(2012/02) Feb 2012

Tay: it's perfectly fine. Take a slice suck it. U want swallow
It don't want then spit it out. It's yang Sheng and ren Sheng that you want to stay away.
Godsent : i saw that too just a few minutes ago. I heard many mummies say he's quite a good doc...maybe just one of many unfortunate incidents...
Guava> of course see different gynae will give u different edd as baby grow faster at some stage of the time, for the sake of bb health I would tell u to stick to ur first edd as if example u induce at ur wrong edd at 37weeks, baby is only 36weeks preemie and may have to go in nicu.. And even at 37weeks some baby are not properly developed well yet..

Soul> every year the percentage of success will decrease.. To the point about 10yrs later only 20% but idk if ivf applies the same if use his sperms after reverse..
Linda : you mean if IVF then it's ok? Don't really understand what you mean.  paiseh

First time mummies: do you recommend to buy the avent or pigeon steriliser now? Coz have package at taka..
Re:sterlizer: first time mummies have the time to boil the water and put inside the thing to sterilize so IMO it's a waste of money as IMO sterilizer more suited for two babies and above as they have to take care first child and fast fast so for them they just dump in and by the time they are free to take out it's ready
Linda: best is ask doctor, but should be the same quality ma. Never use for a while the sperms must be damn restless. Lol.

Re: steriliser - I see what you mean. I'm just thinking convenience coz boil water later DW careless then hot water dangerous.
Soul> I thought so too.. But hor which specialist we go to har? Lol!! I want to speak to a private experienced dr not those govt hospital ones..

Re sterlisiser: newborn wake for milk once a hour to two so she has a hour to sterilize.. If u want say like this everything dangerous cause sterilizer need put water then she hand wet go touch electric lagi more dangerous lol..

Since only sterilize once a day my suggestion is u help her lah! After work come home help her lo
Linda ask your gynae to help refer? They should know as normally doctors do cross referrals.

Hahaha.. Like that I work 18 hour shift shack out. Work 12-14 hours already at work already.. Lmao.

Generally you sterilize the bottles once a day?
I also feel sterilizer better. Easier too. Do it once or twice a day. Just make sure you have enough bottles to sterilize. I've seen my friend sterilize every 2 bottles coz she only have 2!

Need 1 hour to sterilize??? Is it too long? I was told 15-30mins.

-Then normally how many bottles recommended?
-got 200ml and 300ml , when use which or what?
-some ppl say avent bottles no good is it true??
Soul> not good to sterlise so many times a day

-Bottles recommended
For a breastfeeding mum, for a start get breastflow bottle and giving expressed milk once a day should be enough bonding or so, generally one bottle is enough and for formula feeding two is enough. You dont have to sterlise after EVERY feed, just wash it with the pigeon liquid detergent will do.

For small babies, 200ml enough already lah.. anyway bottles need to change 6mo-1yr once.. so 200ml enough already

FOr me all bottles no good cause the nipple shape the babies no need suck got milk already. breastflow bottle is the best cause its nearest to mum breast MUST suck then got milk. Giving a normal bottle can interfere with breastfeeding as they will be lazy to suck and can cause nipple confusion

KWXY> Its too long lah! I mean when baby sleep the wife can sterlise. baby usually sleep 1 hr mah.nothing wrong with 2 bottles what.
If we have only 2 bottles for the newborn and need to feed every 2 hours. Then how many times we sterilize a day? It's not productive at all. I mean how about 4 - 6 bottles for newborn, then after washing all 4-6 bottles, then sterilize at one go. Issit better than 2 bottles each time?

Well, it will be my method if I'm using bottles very frequent. Of coz we may not use that often if we choose to latch.

Of coz mummies choose to sterilize every 2 bottles also can... But if we are thinking of saving, we may also take a look at our pub bills. That's my thinking. No right or wrong.

As I mentioned always, do what you are comfortable with
And yes, linda is right to change the bottles every 6-12 months.

So my friends often trade in their old bottles during the march and aug taka fair. So every year, they will get new bottles at much cheaper rate. I think after trade in, $6-$10 per bottle (for avent and pigeon).

Nausea is still attacking me at this hour...tried to drink some cold ribena and hope to feel better later.

Sweet dreams all mummies
good morning mummies,

sterilizer - I use pigeon. find that it's big and fast. can steam 6 bottles and other stuff at one go. i don't like chores so this is a very good option for me.

bottles- I use nuk. did not gave bb bottles for the 1st two weeks but gave up on latching and feed via bottle after that. was concern about nipple confusion but when i see baby drink so well via bottle, i gave in. I think I start with 4 small bottles and change them every 4 to 6 mths. sterlized twice a day.
Good morning

Wah midnight still got ppl posting... Super active thread...

Going for dim sum buffet later... Yum yum... Will drag hubby go taka fair after tat ssll....

Have a great Sunday mummies
Pinkz where are you going for dim sum buffet? Do you still feel tired and backache now? My missus will complain tired after walk abit.. What is ssll?
See some of the mummies got very good appeitite leh.. So good
no matter I eat what I felt no taste/ somehow the taste different.. Although sometimes see good food and feel like eating but after one taste I dun like it. Till now haven't really found what my Bb like to eat. Except drink soya milk... Son sob..
Kwxy> I mean end of the day u still need to wash all the bottles rite? So all the water washing is exactly the same and if his wife decide to bf, have so many bottles for what? My son has only used one milk bottle and less than five times..

So confusing leh cause to me more bottles = more unused lying around, it's so unhygienic to put there and wash at a go as the milk will turn bad in the bottle.. I wash each time after I use last time
good morning mummies!

