(2012/01) Jan 2012

Milk: I bought a tin of Similac Mum but only drink it randomly though I aim to drink once daily. Haiz.. Not sure if drinking randomly helps anyway.

BB items: Im starting to look on this forum overseas sprees and bulk purchase as well as on fb. But only slowly buying clothings unless its cheap. Like < $8 each. Anyone got any FB page selling cheap yet cute bb stuff? Care to share?

Food: I have always liked fish so eating fish as usual. Never take any tonics of any kind though. No one makes me for anyway so I try to take lots of fruits and veggies everyday as whatever we eat now is what bb will like to eat next time.

morning mummies

How I wish i am at home now, sleeing -.-

yes. drink its definitely better than never drink

try doing some simple tonic yourself la...simply put in red dates, dried longans and sugar cube. Boil and drink also good. Helps in blood circulation
pinko: Same here. I bought a tin of Similac Mum and for the first few wks, I've been very hardworking. Drink almost everyday. Moving on to the second tin now and becoming lazier. Only drink it as and when I feel like it. Wonder how to be disciplined and drink it everyday leh..
self motivate!
put one poster of a very fat and cute bb infront of u and a canned of milk beside it. Sure will motivate u to drink
Nope, didn't put at baby posters for #1. She came out pretty cute. Don't intend to do so for #2. I believe a lot to do with the genes =p Stare at super duper cute blond hair blue eyed baby poster won't turn my baby blond wth blue eyes. I just try to stay cheerful and positive, cross my fingers and hope will influence baby to be cheerful too
Hehe. Ok! I tried to stay cheerful too but my mood swings has been becoming from bad to worse lately. Ever since I got pregnant, I've very bad mood swings. Always tend to pick on my husband over trival matters and have to been crying for no reason out of the sudden
Nope.. Mostly max for 3.5mths bah.. cos save the ML for baby's injection and also maybe some long vacation for myself.... :p
ya...i guess it will be 3.5 months for me too

hahhahahahahah i like tat part :p
staring at blonde and blue eyes wont turn bb same way also:p
My manager advised me to take 3.5mths and clear the other 0.5mth on half day basis to let bb get used to us going back to work. So high chance I might be doing that.
wahhh u got a v nice manager...still encourage u to take 0.5 day...kekekeke.
stay positive! maybe watch some comedies and strolling, looking at greeneries will help to ease off the preggie hormones
i'm taking straight 4 mths ML this round since my mgr decides to get a temp to cover my ML.
Then i will have more time to look for IFC or nanny too.

I took only 2 months of ML for my #1 and had a hard time clearing the balance plus my own annual leave after that. haha..
morning mummies!

milk: if i were to buy tin milk, which taste the best? i tried one of the sample packet before (cant remember the brand) and holy mama taste like #$%$#! puked out everything including my meals before that lol..got phobia of tin milk ever since then. :X

adeline: hugs! sometimes when feel like crying just cry it out! at least you feel better after that
and i guess your hubby will understand..you are carrying his baby!! hee. anyway your manager's so nice to allow you to clear the 0.5 months on half day basis..it sounds like a good idea but i doubt my co. will allow me to practice that flexibility hais.

i think i may just take 4 months at 1 go! have yet to speak to my HR about it yet.
Alicia: i prefer anmum, taste like fresh milk. Similac &amp; Enfamama too sweet for me..

Dumex one not bad..i tried during anenatal class.
My company is quite flexible and my workscope has lightened quite substantially after they got to know abt my pregnancy. So I'm quite happy with this company

Yep, I've been trying my very best to control my my emotions nowadays. I really feel better after crying. But crying is not good for bb
My hubby has been very tolerant with me and I feel really bad towards him after I cool down everytime.

Alicia: I find Similac Mum ok. But u may not get used to it at first. I didn't really like the tast when I drank my very 1st cup. But subsequently after I got used to it, I find it ok le. It's a bit saltish though
I am also planning to take 4 mths at 1 shot..since I am planning to change job after the mat leave..but oso duno whether boss agree o not lor..
i'm planning to take 4 mths ML at one go too.. still have abt 10+ days of this yr's leave to carry forward to next yr.. including next yr's leave entitlement.. shld have enuff for bb's checkup &amp; emergency cases..
birdbrain: haha.. very true. my hb also said the same thing as u. "Stare at super duper cute blond hair blue eyed baby poster won't turn my baby blond wth blue eyes."

