(2012/01) Jan 2012

jowinbaby - im going to TMC too. Mrs Wong conducts pre-natal course? When can we start attending? Im intending to BF as long as I can too! To save on milk powder! hehehe

Dun think i'll do the oscar. Just do the blood test at week 16. If no good, then will do amino test. Save some money. Hee...

Coz i figured... if oscar lousy, then will do triple blood test and amino test. So might as well skip the oscar step.
Carpe Diem, I'm also doing OSCAR next Wed!! At TMC! r u at TMC too?? ;)

(X), I feel OSCAR less invasive than Amnio since no poking involved.. so if OSCAR good then ok already.. hehee.. But I didnt kw a blood test can replace OSCAR.. it can huh?

yesterday i dreamt that gynae told me tat bb is a healthy boy.. hope dream comes true.. ^_^
Lush: Wow, what a coincidence in our dates! I'm doing it in KKH though, which looks like it is more expensive than taking the test in TMC.

How many weeks will you be pregnant at the time of doing the test?

All the best in your results! I think I'll wait for my NT scan results, heh.
X - Triple blood test is sufficient to detect any birth defects of bb?

jowinbaby - thanks! i will sign up when im in wk 20!

hq - i just drank a cuppa ginger tea 2 hours ago. Dun feel any extra farts/burps yet.. lolx

anyway, its said no drilling to be done at home while preggy. but i have new neighbours moving in and they have been drilling since morning n its driving me crazy! will it affect my bb? =(
pinko - must wait for a while hee hee sometimes evening then it happens.
actually I also rub ruyi oil on my tummy and esp the spine , my mum told me rubbing ruyi oil on spine/tailbone helps expel the wind like doing with babies
OSCAR - wow, looks like alot of mommies are further along & doing their OSCARs soon
I am going to take the OSCAR test also & if the results are ok, then no need for the invasive amniocentesis cos that comes with a risk of MC. I think there is now a new blood test that can replace the amniocentesis? Check with your gynes?

pinko - I am working from home today & there is renovation work going around my apartment as well. I think the drilling affecting baby thing is an old wives tale. Same as not sewing on the bed?

Gyne appnt - am FINALLY gonna get to see my prawn baby for the 1st time tomorrow morning! So excited but apprehensive at the same time! If everything is well, i can finally announce the pregnancy
Pinko, Jowin - my 1st, i dont even have time for pre natal classes but after birth, the lactation consultants at TMC were very nice, friendly, dont feel intrusive or invasive. They are at your beck and call throughout the 3day stay you're there. I called many times and then they help to massage pinch until colostrum came, feed sayang baby... Very professional... Love that abt tmc... And i had this particular consultant who came in daily to see how i was, on last day even gave me a box of bottled liquid milk telling me that i can bf... Dont give up but if really cannot try cup feeding the liquid ready fm and try agn.. Still cannot call them up... Very gd memories i have of tmc...
jowinbaby: Do you get special pricing with LC Cheng at ground floor with FBI? I was told there's no discount at the fertility centre.
It has been such a long wait for u.
It's my 3rd gynae visit tmr and only ur 1st.

I'm super sleepy.... need to endure another 1.5hr to 6pm. Ahhhhhhh.....
mscarpediem, X - yes, FINALLY! I called the gyne's office to ask for an earlier appnt some weeks back but they said no - she doesn't see patients till at least week 9! So yes, tomorrow i am 9w4d according to my calculation. For #1, the 1st visit was at 9w5d - don't know how I waited that long then too!

Am gonna log off in abit...have to get dressed up for a wedding dinner tonite

Mommies have a great weekend & wish me luck for my appnt. Hopefully baby is growing well & she can detect the heartbeat. I doubt I would be able to sleep properly tonite!
Ladies, anyone of u still having lacklustre appettite due to sensitive nose and bland taste buds? I tried eating apple pie frm mcd ate two tiny bites and thts it, i cant eat anymore... The smell of cooked/raw chicken turns me off like totally.. Fried food smell too... This getting bad.. I only can mouthed bits of sweet drinks, wants hot dessert (chng teng, bubur cacar, sweet yam soup) but not food..
blue_Y: now i prefer salty stuff..like crackers..yday ate the MAC fish burger...after dat feel like puking..i tried to hold it on for 30 mins..b4 i rush to toilet...
Hi Amasing, no discount with FBI at Dr Cheng.
For #1, i joked that i m recommended by one of his patient. Can discount? He really gave me a discount. I bet this time if i go back to him, he will give me abit too la.. hee hee. I have not decide to go back to him anot. Seeing Dr Benjamin Tham tomorrow. I am still scare of the waiting time.

