(2012/01) Jan 2012

jingles: oohh...so sad..why they discontinue?! maybe hospital pharmacy has? What does clorohexidine do? If just the gel alone works then maybe can try

for umbilical cord, hospital will give the cord spirit...i think just use it for a week or so then the cord will drop off..
so your temp also using your pc?
what is pte surfing?

if pc crash, all the files deleted before would "appear" again. this was what happened to me b4.
pte surfing is a function which u can turn on if you are using firefox...will not record the history of surfing online.

how come will resurface??
ermmm once deleted, it will not resurface de lei.
moscato, my hb's side follow the 2nd char from the "jia pu".. problem is the surname + 2nd char like not very good combi based on some online website's calculations & books (my MIL got check the books & ownself admitted that the combi is not good).. might be hard to find a good match for the 3rd char.. tat's y my ILs are worried that we don't wanna follow the "jia pu" & insist tat we shld not go "suan" & juz use the name tat my MIL choose.. but not good still wanna use meh?! & they keep criticising me & hb for being pantang, kiasu, etc.. so DUH!! i juz wanna my bb to have a good name.. wrong meh?!
i also duno y. apparently nothing can be "erased" since the 1st day you start to delete a file. the deleted files will b "kept" somewhere
Jac: your bb is the 1st grandkid? Leave to your hb to iron out with your in-laws.
anyway just tell the shifu you need that particular 2nd character as one of the choices, see what he comes up with the matching 3rd character. Shld be able to find a gd one but the character might be difficult to write or uncommon.

The shifu i used for #1 gave me 5 2nd characters and 5 3rd characters then we chose which one we want to use.
moscato, yep.. i'm hoping that the 3rd char that my MIL chose will be good based on the bb's actual "shen chen ba zi".. if not the shifu can come up with a good match for the 3rd char.. hopefully everything will go well..
moscato: which shifu u got to?

Jac: ya ask your hubby to talk to his parents..tell them dunt upset you... moscato is right. you can tell the shifu the 2nd character and then he give u choices for the 3rd character.. see if it works for you lo...

has anyone started to drink coconut juice already?
i went to Robinson sales yday, good buy for baby products but not detergents, wipes & usually such items has no further discount. Intended to get baby bedding products, clothings etc, end up Baby First products were almost all snatched up. Kinda dispointed. I'm waiting for Mothercare sales to get my post maternal PJ & nursing bras too.
Vanessa: i went to a shifu in toa payoh, go to his hse one.

i havent started drinking coconut juice..maybe next wk if i have the chance..keke
dear all, i'm a reporter from Straits Times and I'm looking for a mum who will deliver on dec31 to feature for a New Year's eve article. Any mums opting for elective caeserean on dec 31?
pls pm or email me a [email protected] Thanks!
hi mummies

just told by hr tt any mc within 4wks b4 delivery is counted as maternity leave under employment act but mcys never states tt in e website leh. Is it true?

Pumping milk
i also has prob at first, then i use breast pump to stimulate it 30 mins for e first few days even though nothing flow out. Then 3rd, e colostrum finally comes out to feed my bb. ^_^ so mummies dont give up. once it flow out, then stop pump. Use a syringe to collect it as e flow is not tt much to be collected by bottle n most will be on e pump funnel, will be wasted then.


any sale like storage bags, teats etc lately as want to top up supplies? tks in advance
hi mummies

just told by hr tt any mc within 4wks b4 delivery is counted as maternity leave under employment act but mcys never states tt in e website leh. Is it true?

Pumping milk
i also has prob at first, then i use breast pump to stimulate it 30 mins for e first few days even though nothing flow out. Then 3rd, e colostrum finally comes out to feed my bb. ^_^ so mummies dont give up. once it flow out, then stop pump. Use a syringe to collect it as e flow is not tt much to be collected by bottle n most will be on e pump funnel, will be wasted then.


any sale like storage bags, teats etc lately as want to top up supplies? tks in advance
hi mummies

just told by hr tt any mc within 4wks b4 delivery is counted as maternity leave under employment act but mcys never states tt in e website leh. Is it true?

