(2012/01) Jan 2012

the area of my cect wound also puff up. now like a mini spare tyre. I didnt really walk much lei.... cos my Cl n mil kept on advising me to rest on bed..

nw I am having this achy crampy sensation in tis spare tire of mine..n tis achy feeling at hip area when walk... nt syre should I see gynae on this -.-

Jac - tks for info on natal essentials.

Medory - better call Mt A to confirm as they SMS me the following day af I faxed the form. How's ur last Sat appt? I just went n he did VE! Yucks! Said bb engaged cervix 1cm open n quite soft can induce for me in 2-3 days mainly to offer relief to me! Dun sleep well go toilet 5-6x thru the night n hav menses like cramps, feet starts to swell fr evening, bb also stretching n stomach hurts when sitting.. But we dun really wish to induce unnecessarily.. Going back this Sat am b4 they close for cny as he felt it's a gap for next appt. May c u at clinic if bb decides not to come these few days

Bianz - not working oredi so getting impatient with this waiting game..

Mknwt - our EDD is the same. Medory n Bianz too! We r all going to Mt A. How abt u? Is it ur #1 bb? Gal or boy? Mine is #2 gal
how about trying to nurse while lying down? then you can rest too. My mother is also nagging me about lying down more and not using my eyes so much. don't use eyes then do what - just lie on the bed and stare at the ceiling?? zzz...
Just called and they said not to worry if never receive confirmation as long as clinic did booking for me. Last visit was just normal scanning..he said bb's head half engaged already and bb at 2.7kg. Then the funny thing was, he said i'm anemic so must eat more meat and eggs, he even suggested I eat Mac burgers haha..

I'm also startng to have cramps, and i walk like an old lady now haha..I also agree better not to induce unnecessarily..oh aiyah, my appointment this week is on Fri cos the nurse said very full on Sat
but i hope bb comes out after CNY so that i can at least enjoy the first few days of it keke

echo, my friend's MIL told her can't talk during confinement, even funnier right haha
anyone can feel the pain down there only a few days later? i din feel the pain until the 4th day. i din take painkiller also lah. juz wondering whether is it normal for the pain to only come in after a few days? very sian...can't sit properly also...
Congrats again, ritzC!

Lush, if ur bleeding increased, then need to see dr.

Jingles, I think the cramps may be due to ur uterus contracting?

Jkids, vaccination at poly clinic needs appointment. Just call them up to book.
Echo, medory, i cant stop laughing after reading your posts. Hahah... So funny leh the way u all described. Oh gosh im still laughing, better hold on to my wound.

I cant nurse when lying down leh cos wound hurts.

Jingles, yes I get the same symptoms as u! Red n slightly swollen and it hurts when slightly pressed. I also get this achy feeling.. Is at the area jus below the wound, where they shaved the hair. Sigh... I duno why..

I dont know what is considered as walking too much leh. I walk in the house only how much can it get? Cannot be I lie down every hr n stare at ceiling rite. Haiz.. MIL sure blame it on my walkin too much.

Anyway im going to c gynae this afternoon. Clinic said today v packed I will need to wait a long time, but no choice.. Csect is a major op better make sure we r alrite
Agreed totally w u, Jkids! It's always happens when u least expect it to be! Tt's life! Have a gd rest to recover ur body well! U r an amazing woman no need to take painkillers? Dun think I can.. Not sure y ur pain comes later.. Did u just started bf? Then pain mayb cos of uterus contracting. Most impt make sure ur wound is not infected.
lush & jingles, for c-sect, family/relatives say muz lie down more, but my gynae advised me to walk more to promote faster healing (but careful not to over exert), also don't know to listen to who.. but i walked quite abit la coz no choice my boy has to be carried & walked to sleep.. I also had pain ard the c-sect scar & gynae say the inside might be infected (the scar line is healing well thou) so put me on 2 rounds of antibiotics & vit C, now starting to feel better liao.. u got any post delivery checkup by yr gynae? better to go see gynae else infection & got pus then very troublesome liao.. I also found it very difficult & painful to nurse.. in fact my boy don't want to latch liao & my milk supply is badly affected, so now depending on fm & alittle ebm.. kinda sad.. hope u all have better luck! jiayou!
Saw gynae. She said wound infected. Gave me antibiotic n cream to apply. Sigh.. Feel so sad.. Am scared it will affect bm but gynae said its ok. Sigh..

MIL asked me to go on fm if i take antibiotics, but I dun wan bb to miss out on bm. Haiz... Feel as if i have let bb down.
getting emo...

