(2012/01) Jan 2012

Jac/ moscato
Thanks my gal seems abit better, more chatty today.

Babyjin/ brink
Yes, it's pain aching having to feed them do many types of medicine. My gal also become experience after drinking so many times of medicine, she refused to open her mouth, closely tight and even hold back to cry so that we don't feed her when her mouth is wide open.

I'm on TBF too, so I didn't expect my gal to catch bUg do easily. I was also afraid she got Chest infection too after her cough seems worst after close to 3 weeks and brought her to KKH a&e. I was even relactant to let my girl to go through x ray but my hubby say better do a thorough check . It must be a terrible period for you to go through.

Jac/ moscato/ brink/ jingle
Likely we are getting a maid and if things go well, we will withdrawn from IFC. My hubby, parent and PIL all strongly suggest me a maid as baby immunity still not build up ieasily catch virus. We will have someone to supervise maid at all times. Haiz cldnt imagine another stranger staying in my tiny hoUse. Let's c if this way is better for my girl.

The good thing is that my hubby says will still have the maid when my girl is ready for childcare , by then I can shake leg.

xuan mom, glad that ur gal is recovering. if got ppl to supervise the maid at all times then it's ok ba, don't worry too much. good luck! hope u can get a good maid then end of ur headache.
Jac: haha I m a bit doubtful , good maid hard to find.

Hey mummies, I just got my free sample 2 pieces of merries diaper . Abt three weeks ago or earlier ,they advertised in tv to register on their website for free samples? Anyone got urs too?

I have been using pampers for my gal- brought them only when they got offer otherwise very x. Just brought huggies L size ultra for her to try but now still cannot wear too big. She is only 7 kg plus now.

My hubby ask me go g market try buying goon diaper , think is a Korean brand as his friend say good. Anyone using that for your baby?
Xuan mom, glad that your gal is better and u are getting a maid to look after your precious

Last time my boy used to use mame poko, but in march at taka fair , saw Huggies ultra got offer so bought it and try... No regrets... I bought 2 dozen then now running out, waiting f the next taka fair to stock up again
it can last f 12 hrs without leaking and diaper rash... Not bad lei
xuan mom, think punggol plaza ntuc having offer for pampers? not sure if still on anot. I tried merries but don't like, poo leaked from the sides. tried huggies ultra, good for night use, can tahan for 12hrs, but abit thick for wearing out & cutting on the smaller side. tried goon, quite thin, good for wearing out, but didn't use for nite time so not sure if can tahan 12hrs anot. u can request for goon samples online. I still prefer pampers the most, thin enuff to wear/bring out & can tahan nite use. am also using dryers for day use, cheaper, but cutting tend to be smaller & can't tahan nite use.
Brink , jac: Thanks. I will get the goon to try out . Got any promotions or sales going do post here. I also finds pampers easy to bring out, thinner not like mummy poko a bit thick . Drypers is cheaper but small cutting. Everytime I try new type of diapers on my baby I get very excited . Haha...

Brink: is your boy still coughing and having fever on and off? Must monitor and see if he gets better. Otherwise go Koh a&e to rule out any chest infection.
Xuan mom, he seems better yesterday after taking the antibiotics but tida fever again
ya thought of going kkh, but if fever they will just give prufen and pandol and ask u to sponge him only. So I just gave one shot of pandol. These two weeks seem so long w bb sick
hope he really get well soon. He also drinking less and less milk...your gal drinking milk.?today from 4am until now only 40ml
My gal has been having bad throat for almost 3 weeks. She has been getting up for two or three times for night bf feeds , maybe coughing makes her feel thirsty. She used to sleep throughout the night before that . Finally yesterday she only wake up once, I think the antibiotic works so she is sleeping better. Her appetite seems normal for the day feeding, about 5 times a day sometimes for one or two feeds she may bf only one side or no interest to bf, keep pulling and biting me... Ouch ! Then I assume she is not hungry or no appetite , I think when bb is not feeling well they may take lesser.
Hi ladies,
I've been a silent reader and follower since pregnancy. My daughter (#1) was born Jan 10. Decided to "own up" so there's one more voice to make this forum livelier and interesting. This is already the most alive one I've known! Now back at work so more time in the day to follow up with the thread. Hope to be able to carry on and exchange information and tips with all fellow mummies
Diapers promo: pet pet 2 packs for $29.95 @ ntuc. Pampers 2 packs for $34 @ shop n save.

My #1 down with slight fever n blocked nose. Arghh.. Guess weather too hot yesterday. They went botanical garden, came back with tanned face.
Just end battle with my girl, struggling to feed her myself with a syringe. She keep pushing out the medicine from her mouth and close her mouth. My mum says last time they all use spoon to feed faster. Anyone using spoon to feed your baby medicine instead of sypringe?


