(2012/02) Feb 2012

I'm a first time mum but lucky have many galfriends who already mother of 1-2. So they will guide me. Somehow on the milk bottles, they already given me their feedback and more or less the same on pigeon and avent. So it's easier for me to choose.

So I can just buy and leave the fair. Don't want to stay in the crowd too long. Of coz there are socks and mitten you can see too. For newborn quite cheap. You can buy a set of newborn clothes for your bb to come home with you. Then when bb at home, you can let bb wear clothes that are passed down by your friends or relatives. Good for bb too

AL, for pigeon I think no limit. For avent, only 300 pcs.

But pigeon is more costly. Usual price is ard $20-25. So half price is ard $10++.

As for avent, cheaper.
Thanks KWXY!
I just checkout PIGEON wedsite, oh not snipy should call "Spout" bottle.
Pigeon also have, but look smaller... not enough for my #1 to drink.
wah all of u talking bout bb stuff liao...
wont it too early to buy?
i tink for me i taking my bro's one...his wife is giving birth in 1 wk time...hehe....
Happymom, you are so lucky! We got to buy coz no one passing down to us. Either they just gave birth and need them or they are too old and I don't want to use.

No choice got to waste $$ to buy

But I'm really careful when buying all these, I don't care if it's branded or what. I need a reliable brand to serve the purpose and not too expensive. All the things we buy only last us a few month to at most 1-2 years. Then you hv to say bye bye or if you planning for the next one
so spend wisely ok
Anyone use this "Nipple Puller" before? is that useful? Want to breasfeed for my #2, my #1 fail to breasfeed...don't know why so hard.

Happymomtobe> talk talk only la, prepare what to buy before go shopping.
AL, I'm getting the bundle deal for pigeon at $199. Heard the warmer v good and includes many things too. Usual price $310. But I find 2 small bottles for infant a bit little as bb drink milk v often. So its silly to sterilize only 2 bottles then start feeding again. So will buy another 2 bottles with trade in
finally break the news to my boss that I am pregant so now can tell the whole everyone in office. actually quite a few already suspect.

MS still v bad, yesterday vomit till i see blood. i think is from my throat. eventhrough now 12 weeks ms don seems to go away.
Dear mummies to be let me share with yo

u what i using and reviews,

combi super mechanical- one of the lightest stroller, good to one hand close and push. The con is that if u want to take baby out u must take out all the things hanging behind or it will topple.

But i personally love it cause i can one hand carry baby and one hand close then throw in the car boot as ninty percent taxi driver wont come out and help u. And its light for me to sit bus with two kids

if u dont like the idea of it topple over then always bring a big bag and dont hang things. Another recommendation is quinny buzz. I love it cause i can close it with my bby inside. But the con is that its too heavy so most people need help but for me i can handle myself and it is very sturdy and even a guy fall on it grab my handle my stroller didnt even topple, so can u imagine how sturdy it is and its easy to push with one hand unlock system

and for breastpump. Please dont waste ur time on pigeon or philips.according to my research medela pisa is the best investment and if cost is a problem go for ameda. Its the second best.

If u keen in us import set which is only 300+-400+pm me. As i forgot exact amount.

And for bottles if u want to have a successful breastfeeding journey go for breastflow bottlea by the first years. They will not cause nipple confusion and they must suck exactly like a breast to get the milk. Dont waste ur time on nuk or whatever bottle that write closest to ur breast. And that bottle is bpa free plus even correct ur bb latch
Al>are your nipples inverted? If not, don't really need the nipple puller. I think best is to consult a lactation consultant for breastfeeding.

I suspect the $199 pigeon deal includes the steriliser that I think you should already have? find the bundles are normally more useful for 1st time mommies cos have most of the stuff will need initially.

serene>oh dear. Hope your MS subsides soon.

breastpump>I used medela freestyle and found it v good. Saved a lot of time as I can pump both breasts at the same time at work. I got it from one of the sprees.
Pigeon is bps free. Medela was told better too. Only to get Pisa or freestyle. Any difference?

Medela freestyle comes in bundle at $799 with other items too. If you do not want bundle, there 15% discount on regular item

Whatever you buy, you must feel comfortable. If got budget, just buy the items that you think you good enough for your bb and you. No need to rush
Pls note I read alot of reviews saying the freestyle pump suction will decrease over time.. Whilst pis and Pisa more die hard I bought before a 3yo pis pump then I used for about 1yr plus so it last about 4yr plus

And research for those die hard pumpin mums confirm Pisa and pis is die hard ones
Pisa issit for only one breast at a time? Freestyle is both at the time?

I don't mind one at the time, no rush

Soul, yup...slightly more ex than the rest.
KWXY: So cheem. This one I need to ask my darling to go do research. I hear until I blur. My sis and my darling wife talking abt milk bottles I already want to faint. It's like doing a whole case study and swot analysis. Lmao.

