(2012/01) Jan 2012

jkids: High chance I'll be choosing single ward. I want my hubby to bunk in with me

hi mummies! I just went for my check up last Fri. bb is 700g now!! wow!! I was 310g at my 20weeks scan. I asked gynae "wow, isnt that very big??", she said it's normal leh. But I read online, it's usually about 600+ at 24weeks. Im 24weeks this week. Which was quite funny because I kept to a really strict diet for the past mth (to keep track of my blood glucose level). Only ate wholemeal and brown rice and no dessert at all, except for fruit such as guava, dragonfruit. I thought bb will be not so chubby. hehee.. then I realised that on my ultrasound, EDD is now 5 Jan. instead of the original 8 Jan. ;p

oh, I have been walking up the stairs almost everyday to exercise.. I live on level 5, ok la, not that high. hehee.

I feel bb movements on my right side of navel most of the time, sometimes on the left. But if left, it's usually above navel. I know bb's feet are on the right, the kicks are stronger, so left must be bb's hands.
The position is correct as it was how bb is at last Fri's scan... such a darling..

I heard slight movement good enough already, not too active because I heard if not when bb is born, it's an indication of how active and "many hands" bb will be. hahaa...
tat means we are about the same time!!!!!!!
mine is one day after urs....
and i also feel more on the right side rather than left
jingles: oh yes i feel heavier now though i havent gain much weight..i hate walking down stairs more than walking up. always feel very unsafe lol. and i dun look preggie from the back though my tummy is quite big..so people always push from behing when i am on the escalator. so rude. =X

jkids: yup small doesnt mean baby not growing
so long as baby is healthy the size of the bump doesnt matter yeah! i am insisting on a single ward haha but also got to see if got vacancies or not! anyway i dont think is weather hot leh..i think is the hormones and we just feel hot easier haha.

serene123: 320grams is fine ah
my baby got chubby tummy ma lol..so not that healthy. but so long as doctor says everything is fine, means it's fine
well weight will definitely rocket up..it's just a sooner or later thing i guess lol! =p

lush: whao your baby grow more than double in 4 weeks! i think because you are eating healthy, baby is very healthy too and growing so well :D at 24 weeks movements are more distinct and obvious as compared to 21 weeks right? cant wait for then
same here. From back no one can see lo...tats why now whenever i go shopping, i tend to wear shoes rather than slippers. Simply cannot take it when people step on my slippers!!!

Anyway i read an article, advise for preggie mummies when walking stairs, must always rail. and you can slightly lean back to balance urself between tummy
jingles: ooh..i havent thought that wearing slippers could be dangerous! now that you mention it! =X yah nowadays i always hold on to the rail especially on the escalator. leaning back sounds very feasible..more balance lol! thanks for sharing!
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wow, quite a few choosing single ward. i will deliver at tmc. anyone also?

single ward has diff levels leh. anyone choosing the "lowest level" like me? tsktsk
Hey mommies! haven't logged in here for a while..have been oh sooo busy at work.... BORING! hehe~~

Went to my gynae yesterday cos was experiencing some intermittent mild cramping since Sunday. no bleeding nor discharge but just uncomfortable. Decided to visit gynae to have a peace of mind.
Heng ah..turned out everything is ok..doc says itt my be a common symptom known as Braxton Hicks..can occur anytime in the pregnancy.
I'm now at 23 weeks, gained a total of 7kg and baby's weight almost doubled since Week 20 detailed scan. He's now at 600g. I was shocked! just 3 weeks and he can gain so much! the only thing is baby is still in breech position..havent turned at all..but gynae says position not impt till Week 36 on..so hopefully baby turns to the correct position at that time!

I'll be delivering at Mt.Alvernia. Anyone also delivering there? Choosing single ward so hubby can bunk. Still haven't decided which single ward to choose. Wanted to go for the maternity tour at Mt.A but hubby says no need lah..just choose from the brochure..*faint*

Feeling heavy le.. walk longer distance or climb stairs will be heaving like mad.. anyone doing exercise on a regular basis? i am procrastinating! hahaa~~ so tired after work....so lazy hor? :p
braxton hicks at week 23....hmmm now i wondering if i am also sometimes having that...is it like cramps feeling plus like tummy expanding feeling? I also nto sure...

exercising on a regular basis..i stop after week 21...seems like getting quite heavy to swim..plus the haze doesnt seems ideal for exercise..but i will do simple exercise and stretching at home and office la
jkids: i am delivering at TMC too!
didnt know they have different levels of single wards lol..may wanna go for the tour to look at all their wards. actually i am quite worried that if i book a single ward base on my EDD, but if i deliver earlier / later, then on my actual delivery date, no more single wards for me..then that's quite sad.

vanessa: hello!
how does Braxton Hicks feel like..is it like mild cramping you get as if you are having menses? if doctor says all is okay means it's good yah
whao it seems like baby is growing so fast at this period of time hehe!! :D now i cant wait for my next appointment to see baby again. anyway i am not doing any exercises, very tired leh. walking makes me tired already -_-|| haha. so i guess strolling around while shopping is good enough for me!
i took single ward for #1.
But now... thinking if i shd take single or double. Hubby will be at home with #1 coz no help.
So if i take single, hubby also can't accompany me. Like abit waste $$.
jingles: yes..tightening feeling, not as jialat as menstrual cramps but just uncomfortable in the tummy..as long as there is no bleeding it shld be ok...