Thanks Moscato, I just SMS my hubby to inform him about the promo, but we can't decide whether to get M or L leh. Haha... At home now left with one pack of pampers M and 2 packs of huggies ultra L. Haha.. We over-estimate our gal that time when she was only 6.9kg, we thought she was 9kg and brought L size as we dont have a weight machine at home. We kiasu lah everytime got promo will go stock up. That time I stock up too many newborn pampers and have to give away as gift for my girlfriend that just delivered.
Xuan_mom, i use syringe. "shoot" the med to the side of her mouth. Spoon will be difficult for their age right?

Think still can get size M for pampers ba. Cutting quite big.
Thanks, yah M size can wear up to 11kg, will get M size then. My gal first thing she sees me with the sypringe she shut her mouth tight. When she finally loosen her mouth a bit, we use syringe to shot inside her side of mouth but she use her tongue to push out some of the medicine loh. We always have shot a few time to finished feeding . Otherwise all push out by her tongue.
Xuan_mom, i'm still bf-ing, but my ebm can't keep up with my gal's feeds. I express 3 times a day. It's only been 3 wks back at work and I can already feel the xiong-ness. But it feels good to do it for the baby.
Not sure if you know of Kimsang Medicinal shop at Fernvale? Its diapers are cheaper than the CK store in my neighbourhood. Now I don't pay attention to NTUC / Cold storage/Shop & Save weekly promos anymore, cos Kimsang's or CK's prices are perpetual "promo" prices
It is? Maybe I can go check it out one of these day. R u a Punggol mummy too?

I'm going back office this coming Monday, still dunno where I can express milk since my meeting rooms are open concepts , with a few blur strips cross. Did you do it once in the morning at home, once in noon (lunch time ) and night time after your baby sleep? Will you feel engorge in between?
Went back to work on Thurs. Pumped 2x a day, 11am and 3pm, then need to rush home at 6pm to feed bb. Only 2 days I already feel v tiried! haha.. cannot imagine how some working mothers can bf for many many mths. Sometimes I have meetings so may stretch past 4hrs. Argh.

Xuan Mom, at least your bb is sleeping longer hours. Mine used to wake up just once a nite, but for the past 2weeks she has been consistently waking up 2 or even 3x a nite. I really duno why. Even tried to tank up a bit more in the evenings, like feed every 2hrs, also like that. Haiz... So tiring for me. If she sleeps immediately after feeds still not so bad, but after feeding her, she will still fidget and start to make noise.. Sigh.. can last for 1+hr.

Im really panda liao..

That's meant you are keeping up your supply very well leh. For me, currently i only pump once in morning and once at night , sometimes if my gal have late feed I will just go to bed after that without pumping. After returning to work not sure if my supply will keep up or not.
how are mummies doing?

havent been coming here coz m really busy with my work. lack sleepy ever since back to work. even weekend is burnt doing housework. its a rushing cum chasing life for me now, both at work and home.
recently got this new diaper product, pureen(premium). surprised that it was better than mamypoko coz it din leak at nite, ha. now have promotion cost $12.90, per diaper about $0.27-0.29.
My baby also undergoing sleep regression/ growth spurt.
From waking only once a night for a refuel, she has been doing every 2 - 2.5 hours!
It's very brutal - like dealing with a newborn all over again...

Xuan Mom, you can try to pull longer hours between pumps before you start work. I gradually stepped down from 6 -> 4 pumps, so I only pump at noon and 5.30pm before knocking off work. Pulling longer hours between pumps now will help you get used to the "full" feeling, but must do slowly to avoid supply disruptions.
Hi mummies, I'm on my way to work. Feeling good to put on my heels again... My gal is still asleep when I went out. Her cough is recovery, haven't hear any coughing last night and she woke up once for night feed. Phew, she hasnt sleep well for the past few nights, waking frequently for feed. Luckily she is better and I also had quite a good sleep yesterday. Got a bit emotion leh when I left the house with a sleeping baby.

Anyway no more people giving up seats for me already ... Got to squeeze in the crowded train.
Moscato, how many diapers per pack are there in the shop & save promo? I better let my hb do the math n chiong for it if cheaper than kimsang/CK.

Xuan_mom, welcome back to the world w/o pregnancy. I was also very disappointed the first wk back at work when there was no seat in the train ;p

I usually pump 3x a day, once just before rushing out in the morn, 2x in office whenever my schedule permits. Sometimes, 3-4h interval, if can't then stretch to 5h max. When I'm at home, I'll latch my gal. I also forego the pump at midnight when my hb insists on feeding bb FM to stretch out her sleep time. You'll slowly adjust once you get into the groove of working/rushing.

