(2012/02) Feb 2012

Ladies, you all wake up so early... 5am+ Salute u all!

PISA so expensive, only use for 4 months during ML, not worth le. If bb want to suck fm breast then it will more easy (don't need wash bottle, don't need to pump out)

anyway, PISA more easier....don't want to invest big amt just for 4 months. if can rent for 4 month stil can consider.

LSnTYL, mine was latched just at nite, in the day, bottle fed just for me to avoid the old folks nagging.
no patience for them..
wow... all talking abt what stuff to buy liao.. Think i don hv the energy to go TAKA fair.. anyway not will start buying anything till after 5th month ba... I don hv much things to buy also.. coz i have few frd just gave birth recently, can ask for pass down from them.. hehe
lsntyl, haha since i got access to laptop, so can write very lor so, usually access forum on iphone, so no patience to post very long.

huggies wipes also very thick and no after sticky feeling - actually i prefer huggies wipes to pigeon but it's hard to find, so in the end stick to pigeon. although carlson cheap, it's always out of stock, so it's very troublesome to go find.

but actually the huge plus point abt bf is the bonding between mother n bb, so if purposely expressed out, a bit wasted as time will be spent expressing instead of bonding. if working, no choice, but during confinement, it's great bonding time, but will leave daddy out of the picture. so some mummies will express out last feed at night and let daddy bottle feed when he's home from work for some bonding time with bb.
serene>ahh, can understand. old folks sometimes really nag a lot lor.

Al>why don't latch during ML? when go back to work then use pump. At least that's what I did.

babymaking>I found the huggies wipes tend to stick together. hard to pull out leh

yes, I loved latching my boy. rare chance when he'll lie in my arms and he's so sweet then. But when wean him off, oso v relieved cos he had bad habit of biting me after he turned 1.
Hello mummies!
On mc this week, been puking non-stop past few days. Dunno when this will end.
For breastpump if you can and dun mind borrowing would be better I think. After the first few weeks then can decide whether you wanna buy. Will prob need to use the pump during the first week to stimulate more milk flow.
Previously I used avent pump. Find it quite ok, pumped everyday for more than a year, still working fine. But this time gonna try out the medela freestyle, cuz tired of lugging the pump set to and fro office. Freestyle is much more light and compact.
NC>hope your MS stops soon.

If you don't need to pump at home, can leave the freestyle in office. It has a battery so don't need to charge as you pump too. so 1 less thing to carry. At least that's what I did lah. Only thing I lugged around were my bottles.
lsntyl: TB at my workplace remains at e same no. of infected ppl.. lucky, din spread.. phew~

AL: u mean black stools = toxic food? i din eat anything exceptionally.. normal home-cooked & hawker food.. and same as pearl, can only take chinese food.. and maybe some malay/indian food.. but definitely no western! cuz had 2 real bad encounters taking steak jus when i gotten preggy! can u imagine taking steak w/o seasoning -> salt & pepper??!! yucks!!!!!!!
LSnTYL> fail in #1 for bf, she totally don't want to suck my breast...so dissapointed.

This sat my freind ask me join the bf course... must learn how to do. hope #2 willing to suck lor.

NC> Rest more during yr MC...jiayou! Just bear for 1st few month. I really hope my Dr can give me long MC...don't feel come to work.

Babymaking> you r like our reporter... thank u for your effort.
Al: u made me so scared abt e black stool thingy.. i jus called up e clinic & nurse says its cuz of e iron.. i'm currently taking it.. :p
I attended Mrs Boi's class previously & she told us no need separately detergent to wash bb bottles. just use the same detergent.

for washing clothes, I used to buy Pureen. I think it is called ACD. Cheap & good & smell good too.

soul108, my kids were all put in their own room after 1 yr old. Cos I breastfeed for a yr & to make things easier, i let the bb sleep in my room so that it is easier to nurse at night. that's why thinking if i shld get a cot so that can convert to a toddler bed.
claramimi> sori sori...take it easy. if that case should be ok. but last time I also took iron don't have le. u don't think too much la...dif body dif reaction.
Yipee... just polished off one plate of pasta and one chicken burger... burp..... enough to merlion out later.... hahaaaaaa. merlion half still got half....
serene>wah, envious. no western near me leh. now I got craving le... :crazy:

suet>I use the same powder too. smells really nice.