Alicia: yah baby growing very fast...so is my weight gain! haha... ya i very tired everyday leh.. everyday go home after work plop onto the sofa.. only do a bit of leg stretching while watching TV.. haizz..bum's getting bigger liao!
mine will be c-sec. Coz #1 was c-sec. So... will choose a weekday.
Csec when #1 in in CC. Then hubby will pick #1 over, dinner together, then go home and zzz.
I zzz alone in hospital lor.
i also felt so lei...bum and hips are getting big..now i also quite worried..heard from some mummies once hips got big, no way to get back original size..even after Jamu..*sobs*

u are a brave mummy lei!
(X): yes you're a brave mommy!

jingles: huh? really ah...i was still counting on jamu to help leh.. my hips already quite big in the first place now expand and cannot get back to normal size..arrgghh!! sacrifice of a mommy! *sob sob*
Vanessa - I oredi bk MA single ward. Did u sign up antenatal class w them? If so, it includes ward visit during the class so no need to purposely make a trip. But whatever ward u choose depends on availability. My 1st one was born on a super popular day ended up I have to wait at a temp area where they partitioned several beds. I can even hear bb heartbeat while a mom is having contraction n waiting! Was given 2 bedder instead. Not too bad esp middle of the night when u r alone at least u know somebody is ard.

Any mommies had sore throat? Can we eat lozenges or strepsil?
Vanessa - I oredi bk MA single ward. Did u sign up antenatal class w them? If so, it includes ward visit during the class so no need to purposely make a trip. But whatever ward u choose depends on availability. My 1st one was born on a super popular day ended up I have to wait at a temp area where they partitioned several beds. I can even hear bb heartbeat while a mom is having contraction n waiting! Was given 2 bedder instead. Not too bad esp middle of the night when u r alone at least u know somebody is ard.

Any mommies had sore throat? Can we eat lozenges or strepsil?
hkbaby: I didn't sign up for their antenatal class leh.. ya hopefully the day i deliver got the ward that i chose.. ya if oyu're gonna be alone at night then 2 bedder is not that bad.. provided the other bed has someone! otherwise will end up alone..hehe..

i had sore throat and cough last week. Took Zecuf lozenges. Mac lozenges are also pregnancy safe. As for cough mixture, doc gave me dhasedyl (the black liquid mixture) which is also preganancy safe after I double confirm and checked with gynae.. yesterday kena chiding from gynae cos I told her I didnt dare take the cough mixture according to prescription (3 times a day) cos I'm worried it may affect baby cos the med is super drowsy. So I only took once a day and till now still have a bit of cough. Then gynae said "you must follow prescription and take so you can recover quicker. Otherwise the virus is still in you and that doesn't do any good to baby either". So gonna guai guai take meds according to what is prescribed from now on..hehe~~
u also same as me :p
cos tat time got gastric flu also lighten the prescription cos i am afraid tat it will harm bb. But come to think of it, if the main mummy body cant recover, wont help the bb either :p
so jst ate wat the GP prescribe to get well lo
booking of room - i booked at tmc when having #1 but maybe due to the hot date, end up having a single room that was really bad. only jus a bed and a chair for hb to sit. a tiny basin and no toilet attached. only got transfer to a better one on day 2 which only stayed for a day and i discharge liao.. so now still thinking shld i book anot.
Why brave leh??

Vanessa, actually, secretly hoping 2-bedder, but no one beside me. Haha... pay lesser, yet get to enjoy the privacy.
brave mar...to go through the delivery journey alone!

i had booked mine already. Some mummies had prewarn me last month to book early due to slots being snatch v fast!
actually i was also thinking hb dun need to come along. the one in pain is me and he jus sit there and do nothing and end up super tired coz not able to sleep.

ur csec is with GA?
hubby will accompany me during csec.
I'm doing Csec with epi. Same as #1, hubby will cut the cord. Hehe...

But at night, i'll be alone lah. Can't ask hubby and Marcus to accompany zzz in hospital right. Haha...
(X): haha..ya hor.. haha..didnt think of that! =)
brave cos you'd have just given birth and hubby not beside you to help you here and there...

jingles: yah i booked mine last month too.. heng can get slot..haha..
hubby will definately accomopany me to csec. Unless really end up emergency, and no one to help take care of Marcus.

Csec quite fast, can be done within 45min!

