(2012/01) Jan 2012

why is the thread suddenly so super quiet? where's all the mummies?

duno wat happen, these days my bb keeps waking up at nite, cannot sleep soundly even though surrounding is quiet. i need to pat him to sleep.

anyone intend to switch milk brand totally? mine is wasting milk these days and i intend to switch to a cheaper brand. anyone's bb drinking dumex?

how's your bb's walking progressing so far? can walk?

other than nuts or preserved food, do u now let your bb eat anything we eat? like pineapple tart?

good that yr son's birthday went well and everyone went home happy. haha.

hello hello,

haa..i'm one of those who disappeared for a long long time!

been doing much the same thing as every mummy here..celebrated the first bday at chalet, took mmrv one wk back and praying and hoping fever doesn't set in.. and now bz for CNY.. and well.. and full time working all this while.. sienz..

good thing fever didn't set in, but i find that my gal also lost her appetite since the jab and also not sleeping well at night. Will cry out a bit, sit up, then fall back asleep again. Now on Enfa Stage 3, don't intend to change..too troublesome ba.. haha..

Been giving my gal a bit of what we eat, except nuts and seafood, cos I asked PD specifically last wk and he said these 2 better to hold out till 2 yo. As for the rest, as long as I think it's not too salty (e.g. zi char!), too sweet or too oily (fries!), i'll let her have a bit to quieten her down.

And since I don't send her to child care, now i'm looking for weekend enrichment type to send her. Attended a trial at Leap Schoolhouse at City Square Mall (the one at Farrer Park MRT) but my husband complained traffic is too bad and demanded I find somewhere closer home or in town, such as GUG at United Sq.

Then I'll start considering if I shld send her to daily tots class once she turns 18mo.. or to hold out till she's much older..

So, it's one worry at a time, never-ending.. haha..
Phew.. just started a new job so been vvvv busy at work, no breather.. so no time here as well.

MMRV this wednesday, cross fingers too.
About the milk powder, I still have a few tins of Stage 2 so I'll continue with these.

Any of your children suffers from constipatation? At one time, my girl has such hard poo, it caused minor bleeding and she cried.. grrr.... Recently feeding her a lot of fruits like apple pear dragonfruit papayas banana and she's ok..

Playgroup: I intend to send her to playgroup at 18 months. Not the famous ones, just the neighbourhood ones to see how well she fits in. So I think it will just be 2-3 hours in the morning kind only.

Sleep: Yes, my girl has been crying out a bit these 2 days, but not sure if it's play-too-much sleep or teething sleep or what. Haven't mmrv yet though..

Walking: My girl just turned 1yo on 25Jan. She loves to see things upside down! Putting her hands in front of her legs, bending down, and peeping at us, and laugh so much, hehe. She can stand up herself by the wall/sofa/playard, anywhere - except on her own. So we are anticipating her to walk her first steps soon!

Food: Feeding baby the usual porridge, but we are now not as restrictive as before. We try to give her some food that we eat but my girl is still unable to chew much on the rice grains or chunky food. Tried some chicken shreds yesterday and she took quite long to chew and swallow. She loves the cooked egg yolk + white though..

Haven't try cheese or yogurt. Will be trying those as sooon as I get to those big supermarkets!

Hear from you mummies soon. Even though I don't chat here every day, I'm still in touch as I get the email updates everytime!
Hi mummies,
My online shop is having a pre Chinese New Year sale On ready stock now. Feel free to browse through and pm me if you see anything interesting
or you can leave me a message at Facebook page

Hi mummies, bm after bb turns one is no longer enough already huh? I'm trying to give my girl fm, but she doesn't want... Sigh
how many meals do you give your bb after one year old? Thanks...
hi mummies! been really busy with work these 2 weeks! super shack! my boy's now 13mth. started walking on his own at ard 12.5mths. he tends to be very kanjiong & wanna run then fall down. we've to keep reminding him to slow down! he hasn't been sleeping very well recently coz teething & his biting habit is back! arragggghhrr.. food wise he's still mostly eating porridge coz we usually tabao dinner from outside & outside food is damn oily & salty. he takes abt 3 meals of solids + 3-4 milk feeds a day.

