(2012/02) Feb 2012

GG- thanks! Wil pm u my address.

Regarding lochia, today is my 40days post delivery n still having staining, so sian! Think because I did not take enough rest, busy euf housework n taking care of bb.

Baby_mummy- your boy cannot take Aircon or fan? My girl opposite, she super love Aircon! If no Aircon and only fan- she will fuss n refuse to sleep, plus her heat rash wil break out.

What about if we freeze our milk- can combine 2 days of pumps together to get enough (ie 60+40 to get 100??)

I still have lochia 40 days after my Csection- baby born Feb 8.

I tried Malunggay in soup last night - very yummy and not sure if related but leaked a lot overnight.

Bb sleeping up to 3-4 hours so leaking milk.

Anyone's bb switch from drinking both sides per feed to just one side?
GG.slowly u will get use to it. Took a quite a few days to adjust without my mum around. Jia you!

Re: bb cries
Mayb u search thru YouTube for Dunstan Baby Language on how to identify bb cries. So far, I only manage to identify 2 cries - sleep and stomach got wind.

Sweetcorn, my girl also have rashes on her cheeks n stomach area. My mil say its normal but I thking of bringing my girl to see PD.

Beemummy, just sun the bean sprout pillow. I dun thk it can be washed.

Re: storing of bm
It's recommended not to pour 'freshly squeezed' to chilled/frozen bm as it will make the chilled/frozen bm faster. So what I did is chilled the fresh bm and combine later.

My bb sometimes take 1 side, sometimes 2 sides, depending on how much milk I have. If breast full, take 1 side

Netbaby, for #1 I gave Friso 1 after changing from Nan n Similac and bb can poo more. Else u get the pd to prescribe probiotics.

Re: bf
How long does ur bb latch now?

Re: bb poo
Is it normal for bf bb to poo watery golden colour poo?
Yah AL, I also think very far to Go tekka market.

Hazel- u r still having lochia as well? Haiz, don know how both lochia n menses, I also don want. Miss pregnancy days, free n easy.
Bee mummy
I found a way to wash the bean sprout pillow!
I gathered all the beans to one end, tie it up and hand wash the cloth w/o beanies. Hang it to dry. Then I repeat the process on the other end! Alternatively, remove the beans and wash the cloth then sew it back. Majority of the time, I will jus sun it like what Khim suggested! Dryer is fine too.

Re: storing expressed BMW
Khim highlighted a v impt point! Dun mix frozen milk to chilled milk and freeze! Temp is different and may cause it to spoil faster.

The 100ml and 60ml is pumped in the same session right? So in terms of time & date it'll be the same. Since it expires on the same day at the same time, no prob combining and freeze.

The reason why we separate EBM from diff pump sessions is to extend the shelf life of the EBM so there will be less wastage.

Re: poo
Babies on FM will nd water to be supplemented compared to bb on TBM as BM consists of fore milk that is very watery that helps quench their thirst. Hence will need to feed fm bb with water else there will be a higher chance of constipation.

There will be PD who will advise bb on fm not to be fed with water due to their low birth weight.

Also note the iron content in milk. If it is iron enriched, it'll also cause constipation. Do more bb massage - cycling & bending their knees and push it towards their tummy while holding their feet. V effective!!

Like GG, I find eating papaya and drinking papaya milk juice the most effective to get bb to poo for bb on BM. I get those in packet form. Easy to drink and store. My office drawer used to be full of it as my colleagues and I feels that it also helps to boost supply! We will drink a pkt each bef our moo moo session!

Water/diluted foremilk
Actually our body is very smart. When the weather is hot and mummy is very very thirsty, our BM actually turns more diluted - there will be more foremilk produced to help bb quench their thirst!
Khim, my baby poo sometimes mustard like, sometimes watery golden colour kind. Thought it was diarrhea, even took specimen n show PD, but PD said still normal. So I guess if frequency not a lot of times, it's ok.
GG with CL life damm shiok! Well at least we get to enjoy for 1M! Ya I also latch 100% when I hv no help. I even bought 3 sets of pump parts so I dont need to be perpetually washing and sterilising! U'll get better with it! I only pray that B1 is a good boy and dun throw tantrums & B2 drinks and sleeps well.