MayC, tml your 1st appt? All the best

Have a great evening.

Blue, yes, the lactation consultant are really nice people and help me. They really ok with exclusive breastfeed as i requested and never persuade me to give FM. I heard other hospital just feed baby FM when at nursery instead of bringing baby to us whenever they need milk. Its easier for them.
MayC: Have a fun time!

Zhuzhu: I oso crave for salty stuff but for me it's quite contradicting coz i will feel bloated and hungry at the same time. Sometimes i greedy and eat abit then after 15 mins...super bloated. Sighz..duno when will it go away. Was nvr like when preg with #1.
PiggyB, jowin baby - thank you! I know i will be v kancheong at the gyne's tomorrow!!

PiggyB- same here, I am hungry alot & tend to eat too much at the beginning, then realise that I am super bloated after that....but a couple of hours later, I get hungry again...and the cycle repeats itself! Wondering if I can watch my weight this time round. Btw, #2 babies are supposedly bigger than #1.
Cravings - I don't really have any, except for peanut butter sandwiches! Oh, and thunder tea rice (have yet to eat that).

TMC - yes, the nurses at TMC are really nice & helpful. They are v pro-BFing as well, & if you indicate that you want to TBF, they will make it a point to bring baby to you every few hours for its feed - including maybe 2X in the middle of the nite.
piggyB: i will feel really hungry..stomach growl..until like cannot take it already..but just dun feel like putting any food in my mouth..
during my #1..i remember i will run to toilet after every meal..and i totally dislike plain water..dat why i took glucose water during tri 1..
this one..i can still control the urge to puke..i try to keep the food in my stomach for a longer time b4 i puke out..

MayC: update us again..
Stella: I counted 3x odd 1x even! @_@!!!! Tink tt time I saw half grain cuz tk too much. Tis time I took a pinch. Haaha can afford to count 4x. Lol!

(X): wats the test tt can replc Oscar? I didn't do any tests for #1 except the standard blood test n detail scan. This round I tot wanna do simple test if there is. Hahs!

Blue_y: I'm a lot more nauseas this time round too. Esp with meats. Ytd I had ayam penyet wah, so shiok lei bt I spent the nx 2hrs trying not to puke cuz so wasted!!!!
when I mk pork for my girl, I c alr feel lk puking, dun nd to eat at all.

Re: butterflies in ur tummy
Anyone felt the quickening/ bubbly feeling yet?
Re: appetite
I hv no appetite and do not puke my food. Hv to be careful with what I eat cos some food will make me feel sick.
Will want to eat things like beef, chicken wings, pasta with fat juicy sausages...
One meal can last me the whole day cos I'd feel v v full and bloated after the meal.
<font color="660000"> blue_y,
Me! Everything tastes bland now n everything else has a strong smell. Watever I can swallow, I puke out eventually. Either that or I feel super bloated n sick for the longest time.

Think the first time u count is supposed to b the most accurate. Anyway another fun thing is to take a ring u wear, tie a thread, string or strand of ur hair to it n hang it very still over ur tummy. If it goes in circles supposed to b a girl, if it moves frm side to side or back n forth. Boy.</font>
Jamie: How do we differentiate butterflies in our tummy from wind moving through our tummy? Hee!

Stella: how does your abdomen feel this week?
I am at 10weeks 4days, still have the urge to puke.. body temp slightly high.. huby thought i got fever... haiz.. sooo tired this pregnancy...
<font color="660000">ms Carpe Diem,
My abdomen is much better since I went back to work n not carrying my son so much during the day... I think it's the carrying around that caused the pain. Now off n on only hv constipation pain. The meds doc gave not really working n juices &amp; Fybogel doesn't work either. Especially since I'm still puking so I think abit dehydrated...</font>
Then i'm glad you've stopped carrying your child. Hopefully he/she is old enough to experience your love through hugs, kisses and words of assurances.

