(2012/01) Jan 2012

belated merry xmas to all mummies...and a happy 2013 year ahead..

my boy is going to start ifc in jan...will be challenging for me...2 terrors at home. A lot of things to prepare...

Merry Christmas everyone!

Dancingqueen, the brand of brown rice husk not so hard. If u cook for long enough, it's like norm White rice porridge. My boy started with brown and is taking mixed rice (brown n red) nw, he is alright with it. The husk for red rice is a lot harder but still manageable. Maybe u want to change brand? Coz I know some brands are harder and takes longer to cook.

Anyone face this problem after drinking? My boy is drinking friso gold 2, after drinking will have alot of bubble, enfapro does not have this problem.
moscato, I also juz moved back to my own home.. challenging sia.. let's jiayou together!! but I think u more siong with 2 (I'm dying with 1!).. u jiayou & take care k!
moscato, not transferring IFC since he already used to it. but intend to transfer him to the ccc at my workplace at 18mo.
hi mumies..
happy holiday! being a busy week bringing kids out but minus the baby, haha. on leave is more tiring than working. haha. but we get stronger for my kids yah. next yr my elder one in the morning session...geez...will wake up earlier than b4. my sleep seems to be getting lesser for the past 3 yrs...but guess we all mothers will know its all worth it. one more week b4 the busy year starts again.
brink, we celebrated my boy's birthday on 23 dec (actual day is 28 dec). been a really busy day, glad it's over! turn out was good, food was alot, cake was great! still can't believe that my boy is 1 liao.. time flies..

moscato, I bought my little blue lamb liao.. heng never buy online, my boy can't fit into the 12-18m size (fat feet!), had to get 18-24m one.
Hi mummies, happy 2013 in advance! Hope the new year will be filled with greater joy

momobb, my mil helped me grind the short grain brown rice into coarse powder form. So now bb can eat liao
I celebrated my girl's birthday in RWS...its really really worth the craziness! Imagine shifting the entire house to RWS....my girl was so happy with the stay..she was smiling throughout the first day and the second day, more so when she got the first taste of cake.

Time really flies..well I just got a little emo when it was time when I deliver her.......I just cant believe my little girl is now officially a toddler
Hi Jingles,
How did you celebrate your girl birthday at rws..very interested to know the details...am currently planning for my second son birthday party..the guest list seems never-ending...that is one reason why I prefer a quiet celebration than a huge celebration...but daddy feels, first mth and first year are the most important so have to have a big celebration....lol
hows everyone lately? been quite quiet here...am busy w my new BP taking orders and finding suppliers for new items...feel free to browse through...
Going to rest for a while for my son birthday before starting another BP so can concentrate better
Hopefully it be fun for everyone

Happy Early Chinese New Year to all
hello brink
nothing much...we just basically walk around RWS, do a little shopping, play in the pool. Wanted to go into Butterfly park but it rains and Oceanariun is swarmed with people.

For her first birthday, we wanted a quiet one. For her second, most prob we will have a party for her...since she will have started school by then and have her own friends.
Hi mummies..

just celebrated my son's 1st bday on Sun..tiring sia...forgot to take group fotos...

Jac, hope you like LBL shoes..12-18 mths still big for my son...don't think he is going to walk soon..so think will be just nice when he started walking..

jingles, no chance to msn with you leh.
Hi Hui,

My son taking Friso2 also, alot of bubbles too after shaking and as he finishes. Think its normal. My elder son used to take Friso and it was like that too.
jingles: which MSN are you using? I'm using the Windows Live Messenger, think not linked. I tried the web-based but you always appear offline..lol
still cant see u lei.
i am in both. msn and ebuddy

just to check anyone drinking enfagrow?
how much is your babe drinking now?
jingles, I'm in the midst of transiting to enfa stage 3 now. my boy's schedule is something like this.. how's ur schedules like now?

