(2012/01) Jan 2012

von & zhuzhu: thanks dears
yah feeling much better after crying it out. But very paiseh cos someone saw =X LOL!

Hi Everybody,

I'm a 3rd time mummy, expecting baby @ 8th January 2012! Nice to meet all of you.

It's going to be 3 boys for me!!! Charming.
Alicia: its ok to cry dear! i do that quite often esp after i got pregnant... got to be those hormones lor! and yes I like mt A Too!!
i had a miscarriage before this one and the docs n nurses there helped me n hubs thru the season. they r really nice!

oh my EDD is one day before u!!!!!!!!!
Tulip: hahaha...XD I not working mah, frankly speaking, my timing all screwed up...i sleep very late, then wake up late too... :p coz of my previous job culture, different zone timings... i oso got wonder if this is gonna affect bb...??? hmmm..mabbie bb come out vampire... Thanks again for adding me!!!
Jingles: let me know once u confirm??? i dont mind going KKH..though im delivering at TMC. I chked out the web link of KKH, but oni found the aqua thingy and fit ball, couldnt find the prenatal yoga leh...anywayz jus let me noe...

add me in fb??

Thanks leh... :D
Anyone want to add me on fb, my email: [email protected], and juz identify as 2012 mummy and i will add u.
Liv: I am living in SengKang too and #1 is Jan 09. Going to Mt A too. Hee! Absolutely LOVE Mt A. When My gynae told me that he is not delivering at Mt A during my first visit... I told me NO.. Must be at Mt A cos hub,myself and #1 were delivered at Mt A so cannot. Then i "pestered" him for a while. He finally gave in!
I strongly recommend Mt A.. hee!!
hi lynn! i may sign up for the fitball too. ive called, fitball is starting on 3 sep and the aqua on 22 oct. so i may go for the fitball first. u wana join tgt???
Thanks tulip7v!
Accepted ur friend request last night, haven't got the chance to go onto fb yet. Will login later and update.
Koko, my tummy appears bigger this time. I think because of the residual tummy fats from the last 2 pregnancies, adding onto the growing womb. :p

Jamie- I'm sure u will be able to manage when bb #2 arrives. Power of Mother's love! :)

Alicia-Hope you're feeling better. Agree with Von that it must be the hormones during preg. I cried many times too. Once I broke down outside my parent's place and all the neighbours saw/heard me. :p I can understand how u feel when somebody saw.

Yi Chin- Lol...I think my tummy is bigger bcos of the residual fats frm last preg too + bloated with gas. Envy those ladies who manage to remain slim aft giving birth. Many ppl tell me aft my #1 that tummy will flatten few mths of givin birth/breastfeeding but aft my #2 and 6 years later tummy is still there.

On mc today but went back to my workplace to bring home alot of work to do during the weekends :-(
re: gender predictor

hi...is this accurate for your bb?

my predictor was a boy, but doc told me 70% would be a girl. i was disaapointed becoz the image i have of my bb all this while is a boy. ha, i need a little time to get over it. but glad to know fr doc bb is doing well.
Hi von: i let u noe abt the fitball class again in a few days time?? Actually am more interested in yoga or pilates, let u noe soon!
Hi von, I went to the updogs and all about yoga website, looks good...updogs is at east coast and they haf prenatal yoga. On wed abd sat in the morn at 1015..find that quite interesting...

Haf u chk that website out b4??
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Hi to all mum-to-be,

am new here...had been reading on and off from here, greatly appreciate all the valuable sharing and experience from all of you...=)

myself is quite keen on using Babyplus, however due to the cost of it, would like to buy a 2nd hand Babyplus, anyone got lobang can kindly share?

Thanks in advance.

Very much appreciated that anyone can also add me to Facebook, my email is [email protected]. Do kindly mention "2012 Jan mum" pls.

Was not very IT inclined, my facebook is also quite new and inactive till present, not more than 10 pax in friend list, hehe. Thus my apology if i had been slow in responding.
glad that you have finally swam
I swam on both sat and sun, it was great working out and i think BB enjoy the buoyancy moments too
I also drink a cup of coffee everyday too. For #1, gynae said limit is 2 cups. But I try to limit to a cup a day =p. Haha, Just that since I've entered the 2nd trimester 2 weeks ago, I've been slowly slipping back into 2 cups a day =p
Hi Angeline, my EDD also 8 Jan.. heeee...but this is my #1. wow how do you know that it's going to be a boy? So fast ah? I still dont know yet, last scanned 4 weeks ago but couldnt see as bb was lying sideways. Im next seeing bb this Sat, I cant wait man! It has been so long!! I miss bb v much.. :p

Now my skin is v itchy, itches on my lower back, thighs and belly. and even the crotch area. so frustrating.. i tried applying tiger balm yesterday morning, then went to search online about tiger balm and realised that we are supposed to avoid it during preggie. oops... too late already.. ;p

I thought i feel light thuds on my belly from time to time these 2 weeks, I wonder if it's bb or just wind...

Met some girlfrens over the weekend and one asked where I am seeing gynae, I said TMC. Her immediate reaction was a frown and said "why TMC, the standard has dropped u know..". I was kinda irritated.. I already chose my gynae, cant expect me to change my gynae just becos of a complain in the past rite. Anyway Im sure all hospitals have their fair share of complaints from time to time, as long as Im happy, why u so much opinions. Grrr... losing temper! ;p
its like tat...everyone has their opinions. Afterall its a grand and happy affair, everyone just wan to have their fair share of their so-call expert opinion lo....everyone also give their "so-call" opinions when i say i choose KK. They were telling me cost is the same as private. I chose KK is not cos of cost, I chose it as it is the most well-equip women's hospital in Singapore -.-

light thuds? it may b BB kicking
heard that for those mummies who are lighter weight tends to feel movements earlier
Hi Lush , hope you are ok. if the itch is bad pls make appt to see gynae or at least GP. Dont scratch will leave marks.

Try after bathing when skin is damn - apply non-frangant moisturer like Dermaveen(rub till absorb) it has oatmeal which stops itch quite quickly or cetaphil also can.
for the mummies tat went for OGTT...
did the nurse draw blood 3 times? that means repoke needle in 3 times hur? and how many times u need to drink the infamous yucky drink?
lush: ignore ur frend comment..i am oso choosing TMC...like u said..there are bounds to be complaints and compliments...where got so perfect place one..

for ur itchiness..try cetephil..if not u can get mustula lotion oso..i think dat might help..

but i do noe of frends who had ecezema during their pregnancy...so u must be careful..

U only need to drink the glucose drink once.. Yes, nurse will poke you 3 times.. They will try to change venous sites.. So, dun worry..

1st poke, is zero hour meaning b4 the drink..
2nd poke, is 1st hour after u take the glucose drink..
3rd poke, is 2nd hour after u take the glucose drink..
Total time taken is 2 hours..
Good luck!
kekkeekeke i hope i will have...no water i wonder where the pee gg to come from .....
still raining over here...its been raining the whole entire day!
Hi Lush,

Your friend probably just wanna be "involved" in your pregnancy! Lol. Take it with a pinch of salt and be happy with your decision so long as your gynae is great! Most of the time it's not about the place but more of the doctor yeah.

By the way, I am with TMC too hehe!!
Hi mummies,

It has been months since I last posted here :p Hope all mummies are doing well.
Just went for my 16 weeks scan last Friday at Dr Tham. Could not confirm the gender yet.
One question, learn that some mummies have started feeling the baby movement, I felt my 1st one at 20 weeks, heard second time mummies can feel the movement earlier? But I still feel nothing now leh, is this norm?
