(2012/02) Feb 2012

Congrats Windy!!!

Seems true tat they say boy easier to see, cuz they not shy, always leg open big big.... Hahahaa

Mine crossed leg during last scan, I dun mind bb cross tmr too.. Cuz hoping for princess. Keke

babymaking, still have hurdles ahead, we'll overcome one at a time
detailed scan will be an entirely different matter all together already....reading the first time mummies' postings here really reminded me of myself 2 years ago, all excited n positive
think age has catched up on me, abit jaded liao, wont plan so far ahead until i hold my princess in my arms
i do hope all the mummies here will have the smoothest and fastest deliveries ever! All Feb babies strong, healthy and happy
Babymaking & butterwaffles, can the beanie movements be felt at belly button areas on the sides at 16wks? Or hv still to be at lower abdominal areas? Thanks.
Hi Mummies,
Congrats to all those who knew the gender... Long time never log in... just went for my checkup last Thurs... baby was very active... kept doing somersaults during the whole session... gynae said she is pretty sure it's a boy... cos baby also open the legs big big... she also said baby is like playing with her, whenever she wanted to take a stable shot, baby moved... haha... Looking forward to my detailed scan on 26 Sept...

Hazel, i had a similar experience... felt the area near the belly button very sensitive... felt slight movements but i not sure whether is it the baby movements... in fact recently i experience slight movements in all other areas as well...
hazel, to be honest im not sure but i can tell u i certainly i felt her movements near my bellybutton :p which is strange as my bb is usually in prone position. But it cant be gas! I've also felt her move really low on my right n that makes sense based on her last scanned position. The movements will get stronger as their bones strengthen by the day so not to worry. There was a period of 4 days where i felt zero movements n it worried me. But i realised this princess of mine is very unlike my boy. She moves but dats it. No kick no nothing. My boy kicks alot, does alot of gymnastics in there. You can try lying on your back at night n talk to baby, see if u can catch any movements :p
Butterwaffles, yesterday I kept feeling it on my left side, maybe 1cm below belly button. It came for a few seconds than will stop but a while later will come again. A few times instead of left side I get it on my right side. Friday night, lying in bed, movements at lower abdominal areas were vert obvious. Yesterday night, m not sure.. Coz they were v light if there were... Not sure if I imagined them.

Ur beanie also on prone position always? I was a bit worried when I knew my beanie was in prone position too.. Coz not sure if that position is comfortable n safe... :p

If u know my history u will know why I m tracking the movements.. I hv not crossed over my "crucial period". That is why I requested my dr to see me every 2 wks.
Congrats windy and butterwaffles!

Jen, I'm same situation as you. Still dunno gender...

And I'm not feeling any flutters or kicks from baby yet...

Al, I went to baby kingdom today. The diaper fastener thing is abt $10 each. Saves from using safety pins. The actual cloth diaper shd be quite cheap. Didn't pay close attention so didn't get the price. I'm also thinking of cloth diapers... But no maid. 10 diapers to wash everyday abit xiong...

FYI mummies, also at baby kingdom, I saw avent sterilizer for $135. Free 4 and 9oz bottle and pacifier. Seems like a good deal?

I'm also considering which stroller to get. For strollers, the selection at baby hyper mart is better. Initially thought the peg perego aria not bad cos it's light. But can't seem to find much info online. Seems to be discontinued. Other options are p3 and SI. I didn't think the p3 was very very heavy... But maybe with a baby and bags, might find it a bit taxing.

Any other good deals to get?
hi mummies.. good morning... having some stomach cramps since morning & also diarrhoea. Wonder whether it's the nasi lemak I ate last night. Maybe baby doesn't like nasi lemak :p
hey morning mummies

if anyone interested in babytown stuff, let me know, i can help to arrange a spree at even lower prices (depending on quantity - at least a further 5-8% off price listed ):p

email me with the items you are keen in and if i can consolidate at least 5 orders, we can get better deals.

i agree, somehow not as gan chiong as previous pregnancy.

usually feel about 2-3cm below bellybutton on right side, then felt 1-2cm above bellybutton at the right side. but for last night and this morning no movements or kicks, used the doppler but can only find own heartbeat. will try again later, if still can't find and bb no movements, will prob drop by KKH for scan. *trying not to panic*
Babymaking, I read that Doppler may not pick up heart beats all the time & hence may cause unnecessary panic. I think bb shld be well. Try again later. U can differentiate movement from a kick/poke? Saturday night I get this "poke" on & off on the sIdes.. Uncomfortable. I used hand to sooth a bit it stopped.. But will return again a while later..Is that a kick?
u mean as picture that waterproof diaper cloths type only S$10/set? Then I order that one about same price S$9.50/set.
yeah, read that sometimes doppler cannot find bb heartbeat but so far never happen to me in #1 and 1st time can't find for #2 as well, now waiting for bb to move/kick.

usually bb will move/kick in the early mornings from 2am onwards, was awake whole of last night and nothing!!! arghs!!