630am: 150ml stage 2
830am: breakfast (usually cereal/ baby bites)
1130am: lunch (usually porridge)
130pm: 180ml stage 2
430pm: 180ml stage 2
7pm: dinner (usually porridge)
930pm: 180ml stage 3

630am: 150ml stage 2
9am: breakfast (usually cereal/ bread/ puffs)
12pm: lunch (usually porridge)
3pm: 180ml stage 2
6pm: dinner (usually porridge)
9pm: 180ml stage 3
hello jac

thanks for sharing

thurs - sun
6am - 160ml stage 2
730-8am - cereal
1230pm - porridge
230pm -160ml
530pm - porridge
830pm - 160ml
12midnight - 160ml

the rest of the days i am not sure as she is in my mil house....and u know la, this kind of thing is sensitive..dont dare to ask her also...later she mistaken as questioning her...so long as my baby is healthy and happy under her care...i dont question.

i called meadjohnson yesterday...cos for stage 3 cannot drink more than 2 cups each day lei (one cup is 225ml) so if i fully transit to stage 3 i need to reduce her milk intake liao...if not i will have to shuttle between stage 2 and 3 till she reduce her milk intake bah

lady in meadjohnson reason that stage 3 has different formula and at this stage, baby is also eating solids so milk intake should be monitor..according to the ministry la...whatever la..i think they scared baby obese or something.

Haiz....i bot the wrong tin lei..dont know that stage 3 has 2 flavours...now i hope my girl drinks vanilla flavour if not i die ah...dont know wat to do with the tin -.-
eh jac..how come weekend your boy drinks more de hur?

ermm what kind of puff and bread baby is taking? right now my girl enjoys gardenia and mac hotcakes :p
jingles, my boy drinks more during wkdays at IFC think coz they give him smaller portion of solids ba & they give 2 milk feeds btw lunch & dinner to stretch his dinner time to 7+pm (coz we pick him up close to 7pm nia & they don't provide dinner). ya, I saw the stage 3 tin says 2 feeds a day nia. he'll exceed the recommended amt even with 3 feeds. I'm also wondering how to reduce his milk feeds. sigh! switch brand?? I give my boy happy bellies puff & melts. my parents like to give my boy those bakery kind of cheese bread. now, how to reduce his feeds ah?? how abt the rest of the mummies, wat's the schedule like?
erm dont switch milk bah..
i am an enfalac supporter

I find this milk is really good.
What the lady suggested is to divide out the feeds, that means 225x2 divide by the no. of time you feed baby, which I dont think it will be a good idea lei..think my babe will be crying her lungs out if the milk she is drinking suddenly reduce amount...but right now I will be shuttling between stage 2 and 3 till she reduces on her intake.
jingles, I asked my friends & most r feeding more than the recommended amt leh, as long as within healthy weight range then ok. guess like u, I'll juz take my time to slowly transit to stage 3 & hopefully by then he drinking lesser liao, & maybe dilute his milk too ba.
isit? ohh.....then its ok bah...
hmm but i will still try to slowly transit at the time being...cos just took the MMR, fever may erupt anytime
jingles, u so fast took the MMR? tot MMR is at 15mths? at 12mth shld be pneumococcal? my boy's scheduled for MMR is mid march.
my son also took MMRV & pneumococcal last Fri..past few days on/off fever..yesterday started coughing...went to see doc today..down with mild bronchitis..

