(2012/01) Jan 2012

Lush..how low is urs?? gynea told me between 6~4 is consider low but not that critical..mine is 5.5 ..

I was made to count my little boy's kick everyday too..

I guess there is nothing much you can do..but i read online that drinking water helps.. dont think too much lah.. rest well..

My amniotic fluid was 10 so considered ok. Waiting till this fri then see gynae, Caesar next tues.

Lush: if really need mc can work from home? Think better to rest anyway. Else will be emergency delivery and also cannot finish work.

I'm having sleepless nights already. Dunno is it stress that baby coming out soon or just my body adjusting to less sleep.

Anyone else delivering soon?
Poseidon: u in hospital inducing already? All the best!

Congratulations to all Mummies!

I am from the October 2011 thread and have already given birth.

I have the following for sale:

(1) Medela Mini Electric Plus (Dual Pump) with a stylish breastpump bag that comes with a cooler bag. Bought on 11/09/2011 and is still under warranty. Selling for $199 only. Self-collect.
(2) Medela Mini Electric (Single Pump) Breastpump. Selling for $50 only. Self-collect.

Interested, please pm me or call me @ 8222 1001. First come first serve only. Thanks.

Wishing all a smooth delivery.
poseidon!! hope everything went well!! Congratz, rest well and take care!!
hi mummies-to-be
just want to share... anyone expecting a small size baby girl (2.5kg upto 3.4k)?

i'm a sept'11 mum and my baby girl is now 2.5mths old. as i was under high-risk management care i was expecting a small baby of appox.2.5kg so i had stocked up preemie sizes rompers, onies, one-piece suits, dress sets, tops and they are all brands of: carter's, children place, mothercare, marks&spencers, gerber, etc...
i'm letting them go very cheaply... as i need to make drawer space to my now 4.7kg girl
they are all very well care, kept with no stains at all. they were all well fitting for her for 2mths+.
so if you wish to consider buying them over, please PM to me.
thank you & God Bless you & your lil' one
Poseidon.. duno leh. she didnt tell me the index, just said she cant see much fluid surrounding the baby.

I also read online that there is an over emphasis on amniotic fluid & that it is actually not necessary to induce delivery just because of that. hmmm... duno la.. just listen to gynae ba..

I hope you're doing fine this morning Poseidon!

btw, what do we wear to delivery suites? Do you wear a night dress? or just a large tee (with no undergarments I hear?) I read that we should wear an old long dress which we can discard because there will be stains anyway. Then we just bring a new nursing dress to change into after we pop. is it?

Lush: i just wore the hospital clothes thru out my stay there. Ugly la, in pic not nice but practical, comfy and no need to worry about laundry. Wore maternity dress there and change out immediately, can even wear the same dress home on discharge.
Yes.. When I was at Kkh delivery suite (due to threatened pre-term labour), the nurses made me change into an attire that looks like a dress at the front; and apron at the back. I guess it is to facilitate the insertion of epidural tube bah.

When I moved down to normal ward, they gave me an attire to a few buttons in the front which I suspect is to facilitate breast feeding bah. ;)

Thus I dun intent to bring my own pyjamas like what I have read in the books and websites.
Hi poseidon, first time mummy ? Jia YOu ! It's an achievement and so rewarding to see your baby coming out although you might miss the time when he/she is in your tummy.

Seems like we habve quite a few Jan mummies getting induced on Dec..

Mommies who has low amnotic fluid, care to share how many cups of water / hours to sleep u getting a day ? For me, I really didn't drink as much water as I had for my #1. Sleep wise, I find it very little for pregnancy mummy. I slp like less than 8 hours a day and feelign tired everyday,esp now when my #1 is having fever. It make it worst. So far, my gyane did not mention anything about amnotic fluid even though when he did the scanning I find my foetus seems to look squeezy. WHen I checked with the nurse, she was saying the water bag is made up from the foetus urine. hahah. not sure how true. Is Amnotic fluid the same as water bag, as in are they referring to the same thing?
Yup.. Amniotic fluid same as water bag. Hehe... In fact, I dun drink alot of water.. But i do sleep alot? Hehe...

Just see my gynae today. As usual, water level remains low plus my cervix already open since 32 weeks. Can't wait liao. Ask me to go in either tonite tmr morning. Choose tmr morning, 7.30am to get admitted for induced labour. Hope everything run smoothly.
Hi emmeline, I read that we need to drink 8 to
10 glasses of water each day.. ;)

Hi thiasy, all the best to u! ;) how many weeks are u at now?
Ng: Im at 37 weeks 5 days today. V close to 38 weeks Liao.. Hehe.. So it's time lah. Initially tot can drag till Xmas. I like Xmas baby
Emmeline: ya, water bag has amniotic fluid. contains a lot of icky stuff like skin cells and hair, baby drinks and breathes it, pees into it.

