cos my hb is the one that does all the housework too, haha! I'm only incharge of cooking and the kids. :p

most people already know about my pregnancy, hehe.
Carice - suppose is 16wks when we able to feel the movements more often , we can feel some after 12wks but wont be tat often ...

however i'm in 16wks alrdy , didnt feel much yet either lol
i told my 2nd sister when i tested positive for preg test kit, then following that day, all my family knew about it. thanks to my 2nd sister. haha.

as for my hub's side, when lil fella turns 6 weeks in my tummy (which we heard the heartbeat) then we told PIL (parents in law). they were too overjoyed. my MIL cried when she heard the news.

as for my office ppl, they knew it when i got my first vomit (morning sickness). cos i took company trspt, and was vomiting on the bus. haha.
BB - i dun even got the time to talk to him everyday. i think if i get him a helper, the more i got no excuse to call n nag him for houseworks. -,-"

Carice - u can feel baby movement at about 16-20weeks. but i dun think u know its baby moving. its just v v light movement. when baby gets bigger, u can even play with him/her. u can even see the movement of ur lil one. v amazing de. LOL..
lusciousash, initially only my 2 bosses know...then as tummy starts to get bigger, my other colleagues started asking. at first i say no la, i am just gaining weight, but gradually it became obvious that only my tummy is gaining, and every other part of me still looks normal..

2 weeks ago, my cousin had his wedding dinner, and most of my relatives was ooohing and ahhing away cuz i definitely looked like i am with child..

i guess, for u, its also a matter of time people start noticing
Chomp: think we have the same edd 3rd march. which hospital u planning to book? My gynae book for me at tmc le. my 1st time too.

Lusciousash: my husband n I only disclose my pregnancy after my oscar test.
department ppl knew cos i was taking time off for IUI procedure.
these 2 days wore maternity clothings, guess it's announcing it to the rest of the company.
close friends knew, not so close ones, wait for FB post bah
hubby can't wait to announce to his world hahaa
btw, anyone know abt my question on the peeling & itchy nipple? what cream can use?
Jo - my colleague mentioned a nipple cream to use during bf .. maybe now can also use since its safe for babies

quite a number of brands in the market
avent, lansinoh, mustela etc
chrmei, hi-5 !!

i can choose either mt. A or thomson, cos my gynae can deliver at both hospital.

i'm opting for the hospital tour for both hospital (diff dates) at the end of october.
<font color="000080">Lusciousash >> My bosses found out soon enough, cos I was on bedrest a lot from 7-8weeks onwards. And I told my mom so she came over to cook for me when I was on bedrest. My MIL I told when spotting stopped and everything seemed more stable, at about 11+weeks. Now I told a few close friends plus those who invited me to their weddings (just in case their side pantang), but won't really ANNOUNCE it I think, haha. Not until bb is born and healthy, at least! :p</font>
oh, you mean he won't be home if there's a helper? I thought with a helper, you'll get to talk to him more cos he won't have to do housework, haha!

recently my hubby has been like a zombie doing housework..esp when he mops the floor. mopping the floor is the last chore after everything else is done..so he's tired..then he will go like shaking his head, doing zombie action when mopping...

always mumbling to himself that should have gotten a smaller home and that its time he gets a part time cleaner to come in lol
