(2012/01) Jan 2012

sqin, i tried fenugreek but didn't help. papaya fish soup didn't help either.

grace, congrats! most impt is mother & baby are both fine. rest well!

jojo, i AM stressed. but there's nothing much i can do leh. now can only take one step at a time lo. sigh..

moscato, MFC is $671, Brightkids is $609. but i don't really like the environment for BrightKids. rather pay more for edventure ($850) ba.. since yr mum offer to take care of #2 then y don't let her look after?

bianz, as parents we can only try our best. cheer up k!

marie, don't worry too much. baby will be fine. he's in safe hands..

Jac, u may want to widen ur IFC search to hougang area as well? Perhaps more chance.. Or do u consider finding a nanny? Just have more options for yourself bah..
Just want to seek advice frm those who have finished their confinement- cos mine ending in another one week plus.

How do u all cope with your babies after confinement?

Especially those who have undergone c-sec, how do u bath your babies since we are not suppose to sqart for the next 3 months.

And foodwise, I don't think I will have time or energy to cook lunch or dinner. Yet I don't want to travel out with my baby to buy food since she is still so young.
Jac: i dont want to tire my mum leh. Then i can only see my bb on wkends. Will miss him ah. Hehe

Ya, heard brightkids ifc not so gd but their cc gd.
Moscato: i am in the same boat with u on bf.. The most I pumped out was 50ml from both breasts combined.. Pathetic ya.. i drink plenty of water, red date longan tea etc but still doesnt help. Last time I thought if we tried hard enough, the milk will gradually become more.. But mine does not seem to be the case.

Jac: do you still give your baby any breastmilk after 1 mth or just totally on fm?
On IFC, maybe you can consider the one near your office too to widen the choices.
Bianz - congrats to u n hubby and for a delivery mtd n on EDD u wanted. U r amazing for such a chubby bb! Did u use epi? Now take care n rest when bb sleeps to cope w his demands

Grace - congrats to u! Dun let the delivery mtd affect u, stay positive, rest well so u have energy to care for ur bb

My bb latches for 15-20min every 2-3hrs in the day but when comes evening time it becomes hrly latch then fr 9pm it is 10mins latch n falls asleep refuses to latch. Put down to bed then to cry again shortly to latch. Such cycle repeats till 2-3am!! Same even when we give her FM! Hubby n myself r both tired out! Anyone has such encounter? How to make bb latch or drink longer so tt she will feed in a more regular cycle like every 2-3hr. Somebody told me this is a pacifier bb likes to suckle to sleep!! But we dun want to intro pacifier.
Yi Chin,JoJo - Thanks for ur experiences. It is very helpful

JoJo - May i check for the dermatix gel, r u suppose to use it straight aft c section or only after ur wound has healed without the bandage on.
Delphina: my ML said some ppl are really low supply. Do u have engorgement? This morning i pumped out 60ml and that's 24 hrs after my last pump. Yesterday no mood to pump. Went to do root canal treatment for my 2 teeth cos i tripped n fall on the 2nd day of cny. What an ex and terrible fall!

Hkbaby: sounds like u are human pacifier. If u just carry and rock, she ok? I already give pacifier on 2nd wk. he loves to suck. When nurse 1st brought him to me after delivery, he put his hand and suck. :s
Moscato, aiyoh, what happened? How come need to do root canal after falling? Thought that is for tooth decay? Is it painful?

Dekora, I started squatting after 2 weeks leh. Very hard not to squat. Need to pick things up from floor and my kids also sleep on mattress on the floor, need to squat quite often. But for bathing baby, I'll put the bathtub on a sturdy and wide chair with backrest in the bedroom, then transport warm water from the toilet to the tub using a pail, so I bathe baby in standing.

U can consider tingkat for food? They also do lunch delivery.
Anybody can advise how much is the pd charges for during the hospital stay? Mine is $1200 this time round as compared to #1 which is only $278.20..
Mine was about $150 per day so $300+ for 2 days. How come urs so exp this time round? U can check with the pd. What's the metabolic test?
Moscato: Aiyoh.. U must take care.. Are u feeling better now after the root canal? i also fell sick last week even till go to hospital for blood test etc since then My frequency of pumping also dropped too.. Well, I guess after all effort, i think i also fall into the low supply category.. Juz resigned my fate. Oh btw, I didnt have any engorgement..