Hi catherine: looks like you are next. =) all the best!
Envy....i like Dec bbs too...
End dec is only end of 36weeks for me...haiz...
Gynae refused to induce for me...:>said its pre matured...hehehe...N i m only meeting my gynae on the 29th to do the infection test...urgghhhh....Me waiting impatiently already...heheh
Hi mommies, anyone having swollen 'external lips' down there? Mine is getting more & more swollen. Not sure if it's due to positive bacteria culture or signs of delivery.

Any mum bringing breast pump to the hospital ?

For mommies who has delivered, any feedback on Mt A? Like services, what to take note, what to ask etc.
If I'm gg to ask for bottled formula milk, is it chargable ?
all the best!

same sentiments. wish i can have a dec bb but looks almoz impossible. gynae said he could induce me but need to give me a jab to booast bb's lung to be strong. and muz stay in hosp for abt 2 days till 37 weeks...though inside steongly wish for dec bb but my hub didnt like to go agt nature, prefer bb to come out when he wants. i juz very sian that i dun get pregnant one cycle earlier, haha
hi mummies..

finally i have time to post...

delivered my little boy early this morning @ 1.28am.. he weighs 3.1kg...and the gynea did everything to get him out.. becoz he is not in the correct position.. hengz..no need to go emergency c-section..

trying very hard to breastfeed him..and it doesnt help that my ass hurts!! i think i tear quite badly coz gynea took quite a while to stitch me up...

Although i brought my own clothing..i still prefer tmc hosptial gown coz it is very easy to wear..the only down side is..the back is expose so need to take note if u have visitors ard..

breastfeeding is hard work..still trying to work things out with my little boy..both mummy and baby need to learn how to breast feed...
Hi Catherine, have a smooth delivery.

Hi emmeline, I am also tested positive for GBS, but dunnoe if I have swollen 'ext lips' or not. Are u positive for GBS? Btw I shd be bringing breast pump to the hospital. Just in case, and I hope can ask the LC for help and advice then they can show us. My fren said she din bring it during her first delivery and regretted cos at a loss.. Dunnoe what to do. Though I also heard some ppl say bring also no use lar... Depends.
Congrats, Poseidon!
Bb is of good weight..

Rest well & don't stress over breastfeeding. Has the lactation consultant visit you?
congrats poseidon!!

dun worry..breastfeeding takes time to get the hang of it..get the lactation consultant to visit u if you need help..
Jkids:My mum keep pushing me to induce on 31st dec.Coz Jan BBs tend to lose out more when they go to school....They are the eldest in class and most importantly they are fighting with the Dragons...
jkids, u have the same EDD as me rite? can induce on last wk of dec which will be 38+W? anyway, i'll be seeing gynae on coming sat (24 dec), which will be 37W4D, & will decide whether to induce on last wk of dec anot depending on bb's weight & gynae's advice ba..
Catherine: I'm positive for some bacteria culture and was referred to some specialist for further test (swap & blood test). Now I need to do the swap for every visit + during delivery. If I'm found positive then I need to be treated before my delivery.
poseidon_gal: Congrats! You done a good job!!!
) Jia YOu on breastfeeding. It's not easy, prepare some nipple cream to standby. My milk flow only comes in on 2nd week for my #1, not sure if drink more water help but CONGRATS!!!! Feel happy for u
Lay down and rest more if your stitch is bad.

Any mommies bought nursing bra / nursing gown? I'm still wondering if it's really necessary if I'm gg to pump out my breast milk but will try as far as I can to latch.
wow Poseidon! COngrats! So happy for u!!

How was the inducing process? Was it as traumatic as what some of them said? long hours, painful etc... Did u do epidural?

Snowwhite, I was told intercourse is a good form of inducing & getting that area more ready & flexible, less chances for episiotomy.. ;p

Thanks Maddie... ok then I dont have to bring too many sets of clothes.. phew... My fren asked me to bring a breast pump jus in case! aiyo so many things to carry...

I hope my amniotic fluid goes back to normal. I will be 37weeks 5days this Wed. am hoping to stay till baby herself is ready to come out to be safe, rather than induce.. ;p
Congrats poseidon! Persevere with the bf.

Lush: actually hospital also got pump. Need to find out where u r delivering must rent or free. Only downside is may not have it immediately if someone else using. Else can cut down on things to bring. I would rather bring my own pillow but shy la.