googlez, I'll be bringing my boy to leap sch house this wkend! it'll be his first enrichment class. hope he likes it.
hello mommies,
been really busy with cny lately...been shopping for groceries, clothes and time to cook/pack/freeze my bb food before the cny so that mommy will have a smily and bright face during visiting and not a tired and grouchy one kekekeke

walking, i guess my girl knows how to walk but she is just cautious. When I put her in the walker, she is not sitting in it anymore, more like using it as a safety net so that when she got tired of walking, she will be sitting on the "saddle". And when i am holding her to walk, she is actually using her leg strength to walk and more like using my hands as support so that she will not be swaying around..we had been sashying almost daily along our room corridor..hahaa mother and daughter cat walking :p
well think she will be able to stumble on her own very soon.

for milk wise - no still sticking to enfa..cos I find that milk is good. will have no intention to change bah

ermm no lei...i dun intend to give my girl to eat any cny goodies...think the food is either too saltish or buttery for her liao...scared her tummy cannot take it but I do intend to cook a sumptous reunion porridge for her during eve >.<

wah u manage to get a slot hur...i called GUG, the slot i want is full and the rest of the slots they had somehow cross over to my girl's nap time...so think got to do it later bah...cos GUG said sometimes their class...parents will give up half way..

I have few tins of Friso Gold Step 2 (old packaging)to let go as my child has outgrown.
Expiry date: May 2014.
$55 per tin.
Can arrange for delivery.
Let me know asap. PM.

jingles, i'm going leap sch hse, not GUG leh..
btw, what sumptous reunion porridge? what "hou liao" u gonna add in? share share &amp; give me some ideas leh, else it's gonna be the same "ngor hee" porridge.. hahah.. my boy was also holding my hands to balance himself, then suddenly the next week can walk on his own liao.. guess boys not so scared of falling ba.. think ur gal gonna walk very soon liao, juz need more practice &amp; encouragement!
re : constipation
mine suffers from these since i switched fr stage 2 to stage 3. everytime he cries out juz b4 he poos, someimtes got blood... water, fruits do not seem to help. shd i change brand? any advise?

re: diaper rash
his rash comes on and off...i use a better cream (forgot the brand but its blue white packaging) with more zinc oxide but does not totally go away....how huh?

what is the reunion porriage? share receipe leh....
jkids, re diaper rash, try to use cloth diapers &amp; air his bottom more often? re constipation, u completely switch to stage 3 already? so far i only replace 1 feed with stage 3, the other 2-3 feeds still on stage 2. so far still ok. btw, i dilute his milk (e.g. 150ml of water + 2 scoops of stage 3) so that less heaty &amp; won't over nutritious, also means he drinks alot more water.
air his bottom, meaning less him go bottomless for a while?

yes i completely switched to stage 3. my other 2 kids had no such prob so din expect this bb wil comstipate wen i switch.
so when is the best time to completely switch over?

think jingle tok abt this b4. if 8 scoops is the max, then bb drink only 480ml a day...enuff huh? i give about 180ml X 3 times a days...

sigh...i still have 4 huge tins of stage 3.
jkids, yeah let him go bottomless for awhile. my boy had severe diarrhea last time, poo till butt red &amp; bleeding, cried everytime we wipe his butt. so we washed his butt instead of using wet wipes, towel dry &amp; air his butt, then use powder instead of diaper cream, &amp; use cloth diapers instead of disposables. same as our parents generation. it was troublesome, but my boy's butt recovered in 1-2 days. sometimes old ways seem to work better. hahah.
ya I think is max 8 scoops of stage 3 per day. I dilute my boy's feeds, 2 scoops for 150ml or 2.5 scoops for 180ml. so eventually when he switches to stage 3 completely, it'll be 8 scoops if either he takes 4 feeds of 150ml or 3 feeds of 180ml a day.
Hello mummies, anyone with took their babies for mmr already? I took my son on Tues and he came down with fever on Fri night..and still having fever. Just wondering how long the fever can last. =( no rashes tho.

We celebrated his birthday last weekend and he was in a daze throughout. Think he dunno what was going on haha. But he had fun after the party when it was empty and went crazy with balloons. It was quite nice to have all the family members around la. Can't believe we have all survived the first year and are moving forward to the second!