Linda : if i first scan at week 5, then that would be my edd ? what if i first scan at week 8? 2 different estimated due date , right?
I would expect the gynae to do the measurement as the baby grows and progresses into 3rd trimester to be more accurate.

I'm making omelette for breakfast, who wants?

btw, did your gynae ask you to stop taking folic acid at start of 2nd tri ? my gynae asked me to.
I forgot to ask him...what's the reason ah?
Soul< I think the general complaint with avert bottles is the leaking. Some bpa free bottles leak v badly. I don't like their bottles also, cuz my boy became v gassy, need to burp v long. He din take v well to the bottles so we had to go thru a whole array of brands, in the end he was most ok with tommee tippee and nuk. It was a huge war!

I also dun sterilize after use, cuz in between you dun know the bottle might be contaminated in what way. So i wash and leave them there, only sterilize when it's abt time to feed. oh and I use the avent steamer, the type u need to pop into the microwave one. Find it v fast, only take 2 mins.

Mummies who have gone to taka fair, any good deal for stroller? Thinking of buying a lightweight one cuz bringing my #1 to HK in sept, the current one too bulky.
NC : he only prescribed me prenatal vitamin in pink capsule...i shld ask what the ingredient is inside.
might contain folic oredi...
Nc: I also intend to bring my #1 to HK during end of sep. U plan ur itinerary already? Can share? Btw, must bring sterilizer there rite? If not, how to sterilize the bottles?
Tay: I haven't planned yet leh, thinking just leave it to hubby, v sick with ms these days haiz....

Dun need to bring sterilizer ah, can buy those sterilizing tablets. I think I will need to stock up some Heinz baby food in case he doesn't eat well there. How old is your #1? Mine is 16 mths.
Nc: how to use the sterilizing tablets? My ms is oso very terrible. Almost 3wks didn't work already.. My hubby ask me go &amp; plan... Dun knw where to start leh...

Mine going to 14mths
Tay: can dissolve in water and soak the bottles in it. Haha maybe when my hb plan already I ask him for u? Meanwhile can go tripadvisor check out bah. I'm v sian, dunno by then ms would have eased off alr not...
Hi Fab mummies, been reading silently for 5+ weeks
I'm due in early Feb with Dr Selina Chua at Mt E.

sweetcorn, my gynae told me to stop folic and take multi vit and calcium from 2nd tri. the multi vit has folic too. she din start me on multi vit earlier cos it may cause nausea. so far no MS *touchwood* so may be true!

I was at taka fair yest. What are the popular stroller brands? Is the breast pump already a good offer? Medela twin freestyle is abt 790 with freebies. Philips twin electric is 550 with freebies.
Guava> they will differ by few dates.. The measurement the dr take at last tri is also not accurate as some baby develop faster some slower. My baby is always faster by a week for my first child as she is a big baby by genetics so if I induced her just cause she is big and internal have not developed well I would be risking her life so edd most accurate is the first scan edd. Just stick to it
Linda, of coz must wash the bottles after feeding la. Very dirty leh if don't wash, milk will turn bad. Washed then put one side and end of the day can sterilize all bottles
thanks chewie. you r lucky with no ms!

Thanks Linda, if first scan edd, then mine will be 20 Feb scanned at 5wks+....instead of 12 Feb at 8wks+ and recent 6 Feb at 12wk+..
Kwxy> lol I misunderstood as you said wash at a go.. So its like back to square a except more botles to sterlise.

Guava> oh my gosh what a big difference. Yes please stick to first scan edd..
Tay, go get the aluminum heating coil thing from mustafa. N an metal container. The coil is connected to the electricity supplier n can be used to boil water in the metal container. U can sterilize the bottles in that hot water thereafter. Better than using sterilizing tablets which contain chemicals. Dunno wat I mean, check with ur hub n mother. Men who went thru army knows wat is this heating coil. Our mothers know how to sterilize using hot water as that is how it was done during their times where there is no electric sterilizer.
Sterilizing tablets r usually used by thee who go camping. Ur hub will know too if he went thru army. Water after using these tablets hv a weird taste though it is drinkable. I wldnt use tt on the bb if I were u.....
Hazel: there are sterilizing tablets for babies too, not the army type. But if ur not comfortable w that think just bring the sterilizer bah, if need to pack a container then I think might as well pack it, cuz not much diff in size.
Guava > Measurement in 1st trimester is the most accurate, as foetus during that period are almost all d same in sizes. Once past 1st trimester, every foetus grow differently, thus edd base on those dates r not that accurate.

Yes, the multi vit are especially prepared for pregnant woman, and it does include folic acid.
LInda, Rocco: yea but so different due dates...how to know which one is best estimate...?

Mine seems to be drawing nearer (all scans within 1st tri) ..does that mean my baby growing bigger, that's why last est due date is nearer...?
good morning mummies,

can i check how long will the oscar test be? coz i thinking if i should take a day or half day off that day
depending on your baby's cooperation. If fast, can be done withing an hr (bloodtest, scan &amp; waiting). If not cooperative, have to go back for a few more scans, can take more than half a day. For me, the gynae gave me MC for the day, so no need take leave. GO scan in the moring and review the results in late afternoon
thanks birdbrain. My gynae nv offer give me MC for that day...i will probably have to be more thick skin and ask from him.
Finally, is August ...so happy coz got 2 public holiday this month.
Wow Linda, thats very helpful! Thx!

Hi Pearl, me too waiting for holidays to come. Wasnt feeling well today but need to go office... Stuck nose...so tired..

sweetcorn> yup, me too. I am still very tired and only able to catch more sleep during the weekends as during the weekdays i have to get up like 5.40am to prepare to work. * Yawn * counting down to national day.