Yi Chin: you are a good mum. Can take care older kids and baby. i am also quite scared with the thoughts of my CL leaving in less than 2 weeks time. I realized that I didnt know many things about baby care. Peoples said it will come naturally but I am afraid of doing something untintentionally that might compensate bb health and well being.. What is the best and fastest way to learn the rope in baby care? Any advice?

Bianz, Grace and Marie: Congrats to all of you.. Have plenty of rest and bonding time with the newborn.
Hi hkbaby, yes I opt for epi n doc uses vacuum right fm e start cos his previous patient b4 me on e same day had a 3.7kg bb though she's slightly bigger than me she needed emerg c hence doc is not optimistic in my case. In fact, I think I got scare by wat he say n pushes ever harder :p

Hi Marie, likewise I cried when knowing he needs 2 go under e light n keep telling myself tat it's for his own good. Guess our maternity instinct is developing. In fact, nowadays I tear very easily juz thinking of him even if he's well beside me must b e homos :p
Hi bianz n mummies,

Thanks for that. Luckily today baby went home with me. I can't imagine to leave him in the hospital. Now his jaundice level got lower. But 2molo needs to bring him to polyclinic for checkup on jaundice level.

By the way today is my 4th day after csection. However my stomach is still quite swollen. Anyone facing the same problem?
Yi Chin: i tripped on wires, which i think it's my breast pump. Tried to break the fall but worse cos the pump heavy. Fell flat on the floor. Hurt the nerves so teeth died so got to do root canal treatment.

Delphina: feeling better now. At least dont feel pain/ numb when i drink hot stuff or rinse my mouth.

I also dont have engorgement except 2nd day after discharge.
Marie: glad that your bb is fine.. U can try sunning him early morning.. Helps to bring jaundice dwn.. Works on my gal.. As for the swollen, it's normal and takes some time to reduce.. Csec recovery is slower so make sure u take things slow..

Dekora: you can try putting the tub on the toilet bowl and sit on a low stool or buy flexi bathtub which can fit in a sink..as for meals, I usually make simple meals like sandwiches.. If not, I used to meet my no.1 forum mummies for lunch.. We can do that too for our thread!

Happy tomato: my gynae says apply twice daily after I clean and pat dry with water. There's instructions in the box for u to read too.. Not to worry..

Jac: I agree with delphina.. Mb u shld look at hougang or near ur office for more choices.. You still have a few months to look but I understand your urgency..
Delphina, I guess just respond to baby according to what she wants. It's either want to drink milk, want to sleep, uncomfortable of soiled diaper or wind in tummy, or tired of lying down and wants to be carried. Actually, sometimes we are not meeting our own needs rather than baby's needs. Eg. No time to pee, no time to nap and eating cold food cos baby cries just when we finished cooking and want to sit down to eat.

Mascato, that must be a very bad fall to hurt your tooth nerve!

Jojo, how to make the babies stay 乖乖 so that the mummies can enjoy their lunch? U guys are amazing! Any strategies cos i scared to eat out in case baby cries?
delphina,, same same. I got no engorgement & supply still low regardless of what I tried. max pumped out 50ml, usually only 30ml & that's when I was pumping 6 times a day. after 1 mth I slowly drop to 3 times then now 1-2 times a day (getting abt 20-30ml per pump only). will stop when no more supply lo. think it's better to slowly reduce the frequency than go cold turkey.

sqin/ delphina/ jojo, I work in CBD area, IFC here r abt $1k+ after subsidy leh, too ex liao. also both me & mum r staying in punggol. so more convenient if the IFC is ard our area. mum can help pick up my boy coz it's impossible for me to pick him up by 7pm.

dekora, I think it's ok to squat ba. juz do it slowly. juz not those rigourous exercise kind of squatting ba. I've been squatting to bathe my boy & put him down on the mattress on the floor, etc. mabbe u can sit on a small stool when bathing yr baby?

moscato, take care leh!! sounds so painful!! ouch!! btw, so wat r yr child care plans now then?
Delphina, i bathe my boy on the kitchen table. So no need to squat. Alternatively put a firm small table in your bedroom so that you can wrap up your boy faster after bathing him.
Jac: ya, bad fall. Lucky didnt faint inside in the rm.
If no IFC, just have to let my mum bring him back to take care. Will become a wkend mum.

