(2012/01) Jan 2012

Good morn mommies!

Just want to ask if we need to bring our bank book to hospital when we deliver?

So is it that after we get bb's birth cert then we go to ocbc bank to open a joint account with bb? how about the CDA account? kind of confusing..anyone can help to shed some light pls? Thanks

dear mummies, anyone going for planned caeserean on dec 31? can pls pm me? i'm a reporter from ST and looking for a mummy who will deliver on New Year's Eve. thanks!
Experiencied mommies, when do u put ur baby into bb slings? I'm considering whether to buy pupsilk or ring sling, any advice? Thought ring sling dun look so secure...

Going for my scan this thurs, nervous how many more grams my boy will gain lol
Vanessa: for me, i didn't register for BC in hospital.

I do it at ICA cos haven't decided on the name yet. CDA account is done together with the BC application. Just fill up the form and ICA will submit for you. You will need to bring your bank book for the baby bonus payout.

I think if u register at hospital, will be the same procedure too.

can i ask for CDA application hur...i need to have an account with OCBC first? also..if i am not around but hub to apply for CDA account, can right? cos most prob i will wan to be the custodian account and wont be ard.....doing confinement :p
no need to ask for the application. All the forms will be given to you (both OCBC & Standard Chartered) upon discharge, together with the instructions for BC registration.

No need to have account with OCBC 1st. The OCBC CDA acccount comes with a Young Saver joint account. All in 1 form. You can fill up & sign the form 1st then your hb can submit the form.
Hi rtizc, I wanted to buy a pupsik pouch initially. However, during the prenatal class by mrs wong, she mentioned that bb would want to see outside rather than our chest a few mths later and it may not be very safe to put bb in a pouch/sling. Thus, I got baby bjorn instead.

Btw, my sis in law uses a ring sling all this while and no accidents so far. I think it depends how active the bb is and how alert/flexible the mother is.
Hi RitzC,
same thoughts abt bb ring sling, hence had sorts out e options & settle for boba wrap (http://www.bobafamily.com/) link for u 2 check out, it's suitable for infant up, think e weight distribution is better & bb seems secure.

got mine from square 2 btw =)
Jac, i learn abt e "formula of the month" during Mt A maternity tour when others ask abt it =p

Mums, thanks for e feedback on past due, juz curious abt e different doc's option.

btw anyone seeing Dr H K Ho from Mt A?
RitzC: you can check out this shop in Square 2 where they specialise in baby slings & carriers.. I've set my mind on Manduca baby carrier but have yet to get my hands on it
jingles: KKH give you the package so early ah?
Vanessa: maybe TMC give during admission instead of discharge. But definitely not during booking wards.
Hi mummies,
I'm from mtb aug 2011.
I've brought too many clothes for my baby girl and she has outgrown some of them.
They are all brand brand new.(with stickers/tags/plastic with them)

- one pink rompers (Old navy brand)
- one green rompers (carters)
- 2 white and pink rompers (carters set. It comes with pants but my girl is able to use it, so not selling the pants)
- red with stripes on sleeve (luvable friends)

Items above are sold at $10 and below.

I also have
- 2 4oz Avent milk bottles (brand new in the box)
- 1 pink beannie with flower.

If interested to see pictures, pm me.
I can also SMS/whatsapp the pictures.
how is everyone this morning? I think we are all counting down already.. last leg already.. we're getting there! jiayou everyone!

I wonder who amongst us will pop first.

My feet swells so easily now.. & it has changed color even.. looks darker & drier.. sigh my feet looks like they are 80yrs old..

I think I will take leave from 28 Dec onwards.. clear 7 days before my EDD of 7th Jan. Counting down! I hope I have some me-time before bb is out. I wanna stay at home & zobo!
visited my gynea yesterday..little boy is about 3.2kg.. gynea a bit concern about my amniotic fluid..mention that it is a bit low..ask me to see him again this coming friday..

If necessary,will conduct induced labour for me this coming wknd..

Kinda worried now about the low amniotic fluid..
no worries de...since ur gynae is monitoring the situation...u/bb r in safe hands..if the level is not ideal, u will just be induced.

yes i think my fingers too lei..cos i cant wear my wedding band in liao..
morning mummies!

lush, y not start your leave on 27 dec then got one full stretch from 24 dec onwards? i gonna start my leave on 27 Dec.. gonna zhou bo & sleep at home too! maybe go for some prenatal massage & movies too.. got to pamper myself now before personal time & sleep becomes a luxury when baby comes, esp so since i dun have a CL..

jingles, since start of this week i also can't wear my wedding band liao.. i hope it's due to the swelling/ water retention & not coz i'm getting fat! hahah.. :p

poseidon, try to have more bed rest (lie down flat) & drink more fluids, i read that it helps to replenish the amniotic fluid.. if not, i think it's quite safe for u to induce since u're already 37+W liao & yr little boy is at quite a healthy weight? take care..
Hi Mommies,

I have a question to ask on your opinion.

Due on 5Feb which is the 40th week but 2 weeks back check up shows baby is already 32 week (shld be 30th week) advance by 2 weeks, is this possiable? Will I be delivering earlier by 2 weeks then? So puzzled. And does anyone know how much weight baby put on per week during the last 2 months?
morn mommies!

poseidon: don't worry too much..my gynae also says my fluid is borderline low and I'm only in Week 35...but she say should be ok...will just have to monitor lor...

moscato: does drinking more water help to increase amniotic fluid?
seems like i'm not the only one gaining so much weight. I felt like a sumo sometimes and my naughty hubby saying i'm walking like Barney (children cartoon-purple donosaur)
Though it's a joke, I'm affected by it.