Re: Milk powder
I applied via online for various brands, waiting for them to send me the samples.
So far, i tried Friso not bad.
S26 sucks!! I puke out everything after drinking, it has this 'fishy' smell and taste.
moscato: thanks for the recommendation!
i shall go home and dig my sample packs, see have those brands or not haha.

adeline: haha husbands understand one la.
the other day i also threw tantrum at my hubby, then felt so bad after that and told him sorry sheepishly. he just smile and says it's okay
i'm sure your hubby know that this is part and parcel of pregnancyhood! i think crying out is better, at least you dont keep everything inside..it's even more torturous that way. after crying, always do something happy so joy is more than sad then baby will still be happy! hehe. and your co. really good leh. should stay with them and have a 2nd child. hehe!

zhuzhu: haha me planning to change job after that too! :D is there any penalty for tendering once we go back from ML ah? or do we need to wait for a period of time?

jen: thank you for sharing! i will stay far far away from S26 haha!
wow...looks like most mummies here taking 4 mths in a row
i dun noe if i shared wif u here about my boss. instead of asking me how many mths i am taking, the 1st thing he asked was, "do u wan to take 2 mths ML" or "consider partial ML followed by working a few days a week".... i think he is not very encouraging. but i told him i will take 4 mths straight loh.

i only worry my temp will not be able to cover my work properly and i have to go back to clear mess after 4 mths. cannot imagine loh.

actually my temper also very bad. no1 told her frens she has a fierce mother. :p when i get angry, i really scold dh and kids upside down... i noe i should not lah. dh said i homones changes.
hur wat ur boss trying to hint....siao lei...2 months....why should u take 2months lei. The options given to him is not v positive lo. Well, I guess no one will be able to do the best coverage. Just hope for the best and heck care about office, come back from ML then say!
my 2 bosses are like that -male or female.
my previous boss also asked whether i wanted to come back after 2 mths. the mindset is not very good hor. no wonder people dun want to give birth to more.

then i am that kind who dun like people to cover for me :p it will be my peak period somemore. i am given 5 days to train her, and wen i am back, 5 days for her to hand over to me...
siao liao. save cost until like that....
I took 3.5 months ML for #1. Used the remaining to go on playdates with other forum mummies, used somefor myown time out and some for baby's jabs. Will prob do something similar this time
wah lao.....why they like this..u must be working in a v hectic sector

but dont dwell on what is going to happen. I guess for now, its best to stay positive and be happy...too much -ve speculation is no good for bb also. CHEER UP
Similac Mum is too sweet for me.. Friso not too bad.. i am still on my 1st tin..TRYING very hard to drink milk daily.. i only start drinking wk 17 onwards coz been busy vomitting during the 1st few mths and puked milk is damm gross

HB been nagging me to drink milk..keep telling me about calcium..
haha, actually my workplace not hectic leh...in fact seldom work OT. its just that to them, everything has a burget, but it turns out like there is no sympathy for us loh
maybe you can tell your boss noone can look after bb for you until after 4 mths...:p . i heard some people resign after 1 or 2 mths, but not right after. maybe they feel paiseh to do it too fast....
how come like this?? not hectic then still call u to take 2 months? out of their minds ah....
ermm...i think take calcium pills is the best lo...cos concentrated mar
if too big, can break into half lo.

my boss kept drilling on the part of being loyal to the company after she knows about my preg. I was like -.- as if so scared i will tender like this...
jkids: i have already sent an email 2 days ago to the childcare that my #1 is currently on their waitlist.