Pumping milk
i also has prob at first, then i use breast pump to stimulate it 30 mins for e first few days even though nothing flow out. Then 3rd, e colostrum finally comes out to feed my bb. ^_^ so mummies dont give up. once it flow out, then stop pump. Use a syringe to collect it as e flow is not tt much to be collected by bottle n most will be on e pump funnel, will be wasted then.


any sale like storage bags, teats etc lately as want to top up supplies? tks in advance
hi mummies

just told by hr tt any mc within 4wks b4 delivery is counted as maternity leave under employment act but mcys never states tt in e website leh. Is it true?

Pumping milk
i also has prob at first, then i use breast pump to stimulate it 30 mins for e first few days even though nothing flow out. Then 3rd, e colostrum finally comes out to feed my bb. ^_^ so mummies dont give up. once it flow out, then stop pump. Use a syringe to collect it as e flow is not tt much to be collected by bottle n most will be on e pump funnel, will be wasted then.


any sale like storage bags, teats etc lately as want to top up supplies? tks in advance
hi mummies

just told by hr tt any mc within 4wks b4 delivery is counted as maternity leave under employment act but mcys never states tt in e website leh. Is it true?

Pumping milk
i also has prob at first, then i use breast pump to stimulate it 30 mins for e first few days even though nothing flow out. Then 3rd, e colostrum finally comes out to feed my bb. ^_^ so mummies dont give up. once it flow out, then stop pump. Use a syringe to collect it as e flow is not tt much to be collected by bottle n most will be on e pump funnel, will be wasted then.


any sale like storage bags, teats etc lately as want to top up supplies? tks in advance
hi mummies

just told by hr tt any mc within 4wks b4 delivery is counted as maternity leave under employment act but mcys never states tt in e website leh. Is it true?

Pumping milk
i also has prob at first, then i use breast pump to stimulate it 30 mins for e first few days even though nothing flow out. Then 3rd, e colostrum finally comes out to feed my bb. ^_^ so mummies dont give up. once it flow out, then stop pump. Use a syringe to collect it as e flow is not tt much to be collected by bottle n most will be on e pump funnel, will be wasted then.


any sale like storage bags, teats etc lately as want to top up supplies? tks in advance
Hmm.. Never hear before. Im currently on hospitalization leave. My boss nv say need to cut my maternity leave leh...
feel so sian...i am taking my ML before co moves to another location and instead of me enjoying the new table/chair, my temp will enjoy for 4 mths 1st. very the dislike
Jkids: your HR also tell u the same thing? Hmm... Jialat, I got 1 mth hospitalization leave after discharge from hospital.. Wun my maternity leave be deducted till left 3 mths only? I think I will call up mcys to check out...
hi catherine n jkids

im also checking with mom and cpf board on this whether there is such an employment act as my hr forbid me to use my annual leave to cover my hospitalisation leave. We update one another.

Called up cpf hotline n was told no such regulation. Now waiting for their formal reply. Feel so sian as hr taking my 2wks of leave. They always do things slowly, now i didnt tell them im in hospital n yet they apply mc for me before i give them ;(


why doc give u 1 mth mc?i was being observed at hospital n c section last wk.
morning mummies...haven't been logging in for a while..

evon, i do get some white residue on my nipple sometimes..then i suspect it's milk residue..
morning mommies
regarding the HR issue I think we discussed in the forum earlier before....each company varies, so its actually their own policy set by HR
hr told me the loop hole is to have a "gap" bet hosp leave and matern leave so that taking hosp leave b4 matern leave is then possible. but well, really duno about other co's policy. that time was jus finding out, so din use hosp leave at all.
my ankles & feet r starting to swell even thou i've tried putting my feet up as much as possible.. left 2 more weeks b4 i start my AL & ML.. can't wait!! any mummies started or going start ML soon?
same same. working 3 day wk since last wk. last wk of dec not working. 1st wk jan go back handover stuffs. 2nd wk jan clear AL. 16 jan start ML cos 17 Jan is edd. assumption is i pop ard EDD. haha. will adjust my ML again depending on what gynae says.. cos my bb on small side, probably can wait til EDD...
Hallo mummies, it's Friday!!! Weekend is coming and there are Xmas sales everywhere for last mins shopping before our Big day!!!