Jac, how long did urs take to recover? Mine like same symptoms as urs...
jac n lush:
whichever the reason, dun blame yourself if u are unable to bf or need to stop. fm is also good for bb.

actually still can endure, keke. yes i bf in hosp, but dunthink its the uterus leh, its really the pain down there. duno how to sit properly to avoid the pain. but i duno how i noe whether wound is infected or not...
lush, I took close to 3 weeks & finish 2nd round of antibiotics to feel better.. the antibiotics that yr gynae gave shouldn't affect the bm/ baby so u can go ahead to bf safely ba..
Hi mummies, how does it exactly feel if baby is enganged? Im due on 20 jan but i see no signs of labour. Also do u guys feel any pain know if we are 1cm dilated?
hi Welen,

if baby is fully engaged, you will feel walking a bit diffcult like something pressing onto your pelvis area.
i only understand every contractions we have push the cervix to dilate.

However, for my case i just went for a V-check no dilate till now (door shut). my edd is 19-Jan.
if after CNY no deliver, might have to c-section.
very mixed feelings now...

anyone go through planned c-section? how is it like? heard that the recovery rate is very slow and other sorts of negative stuffs?
Hi Wen,

We same EDD date!! I'll be staying at Mt Alvernia.
bb estimated 3kg will go for v-check tomorrow and see how. Feeling very heavy and clumsy now.
hi wen,

I also going through planned c-section. My EDD is 5th feb. Feeling more and more scared now.

Are you going to take GA or epidural?
Hi Chris,

I'll be staying at Mount A but till now no dilate.
even thg today suppose to be my EDD.
if no news after CNY i might have to go thrg c-section cos if induce the successful rate quite low.
Btw, wish u the best of luck for tml appt,update me again.
Hi Marie,

you opt for c-section instead of natural delivery?
if i have to c-section in the end, i will take GA.
totally knock out and blur blur in blur blur out.
hi wen,

Yah I opt for c-section.
dont want to go throught the Labour Pain. My friend told me before if natural delivery, the whole body will be in pain except for the hair. Hehe.... I also will take GA. My EDD is 5th feb but gynae mentioned better to c-section earlier. So I was thinking between 27th jan to 1st feb. Seeing my gynae on this friday then I shall ask him. I am in KKH.
My #1 was induced. That time was a bit worried cos read online that 20-25% end up in emergency c-sect. But thankfully everything went well. There's more consideration if u choose c-sect. Cos womb rupture risk if u want vbac for next birth, scarring, and afterall, it's a much more major opetation compared to natural birth. Not to discourage or interfere with your decision. Just letting u know induced birth not as scary as you think
Hi Birdbrain,

i wanted a virginal birth but my cervix is not open till now even thg bb head is already engaged. gynac will wait till 41 week that means next week to judge. if still no open, c-section is unavoidance because the chances of successful induction is low.
Hi Marie,

This is my first baby too therefore very anxious looking forward to it. Understand frm a friend for c section subsequent births will also be a c section. The more I know the more scared I am .
Hi Wen,

Your gynae told you that it will still be unsuccessful if induced? Gee... Im not sure if its the same case for me when i see thagynae tmr.

Hi Marie,
Who are you seeing in kkh?
Hi wen,

Me too. The more I know the more scared I am. I dared not watch the you-tube c-section video. Everything looks so scary. Now I appreciate my mum more. But I do not intend to have another child. So should be ok for c-section. I heard it took more than a month to recover from c-section.
My Bb is 3.1kg at week 37. I felt so tired and clumsy. How much weight did you put on?

Hi welen,

I am seeing dr wee in Kkh. Nice gynae. He is the head and senior consultant in Kkh. How about you?
Hi mummies, My bb is a bit small at 2.6kg and gynae said my amniotic level was low at 4.9 cm. she will most probably induce me next week. I feel so unprepared now hahaha

Poseidon gal n lush, now I fully understand what u ladies went thru
thanks mommies for all the advice!

wonder anyone feeding fm n has tips to make the milk faster? my bb is v v demanding when she is hungry, wonder should I set the milk station in my room instead of running to kitchen....
Hi Marie, im seeing prof tee. I was seen by dr wee when prof tee was on leave. Dr wee is indeed very good as well. Patient and very detailed gynae. Heard a lot of good reviews about him too.
oh. I was induced close to 40 weeks cos of low amniotic fluid. baby wasn't enegaged, cervix not open. I guess it's the gynae's judgement which is the best route to take. Hope you'll be able to go natural birth like you wanted

Ng (rilakgal),
Your baby still ok size. Mine was 2.6kg at 27weeks, around 40 percentile according to my gynae. I guess your baby size is about average?
think it's more convenient to have a milk station in your room and also think it's easier when feeding at night, when u feeling groggy..my friends with kids all do that
jingles..fm already very fast liao... ask those feeding ebm..need to warm up the milk..take at least 3~4 mins!!..

