(2012/01) Jan 2012

hui, yes. my son was given chlormine (orange syrup) for running nose & a green syrup for phlegm. sorry cant remember the med names. these med r quite mild so may need some time to recover. my boy took abt 1 wk to recover.

brought my boy to IFC this morn & again asked the teachers when they'll be starting my boy on solids. then they (not the lead teacher) say I shld have started feeding him at home then tell them whether what food he can take & if he got any allergies anot, etc & then they'll feed him accordingly. ah duh, never say earlier! heng I never wait for them to start solids b4 I start at home! & the lead teacher always say my boy not ready for solids, drink milk better, etc etc, give crappy excuses & never give proper instructions/procedures! sigh! anyway, suan leh, juz hope they do really start my boy on solid at IFC soon. but then again, they'll be feeding him cerealac which I don't really like coz it's sweeter & no control over the ingredients that go in. but guess boh bian till I start him on porridge on my own then give them the ok for porridge. sigh.

mummies with bbs at IFC, can share how u all change the milk stages (from stage 1 to 2) or start on solids?
Jac, the ifc supply the cereal? cannot bring your own?

you can change the milk stages at yourself. I started the change with the 1st feed of the day with the new stage. Supposed to increase to 2 feeds after a week later but i changed totally when i ran out of stage 1 so think only 2 feeds of Stage 2 for a few days before totally on Stage 2 milk. So i guessed you can feed him with Stage 2 milk before sending him to ifc for the day?

not sure about solids though. I thought my friend bring her home-cooked porridge to sch but i think not all centres accept that.
Jac, I came across a brochure on how to change over from Stage 1 to 2. Lemme go home tonight and see if I can find it. Otherwise I think it's like what Moscato said.
moscato, yeah. IFC provides cereal. not sure whether can bring own food anot. but will be troublesome for them if I bring own puree & cereal there, compared to using those instant cereal with fruits/vege/ikan bilis added in. I've started my boy on 1 feed stage 2 during wkday & 2 feeds during wkends, give together with solids, for like 3 wks liao. hahah. not sure how to slowly increase the number of feeds since he's in IFC most part of the day.

googlez, I have the chart too. problem is how to follow the chart since my boy is in IFC for most part of the day. dunno whether to put both stage 1 & 2 milk at IFC, also dunno whether they'll finish the stage 1 first before switching to stage 2 completely, else like waste my $$ leh.
i feel u can move on to total Stage 2 once your Stage 1 runs out. You didn't change the brand right?
My boy has been on Stage 2 milk for 1 mth plus. Still refused to eat potato puree. guess he doesn't like the texture. Fed him some plain rice grain yesterday from my lunch..he was happily "munching" the grain..
Jac; am switching over from stage 1 to 2 too... Like what moscato say, I replace the first feed w stage 2 ... The other feed still on stage 1. Going to continue like that for a week then will replace 2 feed w stage 2 etc... Doing it gradually...
moscato, yeah same brand. but I read online some ppl/ babies got problem with stage 2 (diarrhea, etc). guess I'm overly paranoid. hahah. by rite stage 1 can use till 12mths then move on to stage 3. but I was thinking of moving to stage 2 then stage 3. u mean u gave a grain of cooked rice huh?

brink, yeah better to switch gradually.
actually he doesn't really like the taste of stage 2, but hungry then drink lo, but will finish much slower. think I'll put a tin of stage 2 at IFC & see how it goes ba. Btw, IFC gave him cereal for lunch yesterday. Finally...
<font face="Comic Sans MS">morning ladies!

i'm a lazy and terrible mum. for my elder one i never mix in. coz that time got lots of samples, so when 1 tin finish i just give her the other brand. lucky for me her tummy can take it. :p</font>
Jac: Ya I was given a green and pink syrup, today is the 3rd day, he still have abit of running nose and cough, since you say will take 1 week, I shall not seek for another doctor right.
Hi Mummies
Been awhile since I was active in this forum... would like to check on which fruits and veggies should we wean first? My boy is still on total breast milk. I intro cereal, apples, bananas and pears to him when he was 6 months old. He does not really like all except cereal...
Swanston, I oso very tempted to do like you!! But my gal quite poor thing. First LS and now UTI.. I think I can't anyhow..sigh..so much for being on BM..

Dolphin, you might wanna trace back this thread, recently there was a post of the food chart. The 3 you mentioned are all ok, if i rem correctly. JTS, my gal takes apples and bananas regularly.

