(2012/02) Feb 2012

Hazel, tell u a funny thing. I fractured my left arms when I'm 5yrs old. so whenever I carry heavy things for long time, my arms will ache. I used to carry my niece a lot when I visit her or when she visit me. I even coax her to sleep. My arms is really going to break after that and will ache for days. tats y my mum say I won't be able to handle my own kids.

When comes to my bb, I can carry him all the way from kkh to home (when he sick and we bring him to KKH). Arms only feel ache when I carry him. But no choice I can't drop him. When I'm home and put him down, my arm only ache for the most 1hr and recover liao. Strange! My boy is quite heavy. I don knw y I have this kind of strength for my own child. Mother instinct?? I don have the ache for few days no matter how long I carry my boy till now.

Wow! I hope I will follow ur eg! I m lying flat in bed now.. Back aching..
Jas, hazel, so fast packed bag oredi!
Think I'll get started too. I feel that I've been pregnant forever!! Can't wait for the next stage to come! Hee.

Surprisingly I havent been waking up to pee. Can usually than the whole night.. Is that normal? Kept forgetting to ask my gynae.
Wah- Jas and Hazel, so we are all in the 70kgs range. I thought I'm the only one, now feel better knowing you ladies are wif me too.
Hazel- even C-sec with epidural, I also scared of the post op effects like wound split, cannot carry heavy thing or breast feed etc leh. Think I'm a coward lah. Somemore, my Hb and I also worried about the additional cost for C-sec, think the cost difference is like 3-4K more than what we budget for a normal wif epidural for a single room. Oh yes- TMC and Mount A both provide 1 pack newborn diapers, 1 bathtub and a bag home. But we have to bring own sanitary pads, pyjammas.Not sure about the wipes if its FOC.

Jas-its a relief to hear that baby can have chance to turn. Will talk to baby more and maybe play blow-wind-blow wif her on tummy so she know which direction to go.
Planet- maybe you got stronger control muscle so don need to pee as often. That is good. For me, now before I leave for work need toilet first, then walk to MRT-need another time of toilet, then reach destination MRT-toilet again, walk to workplace, another time of toilet! Hb call me Toilet queen now.

I have not started too, think all the 1st timer mums do not feel the anxiety yet.
Think I will do it after my holidays when I' clearing my bulk leave for the year.
Hazel, I thot we can't lie flat on our back? It's bad for bb cos our uterus will block some major blood vessel n bb may be deprived of oxygen n nutrients.

Jen, I've been doing my kegel exercise religiously! Day time I still go to the loo fairly often.. But night time I'm spared of waking up every few hrs like first trimester! I'm trying to do more squats n pelvic exercises too so that my delivery can be smooth. Planning for natural without epi! *fingers crossed*
Planet, when we r in final tri, just lie in a position that we r comfortable with... Coz every position also dun feel v comfortable. Furthermore, we will change position every short while to make ourselves comfortable.. So we wun be on our bk for long.. When I sleep, with pillows to block me from tuning to my bk I also can wake up on my back.. Cz really uncomfortable, n with the back aches, I keep changing position..

My gf who had twins dun go to jets in middle of the night too! My case is coz, bb presses on my bladder. The urge to pee can suddenly come.. If no toilet, I ren abit, ask her to switch position, the urge will subside...
Mummies, I also haven't packed my bag too! In fact my first delivery I also packed it in a frenzy the morning I delivered! Cuz I was thinking most likely will deliver after 38 weeks but then it happened at 36w5d! But dun worry so much, I didn't use much of what I packed, as I didn't bathe in hospital and they provided all the things for bb.

I'm still vomiting gastric juice every morning while brushing teeth, this didn't happen for #1. on the other hand, no cramps or going to toilet in the middle of the night.

Hazel: I can't breathe when I lie on my back or in angled position! But if I lie at 90 degrees, my bb kicks like mad, think he feels squashed. Really hard to sleep at night. By the time I start to fall asleep, #1 wake up and cry! Sianz...
Jen, I nv think of all these that comes with c section. My concern is the pain after delivery. Natural or c section. Coz my pain threshold really v low! But my mums said, with pain killers, no pain! Dunno true or not.....
Afternoon ladies!
I also hvnt packed my hospital bag yet!! Me too I can only slp on one side now, if slp on the other side bb will kick like nobody's business n very uncomfortable to slp. Me getting lazy, will try to tahan and not get up to wee if possible. Rather nau and lie on the bed.