Re: lochia
I think walking too much do cause the flow to increase. I notice the change after I spring back to life, going around running errands. When I did a DC for my miscarriage previously, the flow also didn't stop until I was on complete bed rest! But it's tough to be stationary with 2 kids!

RE: menses
Most mummies who are on total Breastfeeding won't get their menses back so soon. It might be months after. For me, once supply drops, it came back just the 2nd month I delivered my B1! So it varies.
Jen, my bb will hv blocked nose if I switch on the aircon at 30deg loh! But he still has heat rash and bb acne!

Khim yellow is normal for bb on BM! Let me find the dumex stool chart and upload it.
Hi any mummies have good confinment lady to recommend that you have used before? Please advise. Text me at 96993727. Need in July 2012. Thanks!
Hi mummies, tks! Just hope is not becos I over exerted myself.

I find bb always go to sleep v fast if latch. If bb can sleep for 1-2 hr after dat, can I take it bb managed to extract the milk? Am so used to pump I dun feel v assured when latch.

Went pd check. No treatment prescribed for the rashes and bb acne. Just use water wipe. End up pd din charge me. Only charge for my elder one. The nurse commented my bb looks like a 3 mth old. Now weighs 5.1kg.
PD also ask me eat papaya. I have been eating everyday for a wk le, eat till i wana vomit. Bb also no news on her poo. Super stress even on bb's SHiT!!
Haha, abit er-xin cos now is lunch time.
Wow, GG- your bb is 5.1kg?! You really feed your bb well!
Natbaby- u r right, we worry too much abt baby. Poo too much also worry, poo little also worry, poo colour change we also worry, we r really poo experts!
Jen, ya but I think credit goes to my CL for feeding bb ebm well. I realize I can't bottle feed her well. Everytime got leftover. V heartpain. And only one day after CL leaves already my milk looks less thick. Think diet really plays a large part. Plus now less rest more stress.

You can try the friso special formula for constipation which can mix with other milk powder too. Quite useful when my baby didn't shit for a few days when he came home...
Malunggay leaves at Tekka only cost $1.

If I have 60 pumped today, can combine with 60ml from last week if both frozen. My bb only takes 80-100ml from bottle.

GG- wow your bb gained 2kg in 1 month of ebm? That's great!

My bb slept 3 hours straight last night so i woke up all soaked - what a waste of good milk.
Beemummy, bb gained 1.7 kg from time left hospital to full month.

I wish my bb sleep 3 hrs straight! Most times bb wake up every 2hrs. Since CL left my sleep is compromised
GG - 1.7 is great as well, especially without FM and just BM!

Oh I get very little sleep as well - if I am lucky I get about 4 hours total (adding up all the little bits during a 24 hour period) I did not have a CL so from first day back from the hospital I have been doing the overnight on my own with virtually no help at all.
But the babies are worth it to all of us mamas.
GG Lee - you and the other mamas are the great ones, able to pump and latch! Alas I am too lazy to pump more than once or maybe twice a day.

BFing is so hard, but worth it.

BTW anyone dealing with Vapospasm/Reynauds? So painful...
Beemummy- agreed wif GG, u r the best! Really super woman to start taking charge from day 1.
GG- my baby till now only put on 600gm from birth weight and she's on partial fm+ bm! Wonder how long my girl will take to catch up to your baby's weight!
Hi GG, my baby same as yours, on the bigger side. I brought him to PD on first check, gained 1.5kg since birth, now 5.3kg, My #1 only gained 1kg during the checkup.
My baby has not been sleeping well in the day, cannot exceed 30min. Then wake up and wants to be carried. Night time is ok, sleep,drink milk, change diaper and sleep again. So I rest at night, day time really cannot tahan, got to entertain him all the time, dun even have time to eat....
Jayden mummy,
What s e friso special formula? Can buy at any supermkt? What do u mean by mixing with other FM? Mix e powder or alt meal? Pls advise. ;)

Tdy already day 3 no poo. So tmr have to insert e 'supp' to her butt liao. Haiz.
Natbaby: it's by friso and one small tin of 400g meant for constipation, colic

Can get from NTUC.