But no reply from them leh...scarli they scared liao..LOL
call them faster leh. there are times when they dun reply emails

in general its not hectic...but during my 4 mths of absence, there will be 2 mths of peak. so when i resume work, the peak will continue but not as bad as during the peak when i am not ard...

then my boss ask whether i will come back to work after ML...lol... he keeps saying work shd be the last thing on my mind, yet he can't wait for me to resume work. haizz...all boss are the same.
jkids: 2 months is crazily short. just take 4 months of ML since they will hire a temp for you, whatever it is, go back to work then say haha. dont think too much for now and look forward to the 4 months!

poseidon_gal: haha my hubby and mummy have both been nagging at me too. but i think i agree with jingles..so long as you have been taking calcium pills should be fine
plus my multi-vits have calcium too so it should be more than enough! haha. just trying to drink milk to make myself less huilty =p keke and maybe store some nutrients for myself too
i agree with u....plus we are also protected by woman's right now - they cant anyhow fire us w/o rhyme and reason if we go on long maternity leave :p so just look forward and enjoy the bonding session bah :p
the ML only start after delivery rite? anyone gonna take leave before delivery &amp; stay home to wait? how many days leave u taking b4 due date? or gonna work till delivery? wonder how it's like being rushed to hospital from office.. hmmm.. think i'll confirm panic &amp; feel disorientated leh..
mine also never offer....he only prescribe after i ask..for my case, i guess i must read more, open ears more, cos many a times, they may be negligent or forget also..so, when recce with other mummies, got to know, then check with him lo.
it depends on if u still have leave and when bb popping. My friends advise about 7-10 days better stay at home liao cos bb may pop anytime. It will be kind of dangerous to work till delivery lei...imagine if u pop in the train!

But when we are closer to delivery, the gap between our scan will be much closer. Gynae will then advise on bb's delivery then we can plan from there.
poisedon_gal: maybe you can ask your gynae during your next visit? like what jingles say some gynaes may forget or they may think it's not necessary unless you request or ask. i am currently on calcium, multi-vits and fishoil..all by my gynae without asking. only this time round i asked about iron tables (cos i read that from 20 weeks onwards should take) and she prescribe to me cos i have low blood count. so it may be case-by-case

jingles: haha yah lor we are protected by MOM and ML is our rights so byebye office for 4 months!! hahaha. =p

jac: i'm not too sure if ML can be taken before delivery or not..you may wanna check with your HR cos different co. may have different stand on that.
those whom i know all took leave for 1 week before giving birth. i've got a friend whom doctor gave her 2 weeks of MC before due date so she can rest at home..again, this may be case-by-case so you may wanna check with your gynae.

i totally understand what you mean by feeling panicky and disorientated..i will be too! especially since 1st baby keke.
but i also heard from friends, their colleagues who gave birth before, just go to the hospital straight from office, and still can go around saying byebye to everyone in office haha.
Alice: I think depends on co policy..i asked around..apparently there is an ex colleague who quit immed after she came back from ML..but i think i will hang around for a couple of wks..b4 tendering lar..

jkids: not sure abt my boss lar..i have a new colleague..who is helping me..supposed to cover me during my ML..provided she dun resigned b4 dat..

According to MOM, 1st 2 mth is paid by co. so we should take 2 mth straight..next 2 mth is paid by govt..so depending on the agreement with the co n urself..some might want u to take the last mth partially...
alicia, thks for sharing! i dun wan to be in office but also dun wan to use my own leave.. will try asking (pester!) gynae to give me MC!! heehee..
my hr said ML can start 1 mth b4 delivery. i wanted to use MC followed by ML also, but hr said it would be treated as ML, so no MC allowed esp if it happens consecutively unless there is a break bet MC and ML, then its allowed. but u can confirm again on this wif yor HR...

if dun take ML in advance, very hard to do handover to the coverer leh...
ML can start 1 mth before EDD. It's according to MOM regulations.

For my my #1, i took 1.5week of annual leave before my EDD. End up i gave birth on the 1st day of my leave. Haha..
My colleagues who gave birth before told me they didn't apply any leave before hand and actually work till they give birth! They said when about to give birth, usually will feel exceptionally tired. So that will be the day to stop work. But i don't think I'm going to do that leh. Especially I'm a first time mum. Don't know how to differentiate between labour kind of feeling tired and normal tired. Haha

I dont remember feeling exceptionally tired before i gave birth. Still went shopping that day. Maybe walked too much, that's why gave birth that night..LOL.

I think can work til you give birth unless u have leave to clear or feeling tired cos will be feeling heavy by then. Just make sure your admission letter is with you all the time and your hospital bag is already packed.