For breastfeeding mums, we are nopt suppose to be stress, going on diet or doing exercise. All these will affect our milk flow & stress will affect the our milk quality. Have you mom ever thought of drinking those organic teabags that claim to increase milk flow while exercising to slim down? or any mom manage to slim down while breastfeeding?

I hope to reduce my waistline to pre pregnancy during my ML.

Any mom already plan how to or what to do to slim down? I'm planning to book some exotic photo shoots with my hubby (to motivate my slimming plan) and sign up with fitness centre (Amore). During my #1 birth, 10x of binding doesn't help with reducing my waist line at all.
Cyy - my due date is 30 Jan shld b 33 wk but scan showed 34wk so I also asked my gynae ur question. He told me still follow the initial date EDD though it is based on our last menses. Wk changes cos of bb's wt. For my case, he still feels I will follow the same biological clock for my #1, which was EDD+1D Personally I think if bb is of a right size he or she mayb ready n want to come n see the world early. Bb wt gain is rather exponential. Gynae said the wt we r told now there is a 10% error.
I think ok to exercise while breastfeeding. I did go to gym while I was on ML after checking it was ok to do so with my gynae and was breastfeeding #1. I did read somewhere that there is concern lactic acid build up may cause baby to have a bit of stomach upset, so for the first few times, I pumped and threw out the milk right after I exercise. I tried latching after a few times later cos thought it was wasteful to just dump the milk, found my baby had no issues. I guess you are undergoing intense training for competitin etc and may affect the iron, calcium, fat contents in the milk, it souldn't be too much of a concern.
vanessa: that's what i read la..drink more fluid to help replenish the amniotic fluid.

how's your bb weight now? I just went for mine this morning..still on the small side (2.38kg @ Wk 36) but gynae said not very small til need to induce for early delivery.
but bb quite low...so i guess will deliver before my EDD. Must tell bb to tahan until at least 31 Dec cos gynae will be away for Xmas holidays..:p
Hi mummies, to improve amniotic level, can try best rest (on yr left) and drink more fluid. Perhaps you can make a conscious effort to rem to drink a cup of water every hr.

Cyy, my baby is also 1 week ahead and by right, the weight gain is 200g on a weekly basis. I was quite puzzled initially as well and controlled my diet.
no issue to exercise while bf. Just have to make sure you don't get dehydrated, and bathe before nursing, so that your baby doesn't have to face a sweaty boob :p

follow the original EDD given, as that is the most accurate.

actually level of amniotic fluid can vary from day to day. even if it was a bit low when you saw the doctor, doesn't mean it will always be low. but i've heard that drinking more water will help.
cyy, my gynae said the same thing as hkbaby's gynae.. EDD is based on the last menses date & accurate only during early scans, after that will fluctuate due to bb's weight.. i read that bb will put on ~150-250g per week during the last 2 months, lesser at the start & more when closer to EDD..

emmeline, yr hubby is so insensitive.. think i would have kicked my hb out of the house if he calls me barney or anything close to fat.. already feeling damn NO self-esteem liao.. sigh.. btw, my gynae says binding is only helpful for those with water retention problem (which she insists i'm not having & binding won't help me), & the best way to lose weight is to breastfeed, exercise & eat healthily (i.e. food high in nutrition but not in calories).. exercising will not affect milk flow, but may affect the taste of the milk due to lactic acid build-up, so feed yr baby b4 u exercise & ~1hr later after u exercise.. also do be careful & start slow & make sure u got yr gynae's clearance b4 u start exercising.. can read here for more info -> http://www.babycenter.com.sg/baby/youafterthebirth/exercisepostbaby/ .. let's jiayou together!!!

I've the below preloved baby cot for sale at SGD190.
Bedbase can be adjusted 4 levels, 1 side can be lowered down.
Condition: 8/10
Self collect from my place at Toa Payoh.
Pls PM me if u're keen.

poseidon: dun worry abt the fluid..ur bb 3.2kg is quite a good weight already..just dat u might want to get ready ur hospital bag when u next visit your gynea..in case gynea wans to induce you on that day..
moscato: my gynae visit this sat...so still dunno what is bb's weight now... i feel my tummy lower now.. just hope bb guai guai wait till after Week 37 to pop and also must head down!!
thanks all..i will make an effort to drink more water..and gynea mention he will induce me over the wknd if the next visit ( this coming friday) still show low fluid..

was telling my hubby..all the water i drink goes to my feet.. that's why it is soo swollen..
Poseidon: u take care ya..I hope u can rest at home these few days...

I will have my gynae visit tonight too.. Hopefully all is well. My baby seems to be very actively moving in the past 1 week. i thought she should have less space by now.. Wondering also about my baby weight. I didnt seem to gain much weight rcently. Anyway,. since beginning till now only gain 11kg, looks like most of the food I ate go to bb.
Poseidon gal, take care and stay hydrated..

Jingles, u booked ur hosp bed w kkh right? Did u choose the premier or classic pkg? I will stick to kkh coz both my gynaes state my bb may need to be observed in special nursery for his sugar level after birth. So booking my hosp bed this week.
I'm choosing A1 too,hmm, never mind, will check w my kkh gynae. She's going on 2 weeks holidays from next week, my bb better not come out early. Also she is a snr consultant, I'm going to ask her whether her cover will be a snr consultant too. Haiz
i still working..working until fridae.. my colleague is not very ready to cover all my stuff..need to follow up on quite a few issues.. *bo bianz*

My colleague very nice liao.. he didnt complain much..only keep telling me dont freak him out by giving birth in office..haa