Snow white: doesn't mean induce on 31st will deliver on 31st. May have to wait till 1st. Tho that I hear also will be with dec kids. Thought actually dec kids are disadvantaged cos one year slower. But then jan will be with dragon babies. Very crowded. Either way also pros and cons.
hi mummy, i from forum jun 2010 mummy, i just giving birth and done with my post natal massage, i enggage malay lady her name jenny whice i found her from this forum, i realy satisfice with her service,she is realy do good massage for me and for mybaby too,i would like to share with all mumy here her contac number is 83305461

Try ur best for BF..but dont add too much stress to urself. Rest more and rem to take good care of urself too

I bought 3 nursing bras from mothercare. Think they are nec and more comfy when u BF
I feel so excited today. Admit into TMC for induced labour at 7.30am for registration.super crowded. no more single bed and got to pay more to upgrade to premier single

Gynae v punctual, came to check me at 8am, broke my waterbag and put me on drip. Cervix dilation already 4cm at time of admission. Doc say baby probably arrive in noon. 9am inject epidural. Hehe.. Hope to see baby in a few hrs time. Hehehe...,

by end dec, i am still 2 days short of 37 weeks, so if bb delivers, i must muz let bb stay in hosp.

intercourse helps? ha, no wonder doc said dun do it nearer edd...
hope you have a smooth and painless delivery

ermmmm but sometimes intercourse will also intro bacteria lo...during this stage, we dont wan to have any thrush or infection.. :p
poseidon: Congratzz!! Have a good rest and all the best for bf!

Catherine: Gambatte!! you'll be seeing your lil one in a few hours time! wishing you a smooth delivery!! so exciting!! is the epi injection painful? so now you cant feel your legs?
catherine: wow! all the best!

jkids: i think it depends on yr baby woh, whether need to stay or not. my friend deliver early at 34 weeks, brought baby home after 1 week. scary.
hi MTB

Sorry to interrupt here. I've just given birth and there're some items which I'm selling. Pls PM me for photos/details if interested. Thank you.

1) Pre-loved Medela Freestyle pump - US set w/o warranty. Used 3 times only. Letting go as I've no milk. (RP $460, Selling @$400) Giving away a BN box of Pigeon breastpad 72 pcs with purchase.

2. BN Confinement shampoo & shower gel (RP $40, Selling @$30)

3. BN Soothing bottom spray (RP $25, Selling @$15) -> helps recovery of our stitches below faster

4. BN Maternity pads - Kotex & Pureen bundle set (RP $15, Selling @$10) - giving away bottle of baby cord spirit with purchase
Hi mummies, sorry to interrupt here. I have a good condition goodbaby twin stroller for sale. Condition is 9/10 and used for only 2 months for weekend use. Selling away as my elder child doesn't want to sit on stroller much. Selling at $199 (bought at $310), red in colour, delivery can be arranged at $10. Features of the stroller as follow:
- Net Weight: 9.85KGS
- Small volume after folding
- With shoulder strap
- With cup holder for mother
- with cup holder for baby
- Removable front armrest
- With big storage basket
- Maximum weight of a child: 15kgs each seat
-Multiple reclining positions.

I am unable to load a picture here but please contact me at 8128 5340 if u like to see the pic or to deal. Thanks
catherine.. when i was admitted also no more single ward..so what hubby did is ask to be put on waiting list for single..then we are given premier single..so if there is any single room available..they will inform you..

I am lucky becoz after a few hours there is a single room available for me and i change from premier single to single..of coz if you are comfy inside the room..most prob you will be lazy to change room liao..
the lactation consultant visited me yesterday and mention that i have short nipple.. so suggest that i bf with the football hold method.. now still trying to practice it..

It is easier on right side since i am a right handed..left side still not very steady yet..

Today is only day 2 and baby already show sight that he is a milk monster!!!! hungry need to be feed immediately..cannot wait one.. at the rate he is sucking i think i will get sore nipple soon..
Catherine: think the pain of epi injection depends on the one adminstering it..hope mine is good and i feel only ant bite like you!
It's noon now! your baby arrived?

poseidon: milk monster..hehe..cute description :p good that he is able to take in so much milk! just make sure he is latched on properly with his mouth taking in the aereola as well so chances of sore nipple is less
so happy for you!
err..ya i hope mine is gg to be a painless administer...cos i see the whole set i see already i also wan peng san..esp the needle... :s

anyone done the cervical dilation check?
haha, i heard abt that. anyway i hv no interest at this stage oso, haha.

poseison gal:
so if single room ward no space and they put you in premier single, they will only charge u single room rate right?

though i wish bb comes out this yr, i dare not tok and presurized him to come out...haha

kekeke ya same here...have no interest long long time...tummy so big where still got THE MOOD :p

ermm no lei...i think they will charge u according to what ward they put u in.
