(2012/01) Jan 2012

zhuzhu: you're right..maybe i will hang on for 1 month before giving the letter. =p haha.

jac & jkids: i think if you work in a gov. board it's better to check thoroughly. my friend who works in some gov. board, her HR told her that whatever MC taken 1 month before EDD will be taken as ML. so no point asking gynae for MCs too haha. but so far private co. are more relax on that and MCs before EDD are usually allowed.

today is finally friday yipeee~!! :D

Hi mommies,

Anyone thinking of doing pregnant studio shots? Got recommendations where to do? Thot do it for memory since not want to get preg again.. Mayb we can do a BP to get some deals
omg.. talking abt delivery and MLs...

my #1 was induced coz of low water level, decided during my visit to the gynae... so didnt hv much issue of taking leave earlier...
i took 3 months of ML, and i found the last 1 month of ML v difficult to take after returning to work... we still hv 6 days child care, and our own AL...
better to tak 4 months straight...

talking abt MC, my co doesnt really recognise gynae MC... can try go talk to HRM, then may b will say ok to the MC...

my breastpump issue still hanging ard, no mood to go think abt it...

I have a Capella Stroller for Sale Model S-707.

Very clean and new looking. Fully reclinable with full canopy, suitable for newborn till 18kg.

Selling at $80 (neg).

Want to sell it quickly as we are moving.
Deal at Tiong Bahru.

Hi Mummies

I have a brand new tube of Elancyl Stretchmark cream (150ml, expiry dated Jan-2015), willing to let go at S$30. Self collect around Dover-Queenstown area. If keen, pls PM me. Thanks much!
hello mummies! today is another sleepy rainy day snores. zzz.

i believe that most of us have passed the 20 weeks mark..we're all pass mid-way through our pregnancy! yay to all mummies to be!!
will like to ask you ladies, how often / which are the periods you feel your baby moving within you? hehe. and normally where do you feel them?

baby movements are such a joy yeah :D
yes another nice day to sleep in :p
i feel it when i am sitting down in the office or bathing or watching TV

took a long weekend off last week....its simply a drag to come back to office after 3 days off :p
cant imagine if i take 4 months next time :p
Hi Alicia! I feel the movements most when I'm in sitting down relaxing and lying on bed. Yup, baby movements are such a joy! I'll smile each time I feel the movements within me
yes a nice day to nap....

yes, baby movements are the best part of the pregnancy process. i can feel the movement at anytime of the day except when i am sleeping, haha. eating, working, walking, lying down, sitting...

it will be more fun when u look at your tummy when bb moves
jingles: haha but during the 4 months we will get little rest wor..maybe cant wait to get back to work? >_< keke. my friends have been instilling horror stories into my head! haha.

adeline: haha yup! i feel it most when i am sitting or lying on bed too. and yes, i smile each time i feel those thumps thumps too

jkids: whao anytime of the day! your baby so active hehe! my baby dun move much at certain periods of time..and gets especially active at night lol. i saw some tummy movements that day..saw a little "poke" haha! super cute
cant wait for the tummy to move more hehe.

usually where do you mummies feel the movements ah? sometimes i feel mine quite high, like slightly above the belly button. but sometimes the movements are really low, at the bottom of my tummy. is that normal??
Alicia: i also feel the movements sometimes high, sometime low.

You will see your tummy "out-of-shape" at times when the bb is bigger in trimester..:p

Baby kingdom &amp; Hypermart are in Kaki Bukit, Shun Li Industrial Park. They are just 2-3 units away from each other.
try to think +ve bah...also different babies react differently. Dont forget when they are small, they tend to sleep more also :p dont scare yourself bah...

Both of them are located in ShunLi
Hypermart address is:
83 Kaki Bukit Ave 1 Shun Li Industrial Park,

Personally I prefer Hypermart as their arrangement of stuff is much more spacious and place is much more conducive to shop. Staff also dont tend to hawk over you. Got space to discuss with hubby. :p
Nomal. Cos baby still small enough to rotate around so legs may be all over kicking you. Think their movements will be more localized after 6-7months, when baby is bigger, turns head down.
my bb juz kicked me again - very hard!

depending on d bb's position when they kick, so it can be low or high.
mine is usually low, not sure if it got to do with my low placenta or not...

such a cool day...dun feel like working leh.
my EDD is 6th Jan
wat about urs?
ermm u can use mine, i got it from mummies here.

mdm sadiah
u can jst sms her, she will response norm in the evening
so yours may be a year end bb also if you deliver earlier. i prefer year end one so wun waste one year to enter P1, ha. but exact date i can't rem but its 2nd week of jan.