My son also still mostly on porridge. Sometimes we give him rice but realized that he will start getting lazy halfway thru and start spitting rice out instead of chewing. Gaah. But like some mommies here, we are more adventurous in giving him some of the food we eat. As for milk, any mommies transition from BM to formula? I am thinking of weaning him to formula or fresh milk which he is having withi his cereal now. But i don't think he can finish 150 - 180ml in one go leh. I dun even think he drinks that much with direct latch. Any suggestions?

Any babies saying words yet? Mine keeps saying "door" &amp; "no"..argh. Of all words..learn to say "no" first. Prob becos i keep telling him "no u can't touch this or that". Haha
ok got it. had switched back to stage 2 temparaily...eat plum oso. seems better.

my bb's fever due to mmr and pheumoca about 2 weeks back lasted 4 days, fr web midnite until sat morning, up and down bet 37-38, quite hot. when fever subsidised. 4 days quite long and made me worried sick. then came the rashes which lasted for 2 days or so.
hello mommies!
sorry I am really busy preparing CNY :p
guess missing out celebrating in 2012 wants me to enjoy every moment possible of this year's..*laughs*

reunion porridge recipe
scallop (1 big one)
few ikan bilis (approx 8)
pureed carrot
pureed spinach
pureed pumpkin
boiled and deskin tomato
tadah!! u have a yummy recipe :p

Haiz I have been tormented by one stupid terrible neighbour for on/off past few days. I am not sure if its the same neighbour but there's one who use to on some stupid dance dance revolution song and there will be some loud vibration going on...however mayhem will stop norm before midnight.
Now I duno if its the same unit, got this crazy neighbour start plucking his electric guitar!!! URGHHHHH!!!
And I am not sure if its vengence or wat hur....someone played loud techno till 3am yesterday!! Haiz..not sure if its another unit wanted to revenge or wat lei -.-

Hope all the noise will stop during CNY period!! URGGHHHHH!!!!
mine know how to say bus, fishes, papa, mama, lately she knows how to say kok kok cos we kept telling her to be careful incase she falls...also she is trying to pronounce crocodile "croc" and chicken "chick curd" :p

ya 8 scoops, my mil also notice she said this kind of full cream better not give entire day cos scared of constipation and if bb never drink enuff water will have sore throat and constipation. That's why we are still transiting between the 2 stages, i guess adults ma fan better than the bb constipated bah...
that's very good vocabulary for now! and that is a real sumptious reunion meal for the bb

speaking of diarrhea, mine has bowel movement almost 3x daily.. i can only recall very few times when it's 1 or 2.. bb still eats and plays normally.. if it's the milk, she doesn't poo in the middle of the night when she usually has at least 1 feed (these few days 2!! 1am and 4am!!)
the stools are loose.. not semi solid kind.. and PD oso say it's ok so long as she's behaving normal.. just that my poor mum.. gonna clear her up so many times a day, and bb's not cooperative.. doesn't lie down when changing diaper.. doesn't behave when washing her.. and sometimes the bottom and genital area oso get a bit red from all the wiping..
ya now they wont guai guai lay still and let u change liao...so it is bless if bb is potty train by now...if not haiz...got to be quick lo...there are countless of times when i tried to change in the wee hours of the morning and she peed on the bed -.-
i was so mad!!!! urggghh got to change sheets and protector early in the morning..haiz
jingles, ur gal taking how many feeds of stage 2 &amp; how
many feeds of stage 3 now ah? mine still on 2-3 x stage 2 +
1 x stage 3. don't know whether to increase the # of stage 3 anot. my boy having fever now, sigh, hope can recover soon b4 CNY. sigh.
HAPPY CNY TO ALL MUMMIES! Hope u have a great yr ahead with ur family &amp; little one(s)! Huatz ah!

Btw, I'm typing this while sitting in KKH. sigh. my boy still having high fever &amp; refusing liquids, hope he will recover by tmr. sigh.
Happy New Year to all mummies! Last yr some of us were in the midst of confinement (at least for me)..this year can eat all kinds of food but cant enjoy too..got to quickly eat cos my son sticky to me..