Yday my gynae called and said that i have mild diabetes, and refer me to go see nuritiontist. boohoo!!
9wks more to go and I have to controlled my diet. can wave GoodBye to all the CNY goodies!
I heard cleaning bb gals bottom v different from boy? My last CL said gals will have discharge one? Really uh? Sounds more messy.
Wow wow.. Seems like lots of mummies going thru the same emotional and physical challenges ya..

Jas: Hang in there! We are all here to give one another support ya.. Dun bother abt this kind of man, ignore them and let them reflect on themselves. In the meantime, let's all enjoy this final few weeks :D
Thanks Christina.

Hazel, yes, your mum is right. Epidural is the worlds most wei da invention. Confirmed no pain at all. I took it for my #1. From cry and shout to laughter. Hubby still laughing at me till now for the large differences with and without epi.

I'm also hoping for natural birth without epi. Will try to use the gas tis time. Praying hard for a successful viginal birth after c-sect (VBAC) for me. Can see the risk is scary but I'm praying hard.
hey GG- yes,learned this from Mrs Wong's class too. BB girl might have menses discharge like us for first 2 weeks. Mrs Wong was telling all the daddies n mummies not to panick if we see any. Heehee, BB already fertile from birth.
Hazel, think we have to depend on the midwife and HB's q to push when the contraction peaks on monitor. My friend said its like pushing air cause not much pain, only numbness.
I agreed the epi is god's saviour! haha.. I also took epi for nbr 1, was having serious backpain, but then alr 4cm dilated. Its the back pain that I cannot tahan.. so end up took epidural.
Epidural = happidural!

Hazel, you can feel the 'high' of the contractions when on epi de.. besides the mid-wife will guide you when is the right time to push as well.
Hazel, my friend also say jus anyhow push when ask to do so cos really no feeling. I do not know how cos I ended up emergency c-sect.
Heehee, Teoong-I like your description of happidural!Gynae was discussing different type of pain relief wif me the other day and I told him-no need analyse for me- happidural on admission!

Teoong, take care of your diet leh, avoid sweet stuffs yah!
Sisters, I know mid wife will guide us when is time to push.. But if no pain, I worried I no strength to push.. Why I say that? When I m constpidated, even if I feel uncomfortable, no pain, I no energy to push.. But if got stomachache, confirmed got strength.. Not sure if is right for me to compare this way,,,,
jen: ic. cos i quite freak out by the idea of a needle at the back. But if full body, cannot be the first few to see my baby. Guess i need to oversome my fear
I really kow Tao to those who hv no pain killers, be it gas or epidural or other forms... When I was induced last yr at 21w when i lost my elder daughter, I was given painkiller injections n oral tablets.. V pain still with painkillers.. I can't take it at all.. Was v v lucky it was only 1.5 hrs n not 12 hrs like wat the dr told me.. I can't imagine to pain for 12 hrs!
Shan, labour pains r so painful until u wun feel the epidural needle pain at the back.. I hv spinal scolosis, even worse,. Not sure will hv back ache post epidural.. But dun care.. Labour pain really too much for me to bear..., it s the worse pain I ever experienced.. Worsen by the fact tt I hv low pain threshold..
Also, I dun recover v well.. Dunno why.. I had 2 day surgeries to extract my wisdom tooth by a gd surgeon at nuh.... Surgeons usu give one wk hl, but my case, both times, my hl was extended from 1 wk to 2 wks. My gums were swollen still after 1 wk n surgeon can't remove the stitches.. After 2 wks, still abit swollen n the stitches broke themselves... N I felt the pain whenever I opened my mouth or eat.. Yes, even with strong painkillers, like ponstan.. I also did a laser skin treatment.. Same thing 1 wk hl ex extended to 2 wks n yet I did not fully recovered from the pain...

That is y, I m worried of the recovery process n pain post delivery, regardless natural or c section.....
Omg I was reading the nov mummies thread until I dozed off. And I dreamt that I gave birth early on 14 nov!! I was crying after I gave birth cos that means my bb is a rabbit bb and I was looking for a fone to call my hubby to apologize that bb is not dragon! Good grief what a dream!

P/s: the nov mummies thread has some good postings on labour experience and breastfeeding advice.
Jen, I have been controlling my diet since wk19 till now.. my wt gain is good, but bb gaining super fast speed compare to my wt gain. Tht's why gynae instruct me to go take GD test, which I failed on the 3rd tube of blood. Super sad.. I pray that dun need to prick myself manz.. drawing the 3tubes of blood for the test is alr a torture.. cannot imagine everyday prick.