so muz book in advance huh? how much she charge u and for how many days? will she bath for your bb also?
i didnt leh, is it open for viewing? coz if i add, i duno if other people on my fren list can see? coz i am very low profile with my pregnancy...
2nd week ah :p
eh we may deliver together

can i add u in my MSN link mar?
which hospital u gg to give birth hur?

yes, as in confinement lady, must book in advance. If not they may not have free slots mar. No she wont bath for BB lei..bath for BB is confinement lady job
moscato: haha stomach out of shape..cant wait for that
thanks for the address!

jingles: haha it's my friends who are scaring me lol! for a 1st time mummy i am actually very looking forward to it hehe.
thanks for the address and comparison between baby kingdom and hypermart!! :D

birdbrain: the way you put it is so cute..rotate around!
imagine baby doing the helicopter thing in our wombs haha.

jkids: you've got a strong baby!! lol! and yes totally dun feel like working zzz.

EDD: mine is 26th Jan
i heard that usually it will be earlier by 1 - 2 weeks..is it true?

massage lady: my friend who just gave birth was using origins jamu massage..she says it's not bad. maybe can go google the reviews and website
jingles: haha yah! it's day 4 of CNY. but i think it should be a rabbit baby instead of a dragon baby cos so far, all babies are delivered earlier than due date! lol.

but rabbit or dragon i also love la hehe. my hubby is hoping for a 1st dragon though -_-|| LOL.
Hi mummies, wanna ask something...before i was pregnant, i was told before that theres a special pillow for BB that has a hole in the middle, so that BB's head wont be flatten and stay round, round...Where to buy this pillow, anyone noes??
i think anywhere lei..i saw it in many places...like kiddy palace and mothercare..u can just tell them u wan to buy the pillow with the hole in the middle
i dun use msn for years ever since it was hacked. no time also, haha.

i think i have a bb that zzz little.
alot of movement one. your 3rd bb oredi?
Hi all mummies,

I think i had put on too much weight as my gynea comment that i should cut down on carbo.

I put on 6kg, BB lolly is only about 400gms.

My father in law was away for holiday for 2 weeks, finally i have peace
for not hearing any nagging plus complains.
try to cut down carbo intake at night? cos tats when we slow down in our metabolism.. Hmmm i also put on about 6 kg lei....
kekekek not only u will have...bb will also have peace
Hi Mommies,
I have just given birth and have an new bottle of clarins oil for sale at $50. Please PM me if interested. Tks
lynn: i'm not sure but like what jingles mentioned, big baby shops should sell.

jkids: active baby is cute! :D haha my baby moves quite abit too..but i can never get enough of it lol! >_< sometimes it goes all quiet though haha. this is my 1st baby hehe!

annietoh: 400 grams like okay ma..how many weeks is your little one? my baby was 388 grams at 20 weeks 5 days during detailed scanning and doctor says normal weight ah..just that baby got a slightly chubby tummy and i got to cut down on carbo / fried food too. can you be like me? =p LOL. haha yay that's good news for you and your ears! :D kekeke.
anyway i also read that 6 kgs is kinda normal for up to 20 - 22 weeks if your BMI is within normal range. doctor says i am not gaining enough weight..fluctuating between 3kgs to 4kgs. but i've been eating more than normal already! gosh. gain weight also sian, dun gain weight also sian. my hubby was saying weight is always an issue for women hahaha. =p
went for detail scan today. bb weight 320g at 20 weeks 2 days. seems small compared to Alicia. gain 3 kg so far. i am eating non stop after lunch worried that weight might rocket up.
re pillows: u can get it at any baby shops. Confirmed can get it in Kiddy Palace, just depends how much u want to pay for it. Ex one will be Baby Safe.

I bought 1 for my #1 (cheap one), end up didnt use. My mum kept complaining too high for bb.
jingles: ya..i also feel heavier now..cant walk for long. told my hb i need to buy all the bb stuffs in Expo's bb fair next mth..or else i might not be able to shop end of the year..

going for my checkup this Wed. Wonder how much i have gained for the past 1 mth.
My bb only 300g during my detailed scan. Think lightest of all. :p
Yes i used to walk fast, but now walk a bit i can feel my legs tired and muz drag to walk...

try to control your weight? if not very hard to shed off the weught after giving birth. i lost 3 kg in the 1st trim and now gained 3 kg, ha. so i am still at my pre-preg weight. then colleagues said my tummy very small, but i was happy loh. small doesnt mean bb's not growing.

ya...and seems like getting quite hot recently. Last time i jog around duno how many arounds also wont sweat like mad, now u call me to walk from bb hypermart to bb kingdom i sweat like mad :p