Jac, hope your son will recover soon...know it's heartache to see them sick during cny..happened to my elder ger last year too..u take care!!
Hi mummies,
Happy lunar dinner to one and all... Hope our kids grow up strong and healthy;)
Just brought my second son to see doc today cause he had rashes all over his hand, tight and face
looks like jia ma but doc say may be due to unclean environment that trigger the rash ...
Am switching my boy from stage 2 to stage 3 milk and feeding once stage 3 milk per day only...
For vaccination, he is going f his third short of pheumoca and mmr next week but now rashes also donno if can take anot...
Changing him is a challenge nowadays as have to chase him round the house...So i just let him stand while I apply cream and wear his diaper
that is how childcare change diaper of kids... Maybe for some of you, can try

He now points and give eh eh sound when he wans to tell us something drop and knows how to call his papa and gege...
Once awake, he is super active and stops climbing up and down... Seems to dislike cereal now and prefer porridge

Re:Nappy rash
If it is too serious, think better to see doctor and apply some cream prescribe by doctor so baby no need to suffer and of course continue to air the backside..
Jac: hope your child gets better and stronger after this episode of fever.
Happy CNY to all mummies and ur families!

Jac: hope ur boy is recovering well or has recovered.. poor thing..

Moscato: you and i same same! This yr eat all we like.. and i dun care about shen1 cai2 (figure) or weight..until after that! gonna eat for 2 yrs' worth... hahaha..joking about the 2 yrs' worth..
my gal also v sticky.. can't enjoy any meal in peace.. and this morning when i left for work, was also so afraid she'll act up.. already refused to let my mum clean up her poo poo.. good thing she was fine cos she was brought to the playground..
morning mommies!
gong xi gong xi!!
happy lunar new year to all

hope ah boy is well by now

right now, i am giving her 2 feeds of stage 2 and 2 feeds of stage 3. Stage 3 at night. But got to monitor the water intake lo, cos stage 3 is rather heaty, must pump more water into their bodies. Plus now they are at the screaming stage lei, so must make sure they are well hydrated too.

yes i also change diapers like this (normal change without poo). will carry her to the playpen, make her face tv and change while she is standing and holding onto the fence lo.
if not its a struggle, its a struggle every time after her bath, she will crawl v fast nowadays, no clothes, no diapers.
hello mummies

happy lunar new year! hope your bb had fun visiting. 1st time visiting for moz bbies right and some of us missed last yr's due to confinement . coz of the long weekend, my bb walked a lot ...more stable oredi and i am really happy. our babies are getting so active now...lol...we oso burn calories.

hope babies who fall sick are better now...

want to ask u...
1. does your bb drink alot of water? mine drink abit(fr milkbottle) and push away...
2. when do you intend to stop sterilisiing milkbottles?
3. do u let bb wear pull up pants now?
hello jkids
erm mine dun drink lots of water lo
so got to cheat her.
i read in the box of gripe water. max can drink one tablespoon per day, so i will mix one teaspoon with 50ml of water then feed twice a day. And also feed her fruit juice..like this can at least ensure she drinks 100ml a day.

bottles sterilisation i intend to stop till she goes to school. but i know some mommy stops at 1. this depends on you bah...

mine wearing diapers but not the tape kind, its the pull up...its that the pull up pants u refering to?
heya mommies, happy new year! hope everyone got the visitations out of the way liao..time to settle back to normal routine.

jkids, my boy used to drink about 200ml of water a day, but now food &amp; water intake dropped to about half. he drinks from a straw up now, may be you can try that? he also wears pull up pants now but night time still wear diapers. so far he hasn't pooped into the pull ups, dunno how I am going to handle that kind of diaper change. haha.

any babies solids intake drop by half? Dunno is it because he is so distracted by walking. His BM intake is still the same or rather I force it to be the same because I am afraid he is hungry.

my boy just learnt how to climb up the sofa. got a shock when I saw him up there. luckily daddy taught him how to climb down before he learnt how to climb up so still quite ok.
hi all! my boy's better liao, but still having runny nose. thanks all for the concern.

jingles, think I'm going to change him to stage 3 at IFC (2 feeds of 180ml), then home give stage 2 (2 feeds of 150ml).

jkids, I'm having problem getting my boy to drink water now! he used to drink lots of water, nowadays suddenly dont want drink water, only wanna drink milk &amp; occassionally fruit juice. I have to force him to drink more water, esp now that he's sick. sigh!