You can either give him the no of scoops based on his feed or 1 scoop of this with your normal milk powder also can.

Mine also didn't poo for 3 days and we feed continuously for a couple of days and see him poo everyday le

Hope it will help u too
My baby 's rash has faded on day 2 when i use PD prescribed shampoo n bath foam ( ellgy extra gentle brand) , then apply cream n moisturizer - thank goodness, very effective!
Today day 4 red patches gone stil hv mini bulges! So happy!!

Nw need to monitor her condition, doc say combination of heat, milk rash & eczema...:-(
Hi sweetcorn, glad to know that the pd cream n body foam erc works well for ur bb. My gal has rashes on her face, scalp, neck n body too. She also has pimple like spots on her face esp at the eyebrow area. My CL keeps on saying its normal. Now I do wonder if I really shld being my gal to the pd.
Yr baby condition sounds the same as mine.
Better bring bb to pd. get well faster.

If not u can go buy this brand off the shelf. The shampoo(for hair and scalp) - Dentinox cradle cap and shower bath foam(face and body) - ELLGY h20 extra gentle cleanser, 3x gentle,white bottle.

Both to apply 2times a day after bath
My mom uses it on baby after bath sayg it can absorb sweat etc but my hubby against it coz scared the powder will cause asthma in baby and affect lungs

So sometimes apply only..
My bb had 3 different types of skin issues - milia (born with it), baby acne (red splotches) and baby pimples. the baby pimples were what concerned the ped enough to give the Fucidin H cream. the skin issues were so bad that they probably were the cause of an enlarged lymph node.
he said it's due to heat/hot weather, sweat and milk all over the face etc.

did pd say it's temporary? hope your bb skin will turn better soon.
my maid also recommend me the malungay tea when i hve give birth to my no.2
she said philipine pple use to drink to increase bm and maintain good health.
but maybe becos i got no milk that y no effect for me.
I just order 1 box on the way. My milk sometime low sometime just enough... Must pump on time. But if got malunggay leave also can right, cheaper..

I also use napkin for bb sleep.
Nana, it depend on bb. U try touch bb mouth or chin, if open mouth like birth means hungry want milk. My boy morning drink 100ml every 1 or 1.5hrs, then start fm noon 2 hrs. Midnight 3 hrs.

Joy, can ask yr maid how much the tea? I buy $12.90/box
Anyone interested this malunggay tea?
Nana, my cl say say use the start time to count the next feed. Same as pumping.

Low milk, I start to take red date again, milk also drop. Use some LAN (blue) dates so not so heaty. But ex too, 20+dates is $9.
aL; my baby forever mouth open. So not accurate. Haha

Serene; my CL says use the end time. I'm confused so ask you all and see how u all count
My ped says should be start time, so for the first month start to start time should not exceed 3 hours.

After the first month, my ped says okay if start to start time is 4-5 hours during the overnight times.

But most important is monitor diaper output to make sure bb gets what they need. This is especially important for mamas who are not pumping but latching instead.
My bb also got a lot of rashes on her cheeks. But pd said not milk rash leh. He said its caused by hormone changes n 20% of the bb will get this. Wil go off itself by the 6th mth.

Yes Jinglebell.
Serene, I buy blue date at Bugis wholesale cheaper... My fridge stil hv 2 pack, tot is very heaty. I stop taking since 4th wk.

Nana, I think yr bb want pacifier.
