(2012/01) Jan 2012

lush, I brought my boy to the PD to confirm that it's colic & get some med. coz don't want to anyhow try over the counter medicine. it'll help if u got keep a log of baby's feeding/poo-ing habits & timing of fussiness, etc... my boy also wakes up & cries b4 his feeding time. I try to offer the pacifier & some plain water & carry him to sleep first. try to stretch as long as possible & only feed him when confirm he's really hungry (in small amts e.g. 30ml if it's not time yet) or when closer to his feeding time (will juz give in to him if got 15-30mins more to go). else he'll prob be eating every 1-2hrs. sigh.

btw mummies, I feed my boy (now 4 wks old) 120ml every 3hrs. am I over or under feeding? how much r u all feeding?

Hi mummies,

Im new to this thread. I just delivered on 26 January. This is my 2nd bb and it's a girl. Im having a lot of mixed feelings for this birth and feeling lousy already.. guess its the hormones..
Ritzc,moscato,bianz,jingles,jkids: thanks for ur encouragement. Am hoping this 1 mth confinement is over soon and brighter days ahead.. Till today, my body is still recovering. Not 100% back yet.

Lush: my CL try to test her finger near the bb's lips. If bb is pointing out her tongue,most likely she cries of hunger. If not, mwybe wet or just fussy.. Can try this before deciding to feed bb fm. Btw, my CL did ask me last week to buy pacifier for my bb, but so far we managed to pull thru without one.

My bm also cant catch up with bb demand. Why we all have this problem nowadays ya?

Babytum: wow, u r so amazing!!! Still do cooking on ur own plus housework.

Jac: Congrats on the 1 mth milestone.

Jkids: hope your wound and piles are not disturbing u so much by now. My gynae said got gel to apply if the piles are botherimg but i didnt buy coz it has subsided. Maybe u ask ur gynae. Also, ask ur gynae for laxatives to sofften ur stool. Ur post natal check should be coming soon right?

Jingles: hope you hsve recovered by now from the stomach flu..

Ok mummies, good night.. I think i hv to go to bed now and catch some rest so i recover faster.
Jac: i'm feeding my coming 3 wks old boy 100ml. Try to stretch 3hrs, once in a while can stretch 4hrs if he is sleeping well. Sometimes less than 3hrs, he will cry liao. If i latch him, worse cos supply low. He will cry every hr and drink some fm then dont want. So messy and disturb his sleep routine. Make me feel like stopping giving him bm. Anyway supply getting low.

And he always wants to chg diapers even though not full yet! Siong!

Jojo: anyone helping u? Come in to grumble if u need to. Dont bottle up ur feelings. Cry if u want to. U will feel better.
Hi Jac, did u show ur pd ur baby log? Then the pd can advise if we are over feeding. I am feeding my 6 wks old baby 100-120ml every 3 hourly. Sometimes he still vomit out some milk after feeds (even for latching on) so I dun dare to give more cos scared got reflux. My baby also started crying and fussing ard wk3, and I brought him to pd, now still taking rid wind for colic. I hope he will out grow it real soon!!

Re confinement, I also thk that it's the worse period of my life. So stressful and tired. I did bath and wash my hair that time, cos it's so hot and I kept perspiring! Felt so dirty and lousy lor.. But luckily my hubby is modern thinking so sometimes he also helped me to break some confinement rules. I din have CL, my mum helping me, so I also doing a lot of washing of bottles and breast pumping equipments myself.
my bb's getting nottier, now cry to be carried. after 1st mth how...i rem i had to carry my no1 in my arms for a long time, so long as he was wakeful and u put him down on bed, he wld start to cry. i hope this bb wun become like no1!

does your bb burp easily? mine dun seem so, so i sometimes give up after 10 min, is it ok? any better position to ensure burping?

moscato n delphina:
i am going for checkup this week, considered "late" coz i postponed it. thanks goodness...my wound seems ok now after 2 weeks. only my piles' giving me problem. the lump's still there but less soreness, hope it go away soon!

can share y do u feel lousy?

give bb a full feed? pacificer?make the room darker and quiet?

u are a tough mother! but dun overstrain lah coz we still need to rest to recuperate.
Jkids >> yes agree. I also scared will overstrain so trying to take it easy n lower my threshold of cleanliness and tidiness in hse so I do less housework.. Lochia started getting a little heavier after lightened n it's apparently a sign of overtraining and body telling us it needs to slow down.

