(2012/01) Jan 2012

Yup.. Heard its already implemented cos they wanna encourage breast feeding...
It's crap la,,,, seriously. How come no one tot of c-sect mommies who are nt able to feed bb ? Giving mommies unnecessary stress for nothing!!
Then the money goes to who? Govt or hospital?

Anyway brought my baby to PD yesterday, cos really can't take it... Crying and fussing a lot. PD said could be colic or having reflux. Cos he saw my baby's weight increase a lot so suspect we are feeding him too much. So now taking med for colic and also limit daily milk intake to 600ml.
frankly I think if they wan us to bf, they should give us incentive to encourage nt penalise us by calling us to pay for formulae....

ohhh thanks. didnt know that bb intake should b 600ml s day. very useful information
I thk the milk intake depends on the baby's weight, cos mine is at 3.5kg, so limit at 600ml. His wt increase fr 2.8kg to 3.5kg in 1.5wks so doc say feeding too much alr...
Hello mummies.. Today is day 6 and i already feel so sticky n dirty.. I hate not being able to bath! For those who went thry csect, does your wound hate when you pee? Mine does and gynae suspects is bladder infection. She gave me antibiotics but i finishin soon already it still hurts
anyone goin thru the same experience?

MIL kept askin me to feed bb water so tat she will get used to the taste of water n will not kp crying for milk in the middle of the nite. Can feed newborn water meh
Lush, if tbf no need feed water. If got supplement formula milk then give a bit of water. Cos bm has the correct blend of water & other nutrients according to parentcraft class. baby tummy small, u'll rather give bm than to fill babby up with water
Act it may be quite challenging to have mil in the picture huh? They probably think that they have been practicing their own methods all this while and everything turns out fine.. Why are their dil contradicting them with other methods..
My mother also insist to feed baby with some water. I think no harm lah cos formula heaty. If tbf, then no need.

My baby will be 4 weeks old nxt tue. Last week brought him to PD, PD say still got jaundice. If nxt tue still have, muz go for liver check liao. Jialat. Initially I total breastfeed. But pple say tbf got high chance of prolong jaundice. So I juz do partial breastfeed and keep giving him herbal bath. Anyone got remedies for jaundice?
Lush..u totally no shower?? then how u keep ur wound clean?? Why cannot shower??? My dad who is a tcm physician is totally against the idea of cannot shower..he thinks it is totally unacceptable in singapore weather..as long as shower with herb he is okie.. of coz cannot wash hair.. =p

My ds is coming 4 wks soon..and i feed him some water maybe like 10ml/day even though i am doing breast feeding..

Catherine..try feeding ur baby with pearl powder.. a little bit will do..

I was at my sil's place juz now (she gave birth in nov) from tmc and they gave her 6 cartons of formula milk to bring home free. She too telling me tat her fren recently got only 3 bottles. Think they started the scheme liao. I'm now in my 39wks going to be 40wks next week. Cham imagine got to pay for the milk.....
poseidon gal:
cannot wash hair for how long huh?

later i go see doc, i think i will soon deliver lah based on past experience, keke. u still waiting?

maybe u can try to put rip wind in formula milk?

i am not sure but it seens to be the same kind of action fr my gynae

yichin and jac:
if u let bb face side way...do u make their body face side way also? if bb keep wanting to sleep on one side, then that side will b more flat leh...

congrats!! natural delivery?

bb can put drink water but wat i know is for a mth. but of coz yr mil is also not wrong...coz bb may not like water in future...
SQin, what med did yr PD gave for colic?

my boy (2+ wks) taking abt 800+ ml per day.. opps! think we may be overfeeding him.. but he keep on crying & wanna eat leh.. really don't know how to stop the non-stop crying..
Hi Ng, yes I remembered Mrs Wong saying that newborn doesnt need water.. I also read online that Water is empty calories and can cause toxicity so should avoid, so a bit scared. Between Mrs Wong n Mil, i rather listen to Mrs Wong :p but u r rite. Difficult to go against MiL. Own mum still easier to talk to. Sighhh.. Maybe jus 1 or 2 sips to appease her lor.

Poseidon, I wan to shower! But Mil say cannot and hb say I should listen to her. If only she is like ur father in law
if shower she sure black face... U can really dont wash hair for 1 mth ah? My hair already so smelly n sticky nw despite dry shampoo. And this is only my 6th day! Hahah.. Sien...

Bb likes to sleep on her right, how to adjust her ah? I tried adjusting but she turns back to right again.. V scared her right side becomes flatter :p
Poseidon ah, how come can shower but cannot wash hair? Wad did your dad say?

The wound has the plastic cover still so wash or no wash like no difference also...
Jac, I thk better bring ur baby to see PD. Cos we realize we are over feeding only when the PD told us. Luckily I keep a record of feeding time n vol, so still able to track.
My PD said reflux means we are feeding him more than his stomach can take, so he will vomit. Then have heartburn, which cause them to cry in between feeds. Milk can ease the heartburn, but in turn feeding him more. So trick is to feed smaller portions. I thk u better check with doc..

My PD gave ridwind for colic...

Hope my baby will grow out of this soon!! Really driving me crazy...
Catherine, when my baby had jaundice, the PD told me to stop taking Chinese herbal soups etc... Things that has herbs for a few days then test his blood again. It did drop then..
any mummies suffered from some form of post natal blues? like crying and feeling sad somewhat 3 days after the birth of your baby?
i had a crying episode on the third day where i cried and cried and cried..
It's so unfair abt charging for milk @ hospital when milk supplier is more than happy to supply, though don't seems much but feel tat govt is being so unreasonable especially since it's normal 2 hv delay breast milk flow straight after delivery... They want bb yet implement such silly rules...
Silsilly, I had post natal blues after my previous delivery. That time my baby was really cranky and I didn't know how to handle her excessive crying. I even cried together with her. It lasted about 1 month, my gynae said it's post natal blues and not depression, and it is caused by the hormones, not that I was going crazy.