claramini>glad TB situation has stabilised.
Hi suet, that's nice. I think the one we got at taka fair is gd enough to last a while. Rather than spend a little cheaper the. 1 year or 2 later got to change a new one.
Just like to check for mummies on anti-vomit meds, what did your gynae presribe? I'm given metoclopramide (Pulin) by GP, not sure if safe to take. Trying to call up my gynae's clinic, but phone line engaged.
Wow, so much info from last night till now. Thanks alot everyone, for sharing. =)

Re: MEDELA breastpump. Just want to share my research with the new mummies. PumpInStyle and Freestyle are the two most popular models cos they both have dual pump, both are relatively quiet, and both have this massage function to help stimulate the milk production before expressing.

PIS is the one that comes inside either a backpack or a sling bag, note that it has a build-in motor that CANNOT BE REMOVED from the bag. So if mummies are planning to express at work or even sometimes when u are out without baby and have engorgement, you have to bring the whole bag with the heavy motor with you. It also doesnt come with the soft suction, which means if the hard suction cap thing is too uncomfy, u need to buy the soft ones.. for about $30+. If you dont mind the weight, then it's actually ok to get this instead of Freestyle, which costs about $150 more.

For Freestyle, the whole pump including the motor is extremely small, light and mobile.. it's about the size of a hamburger. So you can easily fit into any of your own bags. It's very quiet and comes with the soft suction cap thing. Oh and it also has some attachment thing to sling around your neck so you can be "handsfree" when expressing. Honestly I dunno how one can multitask whilst being pumped! But friends has raved that once you get used to it, you'll be thankful that u have your hands free to do other chores. =)

Buying the pump locally is abit ex so wait for good sales. The highest discount for medela is about 25% off. So don't rush to buy it at the fair! If you are thinking of spreeing, some others have shared that there's no warranty if you get a US set. But it's really heng suay lor. If you get a good working set then great! If you happen to get a set with faulty parts then it's really too bad. I also considered the fact that I have to use a transformer or voltage converter everywhere. Using a transformer at home can be quite dangerous if not careful.

Lastly.. not sure if taka has a demo counter, but some shops do have medela counters with the sets on display. You can ask the sales pple to demo each model so u can test how heavy, how light, hows the noise-level, how to operate etc.

Hope this helps babes!
hi mummies, gd morning....

my appetite has been growing recently, its more to i jus wanna bite someting in my mouth to make my bitterness taste away...

n talking bout office disease, my hotel got 2 staff edi on MC for more than a week due to some serious eye infection (duno wat acute respiratory.....) hopefully won spread n affect others, else i will b so worried of!

talking bout stool, if cant come out any of u take medicine? i dare not lor....duno y i sick oso skip all medicine! scare affect bb.......
hi birdbrain, it is safe....my doctor oso gave me the same medicine as yours and say it is safe...but seriously i never take laa...i jus bear wif d vomitting...
Thanks for the info

The medela PISA motor can be removed from the black cling bag. It's velcro to the bag. Cos I took it out, put it in plastic box along with tissue, milkbags and a fine-tip marker so it was easier for me to carry around.
I carry it in a big bag together with my laptop so no need to carry two seperate bags
RE: Stool
I think black stools are caused my IRON intake.
Anyway, since preggy.. i have been have tiny blood drops. It is not noticable when i look into the bowl.. only a small bit on the tissue.
And my a**hole hurts a tiny bit too. Anyone know why?

RE: Breastpump
As a 1st time mum.. i dunno much..
But u girls are making me feel so excited.. with so much info! Thanks for sharing!!