But pumping is the tiring one though I do enjoy it after it becomes part of the routine then get used to it le..

For burping I recall PD says just burp half to one ,I'm if baby doesn't so b it don't "over burp" .. The most throw up some milk it's ok one s long s not vomit.
jkids>>> i tried giving full feed but he still sleeps very short short naps. I feel so exhausted because of that. I also keep his room dark and quiet but still no use. I'm a bit skeptical about pacifiers as well so intend not to rely on it.

How old is your No. 1 baby???

I guess Im feeling lousy coz' of hormones ba.. I dont know but I remember feeling the same way for the first one. Everyone seems so happy around me but I feel like crying only. in fact, cry a bit today.. just dunno why. My legs have also swelled after birth and I realise I din lose a lot of weight, just 3 kg only! Anyone like this?

SQin - Im not enjoying my confinement period too. Hate the rules and not able to go out. Anyway now, also cant see pple.. so ugly and bloated and dirty.

jkids- Babies tend to like to be carried especially if he's been used to it. U can try over the shoulders burping method. Works for my first one.
SQIN: thanks... the reason i ask is because, their prices are realli reasonable leh, somemore got include glutinous rice and baby cupcakes... so wondering how come so 'good deal'?
Rocco, I thk maybe cos xinyipin is a relatively new company, so trying to promote the brand. It is sister company of e-creative. E-creative is halal but xinyipin is non halal. Btw, my guests said their glutinous rice not nice.. FYI.
SQin: is the food taste of xinyipin not far off from Neo garden? Their menu looks similar, but $$ is significantly different. I've never tried xinyipin before.. Thanks..
moscato, do u feed yr boy when he wakes up less than 3hrs? how to control ah?

sqin, yep I did show my log to the PD. but that was almost 2 wks ago liao. she did comment that my boy is growing quite fast (heavy!) but it's ok. he's one greedy boy! now face super round & eyes look so small comparatively. not cute liao. hahah.

jkids, oops! my boy is sounding like yr #1. he also doesn't like to be burp & doesn't burp easily. try shoulder position also don't like. I also give up after 5-10mins. but I'll try carry him in incline position for abt 15mins b4 I put him down. but he still pukes milk la. once puke then quickly carry him up again. juz make sure to keep a close watch to ensure that he doesn't choke lo.

jojo, u could be having some post natal blues & water retention/ bloating. think mild post natal blues is common ba. quite a few of us feel weepy in the first few wks too. family support is very very impt. mabbe u can share yr feelings or complain to yr hubby, mum, close friends, or even on this forum. it really helps to let yr feelings out... on the swelling part, i also had severe water retention/ bloating (joints were painful as well) which went away only after 2 weeks. don't worry, it WILL get better. juz try get more rest... take care. each day will be much better than the day b4!
re pacifier, my mum asked the PD if it's ok to give pacifier. PD says its ok, better than the baby learns to sucks the thumb. pacifier can throw away once baby reaches 1-2yrs old & baby won't pick up the habit of sucking his thumb by then. but once the baby sucks the thumb then very hard to get rid of the habit liao. sometimes 6yrs old still sucking. & can cause problems like "bah geh", etc.
Jac: my cl is still looking after my bb. Will try pacifier or carrying him. If all fails, give in to him lor cos he cries very fiercely. Whole face red red, if continue to let him cry, will cry til no voice type.
moscato, my boy also same same lo. sigh. wonder how to control his feedings. I asked the PD then she juz smile at me & reply "try yr usual ways to pacify him lo". sigh.
Moscato, my boy is the same, looks like a little red angry bird when he cries, and also til no voice type, hahas. Haiz. If not time yet, i will let him latch since i dun have much bm n he usually end up treating me like his pacifier. Sometimes if the gap to the next feed is juz half hour, i will give him fm thdn count the next 3 hr feed from that timing instead.
RitzC: i try not to latch cos become pacifier. Haha..Then sometimes he will fuss as he latch. I think becos milk flow slow.

