(2012/01) Jan 2012

felt a sense of lost my previous cl had to leave. din zzz well yday coz i had to handle bb. change a diaper and he would urine on the blanket, if not he would threw out a bit of milk so ended up i had more things to do.

my new cl came today. her style diff from my previous one. still prefer the previous one. luckily onli less than 2 weeks to go. my previous one cooked very nice food for me, always in abundance, qing dan which is to my liking. but people commented she has a fierce look. she does look fierce and can be fierce, but we are her boss so she would always listens to our instruction, so not a big issue on this. and also, she is quite kapo, would ask alot of things about your family, so some pp may not like it. if u want, can pm me for contact details lah, haha.

what diaper are u using for your bb? any gd brand for day use? currently i use mamy poko, my fav brand and morning, huggies which i find it wet easily.

and what type of fish does your CL eat? eg, if you eat wu yu, does she also eat the same as u? coz wu yu is more ex...

toking about dom, this time i dun drink dom, i drink huiqi waist tonic, taste much better than dom....

when you change diaper for bb, does bb often urinate and wet the blanket? mine do this often, and it can be frustrating ...

i will bring bb to polyclinic.
Feeding on demand: I try to latch my girl as much as possible now but my milk still hasn't really kick in. Worse, my CL does not advocate BF so keep asking me to give FM. Stress!

jkids: mb u are too used to your previous CL style? anyway, at least now got extra hands so u can sleep better at night.. 2 more weeks..

Im using pampers now. I find it good for less than 6 months old. I don't like drypers, the sides always tear! So far, my girl only wets her diapers.. how come yours will wet the blanket? too full or diapers not good enuff?

SQin: I bring to PD..
SQin: my bb vomit milk a few times. Happened last wk when i feed him. Gave me a scare. Vomit 2 mouthful type. My cl is the one feeding him most of the times, she said these few days dont have.

Jkids: my boy always give me water fountain lor. I 'shh' him for a while, thot no urine, the moment i pulled away the diaper, he will urinate. -.-

I'm using drypers now. Before this, huggies. Gg to try petpet cos cheaper.
Hi mummies,

I had given birth to my baby boy thru planned c-section on 31st jan 2012. When I first saw my baby, it was definitely worth the pain to bring him to the beautiful world.

He weighs 3.59kg at birth. Really love him so much. He is the best gift that had happened to my life.
i am using huggies S size now.. how i prevent kena water fountain from my ds is that when i change his diaper i will put a wet wipe over his little brother..so even if he really wee wee..it wont be spraying all over the place at most flow to the side..
I will also put changing mat underneath when doing the changing in case he decided to wee or shit..
so far so gd with this method..
My ds is now 6 wks old liao.. hengz i dont need to face ds alone most of the time as i will bring him and myself over to my mum's place every wkday morning when hub goes to work..
Mum stays a few blk away from me..so i just walk over..
At night hub will go over for dinner and we will go back home together..

I think it is quite stressful to face a newborn alone if you are a 1st time mummy.. i nearly scream at ds when hub was out with his friends last sat and i was home alone with ds for close to 5 hrs... he fuss for 2 hrs non-stop. =S
SQin..i will be going to polyclinic for vac..so far took hep B 2nd dose at polyclinic liao.. will be taking the 5 in 1 in march at polyclinic too..
I use same method as Poseidon, use wet wipes to cover. I thk boys more prone to wee wee during diaper change, cos so far those cases I heard are boys. Maybe for girls, even they urine, it won't spray everywhere.

I am using drypers and huggies size S for my boy now. Drypers seems to be smaller so hope to finish my last pack of drypers soon. So far satisfied with huggies. I bought a pack of pet pet size M to try next. Thk will use pampers to use at nite when baby can sleep thru bah... Wah can't wait for that day to come!
Poseidon I tot ur bb is more than 6wks old? Cos I tot mine is 6wks old now.. Or I calculate wrongly..

How much is ur bb drinking now? My bb not sometimes not satisfied with 120ml so I start to give 140ml, 7 feeds a day.
I'm bringing my boy to polyclinic too. At first want follow up w pd who seen my boy at kkh, but the same day she discharged my boy, he ran a fever that night. The registrar refused to let me contact her saying that all bb under observation will be warded in the same nursery n i had such a hell of experience at the A&E n subsequently at the nursery which appeared understaffed w a bb left unattended crying loudly, that i felt no point sticking to my assigned pd. Too traumatized.
Anyway, jojo n jac, thanks for suggestions on halal caterer, i settled w four seasons.

These 2 days my boy when fussy calms down more easily when i carry him. He refused to be calm by my parents. End up im more tired than ever coz now im also his walking couch, hahas
Congrats Marie! Ya I agree the moment u see your bb all the hard work is really worth it..but taking care of bb is tougher..