Hope that your constipation will be cured soon!
Wow... We ladies so poor thing ehh.. Suffering so much for our unborn child.. Hope they grow up be gd to us back...
I seriously no appetite.. Mouth so bland... Morning i take noodles then that makes me so full n bloated till almost dinner time... Feel like eating bubur cacar so take half cannot go in already.. N i juz force myself to take bit rice just few mins ago cos think even if i cant swallow, bb still need me to keep going... Now i feel sick agn... This pregnancy seems so diff.. N i thought having a girl will b tough but i was super ok during pregnancy with my bb girl. Now im loss for appetite n smells turns me off... Sob sob... Keep telling hubby no more no more no more... This one really a bad starter...sigh...

For those of u with no 2, any diff this 1st tri this time round?
Hi ladies, been quiet cos my ms came back after somehow it subsided for a week or so. For once, I thought I am getting better. Trying to cope with the ms, has been difficult. Am 9weeks now. :-(

No more no2 for me. One is enough.
Ct: mayb this one is a firecracker girl!

Blue_y: with #2, I have more nausea, can't take much meat and keep burping! Gross! Hahaa!

Stella: the ring thing sounds kinda eerie. Lk its supposed to be still then suddenly moving! I will try it tho! Hahaa! Btw, did u get the crampy feeling? I got crampy feeling today, am wondering is it cuz I'm carrying my girl too much?

Mscarpediem: the bubbling is at the abdomen, lower than tummy. Its a very "giggly" feeling. Haha! I duno hw to describe. Lol!
Hi mummies,

I'm selling this Ikea changing table which was rarely used (as I moved to my mum's place shortly after I gave birth) with GULLUNGE babycare mat (as shown in picture). Condition is 9.5/10

Product informations:
Length: 72 cm
Width: 53 cm
Height: 87 cm
- Converts into a convenient table/shelf unit when not used as a changing table any more.
- Solid beech material.

Selling at $40. Self collection at Depot Rd. Please PM me if interested.

Im quite worried. Went to see gynae again yesterday because had quite a lot of spotting. Gynae found blood clot behind placenta. She said that means im at "high risk" now and ordered bedrest for me for next few days till i see her again on Wed. Baby was fine though, could see him/her waving hands..

Feeling down now.. Hoping everything will be ok. Should i eat more protein (beef, egg, durians??) to strengthen baby. I cant do anything abt the clot can only hope it goes away on its own.
Anyone updating table??
Yesterday visit gynae n was surprised tat m 8 wks already.
Edd 23jan 初一 and predict gal. Doc is Caroline khi TMC...
Good morning!

Lush: Take care k! Be +ve, everything will be fine. BB even wave hands at you, must be cheering u on! =)

Snowwhite: Ur bb can be the 1st dragon bb.

Blue: This preg very diff fm #1, #1 hardly any ms and i dun bloat. But #2, everyday nausea &amp; bloating very bad. Sighz..so my mil say mayb boy coz very diff fm #1.

Today my hb so funny, woke up &amp; saw my tummy and say "Where's bb?" I told him my tummy so big is bcoz of bloating. Morning wake up normally no wind in tummy, so quite flat. I think he was quite surprised. Haha
Hi Good morning!

Lush : Dont think so much +ve
, rest rest

BlueY: #1 only evening nausea, can eat upsize wanton noodle,slight bloat. Now this preggy differtn wo - MS almost whole day even when going to sleep, once wake to go pee say 2-3am also ms

piggyB : so cute, yesterday I managed to poop then my tummy also went down.
Envy the ladies who have appetite! I'm steering clear from meat, vegetables and fish! I hope things will get better cos my ms is real bad.

Btw mummies, what are the essentials to buy and prepare for the first month? A tad too early to ask but fiance and I are hoping to buy some per month instead of rushing at the last trimester. Haha
Lush: take care. rest as much as possible.

CT: *blow pink bubbles yr way*

Qiqi: my first one i waited til last trimester to buy cos was so scared my gal couldn't make it. even things like pram all, wait until born then buy. =)
qiqi: for me i only start buying ard the 2nd trimester after i know the gender of my bb. Coz easier for me to choose the colour &amp; design.