We didn't get the sterilizer earlier coz dunno which one is good or better.. Felt so confusing.
Kwxy> Pisa is pump in style advance, it's bigger than freestyle and whilst freestyle has a clip and is smaller I won't recommend cause the suction will decrease over time

And do u want preloved baby clothes? I got alot to give away as I'm re buying alot ..not cause condition not good but I'm a shopaholic especially if this is a girl heh..and I buy one piece here n there always end up alot..

But I want a small token of baby pampers(will let u know brand) in exchange for about 2-3big bags :p
I have PIS advance that I have used since my #1 was born in 2007. It has never given me any problems and has more than paid for itself. Due to some medical issues, my #1 could not be breastfed so I pumped for her for 22 months, at least 4 times a day, everyday and still the pump has lasted. It is a very worthwhile investment if you plan to bf.
al>they r different medela pump models. Tink take fair should have a medela booth. u can take a look compare which model u prefer. personally i used the freeystyle n loved it. the double pump saved me a lot of time at work n i had no probs with suction.if y don't mind not having a local warranty it is much cheaper forget from spree
LSnTYL> how long u used? The suction problem usually surfaced after 1-2yr+ of using..

if people keen in US SET Medela pumps which is almost half the price of the medela pump in sg, PM Me or email me at [email protected]

I can give u a good deal
Hi Linda, can I check wif u, u mentioned US sets, do they have warranty? Wat happens if they broke down, can we repair locally? And the charger head, is it the same as sg? For dual pumps, I heard from friends it saved time but will it be painful to pump both breasts at the same time?
Hi mummies, went for my oscar but can't tell the gender. it took awhile for the baby to turn & he/she was putting up the legs so high up. Even the stenographer was saying this bb is so strong, kicking high in the air.

I went bb fair just now. many things but didnt buy. I think i will wait till much later.

soul108, my gynea is Dr Daniel KK Lee at Lucky Plaza. A very nice old man. hahaha... have been going to him since my first preg. Which cot did u buy? I saw the one from babybeanie, the 4 in 1 cot. I'm still thinking if i should buy a new one or just let bb sleep on my bed till one yr old.

As for feedback on some baby stuff. I have decided to stick to these few which I think are the better one.

Breastpump - Medela Pump In Style Advance (PISA). I check out free style just now but I think I will stick to PISA. Have used two sets previously.

Stroller - Maclaren Techno XT that can be used from birth till 6 yrs old. Taka Fair has it at $399 only for charcoal colour. Baby Hypermart is selling is for $379 i think. Might get it from Taka since cardmember can earn points. :p

Breastpad - Pigeon. soft & absorbent. doesnt irritate skin.

Nipple Cream - Purelan. thick & moisturising.

hmm... dunno abt other stuff, if i can recall, will post again.
Hi suet! Doctors are personal. It's always assuring to have someone trusted to take care of you and your baby's wellbeing.

We got the so called 4 in one.. The only reason we got it was because the material is really solid wood hence I'm sure of the durability. Ultimately if baby is going to sleep with you then no need to get. We want baby to sleep in his or her bed till maybe they 5? Sometimes parents need privacy also ma. Lol and the thought of the little one peeing on our bed. No way. Haha.. We paid 399 plus the washable mattress at around 100 more. We didn't get the so called barrier grill and we didn't get their bed sets. Too ex in our opinion. Just got what we felt was necessary. Can I get this purelan nipple cream at the bb fair?
Wah!!!! This thread is filling in fast!!!

Ya... i went to the Taka fair earlier too... But i find alot of things very ex. i initially was thinking of buying car seat n evosaucer for my #1. But, when i look at the price, i siam far far... hahaha~

in the end i bought maternity pads for #2, lots of wet wipes, bb detergent, bb bottle wash, mosquito net... already cost me $130. Luckily my stomach not big yet... so no promotor come to me...

hmmmm, walked pass n saw these icandy pram for 2 babies... thinking it will be gd if both
#1 & #2 can fit in... but i enquire the price, i think save the money #1 can carry... hahaha!! $2000 for a pram!!!

Btw, mummies... i read ur post abt Oscar. Oscar test can tell gender???

@ Linda: do u still have the baby clothes to exchange? Which gender n for how old??? Im keen!!! =)
Will fill u two ladies in tml as it's close to 1am..

This friend I tot he is gonna be my best fren after losing contacts for few years in the end I found out his motive he want to do IT with me argh and even filrt with me saying want to be more experience for his Ldr gf..

He know I'm preg and 3kid but why arh!! Somemore he saw me recently.. I got that that attractive for him to want to swarm for free xxx meh!!!

End of rant
Hi Mothers!