1st MMRV is at 12 mths..booster jab can be taken at 15-18 mths
ermmm ehh i tot mmr is 12 months, coccal is 15 months lei? most of the mommies (our batch) has taken their babes for mmr and pox this few weeks.
mine oso had mmr and pneumococcal taken together at polyclinic.
1 mth later going for chicken pox vacinn. mmr at 15 mths? we followed the schedule in the vaccine booklet leh.
icic, guess mabbe coz i asked the PD whether can delay his vaccinations ba, coz my boy kept on falling sick during last oct-dec (had bronchitis, viral infection, hfmd?, etc etc), scared he fall sick again if he takes the mmr (alot of my friends say confirm sick one, confirm will have fever after 7-10 days.. sigh!), so he only took the pneumococcal at 12m, will be taking the mmr & pox at 15m, after the CNY & our overseas trip. also coz i haven't give him try eggs yet that time, think need to confirm no egg allergy b4 taking the mmr.
btw, any mummies started ur bb on self-feeding? any good suction bowl & spoon/fork to recommend? what kind of food good for self-feeding ah? as in easy to self-feed & nutritious?
erm its 2 feeds of 225ml each. cos my baby drinking 600ml per day lei...way exceed the amount they state behind..so have to shuttle between stage 2 and 3 lo.

hurr???? ermm but i think hor i gave bb eat cake during her birthday....no allergy..should be then no allergy to eggs liao :p
my son confirmed down with bronchitis. Brought him to see PD today. Need to be on nebulizer.
Jac: how long did your son took to recover from bronchitis?

jkids: can't advise you cos my son's fever was a mixture of jabs & sick. don't think my #1 has fever from mmr jab. I think should subside within 2-3 days?
moscato, my boy was coughing for more than a mth, had high fever so brought him to KKH, they did an x ray for him, gave antibiotics, had to take like 11ml x 3 times a day for 7 days straight, his fever recovered & cough got much better after that. then after tat we continued with singular & Zyrtec (given by PD) for abt 2mths to "strengthen his lungs"/ reduce the airway sensitivity. it relle takes time...
Jac, wow so much antibiotics for your son!
My son also on 2.5ml x 2 times antibiotics, zrytec, singular (wasted 1 sachet today
), mucosolvan, xepagan, on top of fever med and nebuliser. So many to feed..kept struggling. My mum kept nagging said keep taking so much med.
moscato, yeah I was shocked when the nurse gave me 3 bottles of antibiotics & say muz finish all up. but his cough did get much better after tat. really heartpain when little one falls sick..
yes agree its heartpain and can be quite stressed wen lil one is unwell. mine's fever is finally gone after 3 hard days, and mummy can sleep better now. but now, he developed rashes due to the mmr. but at least this is nothing compared to fever yah.
hmm... MMR sounds v scary. mine is nx week. now duno if i shld delay it till after CNY. u r right that the health booklet actually says 15mths. ;p
but many mummies seemed to have brought their kids for it already.

my girl showed egg allergy when she did a skin prick when she was abt 7mths. I asked the NUH prof about MMR. He said the dosage is v v low, so it should not affect even if one is allergic to egg. If it's really to be avoided, then should there not be an alternative jab for those allergic to eggs? hmmm.. how..
wow, your babes drink so much milk. Mine only 2x a day.

6.45am 200ml
10am cereal
1+ porridge
4+ 200ml
7+ porridge
8+ snacks (like bread, yoghurt) or 120ml milk if she wants
9pm sleep
Hi Blueydoo
Hv you switch to Friso gold 3? He has abit of diarrheao everyday as in normal poo and watery poo after that, dun know if I should change back to Friso 2 or change to enfagrow? He also lose his appetite for porridge now..he used to swallow very fast. Now he will leave the porridge in his mouth and take a long time to swallow.
Hi Hui,

I haven't switched to Friso3. But my son is also drinking lesser these days. He's been having fever for a few days now. But he drinks the most in the morning and then rest of the day lesser amount.

My son also lost his appetite for porridge. I think he is sick of it and everytime we are eating our meals, he will want to take our food. So sometimes I try to "trick him" feed him abit of rice then give him his porridge etc...

Hi mummies,
How's everyone... Just celebrated my second son first birthday yesterday and it was fun for everyone
spend a bomb on balloons but it was all worth it as every kid went home w their pet balloons and both my sons, friends, relatives were happy

Ordered a 3kg cake from begawan solo and it was quite nice and not so sweet too
think now is the flu season again as quite a lot if kids at school are down w fever, flu, etc... Haiz...