I had my colleagues coming over to visit me, had dinner once outside of the house, had decent adult conversation with them and catching up on what was happening in the outside world. That helped for me.

I also had frequent SMS or Internet chat with friends who were also on maternity leave. My husband also tried to call me daily from work during lunch.

So just be aware that it is due to hormonal changes and it will pass soon. Come to SMH forum more often to chat, there are so many discussions going on and support also as we are all going through the same stage.
No wash hair for 12 days.. then after that I was every alternate day liao... Dad mention about 头风。。when I wash hair I made sure I blow dry after wash...

It is easy tmrw will be my baby shower liao..cograts Yi chin..hee finally can eat decent food n get out of hse...
I learn to let go about what Mrs Wong taught during class.. sometimes it is impossible to follow n old people will complain...
So as long as not too overboard.. I will follow what old folks say... Abt drinking water for breast fed baby.. I let my ds drink water..able 10ml bah.. between feeding time... No harm bah.. make everyone happy..
Yi chin: congrats on completing ur confinement! You count by 28 days or exactly 1 mth(31 days)?

Poseidon holding baby shower tmr? Me too! Hehe... Can't wait to go hair salon for a good hairwash and dye my hair for new yr. Hehe...
Silsilly:post natal blues common to have lah. I also cry after a few days of delivery. Buay tahan when I'm alone with baby. cos no confinement lady, no maid and my mum went back home during weekends. When baby cry, I cry too. In the midst of pumping milk for storage, also cry.
Today's check @ 37w4d my hungry bb is 3.5kg (+0.25 whereas I didn't increase at all) doc say latest by 40 weeks must induce due to his size. Anyone know how 2 stop his growing oversize? Looking forward 2 natural birth @ his time instead of induce lah...

Btw how's ur stretch mark mine looks terrible even though diligently using clarins cream, anyway we can get rid of it after delivery?
Itching to dye hair for cny, u think it's safe for bb @ 37w4d? Else dont know when able to cos once delivery it's breastfeeding time, any advise fm mummies?
No issue to dye hair during breastfeeding, but my dr advise not to dye hair while pregnant. So maybe wait till after you deliver? In fact, most things that you should avoid while pregnant (alcohol, raw food, etc) can be safely taken while breastfeeding.

For baby size, you should try to cut down on carbs, sugars, sweets, to slow down his growth. Durian and maternal milk are especially high in sugars so do avoid them too.
Hallo All,

I've delivered my baby girl this morning !! Exactly on her EDD. Me and baby are in good condition. She weighs 3kg and 51cm in length.

Started having contraction at 6am on Friday, but pain was still manageable. Reaching midnight, it got more intense and we decided to go hospital. By then, I was already 5-6cm dilated. Surprised!! Decided to take epi as I worried the pain to get worse. Still can get some sleep afterwards. This morning, somehow my pelvic bone and lower buttock felt very painful even after full dose of epi. I dunno why also coz I thought will be painless after epi. Waited for 2 hrs before fully dilated and within half an hour of struggle push, my baby was out. Doctor was very fast in action but last half an hour was quite frigthening for me and hubby as bb hearbeat dropped and she has to be assisted w/ vacuum.

Jkids: How are u doing? Have u delivered?

Yi Chin, Catherine & Poseidon : Happy 1 mth old to your baby and congrats in completing your confinement. My journey as mummy has juz started. Will have a lot to learn from u and other mummies.

For those waiting for delivery, jia you!!!
Thanks Poseidon, Catherine and delphina! Congrats to the 3 of u too!
I'm doing DIY hair dye now for CNY.

Catherine, I counted 1 calendar month leh. Yah, last time I was crying during expressing milk too. Hormonal changes, can cause weird bodily reactions.
Congrats jkids! 2 wks earlier as expected? Happy for u! Hope u enjoyed ur 1st delicious fd at the hospital

Still waiting.. Loosing patience n getting frustrated cos bb has been stretching my stomach for 2 days quite uncomfortable
Jkids & Delphina, congrats!

Jkids, I'm going to be induced today, also a week plus earlier than edd. My bb stopped gaining weight for 2 weeks n gynae also suspected cord play, so I gonna give in.
Congrats Delphina & Jkids!

Bianz, I'm around 39 weeks and after my check bb's also approx 3.5kg! But doc told me not to worry, he didn't mention anything about inducing too. Just cut down on carbs and sugars I guess. Past weeks I've been having milk and ice-cream more than usual too, could be because of that. Oh well, just when I thought I could indulge in some CNY goodies before my confinement.
congrats delphina & jkids on yr delivery!! take care & rest well..

congrats yi chin, poseidon & catherine on yr baby's full mth & completing yr confinement!!
i can't wait to complete my confinement & have a proper shower too, feel so stinky.. btw, mum says baby's full-mth follow chinese calendar, so my confinement will be 28 days (also very long ah) nia..
Hi hkbaby n medory,
Who is ur pd @ my a during birth, mine is Terence Tan fm Kinder, do we hv 2 meet him b4 delivery btw?
I'm using the same PD as #1 Dr Chan Kit Yee fr Singapore Baby n Child clinic at Mt A. She's referred by my gynae. Didn't meet her b4 delivery. She came very early abt 7am during my 2 days hosp stay to report on my bb, i.e. what checks she did, how's bb doing, etc. Then think on 5th day brought bb back to her clinic for checkup, eg, jaundice level.

bianz, my pd was also dr terrance tan, recommended by my gynae.. very nice guy.. but he very busy so sometimes got to wait quite awhile for him to do his rounds.. didnt meet him b4 delivery..
