(2012/01) Jan 2012

Jkids, delphina: congrats! Your wait is over too. Jkids, mine was induced natural birth.

Oops, my CL cfm overfed my bb. She gives 100ml every 3hrs cos my bb crying for milk. But sometimes she will give him a bit of water if not 3 hrs yet. I'm giving FM most of the time plus EBM and latching. Nipples cracked n bleeding so dont want to over-worked them.

Btw the nurse told me the FM co. now charged them for the FM with the implementation. Biangz..gd money. And their retail prices are still so high.

thanks all for your well wishes!!! i have taken my 1st step to walk to the toilet, felt great.

the 1st meal tasted super indeed
and now can feel the "load" off my tummy also, keke. yes rite, 1 week ++ earlier than expected. hope it wun be too long to be your turn...when's your edd again?

100ml every 3 hr?
did u latch bb correctly? bb also tried to "bite" me, very painful.

u din wash hair...how to tong?

jiayou! hope to hear good news fr u soon!

3.5kg is big if u are going for natural delivery, but your gynae mus be quite experienced to knoe what he wants...dun wory

drinking red dates can turn our teeth yellowish? is this true?

anyone uses dry shampoo instead? where to buy? whats a dry shampoo?

those who finished your confinement...anyone handling bb alone now? can cope? how u settle your meals?
Exactly 2 wks left to EDD 30 Jan! Mixed feelings now - want earlier to offer relief to myself n like u enjoy my 1st delicious meal but if it happens next wk I will not have confinement fd fr caterer for 3 days during cny n have to stock up alot more fd! If pop on EDD, most shops n mkt wld have opened! Went mkt this morning it was chaotic!! Prices r like $25/kg for grouper, Threadfin, prawns $22/kg! Most stalls no more trotters!!! Can't reserve!
Jkids, just went to look at the mirror, teeth not yellow leh. U scared me lah!
cos had been drinking the red dates drink for 1 month.

Post confinement, I plan to cook noodle or porridge for lunch, if not let baby sleep in pram then go out to buy food.

Dry shampoo is a bottle of powder that u comb into ur hair. If u are in kkh, u can try the mums essential shop at level 1.
hkbaby, r u catering from natal essentials? got a letter from them saying that there'll not be any services from 21-24 jan (service only resume on 25 jan).. btw, the food is great! quantity also alot, i can even share with my hb/mum.. my mum also worrying abt my meals for CNY coz she wanna go pai nian but yet have to help settle my meals..
Yes, Jac! I ordered fr natal essentials but did not receive any letter or email abt service disruption. Info mainly fr here.. So 4 days is alot.. Do they reduce the price? Tt's y my bb better to arrive only earliest 1st day of cny then 2 days in hosp confinement fd catering can start on cny 3rd day - 25th!
Jkids: ya lor, 100ml every 3 hr. told her tmrw pd sure said overfed. She said wont. Nvrm, if pd ask me to reduce, will insist she reduce. Then see how cos he auto cry for milk every 3 hr now.

The LC said i have sensitive nipples. Plus abit short so bruised. 2 yrs ago, she asked me to use nipple shields, now she said that one no use, ask me to get nipple puller.
Luckily my CL helped me to massage. Relieved my engorgement.
Congrats to u too, Jkids !! Did u deliver on 14th or 15th?

Hallo mummies, anyone has experienced a two days old baby not passing urine? The nursery staff told me my baby has not passed urine for past 24 hrs. Do u normally give your baby plain water as supplement? They suspect that my milk supply is coming in little. I really did not want to give up to formula yet at this point. Can give me any advice??
Congrats delphina & jkids! Feels excited to see one by one of you popping, waiting for my own turn now...

My PD is Dr Heng, whose clinic is at Toa Payoh central..chose her more for convenience actually..

Btw, i haven't receive any confirmation from Mount A even though i called them to verify if they received my pre-admission form but was told they in the midst of keying in the data
Hi Grace, u must b anxiously counting down @ wk39

Btw did u put on weigh @ e same rate as bb?
I concern cos I stay nearly lose / e same while he's still putting on hence am clueless abt how 2 control :p cos @ e rate he's gg by edd he will b 4kg, scare shit

Hkbaby, u didn't engage CL during confinement? Let's pray bb will not arrive too early :p
Medory - did u bk thru the clinic? Mt A has SMS me twice abt admission confirmation. First time was when clinic submitted for me then second time after I received, completed n faxed back the admission form to hosp. Just tt they have an automated date for pre admission say u fax today 15 Jan they will SMS saying u r confirmed to admit 15 Mar!!!