At first i very kan cheong when ds cry for milk..now i just let him cry while i warm up ebm.. learn to let go liao..
Hi Welen,

yes..that what the gynac say because cervix still shut.so if do induce, successful chances are low and then later end up do c-section will be double charged.
i pray hard everything will be smooth.

i put on about 5kg so far cos my appetitie not that good during 1st and 2nd.only 3rd trimester start to eat more. i notice my bb is absorbing a lot of nutrient from me, cos i found more white hair.....*^*my god
You mean because of pregnancy it can cause us to have more white hair? No wonder i found more nowadays
Anyway I'm in the same situation as you, so far i've only put on 6kg cos of bad appetite too...
hi wen and welen,

Nice knowing you ladies. Yah, I heard from my friend whom went for induce and unsuccessful, ended in c-section, they paid around $10k for the delivery.

I opt for planned c-section and i think I paid $6k plus.... Its alot of differences from $10k.

wen, When are you going for your c-section? You are so lucky to put on 5 kg. I put on 20kg, I wanted to cry.... haiz... I used to be only 40kg
. I look so clumsy now.... Mine is a baby boy, how about you ladies?


Yah my friend also seeing John Tee. He is also very professional.

We are so near to due dates....
these few days staying at home to rest.39 weeks + already and my EDD is on 23rd Jan...haiz...sitting at home makes me sweat already and M bathing at least 3 times a day...i cant imagine...during confinement and i cant bathe at all....argghhhh...
Just had my CTG and nothing happen yet...yet m 2 cm dilated? Wonder how long i can tahan...
Snowwhite - is this ur #1? Read abt labour consists of dilation n effacing (thinning of cervix). Dilation not necessary will go into labour but thinning of cervix till paper thin will progress towards labour. Did ur gynae say anything abt ur cervix? I'm 1cm dilated but cervix is soft.. Mayb soon?? If u want it to happen faster, read tt squatting, walking n having sex can speed it up! Yup, weather is terrible! Wonder how to survive confinement.. Fan is in fixed position blowing at me at all times now!!
Hi Marie,

i gotta wait for gynac advise which will be the best option for me. i visiting my gynac again this fri ,see what he say. probably after CNY then can see if my princess gg to come out naturally or not.
I plump plump type,so cannot put on more weight anymore. don't be sad, after birth can slowly reduce esp if you are BF.
Hi Medroy,

never notice until recently partially because i too free sitting at home waiting for arrival of my little princess
then happen i saw a few strands of white hair and open up gosh..a few more inside. haiz
guess i getting old plus bb absorbing nutrients from me.
Yalor my emer csect bill came up to $10k. Hb nearly fainted. >_<
They everything also charge, the nametags that we wear on our wrists also charge. Vomit bowl also charge. Geesshhh.. Can imagine how much $ they making. :p

Before I delivered, I do yoga 1x or 2x a week, right till week 38. Then I use stairs whenever I can, do squats and practice yoga breathing... in the end also cant dilate, v sad lor. My friend hardly exercised but she also delivered naturally smoothly..

i think everyone is different. Some can deliver naturally whereas some cannot so we have to "ren tian you ming" (duno if i say correctly).
Jkids: our delivery date was the same!! Abt e pain, I started to feel more pain after 4th day too despite taking painkiller. Suspect that it comes from piles, not episiotomy wound. Feel uncomfortable to walk and sit, so try to lie side ways and it helps.

Anyone knows any good piles cream to use after delivery or anything to relieve it ?? I was given laxatives to soften my stools but do not seem to work for me. Maybe i eat too many heaty food :-(..

Btw, how many days after normal delivery can start post natal massage?
hi Lush,

Means you try natural delivery then cannot they you go for emergency csection and it costs 10k!!!

Is it very painful?

hi wen,

did you engage confinement lady?
Hi Marie,

i do engage confinment lady cos my MIL say must rest well if not your body system will be weak, dun overexert yourself .

what abt you?
Hi girls, just wanna check if you all planning to do full month for baby. I'm from feb thread. Baby decide to come early. Hehe.. Wanna steal some ideas.
May I know any of u shave below when going natural ? the last time I was told but gynea did not mention any thing now. So should I shave now or check first.

Hi wen and marie,
Just went to see gynae earlier, looks like i got to be induced and will be admitted next thurs since im only 1cm dilated. Sigh... Looks like i will go for epi. Hopefully i can dilate naturally but i heard it take wks to dilate fully.