Last night my gal cried very badly and woke the whole house up..dunno issit colic or what but she won't stop crying no matter how we try to pacify her
so damn tiring..

Poseidon, I feel u! Cos hb working overtime and I feel so helpless when bb fuss at night

I'm also bringing bb to polyclinic for vac n now can make appointments beforehand, waiting time should be quite short?
Poseidon: totally understand your frustration especially alone.. It's normal to want to scream at bb sometimes.. I also very sianz if my hubby is late at work or overseas.. I think it's going to be world war 3 at home now with 2 kids.

Medory:how old is your gal now? Erm.. My mother says bathing bb with pomelo leaves can calm them down and make them sleep better.. It's a traditional method but it worked on my ds..
sqin, I'll be bringing my boy to PD (the kid's clinic @ sengkang) for his jabs. at the same time can do checkup, & PD is more thorough & can give better advise ba? btw, how much is the polyclinic charging ah? u can try giving yr boy frisco comfort/ isomil (soy milk), suppose to help with reflux & colic as advised by the PD. i'm giving my boy enfalac in the day & isomil at night. thinking of changing from isomil to frisco comfort coz isomil causing abit of constipation. my boy (5wks today) is taking 120ml, 8 feeds a day. maybe u can give more?

jkids, I'm using pampers. but somehow can't last thro the night. or maybe my boy juz eats & pees more ba. I read that mamy poko more absorbant? but I've yet to try coz pampers is cheaper than mamy poko at sheng shiong. btw, I use a swaddle clothe to cover him during diaper change. dirty can wash. me & hb kana shit & pee on our hands & legs b4! literally KNS!

Marie, congrats!!
Jac, thanks for advice. But I still giving my baby breastmilk. Will take ur suggestion if I gg to intro formula to him. Probably will bring my baby back to the pd at Mt A for bah.. Cos baby colicky and got reflux etc.. Can consult the doc at the same time. Anyone know dr lim kwang hsien fr kinder clinic? He is very nice and caring... After visiting him, he will call us to check if baby is ok. But still considering if want to pay extra for pd. I have a polyclinic nearby my house though..
Hi Marie, congrats, share your excitement to our bundle of joy on the same day =)

My gynae had initially intend to induce on 31 jan but i wishes to let 'nature take its course' hence plan to have intimate session with my hubby but ends up with intense moments of humour due to the funny stage of my big belly... in any case tat seems to work too, since my water broke few hours later 'naturally' =p

but waiting for dilution is no joke since we need to wait for full 10cm dilution till next day 7pm+ & i'm hungry as hell. When e time finally arrival to push, my gynae comment tat since it's a big bb need to prepare for the worst to opt for emerg c should any situation arise. in any case, I pray hard n push as hard as i can & thank God my boy arrived within the next 30 mins @ 3.8kg.

But all is worth & i cried like crazy with joy seeing my lovely boy =)
hi all mummies, im frm the jul/aug 2012 thread, sorry to intrude. hehe! anyone on confinement tingkat? can shareshare reviews? those bf-ing, what pumps u all using?
i dun think so...its more like the previous cl did her job well, at least to my satisfaction
bb wld shh wen i change diaper for her...

wat a huge bb and a gd job u did! congrats!

yes mamy poka absorbs well...

congrats on your bundle of joy!
ds born on 19 dec..so now is 7 wks liao..hee
my boy is drinking 125ml..still 8 feed a day..3 hrly..

SQin you TBF?? my supply not enough to meet his demand..i feed fm at night..
Bianz, u still in hospital? Get the lactation consult to help you when u want to bf.. Then they can guide u if the latching is correct. My problem last time is baby mouth din open big enuff to suckle so nd to help him push his chin down. But now I also nd to guide him to latch.

Poseidon, so far still on breast milk. I only latch during nite feed, rest of the day is ebm. I thk very soon cannot meet his demand since I start to feed him 150ml and these few days supply dropped like mad.. So sad. I ever can pump out 230ml lor.. Now only 150-170ml. Asked my mum to cook fish soup tmr..
Bianz: use nipple cream after latching. Initial bf is like that one. Mine cracked and bled. I once pumped 'strawberry milk'. It will get better. But make sure ur bb is latching correctly.
Hi mummies,

For those who are still considering what kind of insurance to get for your newborn, i believe the first one should be the hospitalisation plan. As a mother of three, there is this plan called myshield, underwritten by Aviva, which provide free hospitalisation plan for your child if both you and your spouse are covered under this plan.

Premiums are deducted from medisave and i thought it's quite beneficial for all parents since it will be given free for your child (up to a max of 4 children).

For more information, please do PM me. I would also like to be upfront here. Yes, I am an insurance agent but as a mother of three, this plan can really help u save a fair bit over the long run.