I almost finished buying the baby stuffs. Hubby said will buy stroller, high chair, and bb monitor on a later time.

Now left with buying my things for Post delivery. For those already bought the below items, can give me suggestion?
1. Where to buy comfy disposable underwear? Is there a special type for post delivery?
2. For the maternity pads, i saw Pureen and Kotex brand. Kotex one has two types: with loop and adhesive. which one I should get for natural delivery?

Jac, where is Fu Hua medical shop btw?
jingles got so many AL to clear ah? i left with 10 days for this yr.. gonna take 4 days off from 27-30 dec then carry forward the rest of the 6 days to next yr.. ren ren ren!! self-massaging din help leh.. i even tilted my legs up on the wall.. din help too.. maybe it's time to schedule another prenatal massage (by the pros) liao.. :p
delphina: Disposable undies i got from Watsons..not sure if there are special types for post delivery though...
For maternity pads I got the Kotex adhesive..loop one very troublesome...the only thing abt the adhesive is no wings! I know some mommies bought the extra long for overnight with wings type instead of maternity pads. But I just worried those are not as absorbent as maternity pads.. so i got maternity pads instead
Hi mommies,

Just to share Carter, Toughskin & Osh Kosh warehouse sale at 43 Tampines St 92 now till 10 Dec 10am-7pm. Kids tops or bottoms 3 for $10, 2 for $10, Adults 2 for $10. Pack of 5 rompers $5, kids jacket with zip 2 for $10. Sizes from NB to 7T. Very worth as quality is quite good! Lot more selection for girls than boys. Happy shopping.
Jkids: so the loophole is to have a gap between hospitalization leave and maternity leave? Then maybe I shd go back to work nxt week.

Tuete: I was given hospitalization leave cos I was admitted into hospital for threatened pre term labour at 32 weeks. Need to have bed rest till baby reach full term. Hehe... today see doc at 36 weeks. He say I can stop medication Liao cos baby is ready
hehe... So now thinking whether shd go back to work. Hehe...
Jac /jkids
clearing my 2010 leave now..... got to clear asap cos scared bef clear i pop then leave forfeit....

For pads, can buy from mothercare. wings and adhesive :)
My boy is 2.4kg at week 33 now, as much as I try to stick to the GD diet, he still gain 300g leh. Anyway, my kkh gynae still did not realize my GD until I submit my Tmc diagnosis to her then she agree I have GD. That attitude really hard to stomach. Anyway, she will be on leave during my 35th and 36th week, which means she won't be around to deliver my bb if he decides to come out early.
jingles, that's nice.. i usually finish my AL entitlement for the yr.. so don't have much leave left..

ritzc, sounds like your kkh gynae not very good leh.. did u ask her who will help u deliver if bb comes early? who's her backup? or can u get your tmc gynae to help u deliver?
Ya, I'm really considering my tmc gynae now. Anyway I haven't book a bed yet though the nurses have been asking me to.
ritzc, maybe u shld juz finish off your prenatal pkg with your kkh gynae.. & get your tmc gynae to help u deliver instead since u've been seeing him quite regularly & he knows your condition well too.. better to have some1 u can trust..
Hi mummies, I am new here ;)

Hi Catherine, I was also admitted due to threatened pre-term labour on Monday and I was only 30 weeks then. Glad to know that you are ok now... I am still trying to adapt to my bed rest routine..

Ritzc, who is yr gynae? Perhaps u can feedback to her abt yr concerns?

Jac, I forgot to ask who's her cover.

Rilakgal, I have pregnancy complication too - cervical shortening and was on jabs, bed rest n adalat since second trimester. Got off the jabs n bed rest already but still on adalat to prevent premature birth. Bedrest really helps. Jiayou!