yeah can differentiate between movements/poke and kick, kick is more defined.
Babymaking, guess we r both concerned as these r signs tt bb is well.. My gf told me she was too biz at work n tired at night to monitor at our stage! She had twins so shld be more obvious.. but yet she can tell me she dunno if everyday bbs got move until 3rd tri..
haha hazel, that's quite normal for pple who got preggy easy or who have never suffered a loss- i was aghast when preggy friends tell me that as well, but oh well, stats are that most pregnancies are normal, just that in our cases we fall out of the parameters of normal stats.

hang in there! whatever will be, will be!
may i know what's the market rate for CL (non-CNY rate)? my CL just sms me the market rate now is $2200. I think is a bit ex.
serene123, yes the CL market rate about this price. But during CNY about $3K. Because thet day n night taking care yr bb + cooking + cleaning and if have another kid also need to take care.... their job not easy.
I can recommen a CL very good n very experience, the price $2K not in CNY (I did ask her to help me but during CNY she want to stay with family can't do for me)
Al- thanks for the offer. cos the last time (2008) i remember she charge me $1.8k. now so ex. than i will not feel bad to ask her to take care of my 3 yr old son too cos her charges is abv market rate. i will let her know my maid will not be around for 3 weeks during the CL period.
Babymaking, do u get constipation? I take lot of fruits daily but will still get at times. Just now so bad until I saw alot of blood n stained toilet bowl water.. Actually I hv piles too all along.. So dunno if the blood is fr piles or coz I tore my ass.. :p
bb finally kicked - wat a relief.

re: constipation
yeah, the gut alternates between constipation and diarrhea. if taking lots of fruits, or fibre, must also drink lots of water, if not will worsen constipation.
Hi mummies

Went for check up. Bb now 130g, can't confirm gender but most likely a princess
will wait for detailed scan to confirm.
hi mummies, good afternoon...
jus had my lunch break n nap...feeling so sleepy n tired!
I went to c doc las sat n bb is now 12cm and 100gm...grown so big from my last OSCAR tesr 3 wks ago...OSCAR test was great! risk was 1:13000++... so happy!
bb was happily doing a lot exercise n open the leg big big...doc say a "Dot" should b baby "little birdie"...however, doc donwan confirm n say wait next mth to reassure!

Re: Constipation
las week i was having diarrhorea, coz i ate too much chilli, then i drink carrot juice in the morning for breakfast n ate kiwi at nite everyday, end up lao sai til buttock hot n pain!
sometimes i do hav constipation...
re: detailed scan
anyone going during wk20? can it b done after wk20? what is it regarding bout? should v go?
my doc didnt tell me anyting, so i called 5 min ago to enquire...nurse say up to us, not a mus o not...i am blur now..
Hi All,

Looks like everyone is excited over shopping for BB. Guess we can't get anything yet till next month's scan.
I think detailed scan is a must. It's to check the structure and organs to make sure everything is ok...

Actually you can get something unisex, like white, light yellow, or green for the baby even if you dunno the gender... Cos your next bb can also wear them, regardless of gender... Dat's why my gynae said and i think it's true. If i buy clothes for boys, i can't use them if the next one is a gal...
err, now a sad question from me- any of your MIL gives tremedous gender pressure? My MIL was very mean last night when we went back for dinner. She was very excited to know the gender, but we told her cannot see anything. She was actually silent until one of those senior aunty started making remarks like my tummy seem rounded could be a girl..etc.. My MIL was like suddenly agitated and stared at me telling me that she don't expect me to carry a "陪钱货"!I know my huuby is the only son, but how can she be so mean? really upsets me the whole night and now I'm so afraid of knowing the gender.Even my hubby is on his mum's side and looking forward to a boy too.
it's alright. My mil told me to try again when my girl was born. She refused to believe the gynae's check and even asked again when the husband called her up to inform her I gave birth. No matter what, it's your child and as long as child is born healthy and both mother and child are safe and sound. Gender determination is not by your stomache what. Your husband's swimmers plays the impt part. Want to blame ask her go blame your husband.
I was quite annoyed with the gender biased from my mil when I was pregnant with #1. So I keep telling the baby in my tummy that mama works, mama has financial capability to raise and I will love you with all my heart. If anyone don't fancy you just because you are a girl, there's still mama who will always be there to love you
Jen, dun feel the pressure...it the guy's fault if they can give birth to boy...becuz they miss out the x-chromosome or something like tat...not ur stomach bu zhen qi...

my mil even more funny...tat time i said i want girl, n hubby ask her whether need to buy any 'pu' for me anot...she said no need, just eat the supplement given by the doc will do...and last mth go scan, dr said 80% boy, the next day she gave me bird nest...and yty she gave me another box of uncooked bird nest and teach me how to cook loh...
Jen, google on line on how the bb gender is determined n shows ur hubby. Is the man's fault if it is a girl n not a boy ok. We are X-X chromosome. Our hubbies are X-Y chromosome. So in order to hv a bb boy of X-Y chromosome, the hubbies need to supply the Y portion. This Y portion dies faster than than X portion. So the egg must be fertilized before the Y portion dies. So, other than our hubbies who need to provide the Y portion to produce a bb boy, timing of sex is important too.