This is what i was given for anti-vomit

I want to attend classes on latching, baby care, etc..
Any recommendations?
planet>ohh, I din know that pumpinstyle is dual pump too. I thought freestyle is the only one that is dual pump. thanks for explaining.
Does pumpinstyle require a transformer? cos I know freestyle doesn't.

KK's pharmacy has a small medela counter. They're quite helpful there.

joy>I think TMC's Wong Boi Boi's antenatal classes are v popular.
birdbrain and LSnTYL
Thanks for the recommendation..
I have some questions:
- I will be delivering at Parkway East.. will they still allow me to join the class?
- I am 12wks5days today.. when is the best time to join the class?
Birdbrain: I was told by a few different sales pple that it's not advisable to remove the motor from PIS, in case of leakage etc. Have you had any problems?

LsnTYL: From what I know PIS requires a transformer. Freestyle doesnt but if you get a US set u need to use a travel adaptor cos the plugs are different shape.

Re: Sister Kang's Mum's Fairy Breast feeding workshop, the next class is next week! Is it too early for us to attend? Do they have this regularly?
joy>I think so. Or maybe you can check with Parkway East if they have classes too. If I deliver in SG, I plan to deliver at Parkway East too.

I started class somewhere in my second trimester when I had no1. Think best to ask around. I joined KK's antenatal classes cos I had no1 there. But I saw from the registration form that people not delivering there can join the class.

planet>yes, I used a travel adapter for the freestyle. quite convenient lah. only charge about every 2 weeks cos the battery lasted me quite long. Think I'll stick to the freestyle cos I like the flexibility of the small pump
LSN: I'm leaning towards the freestyle too. =) I intend to bf for at least 9-12 mths, and also planning for #2.. so can afford to splurge on a good set. =)
Al: no worries lah.. cuz i also can't rem if i ever took iron in my 1st pregnancy.. my stools weren't black e last time..
LSnTYL: Ha, i eat at school canteen. it's inferior quality pasta. but better than nothing...

Re: Poo Poo
I am also suffering from constipation and my gynea's clinic assistance said its due to the multi-vit. but i still eat. i rather i suffer constipation than deprive my little beanie.. heehee... Just more kiw or drink prune juice....
Planet, the motor for PISA can be removed. I used to take it out from the haversack & put in my tote. This time, I will buy the tote version from US directly.

joyojoy, if TMC antenatal class, you can attend even if you are not going to deliver there.
Babymaking & planet, Thanks for the great input

Soul, u dun intend to go for Oscar right... No diff... Eh.. Think someone mentioned with tmc promo, the price for Oscar+detailed scan is same as taking detailed scan alone so might as well take both... u may wanna call up and check.. As mentioned too, app can be diff to get, better check early...

Re: antenatal class
Think suet mentioned she deliver in mtA but went for Wong boi boi class in tmc.. So shud be same now ba... For lazy me, think I'll just do everything in tmc... Oh, think they advise to go ard 20weeks....
No leak isssue encountered so far.

The mum's fairy breastfeeding workshop is conducted once every few months. Can try check with the mum's fairy people when the next one will be held. I do think it's a bit early to attend now.... most of the info will be forgotten by the time we deliver

Yes, you can join other hospital's prenatal class. Just that may get discount if are delviering in the particular hospital. I know of a forum mum who's delivering in Mt A, went to join both TMC & KKH class. No prob
Joyojoy> this sat i will go the course at KKH, its free and every month have same lesson. if you want, can register 1st.

Serene/claramimi> my husband expect me must go poopoo everyday, because he can do everyday 2 times. So if 1 day never go make me uncomfortable. sometime because of this bother me alot. everyday sit at toilet also cannot make
birdbrain> this course "Antenatal Workshop on Successful Breastfeeding" very near my house! they have it very often? if can wait for 3rd tri attand the course.
planet>I'm sure you can de.
I blur lor. Decided not to have no 2 so sold off my freestyle. Then a few weeks later, find out I kena no 2. so need to buy again.

serene>ohh, you teach?

suet>how come you cannot reuse your PISA?