Gd nanny hard to find nowadays. Let my mum take care better. Even if i manage to find one, she will come over to help in the evening if my hb not at hm cos my #1 quite a handful.
Yi Chin/jojo/ritzc: thanks for your suggestions. With your suggestions, it has given me some ideas and planning.I'm looking at the layout of my house so that I can place the bath tub and transport the water over. Such a kan chong mum heh!

Jojo: wao u managed to bring your #1 out for lunch with other mums. I don't mind joining as well but really need alot of tips how to go out with baby alone

Btw, mothers using dermatrix, other than your gynae clinic where else can I buy because my gynae clinic has ran out of stock and only gave me one sample which I'm finishing soon. Don't want the scar to stay
is your bb getting notti..as in want to be carried and once u put him down thinking he is sound alseep, he cried out loud. is pacificer the only solution? which brand of pacificer would u suggest?
geewz...i seem to have prob posing my posts. sometimes i dun bother to repost liao...

14 feb is the 1st mth...

for ifc/ccc...mus place deposit early...tis is the norm if the location is convenient or fee is reasonable...

can imagine the pain...hope u are better now
Jkids.. Mine is like tat.. After milk will still yell, needs to be carried to sleep, and put down already eyes open big again n starts to yell. V v tiring for adults
im also wondering if she is not sleepin cos my bf is not enough to satisfy her. Cos when fed with fm, she sleeps for 4hrs straight. haiz..
Jkids: my boy has been like that. Give pacifier still need to carry. Sometimes need to stand n walk somemore.

Yup, feel better now. Thanks! Scary experience too.
Hi all, reading from all these threads reali learn a lot from your experiences. This is my first time as a mother, kinda lost, luckily there are so many of you who are willing to share your experiences. Now, the thing I have done is to shop for maternity clothes hehe.. wana be a pretty mum mah.
I will like to share with you this website, hope it will benefit those of you who are looking for clothes, as my way of repaying the kindness from your sharing. http://*********/index.html
They offer very nice clothes and are much more cheaper and nicer to those shops that sell maternity wear (at least from my point of view). hope it helps you too
Jkids, my boy is the same. So tired handling his angry mode, read somewhere that the fussiness peak in week 3 and 4, n hopefully fade off by 3rd or 4th month. Mine is week 3 now, long way to go, haiz
Jkids, my gal also like that sometimes n she don't like to suck a pacifier, all I can do is carry her and walk around the house..
using avent tutu for my ds... sigh actually i dont like pacifier but then it seems to be the only way to stop him from being crying and wanting to be carry all the time..very tiring to always carry him and walk ard the hse..

With a tutu in his mouth..he turn from devil to angel..
Hi mummies, urgent help my breast is not producing milk when pumping, it only barely surface an appearance when squeeze but nothing when pump. Nipple sore hence can't latch on. Now my breast feel like it's gg 2 explore with pain... N it's only my 4th day :'(
I'm also using avent pacifier for my boy.
Seems most of us are walking sarong. Most prob i will bring out the yaolan after my CL left to try. Want to let him sleep more. Bb got to sleep to grow.

Bianz: do u have CL? I had the same prob and my CL helped me to massage. Painful ah but have to tolerate. Are u using manual or electric pump?
My boy coming to week 7. sometimes also like to fuss. End up my hubby put him in the pram and push around in the hse. Sometimes have to carry him to pacify him. At times, we also put him on the swing. He is always an angel when we bring him out. Come back home like devil

Pacifier wise, I also use avent. But he always spit it out
Bianz: for 4th day, it's normal to feel engorged but nothing comes out. You must massage and let your bb suckle. By 5th or 6th day, you should be able to see colostrum or very very thin milk. Dun get too stressed, try to relax when you pump. The stony feeling is very uncomfortable for at least a few days..