Hope he can settle down soon.
FINALLY.. i have time to post something.. been reading post but too busy to write anything..

tuete i am using Ameda dual pump..bought mine online from munsfairy..you can google about them.. mine cost about $400 ( pump + hand free set)

DS is now 42 days old liao..slowly i am getting hold of his pattern..he is a milk monster..drinking 125ml now..still trying to feed him ebm but due to my horrible supply i need to sup with fm for night feeds.. normally express out..it is too tiring and painful to latch him 24/7..i only latch him when necessary..haha e.g i need him to clear some blocked ducts =p

hope all mummies are doing well..
SQin..i give my ds water between feeds if he is awake and alert..or he is fussing before his next feeding time..
Not much water..maybe just 10~20ml..baby very smart..they hate water so wont drink much anyway..

The whole idea is to get them to get used to water..and i dont think it is harmful to give baby some water..
Poseidon,im catering for 80 people, four season only have 1 main rice / noodle right? Scared not enough coz other caterers offer 2 mains- 1 rice 1 noodle. My budget is $12 to $14 per pax..
Jac: I think im having post bb blues too.. Im hoping it will go away as my tears just flow like this. It's scaring me too.. As for the water retention, I din expect it as I din have it during pregnancy.. guess Ill wait out for it to reduce.

RitzC: Four seasons is quite generous with their food portions though Im not sure how many mains they have. I find their food yummy too. The other option you can consider is neo garden..
Today quite a no of visitors to keep my mind busy but I feel really tired now. Anyway, im glad to have this channel as an outlet, if not I think I'll feel so alone..
what a day! my cl has gone back coz her family member passed on suddenly. very sad for both of us. she was quite a gd cl. luckily i am oredi half way thro my confinement. now waiting for the replacement to come tomorrow. hope this one is up to mark. so tonite i will handle my bb.

or if u try to latch bb, maybe bb can sleep? my no1 is 6.

i tried over the shoulder also...so far not successful

u are so funny. chbby is cute mah. maybe got double chin also? cute cute. but i realli missed the moement when i 1st held bb in my arms...so minute. time flies so fast and bb grows juz as fast.

muz tok to someone...your family knows rite?

poseidon gal:
thats fast. u are one of the 1st who popped rite. so are u looking after bb alone? how u settle your lunch and dinner? do u feel "crazy" at times coz u gotta face bb alone during the day?
Hi bianz, have a smooth delivery!

Hi Poseidon, yar.. I mean ok to give bb water sometimes lar. But it is not a must for bf bb mah then I got 'scolded' for not giving bb water leh... Then explain to the old folks they also dun understand.

Haiz.. My milk supply dropped a lot these few days.. So sad. Suspect of low blood pressure also cos sometimes busy with bb till skip lunch and these few days felt giddy. I want my milk supply back!! Dunnoe if I try to eat better, will I get the supply back... Any experience, mommies?
Good that you are persevering to bf your baby. But don't forget to look after yourself too! You need to eat well (lots of protein and carbs), drink lots of fluid (2-3L a day, but can be water, soup, fruits, etc) and rest to have good milk supply for your baby. Jia you!
ritzc, for halah catering can try deli hub (http://www.delihub.com.sg/).. it's the halah sister coy of neo gardens..

jojo, i din have water retention during whole of pregnancy too (only once during very late stage of pregnancy which subsided very quickly over the wkends).. so was also shocked when i see my limbs so bloated & painful after giving birth (my face bloated up as well).. but don't worry, it'll get well, juz that might take some time.. mine only started getting better after 2 wks & went away after 3 wks.. take care & cheer up!