Al>eh, KKH got free course? The antenatal course I attended there lasted a few months. Got classes on massage, nutrition, how to bathe bb, vaccination, breastfeeding, etc etc. must pay de
Jen>yes they have warranty, if u buy PIS or PISA, i would assure u, u wont so heng to have it breakdown, im using it for 1yr+ for my us set and my frens used lagi longer no problem. PIS and PISA is a die hard medela pump, thats why for the price so high.

Both are dual pump. If used correctly it will not hurt at all. The adapter no need converter, you can get a SG one.

En Xuan> yes i have, mixture of boy and girl, but i think mostly unisex and girl ones..for 0-18mths like this i think..

Serene> Ah i hope so too but unfortunely i think the guy is more despo than anything -_-

LSTYL> but the most universal that works is medela, 98% of the mum prefer medela after using/trying. Ya heng i found out early..

Most of them dont notice the suction until 1yr+ to 2yr+ so i suspect ur fren didnt hardcore pump, here is the research info about the suction problem. unless u sibei heng tio the one no problem.. then heng lor, else is taking few hundreds to waste

The above link will help you make a informed choice ;)

And RE: Breastpump
Everyone CAN breastfeed only a minority like 0.01% cannot due to ducts problem. And throughout the whole LC experience of 20+yrs she only met ONE such lady.

To BF you need to be hardworking. Ask yourself if you can have the determination to pump every 2hours to increase supply if your supply is lacking. Are you able to pump while feeding ur baby if ur supply is lacking and this ahve to be done for at least a week to see improvements.

If your answer is no. Then most likely you are unable to succeed because you lack the determination.

A breastpump IMO should be bought when pregnant not after giving birth so that when you need it, its there. The breastpump is a very useful item that should not be saved on unlike stroller etcs. it can help you with your breastfeeding journey. so it is very important to get one that is good instead of buying one that doesnt work well and wasting more money on formula in the process..

Imagine you buy a us set only $400+ for example. A Newborn/Baby drinks about 2-3 Tins a month. Within 2-4months, you should be able to "recover" your loss for the BP.

RE: Swing
Yes i have one and i loved it, im using Graco as it was on offer. But i found it dangerous after 4mths as my child was trying to sit up the whole time and its so troublesome to buckle my son like a spaceman, and once my baby can sit up, if i dont buckle he will fall dwn, imo its not very worth it.. 100+ for about 4mths and they run thru batteries very fast.

RE: Stroller
If you dont like light weight easy to go combi, you can consider quinny buzz, its my favorite, as stated above lol

Re: MIlk bottle, mummies please remember this brand Breastflow bottle FROM the first years, this will HELP with your bfing journey instead of the other bottles that will HARM you. And make baby reject ur breast as they become "lazy to suck" as the flow is faster for milk bottle and nipple confusion.

Regarding BFing issues, feel free to contact me when u need help, i have completed my bfing counsellor course, now planning to take my lactation consultant course
lsntyl> only Breastfeeding is FOC but have to go to patient service counter ask. not at the auditorium la. For others course need pay la.

BIRDBRAIN> I just called them (u post that website) they have every 2 months, and I might attend it around October.
linda>but PIS and PISA require transformer, ya? cos of different electric currents? I am happy with medela too. But some mommies might prefer another brand like ameda cos of the lower cost

read through some of the posts and it sounds like the issue with suction could be due to misassembly. http://www.mothering.com/community/forum/thread/947903/medela-freestyle-loosing-suction

I think both PIS/PISA/freestyle have the advantages/disadvantages. So leave it to personal preference bah?

milk bottle>my boy used avent and pigeon when he was NB. He had no probs with nipple confusion but perhaps I am lucky.

Al>oic. Didn't know about that.
LsnTYL> No need, just another adapter..Ya if u did see above i introduced ameda if they prefer local warranty.. A few are misassembly but most are motor problems. idk personally i wont take 500-1k to risk it haha..