Bianz - ya didn't engage CL cos price is too high $3,500 up! I have asked my mom to help n hubby is taking 3 wks leave to help too! Haha! Think these 2 CLs r even more exp!! Anyway main job still only we can do - bf n pumping.
So exp!!! my CL arrange via agency arnd $1.9k n xtra $300 if engage within first 3 days of CNY

Praying tat all of us can latch on successfully

So hkbaby n medory,
when u off work pending delivery?
hkbaby, u'll still get 28 days of food juz that the pkg will end 4 days later coz of the 4 days of service disruption so pkg price don't have be any cheaper.. think I got the letter coz I already started my pkg with them ba..

any first time mum here? i supposed to be due this week but so far no labour pain yet only braxton hicks contractions which ended up sending me home a week ago.
my gynac say he will wait till 41 weeks and see how, i prefer to have vaginal delivery instead of c-section.my baby still very active inside of me but i also worried...(even though i wish for a dragon baby).
Posted on Monday, January 16, 2012 - 12:29 pm:       

I'm a mtb in few weeks time and I would appreciate any mummies feedback on the electric dual breast pump that you are using as I am still undecided over Medela Pump In Style, Medela Freestyle and Ameda Lactaline Dual Breast pump.

Hope any kind mummies can share with me on their feedback.

Thank you
Hi Wen,
My EDD is on this coming Sunday, this is my #2.
My #1 was overdue by 2 days, higher chances are #2 may also come later.
I keep telling her that mama wants to have the reunion dinner before she pops.
Hopefully she comes 1 or 2 days later.
Hi Wen,
Same goes for me. Edd suppose to be this fri but i feel no contraction and baby is still so active. Although wishing for dragon baby but i heard dragon starts on 4th feb 6pm. Doubt i can even hold on to 41 wks.

@annietoh: i also keep telling baby mama wants reunion dinner before pops and having to eat confinement food. Hopefully my boy will come out on 25th...
home sweet home oredi. but seems that weather is hot...

i delivered on sat, 14jan.

mummies whose still waiting for the big day:
jia you.
Hi Annie,

Tml is my suppose EDD date , hopefully i can hold on a week to have a dragon bb (provided dr don't induce/c-section). Also i can get to eat the reunion dinner wif my family .

Hi Welen,
hopefully i can hold a week till 24th feb but hard to predict also. i thg having braxton hicks contraction meaning bb is due soon but waiting till now. Now ,all i hope is i dun wan to spend CNY eve with hospital foooddd...
hi mummies, im from jul thread, any one ordering confinement tingkat, hope to hear some reviews as ill be ordering in time to come. TIA
Today is jus day 9.. Argh cant wait for fullmth to be here to take a nice long shower!! Im perspiring everyday!

Congrats to those who made it to that 1st checkpoint. Envious leh... ;)
I booked through clinic then they sent me a pre-admission form...thereafter i filled up i faxed it back to them but till now no confirmation..think i'll call them up again tsk tsk..

Think i'm gonna work till this week and enjoy the CNY..although don't really feel like travelling to work but think stay at home also quite boring heez...
Bianz, yes I'm anxiously counting down, started clearing my leave already. My weight gain has slowed down the past 2 weeks, instead the weight gain has predominantly gone to the baby! Don't worry too much, just watch what you eat, that's what I'm doing at the moment.

Wen, if doc advise can wait till 41 weeks, I think it's good. Better to let the body naturally deliver rather than inducing.
jkids, yeah weather these 2 days very hot & no wind.. think the cooling weather is over liao.. sobs..

rykiel, i got my confinement catering from natal essentials after seeing many positive reviews online.. taste, quantity & service r great!

lush, i also can't wait for full-mth to have a proper bath & wash my hair! u got bathe with the herb water? i bathe with herb water everyday, better than nothing i suppose.. also started washing my hair with the herb water every 2-3 days after day 10, in between use dry shampoo..
Jac... Ya i splash myself with herb water.. No soap rite? But down there I still use warm water to wash leh.. With lochia and my Uti, I dont feel hygenic if I dont use water leh. Sigh im a naughty mama ;p I poured the herb water over my hair on day 8 already... :p

Btw what are you mummies doing for bb's full month? Jus invite friends and relatives over to eat? Will be boring or not, hb was contemplating having magic show to entertain the guests hahah...
I'm catering from richfood catering. Service is good - prompt and flexible. Food is also nice - no msg, soup has herbal taste and smell. I personally find the dishes a little bit too salty, but it's definitely very tasty with no added MSG.

summer baby
I'm using medela PISA. It's very effective in drawing the milk out, but some say that it's a bit noisy. It's also heavy to carry around. I've heard that Freestyle is lightweight, but some find that the suction is a bit weak compared to PISA. Ameda is supposed to be as good as Medela PISA, but cheaper. However, I don't know if the parts for Ameda are easily available at places like department stores or kiddy palace, since it is not such a common brand.
Congrats to the arrival of all mummies princes and princesses. I'm still waiting for the day, hopefully, i can still enjoy my cny as my EDD is 30th.