If any mummies are considering getting a whole life plan(with cash value) for your darlings, with just a mere $2 a day, we can provide a $150K coverage for your child. This is one of the cheapest in the market too. Do PM me if you want more information.
any mummies sending yr baby to IFC ard punggol/ sengkang? any IFC to recommend?

btw, I was shocked when I went to enquire at few My First Skool ard punggol & sengkang. All IFC & CCC r full. & waitlist is damn long, IFC ~40 for ~10 places, PG ~200 for ~20 places, CC ~400 for ~40 places. priority goes to those who r already in the ctrs (e.g those in IFC will auto get a place for PG & CC, etc), those with siblings in the ctr, then those on the waitlist. how to get in mann??
Hi mummies, I m planning to go for elective c section. For those tt undergo c section. Is it really necessary to get an adominal binder? Which brand do u recommend?
Hi mummies,

Sorry to intrude. I have a can of unopened, brand new Nan Pro 1 milk powder to let go at $30. Letting go as baby is now 100% on breastmilk. Self collect at Telok Blangah Way. Please email me at [email protected]
moscato, I also pre-registered for MFS @ 183 & 126 punggol last sept. recently went down to 183 punggol & 153 sengkang (new branch) to enquire. also called up their HQ. all full & waitlist very long leh. think quite tough lo. sigh. which MFS did u pre-register? u sending yr baby to IFC at how many mths old? btw, eduventure, brightkids & cherie hearts @ punggol still got vacancies. but I still prefer MFS, cheaper & environment seems better. actually I still considering whether to get rid of my maid & send my boy to IFC anot. maid abit cmi. sigh.
Hi happy tomato,
My doc used this brand dale provided by him

Btw for those who went for c-sec did your docs gave u any gel to prevent keloids? If so, what brands are u using?
Jac: you send to IFC in Sengkang ah? V hard to get in one. I initially wanna go for half day IFC, they straight away reject me, saying priority goes to pple opting full day. Furthermore, waiting list for full day IFC are damn long.. So end up my mum will be taking care. Nv employ maid.

I using goon diapers, v absorbing and can last for whole nite.
Worth considering.
Jojo, my gal only two weeks old..last night I gave her some gripe water n she slept more peacefully..n I can get some sleep

Bianz, congrats n well done! Rest well ya. N before my breast milk start coming, I also had cracked nipples from baby's suckling, try to put some cream n it helps to soothe it

Happy tomato, my friend bought her binder from guardian n her gynae commented it's quite good, maybe u can consider
Jac: i pre-register at 183 MFS only. So no hope la? I havent call up to chk status. Intending to send when bb is 3,4 mths old cos gg back to work.

Eduventure more ex right? Cherie hearts not convenient for me cos i still have to pick up my #1 frm cc. Her cc no IFC. Haizz.
Dekora, Medory - Thanks for the recommendation! Medory by any chance u know the brand tt ur friend uses or is it a guardian house brand?
Dekora I ever saw in young parents mag an ad on this gel called Dermatix to prevent hypertropic scars after c section. Am also thinking of asking my gynae abt it.
Yup it's guardian house brand

Btw, anyone tried ntuc house brand diapers before? My friend told me its not too bad for day use
catherine, my mum is in the sales line so work flexi hrs. initially she say she help take care of bb with the maid. but after 1 mth she keep complaining she no time do sales. also she keep on running off to meet clients, go mtgs, etc, leaving me with bb & maid. super unreliable. i didn't let maid touch baby so end up super shack during confinement. I don't feel safe leaving baby alone with the maid after I go back to work. so thot IFC would be a better option ba. but IFC ard punggol & sengkang r all full & waitlist damn long. sobs.

moscato, no pt calling them. they'll juz say they r full & ask u to register on their website & they'll call u if there's vacancies. it's like an endless wait. edventure looks like not bad, but more ex lo, think abt $850 after subsidy. sigh...... btw, which cc is yr #1 at?

happy tomato, I used the dale binder too.
anyone planning to cater dinner after confinement end? can recommend a good caterer? the one i see seems to be for 2 people. i only want for 1 person for 4 days a week....
Happy Tomato, me also using the dale binder. Got mine from mt alvernia but not sure the price since it is all lumped up under 1 cost called equipment in the hospital bill. Quite good, helps to protect the wound and makes it easier to walk around too.
Jac, Pamela - Thanks for ur info too. Looks like dale adominal binder is quite widely used. Will shortlist this and the guardian brand.

Btw mummies may i check hw many hours do u need to fast before ur c section. Coz the nurse told me 6 hrs but i ve ppl telling me for operation at least 12 hrs. Very confused nw.
Jkids, I'm having tingkat from mom's cooking Food portion very generous and my 2 kids like it as well. It's operated by the same boss as natal essential, even the lady picking up the phone is the same person. But I'm not sure if they have 1 person portion.