LSnTYL> yes u were lucky. but most ppl are not so lucky and their child stop latching so much and theys ay milk suppply down suddenly and say baby reject breast. these issues are very common
Not all women can breastfeed, a minority cannot due to low prolactin levels. I took domerperine, lc classes, Malay massage, papaya soup, homatheraphy drugs like fenugreek and sacred tea, nOne help to Increase supply, only resulted on bleedIng nipples, bruised boobs cos the lc massage until blue black and a huge sense of guilt n failure cos most mummies I know were saying I was not putting in the effort as EVERYONe CAN BF.

Just tO bunk it, not everyone can, so do not guilt trip those who tried but failed.

Btw ironically, I lived with the sense of guilt n failure for almost 2 years before realizing accidentally after going thru a medical article that low prolactin can cause no milk production, so went to an encrinonologist to get myself tested out.

Having said that, bf is an amazing b
linda>that is true. actually, there was a period of time when he was 2 or 3 months when my boy suddenly rejected my breasts. He would only drink from the bottle. But i preservered and after a while, he was willing to latch again. Breastfeeding is not easy, esp for 1st time mommies, so I think its good to take advantage of the lactation consultants at the hospital for advice. And of course, it helps to know other mommies who are supportive.
I do believe that every mommy can breastfeed. But we have to be strong and determined to do so cos its definitely not easy dealing with a crying baby, sore nipples, engorged breasts and maybe even nagging grandparents or relatives who support formula milk
babymaking>I think we all try what we can. No right or wrong about breastfeeding. if you can, great. If you can't even after trying, then supplement. What's most important is mommy n bb are both happy.

I have friends who couldn't breastfeed for their no 1 but manged to for their no 2. n friends who simply cannot breastfeed cos of various reasons. As long as their bb is healthy n mommy happy, can le bah. No point stressing too much.
Gracelyn> i said above already. Only a very minor person. Do u happen to see my LC Mrs Fok? She refer one of the mum to test.

If LC refered you to the related proffessional and get it tested n certified. Then of course.

I am not guilt tripping, whether or not they really put in efforts they know themselves. I told them specifically 1-2hrs pump once, but realistically how many of them would do it? And thruout my Lc 20+yrs experience (she was the first LC in sg so imagine how many patients she seen)

There was only ONE mum who could not produce enough milk.

So i would really stick to work hard and you can bf. With exceptions of medical case as people like to say oh bla bla i tried this and that no use. Why? Cause they didnt really put in the efforts..

And i did all that you did above, i even gotten raw skin my whole nipple was pinka nd each time baby latch i have to breath in and clench my fist. Any normal mums in my case would have given up.

And if they were given the mentality "I comfirm cant do it, i might be this mentality". It wont help them to walk thru the bfing journey
Having said all that, bf is a great bOnding experience and yes, everyOne shd give it your best shot, but if u fail, do not feel guilty, there's still formula milk.

Btw if on bf-ing, your bm is as good only as the nutritious food you eat. If u eat crap, fast food etc, you are compromising on the quality of milk produced.
LSnTYL> is really sad how i see formula companies brainwashed us into thinking that a formula is compare-able to a BM just that a Bm is better.

But the fact is FM is created for the survival of the infants and it is now where even comparable..

And i agree on the perseverance part. my husband and mum till now still very pro formula. so when my husband tell me give my son formula, i always rebutt him then who buy formula? Me again?
babymaking> ur second sentence is VERY untrue. if u eat crap food u take in the fats only. the nutrients not caring what food you eat is now where near formula

its like comparing a malnutrition mum VS a formula feed, the malnutrition mum milk is still 1000% more nutritious than the formula because if the mum has no nutrients, they will draw the nutrients from the bones. thats why they advise for bfing mum to eat nutritious food
Pinkz : we don't intend to do the oscar test but if it's going to be the same price then why not. However, we are supposed to meet Dr Tham next week and see what he say. UltIrately if he say better to do then we do if not really necessary then don't do.

Your tummy now got buldge le ma? DW complain put on 2k le. 

I am accessing via iPhone, will post some medical articles later tonight when I get back abt the link of quality of bm to mother's nutrition. There are studies done.