Hazel, your gynae will ask you if you can feel the labour contractions when on epi or not. My gynae did ask me and even lowered the amt that's going in when they see that you are already like 8cm dilated and ready to give birth. Mid-wife will help to monitor the peak of contractions and let you know. Sure you can feel the contractions de, dont worry so much. Cannot anyhow push, else will tear badly at V area hor. My frd tell me that she has a bad tear at V area and gynae had a hard time stitching, so my advise is listen to their instructions and you will be in good hands.

Shan, dun think about the needle on your back. I'm also afraid of needles, but when comes to labour pain, the happidural is a saviour! once they inject in the epi, you wont really feel much de.

Gambatek mummies!!!
So sad to hear your lost and the many pain u hav gone thru. I'm sure you can do it with the pain and epi tis time. And will recover very fast there after. Jia you! I will be going thru a big risk tis time. Risk of both mine and the bb's life. Cos the risk in VBAC is scary. I know I can do it. Wat I can do now is pray hard. U can pray too. Jia you!

I feel terrible now. Jus had co. lunch at sakura. I nvr eat a lot but still end up very super full and sleepy. Can't find a gd position to sit. tummy pressing on my rip cage. Painful.
Jascmy, yes we JiAYOU together.. Hope all will be smooth this time..

Teoong, yes, that's wat I was told, dr may reduce the epi amt to let us feel some pain so tt we can push... Will tear meh since dr these days dr do episotomy.. I actually asked my gynae if I can skip that if I do prenenial massage from 36 wks at home.. Coz natural tear heals faster... But He told me.. I can try but he didn't think it will work as we r Asians...
Shan, teoong is rite. Btw, I don even know there is a needle on my back until I shared my birth story with my sis-in law few wks ago. Hubby confirmed there is a needle behind me. I even asked them a stupid question, if there is needle at my back , y I can't feel it at all, can still lie on bed on my back and can even moved myself to another bed (operation theater bed). hahaa..... So best not to read so much. Don knw is better then to knw. And pls don go see the needle hor. I heard its very long and scary. Even hubby see liao also wan to faint. I nvr see b4 loh. Hahaa...
Planet- you are too advanced reading Nov 2011 thread lah- try Jan 2012 thread, that way-still dragon baby in your dream

Shan-heard the aneasthetist will give some general aneasthesia to numb area before putting needle in, so like wat Jas mentioned-shouldn't feel pain. I'm thinking on the brighter side.
Jas, you are right, I saw the needle on video before and that really leave me having 2nd thoughts.
Hahaa.. so those who have not seen the needles for epi, please please don go and see hor. I'm so glad that till now I still don know how it looks like. And really no pain at all when putting in the needles cos the contraction pain is aldy more that everything liao. After the epi, I can laugh, tok on phone and even take a nap.
yes, Jas is right!! nvr ever look for videos on these.. will only scare yourself.. i didnt even attend prenatal classes, lagi best. cos scare the part on natural birth when you see how bb comes out. Rather not think abt it till it happens. All i did was follow gynae and mid-wife's instructions. and including the epi needle, my hubby doesnt even wana tell me about the needle lor.. i only saw his face 'gulp' change when poke the needle to my back.

Hazel, not all gynae does episotomy wor.. some of my frds kena tear so this really have to check wth gynae bah.
Jas: after the first delivery now I dunno whether I can survive w/o epi or not leh. The laughing gas only succeeded in making me high, to the point I was laughing at everything my hubby said. He was so amused lor haha... And you wont feel anything under epi, even your legs dun dun seem to belong to you. Have to push on gynae's command. But I heard ppl say 2nd time sometimes v fast, no time for epi. So scary!

Mummies planning on epi, pls take note that it might not work also, some ppl develop pretty bad reactions to epi.
NC, my cousin told me b4 that his friend also keep laughing when taking the laughing gas and her hubby ask her how come ppl cry and shout but she keep laughing. I don dare to try laughing gas that time cos my sis say she was too high until she can't even open her eyes to see the baby. But she say use gas better than epi. Cos the side effect of epi also scary lah. So I will try the gas tis time round. Hope I can do it tis time naturally without epi.
i'm also trying to gun for laughing gas or any form of pain reliever besides epi. my sis says the immediate side effect is cold shiver and its not the kind that cold from outside, its like u r on a drug kinda cold. it lasted throughout her labour period.

i agree that we shld not listen to too much 'horror' labour stories. go in with an open mind and listen to instruction. thats the best advice i can give myself as a first time mummy. *crossing toes n fingers*
Jen, tks. Oh dear, hope we know how to take care of gal. Boy was easy. My previous CL say must really wipe the V area cos the discharge will build up there one.
Sisters, no worry on cleaning of bb girls down there.. We hv been cleaning ourselves down there daily. Is the same approach.. The parts we clean ourselves down there r the same as bb girls!
Jas: my pain threshold v low, I was sobbing with every contraction. So really worried abt not in time for epi this round, then cannot push end up emergency c-sect! Epi worked perfectly for me, no side effect until now *cross fingers* The laughing gas gave me bad headache... Mummies doing it w/o epi, thumbs up to you!
Hazel, I think is a bit different. When we clean ourselves, we can't see at all. But when we clean a bb gal, we can see exactly what we r cleaning so can really see all the dirt but cos its stuck in a difficult place, its not east to clean it out.