Recently, encountering on/off cramps quite frequently. Anyone encounter this?
Hi Wen,

Dragon baby starts after li chun, which is after 4th Feb.

Seeing so many mummies cant wait for confinement to ends, i cant imagine how my confinment will be, with the construction of primary school just downstairs my place, the noise is going to be horrible. Plus, in order to block out the noise, i have to keep my windows close, which means less air. And no fan during confinment, really wonder how will i pull through.
keke still got mood to plan for magic show...:p I jst doinga small gathering with immd family members. too many ple I am nt sure if my princess will cry non stop or nt...also dnt wish to overstimulate her.

ya....i nt washing hair lei.....i dry shampoo everyday. u can purchase the dry shampoo at kkh, the shop next to tps
buy the dry shampoo, spray version.cos I having difficulties looking for it in outside pharmacy.

you can get medala spare parts from mums n babes. They have outlets at united square, amk hub and secom. Please call before you go cos certain stock may ran out.
Hi mummies,

I'm a silent reader since a month ago, i'm from the ivf/icsi support thread.

I'm now coming to wk 40 on wed, still no symptoms and engagement. hmmmm.... EDD on 19/1/12.
Hahah jingles.. That was hb's suggestion cos his friend did a costume party and all kids came decked in cartoon costumes!! Ok la,... Abit kuazhang :p dont think i want to go down that route also :p

Im using Klorane's dry shampoo spray. I got it fr watsons.
Hi Wen,
I'm due on 19 Jan 2012, going to see my gynae and see what she purpose lor, last visit last tues, bb haven't engaged ah, she suggested either induce on 20 Jan 2012 or the most wait till 26th Jan 2012 (max). Still no signs just mild cramps on off ah...
Hi Chris, you edd was close to mine. I supposed to be on 17th but last fr visit to gynac he say he wait till 41 wk and see how. My bb already fully engaged
Mommies, I have just delievered my little boy via natural delievery yesterday after 23 hrs of induced labor. To those who are still waiting for their edd, jiayou n rejoice with ur babies in your arms soon too
I am using ameda dual pump..serve me well.. spare parts can be purhase online via smh bulk purchase.. hee
Just to share my confinement experience.. I am a first time mummy n my mum helped me with my confinement.. good n bad bah... Good is my mum know my taste bud well so food during.confinement is not an issue..
As my mum is also taking care of my 9 yrs old nephew n do household chore for the whole hse.. she cannot 100% concentrate on me n my bb.. so I need to be a very hand on mum.. it is tiring.. by day 3 my hub n I were able to change bb diaper liao.. besides pumping milk n feed bb.. I am also the one coaxing him when mum is busy.. I also doing the night shift as well.. so it is taxing for me... But at the same time I learn.. I learn how to handle my little boy..
Hi Wen,
I'll be going to see my gynae tomorrow to see what she proposed. I'm abit scared cos BB not engaged so if induce not successful might turn up become emergency c-section ah like my sil's case.
wahhhhh poisedon, salute!
for me my bb is a handful. currently, my Cl is looking after my bb most of the time. but I will still wake up to spot on bb during nightfeeds. now kind of worried if I can cope after she leaves or not as bb wakes up almost 2 - 3 hrs for feeds.and still need to b coax after feeding!
Hi Chris,

don't worry ,sometimes such a thing is also beyond our control. i always tried to think positive so hope you can be positive also.
as long as bb is healthy we are happy.

see what your gynac say tml...
Wow congrats Ritzc! U did it!

My csect wound seems a bit puffy at the part where it begins.. And a bit pain when touched .. Is it infected?

For those who did csect, do u sit or walk often. MIL say i
sit too much tats why affected wound. I can only lie down. But how to bf?

Jingles: my son difficult to handle too. I gave in to pacifier. Only 6 days old, he can suck it very well at 1st attempt. *faint*

Lucky my mum is ard to look after my #1 at nite or else die liao