On bb being cooperative when having lunch.. I rem most of us put them in slings as we ate and they r usually sleeping. Even if one is fussing, the rest of us just ignore coz we r all used to bb cries! We usually get a quiet corner so no prob on nursing. At home, it's very impt to try to establish a routine with bb, of coz easier said than done. For me, I try to put bb to sleep n luckily then, my son had this fav rocker so he can self entertain while I eat.. But when I cook, I need to put him in that rocker at the kitchen entrance where he can see me n hear me, if not world war III..
Bianz do u want to try to let ur bb suckle? I know nipples v painful now but i find babies r the best in gettin rid of engorgement. Mine was extremely hard n painful sometines so i bit my lips n let bb suckle, while i massage n press the hard parts, after tat thank goodness breasts became soft.

Anyone on tbf? How do u go on tbf har? I cant seem to catch up with bb's demands even though i let her suck 2,3x each side each time. She still cries for more sometimes.
Hi Moscato,
Yes my CL help me 2 massage then got few drops but still can't not enough... So u can manage after how long?
Thanks Jojo n Lush,
Hope mine will come soon, had tried for a short while latching as well as long hours pumping but both time draws blood... Guess I will let it heal for a day b4 trying again n pray for e best
but e breast hardness is so hard 2 bear n massage :'(
After she massaged for me, can pump out some using manual. Then i chg to electric pump the next day, can pump out more plus latching. Think she massaged for me again a day later, after that no more engorgement but i low supply type lah.
Hi stephanie, when my baby was cranky starting fr wk 3, mum got a sarong, sometimes can calm the baby cos of cuddling effect, but doesn't always work. But try not to swing the sarong too much. Anyway in the end my boy still prefers bed. So the sarong is now idling there.

Lush, u can check if ur breast still have milk by squeezing ur nipples, to ensure that ur baby is not sucking on an empty breast. I usually latch for 20-25min on the first breast then 10-15min on the second breast. my ~7wks baby drinks 140ml ebm now.
stephanie, what's causing ur dilemma? I'm using a yaolan/ sarong now coz my boy gets startled very easily when he sleeps (& he doesn't likes to be swaddled coz it's too hot), & he likes to be carried & walked to sleep. finds that he sleeps better on the yaolan than mattress. at least I spend more time swinging the yaolan than walking ard the hse now.
actually...i am thinking of introducing sarong after my confinment ends if i cannot handle bb...but how early can we introduce bb to sarong since the head/brain is still soft?
Hi jkids,
Babies ' heads are abit soft when born. So you must wait a while before letting him to sleep on yaolan.

Hi mummies,
I want to check if you guys are feeding babies with water?
I got so confused. My baby is 5 days old on formula milk. I went to polyclinic in the morning, they told me to feed him with water. In the afternoon I went to the hospital, the doctor mentioned no water only strictly milk. How mummies?
Marie, my gal is 16 days old, on fm n I have not let her drink any water yet..i find it's up to u whether u want to feed water to bb or not as we all grew up drinking water, just that modern experts say water is unnecessary for bb.
Hi jan mummies, am supposed to be Feb mummy but baby came 6 days early - 31 jan

about water - if bm no need water. If fm, can give water

Do your babies have a preferred breast? Mine likes right better than left. She suckles better there. Could also be my latching for her on left is usu poor. Now having sore nipple..
Anyone's bb not sleeping well? My bb doesnt sleep well even though he is very tired. Daytime rarely sleep 2 hrs straight. Usually half an hr will wake up n cry. Sometimes even shorter. Nite time worse.

Moscato: is your boy on the cot? Could be too hot on the back. You can also try letting him sleep on a rocker or put some music on..

Chewie: could be the position,, still must try to let her empty both breasts if not your right side cannot take it..

Marie: just like the mummies here mentioned, there's no real harm giving a bit though not necessary as research has shown. But take care not to give more than 20 ml per day as there's such thing as water poisoning..

Bianz: blood?! Ouch.. Try hot compress?