Lush, my colleague's wife bf their #2 for 2 yrs! Whenever I'm maxed out, I think of her. If others can do it, so can I. (Well, mayb not 2 yrs, but at least 6 mths then see how..lol)

xuan_mom, sad hor..no more priority..haa.. u will miss your ger at work.

googlez82, it's 68 pc per pack for M size. 60 for L. Kimsang is currently selling $72 for 4 packs of 68 M size (according to their website. Not sure if cheaper if u go direct to their shop)..so shop n save is $1 cheaper per pack.

jkids, pampers is $0.25 per pc leh..during promo. Goon premium also not cheap..think it cost more than pampers.
There's Motherhood fair this Thursday to Sunday! Many of the big ones gonna be there, can stock up on wipes, cleanser, toiletries. Pampers going for 2 for $30 (Size M68 and L60).
can chiong pampers again...any limitation to how many packs each pax can buy?
but have to be there very early..i went 2 years ago...saw mummies quarrelling with the pampers staff..
dont think my hb will go with me this time if i want to go...he said so troublesome..
Thanks Googlez82. Haha I just brought 2 pack of pampers from shop n save yesterday . But I may go down the fair to buy walker.

Good that nobody givE up seats for us, that's means we are still slim! loLz!

Thanks googlez82 and Babyjin for sharing your pump at work experiencEs
xuan mom, welcome back to work.
ur gal still attending ifc? maid got liao?

my boy is having running nose & cough. can't sleep at nite. been waking up every 2-3hrs. need to carry & change his sleep position. siong! still monitoring to see if there's any need to bring him to the doc. hopefully he'll feel better today. sigh.

I'll be going down to the fair this sat. maybe buying some pampers, singlets & bb jar food ba. so looking forward to it. shopping time! nowadays i'm spending more on him than myself. sigh. hahah.
Xuan mom, how was your first day at work?
Jac: hope your boy is getting better... If not bring him to see doc ba.
The motherhood fair u all talking about is it at vivo? Or Singapore expo?
Just went f short lunch at my kopitiam w my boy... While coming back saw 2 maids w 2 young children. Maids were talking and messaging away and the elder kid was seated on the dirty floor full of flowers spread all round and the younger one was playing w herself at one side. I feel sad f the children and feel angry that the maids are so irresponsible...I think part of the reason why there are sahm and infant care is because out of 10 maids only one is good and u must be the super lucky one to have found this maid.
brink, my friend is the lucky one. Her maid very good..even know which med and how much to feed when her kids are sick. During gathering, her maid is our "child-care centre". The kids will sit around her and sing & play.
Jac: gal still at infant, maid need to go agency this week and heard that it takes about 2months to "ship" in after the paper work.

Are you able to pump abit in office? My production seems low leh, about 120ml only each time with two side. Last time one side can get 120 to 140ml.
Moscato; good maids are hard tO come by. I also have a maid last time when I decided it was time to go back to the workforce but her pattern 3 months come out and by 6 mths she steal. She create more problem f me so I quit my job and continue to stay home until my boy 18 mths.
But again, depends on your luck also, some maids are good lor.
BabyjIng, how long did your bb take to recover? My boy had been eating medication f 2 full weeks already. He seems better but still got phelm
xuan_mom, yeah it takes abt 2 mths to "ship" a new maid to SG. u getting pinoy or indon one? who's gonna be home with ur gal & maid ah? mine was a indon one, with work experience in saudi, sibei keng!!! my advise is get a totally fresh one & take some time to train her up. last time we got one with experience coz lazy to train her, then tot she new in SG so won't dare to be funny. BUT she learn very fast, ask to go supermarket alone & shop for 1hr & forgot to buy groceries to cook lunch. relle 1$&@@&&)$8. also punggol here alot of construction wokers, muz be careful when ur maid goes out alone. I saw maid go pak tor with construction worker b4, the construction worker was waiting for her at lift lobby. got construction worker come my hse peep peep b4 too. scary.

moscato, envy ur friend. she still need her maid? hahah.
brink, motherhood fair is at expo this wkend. I see my boy today how lo, he always look better when he's awake & playing, but start to sniff & breathe very hard coz nose block when he's sleeping. sigh. dunno whether to bring him to GP or PD also. kkh can juz walk in to see doc one anot ah? juz walk in to the a&e ah? wats the waiting time like?
Now got myanmar maid also. Maybe consider Indo or Myanmar . Wont get pinoy maid cause must give her one off day and i prefer to get a maid that is slower but willingly to learn. Cannot get too experience one, scared yaya . But I still can't over come myself to have a stranger stay in my house but everyone tell me to get a maid help out.