NC, jus go with the flow. Don worry. I'm also worried that my labour will be too fast but in the end, took so long and nvr dilate. So end up emergency c-sect. Now I know hav to stay at home till I got at least 2 symptoms then I go KKH. Eg. pain plus waterbag leak or bloody show. For my #1 I only hav pain and I go in KKH liao. Hope to hav most of the labour process at home cos once we go hospital, we will be strap up and can't move liao. Even pee also hav to be on the bed. If I'm at home, I can continue to walk more and do more squats. Tis will help to speed up dilation.
Jascmy, and other mommies, how much weight do u put on generally? I just weighed.. I think I only put on 1kg at most in 3 wks... I read weight Gwinnett in 3rd tri is the fastest.. Is it too little for me? Now can't help but wonder how much bb put on in 3 wks...
Hazel, at 1st tri, I put on very weight very fast. Abt 9kg in 3mths. Which is 3kg per mth. 2nd tri, only put on abt 1.5kg per mth cos I keep falling sick and lost appetite. Now I'm not so sure. Hav not weight myself yet. but appetite still poor and still sick. U r rite, usually 3tri will put on weight very fast. For my #1, I put on 3kg per mth in 3rd tri. Cos appetite very super good. BB will put on abt 500g to 1kg per mth in 3 tri. My sis-in law's bb put on 500g in 1 wk. I think my gynea (we same gynea) is super lousy in est the weight of bb.
Hi mummies! Long time no log in le... been so busy with my stupid work. sigh!

I'm due in 8 weeks time. Bought most of bb and my stuff, just havent had the time to wash and pack. so tired after work, really no mood. and weekends have to take care of #1, who is so active!

hazel, for the last 3 weeks, I only put on 200g whereas bb put on 500g. I think if you eat healthily, shouldn't be any issues.

re: cleaning of bb girls
rule of thumb is always to clean from front to back. and be extra gentle when cleaning the private area. try to use cotton ball to clean instead of wet wipes when they are still very young. So far, no issues with cleaning my #1.
Jascmy & Khim, thanks... I tracked my weight v v closely coz of last yr incident coz my weight stopped increasing from 16 wks then... Thus, every visit to gynae makes me stress.. Until BP higher than normal...
Hazel, so long u r putting on weight shld be ok. Don worry abt bb, bb will absorb whatever bb needs and put on weight on their own. Actually your weight that u put on does not mean the weight bb put on. Like Khim's case.

Monitor bb's movements now. Tats the most impt. So long bb kicking well shld be ok.
Jascmy, I read bb's movements slow down at around this time onwards coz less space for her to move.. I asked my gynae last visit, he told me at least 10 movements from 9am to 9pm every day... He even gave me a leaflet on this.. Not sure if too lenient..
Dear mommies to be,
sorry to interrupt.

If you are deciding to breastfeed, i have a new nursing tank to let go as am not breastfeeding due to personal reasons.

Bought this tank and never worn before. Brand New!!

Letting go at $15(exclude postage)

Color: Fushia
Size: M (for bust size 34 - 36)

*Ultra cool for hot days, can be worn casually on its own or underneath a cardigan/j​acket
*Easy access for your baby; Also features one-hand release clip with drop down cups. When the cup is dropped down, there is a generous inner layer of fabric to ensure maximum coverage during feeding. This inner layer comes with a small discreet opening to allow easy feeding without feeling exposed.
*Built-in shelf bra and removable bra cups. When padding is required, just simply slip in the bra cups into the sewn pockets.
*Also incorporat​es a smooth, elastic and adjustable shoulder strap which allows for fluctuatio​n in breast size before and after nursing.
*Made of lightweigh​t cotton spandex blend, this versatile tank will surely make you look good and feel great

ya, what jascmy said is what my gyane told me, monitor bb's movement. my gynae told me if bb's movement is half of the usual, have to go back to see her on the same day.

For my #1, i realised that my bb's movement is much lower than the previous day, so inform my gynae. She did a check and found out tt my amniotic fluid is at a very low level and had to be induced that day.