U dun hv to feel bad. Get the facts n show them to your hubby. Then tell ur mil, to go blame her own son. She not educated but her son is n these r all hard facts. Dun r upset. Boy or girl is not determined by us!
Well said Birdbrain!

I'm glad my mum and in law wanted a healthy bb...though told them it's a boy. They are ok with girls too. They said can doll up girls

20 weeks scan :
It's to check your bb organ...it's good to chk. Coz you need to chk for heart defects, lungs and kidney.

While during my free time at home, thinking to make a journal or a diary for my bb...anyone doing it??
Jen> OMG is your mil from this era? I know nowadays there are still old folks who prefer boys but i've not come across one who is so blatant! Pls don't be affected by her comment. Birdbrain is right, gender is not determined by the mother but by the father's sperm. And I suppose by fate and by God. Have a heart to heart chat with yur hubby and tell him u feel stressed by this gender pressure. It's ok to hope for a boy but its not ok to pressure or blame the mummy if its a girl.

Pregnancy is already so tough, the last thing we need is unnecessary stress like this. *hugs*
Jen, cheer up! As what other mummies said, it's not fault! So don't be unhappy abt it. In fact girls are more sweet....will take care of family and thoughtful. Just like us!! Hehe
Hi All,

So its all detrmined by my huuby right?- the reason why my MIL thinks that way cause she got only son while my family, my mum gave birth to 3 girls before the 4th, my brother. I also scared, giving birth non-stop just to give hubby a boy.
Jen, Wah, still got mil like tat one ah.... Haizzz... We now in 2011 already leh... My mil is abit modern type, hubby only son, last time we say dun wan kid she oso dun care... Ask yr hubby talk to yr mil maybe... If it's my mil, will ask hubby handle...
Gee, how my wish my MIL could be more modern and caring like all of you's. Until now, I have not got any pu from her loh, let alone words of care. Lucky, I got my mum so I don't care that much from her too lah since we are not leaving together, just that I feel bad for my BB being deprived like that if she is a girlgirl. My MIL even called my hubby's HP last night after we left that if its a girl, no need to go back for antenatal visit liao cause waste money!My hubby told her that we already paid for package, no refund even if we don't go.Feel so disgusted, she's a woman too, how can she think this way.
Hi, I recently delivered and would like to clear some items which I’m no longer using.

These include:
Brand new baby and toddler clothes from Osh Kosh B’gosh/Carter’s/J Khaki/Nursery Rhyme, MyBrestFriend pillow, baby carrier, cot mattresses, Spiffies tooth wipes, Mothercare and carter’s prewalker shoes etc . Check out my link below!

Thanks, ladies who have visited my album before! I have added new items so do take a look.

If you see anything you need, pm me for discussion.
Lastly, have a safe delivery and enjoy motherhood!
Homebase job offer!!

Hi anyone or your friends interest doing packer? self collect the product then bring home to pack. Every pack can earn S$0.50 denpend on how fast you pack and it's very simple packing.

Pm me (asking on behalf of my friend)
Jen, my hub is the only son too. His sister in the 40s do not want any kids. So, my mil has yet to hv any grandchildren. Hub prefers girl n he told me he is contended with just one child. As for mil n sil, they seem to prefer girls more too.. But I can sense that mil prefers To hv 2 grandchildren as she told me she was praying for twins! Keke
How old is your mil? Seriously traditionally old fashion way of thinking. Hopefully your husband will grow to love your girl and talk some sense into his mother.
Gosh, to the extend follow up with a phonecall to tell your husband no need to go for further gynae visits??!?!? So if any complications (*touch wood*), you and ur unborn child are on your own?!?!? if my mil do that to me, I'll prob never bring my kid to go visit her.
Jen, dun be affected by what she say. Surprising that ppl can be like that. Like the rest said, it's all determined by the man.

Happymomtobe, my gynae prefers after 20 week. Dr ananda also said same thing when I tried to make appt. From 21 week then all the organs developed. Esp heart. The reason why they will do scan ard 20+ weeks is because legal termination of preg only up to 24 wks
jen- so sorry to hear that. so mean of her to say no need to go antenatal visit. as if she paying for it. you stay happy, the child is yours not hers. next time she mentioned that again tell her that the child is yours so boy or gal you are also happy so long is healty.
Kwxy, I'm also thinking of doing baby journal. Want to get from amazon then use until 5 yrs old kind! But they are usu pink or blue. So I dunno what to get yet. Haha!
Birdbrain, my MIL is 60+ but thinking is like from 1920s.. Thank you all for the consolation, can't tell my mum, scared got dispute, hubby also sensitive about his mum if I say not nice things about her, so that's why venting my sorrows and frustration here. Will remain hopeful of my baby's birth.
Re: detailed scan
Me too took up tmc package so dun need to think... Personally feel it's better to go for it.

Kwxy and chewie, what's a baby journal? you mean like writing a story? I have thought of doing a photobook for my baby from pregnancy to 2years of all the 1st time pics.