For veggie, I rem it's spinach (but contentious as to which one, the english or the chinese variant), broccoli (this may cause wind so do be cautious), carrots, tofu.. thats all i recall..
Anyone using the Avent containers to contain breastmilk, purée or cereal? I brought out my cereal using it today and cannot open the lid. It was do tight, till now still cannot open
anyone got same experience w it? Got trick to open the container?
brink, mabbe the stuff u put too hot? the first time I used I pour hot water in then close the lid immediately then can't open after that, need to wait till cool down then can open.
Mummies, I've a feeling this was discussed before but I wanna ask again.. if bb is suspected to be "frightened", There's the jing feng san to give right? I went EYS to ask and it comes in bottles of 6. Gonna eat so much ah?! Where else can I go and buy, maybe just a bottle first? And is it the same as some pearl powder? Read it somewhere but can't rem. Thanks!
Hi googlez. I have that EYS powder too. I gave her when she was 3mths old. haha.. each time I only gave 1/3 of a bottle.. just put on my palm then dab a bit each time on her gums.
my boy now dun have cough but there is phlegm inside, nanny says to buy the pearl powder as it helps to dissolve phlegm, anyone tried pearl powder?
Hui: my confinement lady mentioned the same thing abt the pearl powder. But she said used it to make bb sleep better..Calm their nerves.. If I rem correctly. Anyway, I did not give cos I do not know what are the ingredients inside it. Personally will not take any risks giving them chinese medicine now..
<font face="Comic Sans MS">morning ladies</font>

<font color="aa00aa"><font face="Comic Sans MS">hui > </font></font><font face="Comic Sans MS">my colleague gives her girls to have better skin complexion. my aunt also give to her granddaughter. last time my gynae advise against chinese medicine coz there is no scientific proof that it is really good and there is a chance that it might coz bb to become hyperactive. but tat time was preg stage lah and he is anti tcm.</font>
Hi Jac and Xinyi, I've ordered baby cups from one of the BP threads. A set of 8 with lids for $12.90.

Btw, is a blending machine necessary for the weaning process? Nt sure if I should invest in one...
dancingqueen, the baby cups look exactly like my baby cubes, but slightly cheaper (I bought mine for $14.90). will be getting another 1 set, thanks for the lobang!

a blender will be more convenient &amp; less time-consuming to puree the food. else u can mash it manually too. I'm using the avent steamer cum blender, very convenient, I spent ~1hr in total (incl washing, chopping, steaming, blending &amp; throw into the freezer) to make 1 wk worth of food. don't think I can make my own bb food without it.
Hi Jac, no problem
I ordered 1 set too although I'm quite sure that my mil will oppose to freezing baby's food. Elderly think differently. Sigh...

I saw the Avent steamer/blender set. Very tempted but it costs $200+. That's why not sure if I should invest in one or just go for a normal blender. Btw, what do you prepare for freezing? Do you just heat up again during baby's meal time?
dancingqueen, yeah elderly all oppose to freezing food, say will got wind. then I ask them to prepare bb food daily lo, since no one willing then they juz keep quiet lo. if ur mil willing to help u cook daily then better rite? I bought my avent steamer &amp; blender at baby fair for $159. today I saw the set selling at robinsons at $199, quite worth it leh, comes with few avent via cups, feeding plate &amp; spoon, &amp; drinking mug, all useful stuff! the via cup is good for storing/freezing food too. the good thing abt the steamer cum blender is no need to watch the fire while steaming lo, &amp; lesser things to wash up after that. depends on whether u got the time to slowly prepare food anot ba. I use my pigeon food warmer to heat up the purée before serving.

btw, anyone got 1 or 2 brand new avent via cup to sell? pls PM me. thks!
I still have the following to give away. any takers? collect at punggol. pls pm me.

1) 2-3 empty enfa tins for mamil promo. is promo still on? if not I gonna throw them away liao.

2) 1 small tin of mamil gold stage 2. I requested for the sample, but decided to stick to enfa.
dancing queen: Daiso has soft silicone ice cube trays but no lids. but can use, just put it in ziplock. I saw individual small cups with lids in a pack of 4 under the Munchkin brand in KP, especially for storing puree and other bb food. but ex la, i think $29.90 or something.

avent blender/steamer: saw people selling preloved without warranty or another cheaper at $140 on wts..

My 7m bb suddenly developed big pimples on side of head and face. Just saw the PD and she said skin infection and put my girl on 7 days antibiotic oral syrup. Anyone's bb experienced this before?