In train on my way to fetch my gal already. Today first day at work feel quite good , at least my buttock can finally sit properly on the chair. Did two pumping manage to get two feedings for my gal. Phew....
Hi mummies, went to Kiddy Palace during the weekend and for those looking for offers, good deals include:
- Pureen ABD liquid detergent (2litres) 3 for $21.80
- Johnson&Johnson wipes 3 for $10.08 (J&J offering additional 20% ontop of KP's storewide discount of 20%)
Are any mummies using any pullup diaper pants for their kids already? I heard from my friend that usually those who already can walk wear diaper pullup pants. Is that true? what are your views?
I tried using pull up pants for my daughter because I felt that it doesn't leak as easily as the normal diapers esp when we are out.

Re: maid
I have sent my maid off already. It is really not easy to manage someone staying under the same roof as u. I guess my mistake was being too lenient. So mummies considering make, please be stricter with them initially then slower let go.

Re: infant care
Now "shopping" around but realised some more popular ones have to be more waiting list and I really need more feedback from mummies on infant care. If i have certain requests eg: feed my baby at certain time even if baby is sleeping do they accede?
xuan_mom, wow u can make it to fetch ur gal ah? I work in tanjong pagar, juz boarded NEL nia, on the way back punggol. so damn far. mabbe u can try out maid see how lo, since ur ILs & hb r so in favour of it, & who knows u might be lucky & get a very good one leh, can take care of ur gal & do housework. think positively la. if no good then end her contract after 2yrs sharp lo, or if relle bei tahan then send ur gal back to IFC lo, by then she older abit mabbe less susceptible to virus. only worry is maybe hard to get the IFC u want next time, but worry abt that next time la.

jean, maybe abit hard to wear the pull up pants when bb can't stand? if poo also abit hard to clean bb & change diapers like that leh.
yeah, muz be strict with ur maid!! my mum was super lenient, somemore say treat her like own daughter. when we stay over at my mum's place the maid will auto go into my old room & lay out the bed, etc & sit there read magazine & close door to sleep, without even asking where I'll be sleeping!! me & bb sleep in the living room lo!! then mum told her can eat what she want, so she muz always eat our food, e.g. banana nut bread, salmon, chicken drum, etc. kuning fish, sardines, white bread, plain crackers, she don't eat. she relle got out of hand la. sigh.. after 2mths my blood still boil & I'm still complaining.. hahah..
dekora, think usually the IFC will try listen & follow what u want one if they can. better if u check with them when go down for site visit.
Jac: can make it if I leave on the dot loh . I can reach before 7pm.

Mummies what time your baby usually sleep? I try to let her sleep by 10pm but sometimes she falls into deep sleep around 8plus before her feed. Then I will put her into the rocket and to wait for her to wake up again for feed before putting her in the cot.

Hey mummies how is your stretch mark going? Mine still like wrinkle orange . Chiam....Next time wear bikini need to put tummy concealer Liao. LOLz!
Re:infant care
Jac, now is just how to convince true older generation that IFC is not as bad as they think. Cos to them like the kids v ke lian and they feel that the teachers will not be as attentive and careful as them. But I really don't want to add further stress to them since they are old liao. Haiz..
xuan mom, envy. my boy doesn't sleep b4 10pm leh. nowadays waking up every 3-4hrs during nite as well. sleep regression? sigh.

dekora, easy. juz bring them along during ur site visits lo. my grandma changed her mind abt ifc when she saw that they r so pro: nice & clean environment, got aircon, got so many toys, got trained teachers, got other kids to play with, etc. initially she was still nagging us to change maid. but if ur ILs still insist on looking after then let them look after lo. anyway u still got to waitlist for IFC mah, so meanwhile let them look after lo. by the time IFC offer u a space then u decide whether to continue let them look after or send to IFC? by then shld have some idea whether they can really manage anot lo.
It depends on when is my gal last feed. If her last feed is early like 8pm,I usually will not put her to cot. The best is she takes her last feed at 9.30, then after that she can go for her bed time around 10+ . Sometimes if she is not hungry and takes her last feed late at 10+ , I can only shower and rest around 11+. lor.
xuan_mom, try to take turns with ur hb & ILs to do the nite feeding? i usually sleep ard 11+pm-1am coz need to carry my boy until he deep sleep then can put him down. i still dunno how to break this bad habit of his. praying he'll outgrow it when he gets older. so usually my hb/mum will do the nite feed at ard 1-2am & me/mum will do the next feed at 5-6am. i'm downing coffee to keep me awake thro the day. yawnz.

my boy has gone back to waking up twice a nite & taking 7 feeds (120ml or less) a day. previously got improvement, wake up only once a nite & taking 6 feeds (120-150ml) a day. wonder y. tot they shld be sleeping longer at nite & skip the nite feed altogether?? anyone having the same situation??