enitsuj, my boy's appetite depends on his mood one, sometimes can eat alot, sometimes don't want eat much. I read that bb's growth rate slows down after one yr old, so don't need so much food now. as long as active &amp; growing well then no need worry. I juz follow my boy's appetite &amp; mood, don't want eat then never force. oh but he still loves to eat snacks like puffs, melts, bread, cakes, etc. so I'll give him some snacks if he din eat much porridge.
morning mommies

anyone bot a push tricycle for their babes? i have been looking around for a suitable one, cant find any. Either too expensive or they dun have a leg rest basket. I find Trikes good, very good height and stable handle but price also good lo ><

mommies staying at punggol or sengkang area
I just had a terrible experience last weekend in Compass. Was there in the early morning for breakfast and this funky ah beng uncle decided to park next to my car while my hub was taking out my babe.
Mind you the lots is 99% empty lo! And of all places, he wanted to park next to my car!!! And just zoom in next to me, my hub was door ajar, half body in, taking out baby lo.
My hub was furious for his frivolous action, shouted at him in panick, cos car reversing mar.
This driver got the cheek even to retort "wah mana zai le wu baby - in Hokkien"

So angry....anyway word of caution - when you are taking baby out of the car got to be careful, cant imagine if his car just reverse in and you are not aware
jingles, I got the little tikes blue, yellow, red color trike when my boy was 9mo. bought from SMH BP forum. brought him "cycling" at the punggol waterway &amp; east coast, quite fun. but read reviews tat its good for pushing, but not so good for cycling, hope won't become white elephant next time. don't angry liao k, chill, some drivers r juz damn impatient &amp; inconsiderate, met my share of those idiots (mostly middle age/ old uncles) too, sigh.
Hi Mommies,
what brand of formula to give, i tried friso3 but his poo is watery, now with enfa he will drink 3/4 or even half bottle. Should I keep trying other brands...so worry he dun drink enough.
Hi mummies, how are you? It has been a long time since I check out the thread. Hope all your babies and tods are doing well. My 11mo baby has picked up screaming at the top of his lungs. So he screams when he's happy... and unhappy.

Btw, I would like to seek your advice on organising 1st birthday since most of you have done that for your little ones. I'm a bit late in planning primarily bec I don't know what to do. Appreciate any suggestions on venues and bakeries.

hello dancingqueen,

is ur 1st birthday bash going to be a big scale one? i did mine small scale in RWS, 3 days 2 nights stay.
Cake wise if you are not that particular can order from Pines. They have tasty cakes with nice design and reasonable price...

I have 4 USS tickets for sale which are expiring on 02Mar13 (this sat).
Letting go at SGD65 per tkt (SGD240 if u take all 4 tkts).
Pls PM me if u're keen, thks!!
Hi, any mommies giving their baby NAN Pro2? I am looking for receipts for NAN formulas (Pro2, Gro3, Kid4) to redeem for a car seat. Willing to pay for 10% of receipt worth, purchases must be made between 1-31 Mar.
on a totally diff note, my son's solid food intake just suddenly increased ALOT. I dunno if it is because I weaned him off BM or what..after lunch and if he sees me eating, he will still ask for food. Wake up from nap also ask for food. It is usually after 2nd nap when he starts asking for food all the time. I have switched him to cow's milk recently. Drinks about 400mls a day.

Last feed can be like 100ml milk mixed with oatmeal + Cheerios inside and spoonfeed him. He is finally sleeping longer, and wakes up about once a night. Finally I get to sleep longer than 3 hours in a stretch!!

He seems to be able to differentiate when I am seriously angry with him and when I am playing. When I scold him, he will actually look very guilty and sorry, come to me and hug my leg or hug me, and just sit next to me for awhile before he gets up to his next mischief.

Hais..sometimes really dunno to laugh or get angry. What are your little ones up to now?
Hi mommies, I have four tins of Friso Gold Step 1 baby formula milk (in 900g tin each) to let go at a special price of S$40 each as my baby has now progressed to Step 2.

Personally, I find that the Friso formula milk is really good especially for babies with sensitive gastrointestinal tract, particularly babies who are easily constipated. The milk powder dissolves easily in water and the milk solution does not form too much froth nor taste excessively sweet making it an easier transition for babies who were on total breastfeeding previously.

Product Expiry: May 2014. Price can be negotiated further if you are getting all four tins. Item is for self-collection only.