Gave my girl brown rice cerelac today. I just realised the white rice cerelac has cornstarch while the brown rice doesn't. My girl enjoyed and finished the brown rice today. must be good! She really hates the heinz delicious apple when we tried yesterday. She gagged and vomitted it out. I think still too sour for her, her expression is priceless..
jean, yeah some of the Heinz fruit purée r kinda sour, esp with mango/peach one! also the pear taste almost the same as apple. hahah.
hi mummies

wana check whether your bb can sleep well at nite? mine will suddenly cry in his sleep and i need to pat then he will continue to sleep. y cannot sleep soundly huh? i no longer give him milk at nite for a while.
Jac: you can throw away the empty tins. Promo over..i missed the last one at Compass point.

I will take the Mamil 400g tin if nobody wants it.

Jean: the cerelac brown rice sweet. That's y bb likes ba. I also fed my bb that for 3 days cos i got samples. Now he rejected the organic oat cereal. ate half of the portion then refused to eat. :S

jkids: maybe ur bb teething? or growth spurt so wants to drink milk?
moscato, yes u can come over my place to collect the small tin of mamil gold. my boy also don't like the organic brown rice cereal after starting on cerealac in IFC. if the food is not sweet then don't want eat liao, keep on screaming &amp; crying! sobs!

jkids, my boy hasn't sleep well since very long ago. think last time was due to hunger coz of growth spurt, nowadays like pain due to teething. his lower 2 front teeth half way out liao, upper 2 front tooth juz starting to come out now.
Hi mummies,

I have an unopened packet of Drypers M size 80pcs (NEW) to sell for $14.

Anyone interested, pls call/sms at 90222958.

Free delivery to (woodlands / sembawang / yishun / AMK / Bishan / Toa Payoh).
jkids, my baby who's 5m+ has been crying suddenly in his sleep recently. It hasn't happened for a long time. Nt sure why too. I always assume he has nightmare or disturbed sleep.

Jean, I'll go daiso to check out the barang barang. I bought a Bosch handheld blender last weekend. Hope it works fine.
jkids, my baby is only just starting to want to turn. We've been trying to teach him bt not successful yet. He's big...weighing 8.5kg last week at 5 mth. I heard big-sized babies tend to be less nimble. So I guess it will be quite a while before he could crawl.
Btw, is it ok to offer salmon and cod fish to babies from 6th mth? I grew up with ikan kurau or treadfin with porridge. So nt sure abt salmon and cod...
Jkids: how r u? Long time didnt see u in the forum. I think ur baby is juz having nightmare. My bb cannot crawl yet. She got big thigh, so maybe quite diff for her. She put herself in the standby position to crawl but cannot move a step yet. Urs???

Dancingqueen: i heard meat is only offered after 8 mths. My baby is coming to 8 mths and only eat cereal/puree
everyday. Maybe other mummiee here can comment also. Salmon and cod are good for bb..

Btw mummies, do u give ur baby brown rice cereal everday? Mixed it with other item or juz give it like that? My baby seems to be bored with her current cereal (HT).. Now morning I gave her HT cereal. Then evening time, sometimes if got chance, give her some puree.
Hi delphina, my PD said brown rice is a bit heaty and to offer bb more water. My mil always believe in the goodness of brown rice cooked with pork rib stock. She said v nutritious. Maybe you can try since your bb is turning 8 mth soon.
hey delphina...its been a long time indeed! busybusy but still good, thanks. you?? mine always in crawling position but coz i always place him on bed, duno whether he can crawl or not. but nanny said he can make a few steps. i only give brown rice cereal once a week, will offer puree fruits on the same day to avoid constipation.

my nanny prepared pork when bb is 7 mth+. but she said chicken must wait else got phelm...duno how true. my weekend is busy so till now, i never cook porrriage for him! i only steam vege and add brown rice cereal or plain cereal...hehe.

dancingqueen: I also bought a Braun handheld blender, not sure if it's good for making puree, it's supposed to be for making soup.. will try and see if not, will be getting the avent blender steamer! is brown rice really heaty? same for brown rice cereal? aiyo, I give my girl every day leh, but she drinks about 80-100ml plain water everyday, not sure if this is enough to offset the "heatiness" caused by the brown rice?

moscato: brown rice sweet? i thought banana instant food sweeter, that's why haven't given banana yet..

maybe making apple puree this weekend.. first time make puree..