jkids, hope yr replacement cl is as good as yr current one.. yr current one relle sound very good leh, maybe shld share her contact so we can hire her for our future pregnancies.. yeah, my boy got double chin liao.. mum commented like machiam carrying a 5kg bag of rice ard the house.. hahah.. our arms & fingers r cramping liao lo.. :p

bianz, good luck! have a smooth delivery!
jkids: Ya, hubby knows about my blues.. thanks..
Hope your replacement CL will be as good.. must b unnerving to change CL now.

jac: today my water retention is slightly better but my experience is exactly the same as yours. I also have no swelling during pregnancy. Was yours c-sec?

It's great that your boy is growing chubby and well.. soon it will be more than 5kg rice. haha..

bianz: have a smooth delivery!
Going to see PD later for bb's first check-up. Quite happy to be able to get out of the house. i think Im the worst kind for confinement, even my CL commented that Im too active, cannot even stay at home for 2 days. Already went down for a walk yesterday night, simply can't tahan!
jojo, yes mine was c-sect. I read they pump alot of fluids (& IV drips) into our body & that might cause the bloating. gynae advised to walk more (but not over exert), but family say muz lie down more. so see u wanna listen to who la. ;)
Evon: have to pay deposit upon admission at TMC. I paid $1.2k deposit. Total bill before medisave abt $4k+ for induced natural with epidural

Congrats to all mummies who had give birth, my edd is on the 22 June.
looking forward to that day.

Yes my husband is doing his own catering business, maybe you can take a look at the menu and consider? Currently he is the caterer for KBox Events.

Can email me at [email protected]

MIL & CL keep asking me to feed bb whenever she cries, can be quite frustrating.. I shall try the 3-hourly feed method.. just dong till 3hrs before feeding bb.. SHe drinks 100 - 120ml each time.. amazing... So worried abt overfeeding.. when I asked PD abt possibility of overfeeding, he jus say It's ok... now can just feed on demand!

my bb also likes to be carried to sleep, esp the head on my chest position... maybe cos of body warmth lor. And she wakes up every hr.. the only way to make her sleep longer is really to let her sleep on tummy... even thou I know it's not recommended.. but it really works. ;p
moscato, my MIL says drink a glass each day - 1/3 DOm, 1/3 ginger juice, 1/3 water.. I tried once only.. it tastes so yucky.. eekss... like cough syrup.. yucks. ;p
Moscato, think DOM takes about 3 hrs to be out of our system. I made a mistake by drinking DOM at 9pm 2 nites ago, n when my boy fuss every hour after 9pm, i cant bf him. Then when he fussed til 12am, i latched him, but i feel the DOM not completely out of my system yet leh, and was really guilty though he managed to sleep well for 4 hrs after that, but not right la.
I got those small tea cups 拜神的杯coz the DOM doesnt come with plastic cup. Drink juz 1 small cup per night.
Wow, really 1/3 cup. My cl also pour so much for me. I mixed with longan tea but didnt finish all. :p

Want to drink but worry abt bm. But with the DOM and chix essence, think i dont look so pale now.
I used to drink 1 small cup only. So was surprised when the cl poured so much for me.

Lush: today my cl sort of feed my boy fm on demand too. But he doesnt finish all at one go. Bo bian lah, my boy not easy to take care, i worry the cl not enough rest too. Some things i just close 1 eye.
Lush, my parents also keep giving my boy water n fm when hecis too fussy. I also cant stop them coz everyone juz trying to calm my boy. So give n take la.

Between, mamax gold fm states bb 3 to 4 weeks old can take 120ml per feed for 6 to 7 feed a day. Fyi.

Hi mommies, does ur bb often regurgitate their milk? Sometimes I give my bb more milk, he will regurgitate, then I give him less, he seems not satisfied leh..

My bb also fussing a lot. So tiring. Btw will u bring ur bb to pd or polyclinic for their jabs? Pd is so much more ex leh..
