(2012/02) Feb 2012


I remember one of mummy here said drink apple juice...bb leg will open can see the gender. but before checkup i eat an apple la. really true, my boy leg is open :p
Can try ha

congrats al

actually sf loh said based on current position of bb now, amnio shd be quite a simple procedure and placenta is at the back of the womb and not in front, that's why can feel bb kicks so early. but but i can't get over the mental block of miscarriage.

bb is 11.6cm now. hmm actually depends on sonographer skills, cos they can manipulate the angle. yours still can't see? when's yr next appt with dr loh?
Al: realli? Perhaps I will try eating an apple before my checkup the next round.. haha..

happychue: what kinda of bleeding are u facing? Is it red bleeding or brown spotting? Is it on regular basis?
Babymaking, saw dr loh last wed. He said can't tell yet when I asked.. Also not sure is it he can't see coz of the prone position. I knew is prone position when i saw on the screen. I asked him n he confirmed it.

I asked him qns he dun wan to ans me direct.. I asked y Oscar scan n last wk scan bb still in prone position. He said my bb likes to lie on tummy cannot meh? I asked if my placenta facing front or back, he nv ans me, just told me "u dun go read too much!". Did I tell u he push behind my edd by 2 days? I asked him why coz our case edd shld not change. He said he is my gynae n he did the procedure for me, he knows better! Then he added, "no more change!". Your edd is 17th right? My moved from 18th to 20th.

Yes, placenta facing bk can feel movements faster. That is why I asked him! I know he means well... He knows I read alot n the more I know the more I will worry. He said if he says is normal I dun hv to worry.

I m seeing him next fri. I m not sure if bb will turn to face up.. If not, means can't see gender again?
Al>got another mommy said she tried the apple juice n didn't work for her leh. anyway, congrats on your boy. I hope I've a girl.

happychue>shouldn't have bleeding i tink. please check with your gynae

hazel>I think your gynae should answer your questions! then maybe you won't worry so much!
haha now i dun bother to ask him qn like edd, weight, placenta or hb, i assume he never say anything, means everythng normal, maybe becos this is #2, more relaxed.

for #1, whatever can go wrong went wrong, from spotting to bleeding to pre term labour to shortening of cervix to low amniotic fluid.

so this time round, i take it that if he never say anything, means everything normal, so i switch off.

till date, i am still not sure what's my edd, originally was 17th, then 19th, then 16th, yesterday, the nurse said 18th. i was like, cld you check with the doc, and she went, here write 18th means 18th.

anyways i am planning on epi c sec again, so the edd doesn't really matter to me.
Babymaking, yes, u r right. If he doesn't say anything means all normal. When I had blighted ovum, I asked him if it cld be a molar pregnancy. He looked at me n said "u know wats a molar pregnancy? Pls dun read so much n stress yourself out unnecessary! I will test for that to exclude. No news = gd news".

Actually, is a blessing at times not to read too much. Website also says when is time to worry, the dr will tell the patients!

So, ur booklet also changed to 18th.. Actually the oscars A/P dr told me +/-2 wks from edd is perfectly fine...
Lsntyl, well... Coz of my past history I worry unnecessary. This round I tell myself to be more relaxed.. Coz end of the day, I m just a mortal, alot of things r not within my control. My BP also better n other stuff too when there is less worry n stress..

My gynae understands n he already tries to alienate my worries by seeing me every 2 wks though he keeps telling me there is no need to see him so often.. He nv fail to impress me.. With his views n diagnosis.. If he says is normal means all is fine.. Just that I can't help at times but still wonder...
eh becos i had pre term labour with #1 and no epi allowed and i felt the pain was horrible, wouldn't want to go thru it again. on the other hand epi c sec was a breeze.

i think he refering to normal pregnancy where the ovulation date is not confirmed. by right our case, edd shd not change too much. anyways, i know it's easier said than done, try not to worry too much.

most impt is make sure bb has hb, no bleeding, no contractions and cervix dun open up. the rest can wait till next gynae visit.
Hi mummies!!

I saw bb this morning and it's a boy!! Hehe

I heard abt sweet drinks help too...so I drank ribena. It works for me! End up my boy so active until Dr Benjamin Tham got to find a good position to see the 'thing'...haha!
babymaking, c-sect takes longer time to recover. Can't eat most confinement food for 2 weeks (tats y I nvr "pu" enough, can't have a proper massage and can't breastfeed in a comfortable position. And its even more painful loh. I had emergency c-sect so I went thru both natural pain and c-sect pain. I can tell u c-sect pain is terrible. It can last many days. So I really praying hard for natural birth this time.
Hi All,

cheryl had posted in FB, she have added most of ur...

when u add her, pls let her know u r from SMH forum, so she can add u to the mummies to be page..
princess, me already in the FB forum for quite sometime. In addition to it, i cant access it in office, only via iphone.

Cheryl Alessandra Chew...when adding her, add in a msg for her that you from SMH Feb11 forum, and she will add u to the page accordingly.
feelingblessedprincess, going to take care of #1 for 1 whole day. Thats even more tiring then working leh. Chasing him up and down the hse, cook and feed him. Bath, etc... I prefer to work then to take care of him whole day.
feelingblessedprincess, my #1 is 1yr old. U will be doing that from Feb 12 onwards. Its a very tough job. Mums are very wei da!
jascmy: I agree.. Mums are not easy, we mus realli have lots of patience and love towards our little ones.. regardless how much we might have to go thru since pregnancy stage, our mentality of "it is worth it and I want our baby" will nv be waived..
feelingblessedprincess , its fun playing with them. All the stress at work are gone. Seeing them growing up day by day and learning new skills everyday make me feel proud.
KWXY> High 5! Congrat to u

Now thinking what name for my boy. last9 asking my girl what name for DI DI, she said "Hero" haha cannot believe a 3 year old girl give this name
she wish to have DI DI now really come true. and she always think of she is princess that's why need a Hero...
Thank you mummies!! now again.....got to wait for another 4 weeks...for 20 weeks detail scan....as usual hope will be healthy and everything ok.

the images of him kicking, turning and twisting in my tummy still flashing in my mind now...touched
Oh 1 more suggestion to look for pants.
I ever went to UNIQLO, bought a skinny jeans, they have pants type too, with elastic waist, no zip and I wear it throughout my pregnancy.
Just managed to catch up on the threads. Congrats- AL and KWXY! Drinking apple juice now and going to take ribena tomor before appt!
hope baby won't lie prone on tummy again like last month.
gg_lee, TMC finally called this afternoon to inform that my princess is fine
the nurse went on to say this is according to the rapid test result but she very rarely come across differing rapid n full test reports so all should b well. My boy is officially going to be a kor kor soon. All the best for ur amnio!
Hi all, went for my checkup this morning. BB very guai, two legs open big big for us to see.. saw something in between.. haha.. Gynae says 80% boy! Next month the can confirm..haha. but can ses it's boy la.. ha..can go shopping for boys stuff liao..

@happychue, I had on and off bleeding for the 1st trimester.. this month also have.... do check with your gynae. My Gynae checked that my cervix lining is very thin, will bleed easily if strain myself.. but i realised I bleed when i take cold drinks..so I stop taking cold drinks..
Congrats, windy!
Like planet, Guess I'm not as lucky with the apple juice n Mac breakfast. Bb was very funny though, having hiccups n bouced each time, legs were cross, can't really tell although we thought we saw white speck when baby was yawning n stretching body. Can only confirm again next visit.
