(2012/01) Jan 2012

i heard some stuff from my friend which may help.

1) wear cotton panties
2) wear liners to absorb d/c. but must change liner frequently
3) wear lose cloths and best not to wear panty at night to allow to breathe..
4) drink lots of water and dont use soap to wash V
can try using feminine wash, i use that when i had it in pre preg. quite safe to use one

If it's yeast infection, could be due to the antibiotics you took.. Yeast are opportunistic pathogens.. When u take antibiotics, all your bacteria flora on your vagina gets wiped out too.. When there are less normal flora of bacteria at your V, the yeast starts to grow.. It's always good to supplement yourself with yoghurt drinks, vitagen/yakult etc when u take antibiotics.. It prevents opportunistic pathogens (of non-bacterial origin) from taking advantage and manifests itself.. I learnt this from school by the way.. Not something that I came up with..

Hope you get better..
Snow white, I got bacterial infection back in week 13 n was given a Gentrisone Cream for a week. I used it for slightly over a week til the itchiness cleared up. Since week 13 I start to soak my panties overnight and hand wash the next day to make sure they r v clean. Try not to scratch or clean v area even when showering. That's what I have been doing to stop it from recurring. Hope u get better soon
Snow white, i had thrush (v infection) three weeks ago. prescribe 14days of pessary (v inserts of antibiotics)!!! very severe.

But the cause of it could also be tiredness, low immunity or stress (work/family/pregnancy). Do consult your gynea if you are worried? Thrush is quite common during pregnancy.
Tulip7v, ur gynae never ask u to do a swot test?to test wat is it b4 she prescribe any med?
N the test can be $50+ to $80+.
pay three times already each mth and hand soft leow...hahaha
Hi.. i dont encounter itchness in the V area.. But my discharge are quite smelly.. it is a form of infection also??
hi mummies,
1st time posting in jan 2012 thread...
am a jan 2012 mummy with #2, edd 13 jan 2012...

re: v infection, according to my gynae, if it is yeast infection, its ok... only mummy uncomfortable, wont harm the baby... so she nv give me anything... unless i want something to ease the discomfort...

re: breast pump... for #1 i was using avent manual pump.. now thinkin of getting a dual electric one, any recommendaitons??
Snow white, nope. He did examined my V and took out the yellowish discharge with an apparatus and tell me i had a very bad case of thrush.

I had it only once and it was during the time i had very bad pregnancy rashes. I think if you keep getting recurring thrush, then you might need to send the discharge for lab test?
Even first time got it she also check V and send to lab to test.Should i just let it b until maybe 1 or 2 mths b4 going to deliver then treat?Since m often getting it...Very siong paying n paying and keep recurring...
Snow White, that i am not sure. Discuss this with your gynea.

from what i know, even in non-pregnancy times, when i had yeast infection, GP will prescribe me one pressary to insert too. it clears up immediately. The insert is also a type of anitobiotic but its localised coz you don't ingest, but insert at that area of infection.
you should try to treat the thrush and take probiotics to prevent it from coming back. also, cut back on your sweets/sugary stuff, as these encourage growth of thrush. If you are planning to BF, you should definitely try to clear the thrush before you deliver, so that baby doesn't get it. Thrush makes it painful for you to nurse.
DL: I ever show gynae the nordic natural DHA..not for preggy one..he say better stick to the one he is giving me..
Yeah will try to get it treated. This time round was better than the last two times...hope next monday when i see gynae i dun need to take antibiotics but oni insert...hehe..
Hello to all mummies,

It seems like most mummies know the gender of the baby.
I'm in 18 weeks this sunday but i still don't know the gender.

The weather are getting really hot, do take care and drink lots of water.

For mummies who have (v infection), u may drink barley water. Mixed the china barley and young barley boiled them together.
Hi all mummies,

I'm new here. I'm a 1st time mummy, EDD on 14 Jan 2012.

Am deciding whether to give birth in Pte Hospital or KKH. I'm currently under the subsidised scheme in KKH. Thought of switching to private gynae but not sure if I shld stick to KKH or other pte hospitals
Hi Adeline,

Firstly, congrats to you! Just like you, i am a 1st time mummy too

My personal opinion, the hospital doesn't really matter to me, it is more of the gynae i am seeing that i care more about. So probably start with finding a gynae you feel really comfortable talking to cos you will be seeing her till Jan and maybe even after that!

Good luck!
Tmr is gynae check.
Hope baby cooperate and open legs. Haha...
Week 16 scan can't tell gender yet. All my friends speculating girl. Coz shy. Haha...
Hi mummies!

can share the brand of fish oil u are taking? My gynae didnt gave me any and i heard he dun give out fish oil from my frds delivered by him.
I actually prefer to take coz I took them for #1
Hi mummies, sorry to interrupt. I am selling my Medela pump in style (backpack) for $300. Reason for selling is that I m returning to work soon n not pumping as regularly.

Comes with local Warranty until march 2012. Selling at $300 (slightly negotiable). Self collection at Bt panjang. Thanks. Pls PM me if interested. Tks
If i not wrong some qynae multi vits is included in the package, but for fish oil have to request to buy from them...Usually dun take fish oil so early during 1st trimester...Should start eating 2nd trimester onwards if can take the smell...
If not i read somewhere that DHA is impt/crucial during the last 3 mths....
Vone, I've send u a friends' request.

Jenny, need your email (the one you registered wit Facebook), so i can add u to my list then to the facebook group.

Fish oil, just gotten it on wed. Brand is Neurogain. Er... i haven't open to eat it. But from the posts, looks like its going to be a challenge to swallow. Gosh... i have problems swallowing calcium pills already!!!
Supposed to take the calcium pill, fish oil and obimin, but i tell my gynae i have problem swallowing the calcium pill, so gynae say to take only obimin and fish oil. I drink milk lo to replace the calcium pill.
My gynae gave me calcium pills and multi-vitamins. I had problems swallowing the calcium pills too. There was once i puke out everything after swallowing my calcium pills.

Mommies, are u intending to get confinement lady?
re fish oil/ dha, i'm taking natal care triplus.. started ard week 10/12.. suppose to take till end of breastfeeding.. helps in bb's brain development.. currently taking lots of pills! iron pill (contains a little folic acid as well), calcium pill (contains vit D as well), fish oil, vit C (optional.. to build up immunity as i'm falling sick quite often.. ) & probiotics (optional.. to build up my gut due to recent stomach flu incident)..... cost me quite a bomb as only the iron pill is included in the prenatal pkg! btw, i usually bite the calcium pill into half before swallowing it..

re confinement lady, don't think i'm getting a CL.. CNY period is ard $3K+.. too heart-pain.. also don't know if the CL is good or not.. think i'll get confinement catering to settle my meals, maid to settle the housework & will look after the bb myself.. hopefully i can survive.. this is my #1.. also don't know what i'm in for.. hahah..
i already booked mine...as CL is hard to find during Jan as it clashed with CNY...about time to find and book one if u have not...

yes it does cost a bomb. the one i booked cost me 3.3k
my edd is 3 jan.. my mum will be doing the confinement for me.. she say no need to get confinement lady..hopefully she can handle.. else i will have a difficult time....
I just got my CL yesterday at $3.2k.
Really expensive but no choice. My cousins and friends had bad experience when their mum or mil did confinement for them. Hence I want to avoid it and maintain my good relationship with my mil.
I'm at week 17, just went for my scan this evening. Gynae confirmed that my baby is a boy boy.

Cutebaby: It's just the normal scan. Previously, at week 12 when I did the detailed scan for down syndrome, gynae showed us n guessed it's a boy n it's still the same