Please PM me if you are interested! Thanks.
Hi mommies, i have a tin of Mamil Gold (Step 2) in 400g tin to let go at S$10 (expiry Jul 2013). Please PM me if you're interested. Thanks!
enitsuj, my boy is 14mo.. nowadays drinks abt 600ml of milk + 3 meals of solids (cereal/biscuits for bfast, porridge for lunch &amp; dinner) + snacks thro'out the day (bread, biscuits, cakes, puffs, melts, etc), kinda alot, probably growth spurt or need more energy for walking ba.. hahah.. he walks alot now, wanna walk on his own &amp; don't want hold our hands somemore.. he'll whine &amp; fuss alot when he doesn't get his way. when we're angry &amp; scold him, he'll either whine more until we give in, or juz look away &amp; go do other stuff &amp; act as if nothing has happened.. definitely getting naughtier &amp; more stubborn.. even kana complain from his infant care teachers.. sigh! terrible-2s has started early for me.. sigh!
Hi hi,

So long never post here until i forget my pw. How r u and baby doing?

My dd has started walking a week after turning 1 and since then, non stop walking. Sometimes also walk too fast and trip/fall down :-( or knock her head. Heartpain to see .. she never wants us to hold her hand so she picks up the walking on her own. Hands are also getting itchier,opening up my drawers, and explore many things in the house. Cannot lose sight of her coz afraid she will do something dangerous.

So, yeah, she keeps me very very busy at home. During her wake up time, she will be super active. My MiL said she is the most active compare to other grandchildren.

In terms of eating, it is getting more challenging to feed her. I hv to 'bribe' her with something to distract.

Only 3 milk feeds a day: 120-150ml only each feed.
1 cereal bfast
2 porridge for lunch and dinner (but takes lots of efforts to get her finish her meal)
1 snack like yoghurt, biscuits, fruits.

I dunno why she drinks so little. Stratching my head now.
My PD said better to hv her drink at least 500ml a day.

Any of ur baby eats rice ord? Do u have some easy yet nice recipe to share? Maybe my dd gets bored of my cooking.
Dancingqueen: hv u found the bday venue for ur kid bday? The common one is condo function room, indoor playground or simply sit down dinner at restaurant. Depending on the scale u wanna do.

Jac: ur boy eats and drinks milk well..i wish mine will hv growth spurt too. On the active side, my girl is not very much different from ur boys.. Maybe kids nowadays hv too much dha on the milk powder =p.
Hello all,

at the last PD visit for jab, my gal grew 4 cm but weight unchanged. Guess it's coz she's more active yet drinking less milk. She's greedy in the sense she wants whatever the adults are eating, but her own porridge, she's losing interest and milk wise, also drinking less per feed. Good thing is her "fall asleep feed" and midnight "dream feed", she still has 6oz each.

hmm coz i'm a FTWM, weekdays with bb are only the 2-3h before her bedtime at 9ish 10pm. On weekends, we try to bring her out, indoor playgrounds, malls, the reservoir near our place. I've yet to bring bb to parks. Anyone any suggestion? East coast park? Botanic gardens? Where else? Coz she's still wobbly while walking, yet wants to RUN liao.. so abit protective. Scared concrete or gravel too hard if she falls.

Researching on child care now coz the primary caregiver, my mum, has been hinting real strongly on sending my gal to cc when she turns 2. Can't blame her cos it's really taxing for her to single-handedly take care of bb in the day. And toddlers now are so active and demanding! lol.. i agree it must be the formula now, or the supplements gynae asked us to take when we were pregnant. I bet our mums din take those supplements when they were expecting..
hi delphina &amp; googlez, yes! it muz be the milk! too much dha liao! but it does make them learn faster too. kids nowadays learn things so fast..

googlez, u can bring ur gal to the neighbourhood playgrounds? most of the newer playgrounds ground r padded kind, not so painful when fall down..
Anyone interested in buying this. let me know...I bought too many at one go...so selling it. good for baby with Eczema as i use it for both my sons.

Cetaphil Restoraderm Skin Restoring Body Wash 295ml
price: $30 expiry: oct 2014

u can pm me

Hi mummies, juz brought my boy for MMRV last fri &amp; he's having fever, ard 38+ deg, now, ard a wk later. normal? how long will the fever usually last?