But at night, i'll be alone. Just be bitchy and scream at the nurses to help me lor. Afterall, the hospital stay is not cheap. Haha...
wah 45 mins!
tats v fast..

its raining like mad outside now...how i wish i am at home, putting legs up and looking at the rain..haiz..
(X): haha you are so positive and funny..just be bitchy and scream lol. but i agree, hospital stay not cheap, must make full use!! =p LOL.

cheerbear: omg serious? no toilet?! did they charge you according to what you booked or they gave you a discount? huh if they give me a lousier room compared to what i booked i will flip one leh
(X): haha I like the way you put it.. bitchy and scream at the nurses..haha! ya the stay is def not cheap! so their service level should be attas as well..haha..

jingles: yah feeling sooo sleepy in office now...wishing I'm home and snuggling under the sheets...haha~~

Alicia: if the day you deliver the wards are all full..really bo bian leh...like what cheerbear mention, they will just give you what they have and prob Day 2 you'd get the room you want...There should be discount given lo.. i'd scream if i have to pay more than what I got! hehe..sure flip!
vanessa: huh..i rather pay abit more than stay in a lousy room leh
LOL but i think like what you say it's not up to my choice.
then they better give me discounts lol. oh well, better check with TMC when i go for the tour. for now, positive thinking! haha.

jingles: my mum already made a bottle of white rice wine (i think something like that) for cooking during my confinement..she's more old fashion keke. i think nowadays a lot of people do without it!
My hubby already told me he won't be following me into delivery suite lo. He's scared of blood. But I really wish he's beside me and give me all the support I need leh... Sob sob
I love the rice wine cooking during confinement. Sweet rice wine soup, a tinge of spicyness from the ginger shreds, vermicelli, slices of pork and pork kidney... yum yum. In fact, I cooked it for lunch myself on and off during maternity leave cos it was just such nice comfort food =)
I bought my yellow rice wine from shop though. i remember one of the mummies in this thread posted that she was selling homemade rice wine too. But I can't remember the nick
jingles: I still use abit of chinese wine when i cook
think the alcohol will all evaporate with the heat and all..it's just for the flavour..so shld be ok..

Alicia: wow your mom makes home-made rice wine! so good!! think i'll have to buy lor..in the meantime i am starting to collect DOM and Martell for confinement cooking as well...

Adeline: oh dear...he's like my friend who's afraid of blood. He went into the delivery suite and actually fainted..the nurse had to take care of him somemore.. so i guess rather than having your hubby faint at the sight of blood, think you nominate someone else to be with you..at least you'd still get the support you need

I've actually never tasted confinement food before.. exept for sesame oil chicken..keke.. the rest like pig's trotters and stuff i dont really like leh... wonder how i'm gonna live thru my confinement days...
confinement food is yummy lei
especially the soup. my favourite dish for confinement is the hong zao chicken mee sua and pig trotters lo..simply delicious
jingles: I'm the only child. No siblings. Maybe I ask my mum lo. My mum delivered me thru C-sect. So she doesn't know how it's like to deliver naturally also. Haha

Vanessa: Yep, I rather he doesn't go in with me rather than faint at the sight of blood. Only make the nurses more occupied.
Adeline: at least having mom around is better than no-one. ou just need her presence there to make you feel more at ease
you're a C-sect baby? me too! hehe :p

jingles: maybe will like after i try lor...hopefully! hehe if not makaning during confinement will be jialats...hehe
I will be taking single ward too. Most likely hb wun be joining me coz need to look after #1. More for privacy sake.
A frd took double ward before, and while she was resting(her bed at window side, so more privacy), those nosey ppl who came to visit her room mate, kept peeping in thru her curtains to see who is inside. No privacy at all.
On top of that, her room mate's mil kept complaining the room is cold, even tho air con is at comfortable level, and kept turning up the temp. Poor frd of mine, for privacy sake had to draw up curtains, n also had to suffer from lack of aircon...(room not central aircon, split system type. @MAH)
they charge me as normal when i discharge then i see the bill liao jump lor.. then they revised the bill. cant rem the exact price but is ard 100-150 cheaper only.

if u wan to ask ur mum to accompany u then u better check with ur gynae and the hosp bcoz that time when i deliver my #1, there is also another mummy wanted her mum to accompany but maybe bcoz the hb is ard so the nurse chase the mum out lor.
Vanessa: High five! Hehe. Were you too big at birth to be delivered naturally?

jingles: Ya, need to find a suitable candidate to go in with me >.< This is my 1st pregnancy and I'm sure I'm gonna be super stress and nervous.

Vanessa - I also dun really like confinement fd esp pig trotters cos I dun like vinegar. My mil made a big pot n scoop a bowl for me, sat in front of me n stared at me eat! I was like dun know how.. She asked not nice ah I have to say ok lor... Also I dun take pig organs so like nothing much to eat.. Mainly eat fish, chicken, pork fillet n soup. This time she says must eat more vinegar pig trotters to bu my body properly!

Gingerleaf - I wasn't as lucky given the bed next to the door which also means facing the aircon. Was so cold n shivering thru'out the night bcos dared not adjust up the aircon in case the other party near the window feels hot! Yes, will stick to single for privacy (then can adjust the aircon all I want!) though my hubby unlikely to stay over too cos of #1 n can't really rest properly only a crouch, right? Still needs to pay!