I just saw baby on Monday when i did my OSCAR, and I am pleased that the results show baby is very healthy!
had to do the scan for 3 times, because baby was always in the wrong position and very active! Probably after lunch, he/she was satisfied and cooperate, and managed to complete the scan.

Unable to detect gender.

But I am quite disturbed that I dun seem to have gain weight, considering now that I drink milk every morning, take my usual meals, and no nausea or vomitting.

Lastly i ate Saba fish the other day, forgetting about the mercury content. How ar?
LSnytl: Thanks.. i think i am carrying an Italian baby. the only food that I wun merlion out is aglio olio pasta and lasagna.

RE: Oscar Test

Question for those mummies who are going to do or have done the test, when is your EDD? Mine is now 11 Feb but I am going only on 10 Aug. Is it too late?
Morning ladies!
Serene: my missus same, initially the first few weeks always want to eat pasta and recently lagsana.

Rocco: dont worry, already in your tummy.  generally doesn't mean cannot eat just to moderate all intake. Of course those very high mercury content fish try to abstain if possible.
Serene, my edd 21feb.. My Oscar on 10aug.. The nurse tried very hard to get me app for tat week and keep telling the scan dep I can't do the following week as I'll be too advance by then.... Which week will u be on 10aug? Not sure if it shud be done 11-13 or 11-14week... Maybe u wanna check wif yr gynae... Coz if too advance oso cannot do le....
Morning Mummies!

Serene: i am just the opp of yours. I only can take chinese food else all will come out. i used to be a fan of western food but now have to stay away.

Btw, anyone saw babyplus at taka baby fair? i hoping they have a booth over there so that i can see the display set.
Linda>I only used my freestyle for a year but my friends who have used it for a longer time did not encounter any problems with suction too.

I think breast pumps is a personal choice lah. Got many brands beside medela like pigeon, avent, ameda, etc. What matters is the mommy is comfortable with the price and comfort. For me, I did look at the PIS advanced before I decided on the freestyle. Personally, I found it a bit noisy and didn't like that it only had 1 pump cos my other breast would be leaking and more time would be needed to finish expressing. I am happy enough with the freestyle to buy it again as I sold my set just before I found out I was preggers.

eeeee why your friend so bad de.
lucky you found out earlier.

Jen>medela US sets do not have local warrantn tr so if it breaks down you will need to pay more to repair it locally. But buying from US is much cheaper than getting the local set. I think Tan lengleng's spree is selling the US set at $450 compared to the local pricing of $700+. My freestyle did not break down during my 1 year's usage and I think even if it did, it will not cost $300+ to repair it.

Because they are US sets, you will need an adapter for the charger. Freestyle does not require a transformer but I think PIS requires one.

I used a dual pump and didn't find it painful to pump both breasts at the same time. Actually more of a relief esp when I'm engorged to clear them quickly.

Anyway, we're still mostly in our 1st trimester. Still got time to look look see see and decide what you need. Don't have to buy breast pump so soon.

soul108>purelan is a medela product. should be able to find it at the taka fair.

enxuan>think OSCAR can't really tell bb gender unless bb open legs big big and show something...

rocco>I think eat a bit of saba is ok lah. as long as we don't eat too much should b ok.

serene>ooh, I love lasagna. haven't had it in ages
Re: Breast Pump

I was one of the unfortunate ones who stopped after breastfeeding after 1 mth as i had very bad fever towards the end of my confinement period for #1.
the GP whom I saw advised me against breastfeeding and cos i had fever for almost a week, i gradually stopped breastfeeding soon after. Fortunately, I din buy a pump instead i borrowed. Had I bought a pump, it would go to waste.
So for first time mummies, you may wan to see if u can borrow from pple first. cos the pump is a really exp investment.
Hi pinkz, just realised EDD is the same! .
But we don't have anything scheduled yet. Just a meeting with dr Tham next week only. Hmmm
morning mummies and daddies

was at the taka fair yesterday but didn't had a chance to shop around much as my toddler was super hyper and i lost him a couple of times as i was asking the salesperson some stuff - looks like got to make another trip down.

nevertheless manage to stock up huggies diapers and pigeon wipes for my boy, it's surprisingly crowded at 4pm in the afternoon, even delivery also got to q.

saw quite a number of new brands of strollers in Singapore such as huack, i candy etc, and finally got choices for swing, 2 years ago, only fisherprice has swing, yesterday saw a couple of booths with swing - will prob check it out the next time.

just to share:
a swing is useful if you have a awake bb that is fretful - he will enjoy being elevated and swinging and playing with the toys and the music from as young as 3 mths. i bought a bouncer that vibrates and it totally didn't work to soothe bb, but the swing works marvels.

someone mentioned abt the fisherprice 4 in 1 package - it's really attractive but got to note the following:

1) ask if they have replacement for the fabric and the chair if it's faulty over time. the fabric will need to be washed and fisherprice fabric tends to wear out very fast. we had a jumperoo and swing from FP and after a few washes, the colour runs, so it looks faded.