Happy tomato, my 2nd girl was planned c-section, I was instructed to fast from 12 midnight and admit to hospital at 7am. But gynae only operated on me at 11am. 3rd girl was emergency c-section. I was instructed to fast for 6 hours. My last meal was at 9am and gynae operated on me at 4pm. I think for any operations, minimum must fast for 6 hours. This is to prevent aspiration, ie food getting into ur lungs.
SQin: May I ask what is the duration of each pumping? My supply is only like 20ml each time I pump for half an hour. I didnt pump regularly though coz sometimes busy with baby and time just flies. Your supply is really a lot. Any advice to share on how to increase milk supply?

Jkids: Your delivery date was same as mine on Jan 14 right? When will you celebrate the baby one month? Count 30 days from delivery date or exactly 14 Feb?

On diapers, my CL said she has used differnt brand. She said mamy poko is the best coz it keeps baby skin drier and not easily leak. My CL is very up-to-date with products I find.. Haha she keep asking me to buy Sebamed for my bb skin.
Delphina, I usually pump for 15-20min. Initially when no supply then I pump for 25-30min, 3 hourly. Now I try to stretch to 4 times per day + 1 time latch. But since now supply drop, thk have to pump 3-4 hourly again. Drinking papaya fish soup helps me to boost my supply. I read in other forums, some ppl take fenugreek supplement, thk I want to try, cos supply drop really very stressed..I have no fm at home.

Anyone here tried fenugreek? Good?
Hi Bianz, hi mummies,
I finally delivered on 1 Feb after having to induce my boy because he was overdue. Checked into hospital and waited for more than 24 hrs to dilate and got stuck at approx 7cm. Doc told us not to try anymore since it has taken so long so went for emer. c-sec. Was quite disappointed. After c-sec realized the cord was round his neck, could have been worse trying to push him out. Just soo relieved he's finally out!!
I'm also very bloated now with water retention and swelling in the hands and legs. Most probably cos I was on drip, epidural, antibiotics then topped up epidural for c-sec. Will have to try to rest properly now for swelling to go down.
Hi Grace,
C-sec or natural are both fine. I know that kind of disappointment. More importantly, is u and baby are safe and well. Now just concentrate on getting your health back so that u can take good care of your baby boy k.and of cos congrats to your newborn
SQin: I take fernugeek and i find it good, it did boost my supply. I find the fish papaya soup din work for me. But I heard from many it is good too.

jac: I kind of salute you lehz.. if I were in your position, i think i'll be very stressed. But you are so calm.. IFC in sengkang is very hot so 500+ is ok, i think..

Happytomato: I use the date binder too. My gynae gave me the dermatix. It's good to reduce keloids but not darkening of scars. My first scar was very dark and ugly and my friend, who is a plastic surgeon told me it depends on our genes. As for fasting, my gynae told me to fast 8 hours b4.
Jac: my #1 is at Sweetlands. Ex childcare but no choice. The other cc are full. This is new so managed to get a vacancy.

Actually MFS IFC also not very cheap. $700+ after subsidy. If i'm not wrong, Brightkids IFC cheaper. Anyway my mum not very supportive in me sending #2 to IFC. She wants to bring him back home to take care, wkends then i bring home. My #2 wants attention and carrying, if send to IFC, he will be left crying in the rocker. Also worried i can't cope with 2 kids at home, especially my #1 very active and will disturb didi.

Delphina: my supply also getting lower. maybe also because i didnt pump/ latch regularly. But my ML did say my milk won't last more than a mth. In fact i'm going to stop. Now can only pump 20ml per session. The most i ever pumped is 70ml and that's after overnight without pumping/ latching.

JoJo: Fish papaya soup also not very effective for me.
Hi Grace, congrats, don't b disappoint in e method as long as both u n bb are safe n sound ya, I'm sure u will soon get over it once u go on motherhood ride with bb in ur arms

Been resting fm latching due to nearly bleeding nipple, initially very sad but doc comment tat being sad will affect bm supply even more so telling myself 2 relax n do wats best 4 bb... Juz pray for successful latching n ample supply for my boy.

Truly excited yet anxious 2 b gg home today with bb today tat I couldn't sleep, juz hope tat bb wouldn't get jaundice 2 delay discharge. Already miss him like hell since no more nite feeds n only get 2 c him in e morning, gosh...

Hi bianz,

I am also going home today. Congrats on the delivery of your baby. My baby was diagnosed with very high jaundice on the 2nd day of delivery. Tears accompany me when I visited him in scn that night. Now he is getting better n back to nursery room. Hope he can go home with me 2day. Every moment, I think of him.