2) a highchair with fabric may not be the best choice unless you have a helper to help you wash it every other day. babies are super messy when they first start to learn to eat. even my 24 mth tod still makes a mess when eating. those from ikea or jane activa ones which can be lug into the toilet and spray wash will be easiest to manage in the long run

for strollers wise, i will recommend peg perego, been using that for almost 2 years and despite rough use, it's still very steady, and although it;s heavier than combi, it's very stable and won't topple over, very important when bb grow bigger and starts to fidget in the stroller. and of course, it's sturdy enough that you can use it to ram inconsiderate pple in the mrt who refuse to give way at the exit :p

for those getting macalren, or strollers w/o a front bar, please buy the front bar -it makes it easier to carry the stroller and attach toys/sippy cups on it. also it aids bb when he wants to sit up as got something to hold on to, also for safety reason, in case bb gets out of the strap, there's something to block him from falling off. I've seen cases where bb fell out of the stroller becos he got hinself out of the strap, caregiver did not notice and the poor baby literally tumble off the stroller.

re: breastpumps
another pump worth considering is ameda which is similar to medela PIS/freestyle. ameda is about 300-400 plus, half the price of medela and is also a hospital grade pump. buy a double breast pump as it's half the time to pump, you would rather use the time saved to do other stuff than wait for it to finish pumping. esp if you plan to bf when you return to office. also when pumping only one breast at a time, the other breast will have let down, so you will find bm leaking from the other breast if you are not pumping both at the same time.

and for those who are not sure if bf is the best route for them, can consider to get a 2nd hand unit as breastpumps can be pricy.

i bought the BP and all bf-ing accessories, bf shawl etc etc, but in the end did not bf successfully as there's no milk production at all. luckily manage to sell off the breastpump at no loss, so this is a point worth considering.

re: sterilizer/bottles/wipes/detergent
so far, pigeon is the most popular brand chosen by most mummies. for sterilizer, pigeon has the biggest capacity - and is an empty container which mean you can out odd shapes items like breast pump parts, cups and containers.

for bottles wise, i actually prefer glass bottles - it's easier to feed younger bb as it's easier to balance and hold on to as compared to plastic bottles and doesn't need replacement. also easier to train bb to hold. when switch to plastic bottles later, i find bb will hold on to the lighter plastic bottles easily, as feedback by mummies friends also.

for wipes, there are cheaper brands such as carlson similar quality to pigeon, which is 3 packs for 5,6 as compared to pigeon $9.90, but the brand can be hard to find.

for detergents to wash bottles, pump parts and clothes, besides pigeon, there's pureen, kodomo which are cheaper for budget mums.

you will need lots of bb clothes detergent even before bb is born as need to wash hand me down clothes, new clothes, bedding etc.

get lots of antiseptic wipes or liquid as will need to wipe down all the new bb equipment such as cots, pram, carseat, swings, drawers etc before bb use it.
babymaking>hee, you have a lot of tips wor.

think the 2nd hand unit is a good idea for moms who are not sure about bfing. I used to hand express at times and I hated it when both breasts let down at the same time. it was like a game trying to catch each drop. I will be expressing one side and then the other side will leak and I will have to quickly switch sides. That's why I prefer a dual pump for work.

Besides ameda, I heard the avent pump is not bad too. Saw a good deal for it at the last Philips carnival sale I went to. Maybe moms can check out the next sale if want to stock up on avent stuff.

I think I saw carlson at John Little but never got it to try.

I just switched to kodomo from mustela for bb wash and really like it. V moisturising and smells nice.

For bb clothes detergent, I use pureen.
LSnTYL, hand express like cow cow lei. so siong... i used manual, i m tired alr. end up used electronic one, so fast.
Advice for first time mummies who stay w old folks who dun believe in breastfeeding:
Express milk out then feed from bottle to shut them up cos they will keep saying bb not drinking enuff from direct latch. will say stuff like 'where got enuff milk'.when expressed, they can see for themselves exactly, how much bb is drinking. i did this to shut pple up from saying i m depriving my bb.

serene>hee, to be honest, I don't like pumping. Only do it at work cos no choice. If don't pump, supply will drop and I won't have enough for my boy. At home I only latch and that feels so much better. But I did hand express at times when I'm v engorged like when I went out for a few hours without my baby. Mainly use it to relieve the pressure. Once I'm no longer engorged, will pass the milk to my hubby to freeze n latch my boy. Maybe cos I hand express from start, find it actually quite easy and fast.

I had a manual pump that I got second hand. I got no patience with it. Find it v fiddly. :p

The LC who advised me at KK said not to feed bb too much from bottle initially cos worried about nipple confusion. I think a bit is ok but too often maybe not good cos bb might reject breasts cos bottle is much easier to suck from?
