(2012/01) Jan 2012

how r u n bb? i have not been to this thread for awhile. too busy shopping online these days, lol..

thanks...will check out...

any mummies have brought bb for vacation, be it outside or inside spore? am thinking of a staycation but wondering how will bb react to staying outside an unfamilar place?
Jkids: I brought my bb overseas when she was 2 mths old and 7 months old. During the last trip (7mo), i think she knows that she is in a new place but she didnt cry and able to sleep without much difficulty. In fact, i think she likes the hotel bed coz the bedsheet is very soft hahah so shiok juz to turn here n there. If u wanna be safe,bring her own pillow/bolster/blanket or soft toys.

Brink: i'll check out ur ol shop see if anything suitable for my bb
Hi mummies,
Those who check out my BP and website... Thank you so much
guess being a mum nowadays not easy... Handle kids, work/ biz, housework etc... Madness...
By the way I got something to share and maybe u all can share w me what u all think... I just employ a new part time maid for 4 hrs and pay her $55. But she finish her work in a short 2.5 hrs and left... But I still pay her $55... Do u all think I should just look for those auntie that do hrly cleaning... Doing 2.5 hrs but paid 4 hr rate... But she manage to finish all things lor... So also a bit stunned... Should not be penalized for being so efficient right... What are your thoughts???please share
Brink, I think you should give the part-time helper more work or cut down to 3hrs instead of 4hrs. Otherwise very lugi leh. Can try aunties too but some not very clean. Must monitor. Regarding cereal, my son generally not wild abt cereal. Now feeding him porridge. Challenging too bec he doesn't eat much. He ate more previously when I offered him purée. Not sure why..
brink, i would sack her.

i have been using pt maid(use quite a no b4) on and off and my maid at moz leave 10 min early one. she is paid 4 hours mah so i consider this as cheating. she should find work to do. there are many housework that can be done. nonone ask her to do fast fast right?
Hi mummies,

Sorry to disturb, I have a brand new Cocoonababy Nest to let go at $300 (Retail $350). Inclusive of extra cover (brown colour).

The reason is that i already have 1 existing, and recently got it as a gift for my baby's full month.

Please PM me at 92347711 if you're keen. Self-Collection near United Square.

bb is your 1st? i still have 2 older ones...duno if i can cope or not. my hub can make a claim for hotel cost yearly, thats y hope to use again this yr...but still complementing...
Jkids, went hard rock stay again w my kiddo and they walk till so tired at universal studio, by the time they came back to the hotel... All zzzzz Liao... Lol...
So no need to worry so much... Important thing is must bring their favorite item along to zzz w them...
has anyone used "unpaid infant care leave" before?
why "unpaid"? is it because any leave taken is deductable fr your pay?

below is what i found at mom website...

An employee is entitled to six days of unpaid infant care leave per year if he/she is covered under the Child Development Co-Savings Act. The Child Development Co-Savings Act covers all parents of Singapore citizens, including managerial, executive or confidential staff if all four of the following conditions are met:

The child (including legally adopted children or stepchildren) is below two years of age;
The child is a Singapore citizen;
The child's parents are lawfully married (including divorced or widowed parents); and
The employee has worked for the employer for at least three calendar months.
Regardless of the number of children, the total unpaid infant care leave entitlement for each parent is capped at six days per year. For divorced or widowed parents, the leave entitlement will not be doubled.

Parents of Singapore citizens below the age of two can take both types of leave (six days of paid childcare leave and six days of unpaid infant care leave) until the child turns two.
jkids, yeah, you'll not be paid for the day that u take the unpaid leave.. y do u need to take unpaid leave leh? u finish your child care leave liao?
same here, also sometime never come in here already. Very busy trying to figure out how to toilet train baby..best way possible. Anyone successfully tried?

Yes, its unpaid as it will be deductable from ur salary, we are entitled to 6 days of paid child care, then another 6 days of unpaid...if you wish to apply for the latter, need your boss to approve and they will deduct $ from your leave

for those mommies who had bring bb out for staycation or vacation before
anyone draw out a checklist for the stay? it will be good if someone is able to share what to bring along

Thanks in advance!

wahhh u very fast hur...now I am working with partyblasters, looking at helium balloons for my girl....I ordered a bouquet for her during her full month lo...cost me a bomb and I guess she is too small to admire...think this round she will appreciate more!
jingles, i'm not going to have a big party, juz a simple family celebration, so juz DIY some simple banners nia.. no balloon bouquet too, juz bought some normal balloons, ownself blow & tie ard the hse.. save $$ & trouble la.. so fast need toilet train ah? thinking of doing it ard 2yo nia, dun wanna stress myself or my boy leh.. the rest also started toilet training liao?
hi mummies...

i haven't been coming in for a long time...busy with work..

jkids: unpaid infant care leave means will deduct from your salary if u take. So i always tell my colleagues not to use since they still have annual leave.

jingles: so fast toilet-train bb? I only intend to try when bb turns 2 or let the cc train..i tried earlier with my #1, not successful so never force..after she went cc, one day she told me she wants to wear panty then i started to train. For my #2, if he wants to poo now, he will make the "eng" sound...but nowadays will bluff us or when he hears us mentioning "大便", he will make the "eng" sound..lol
hi all,

yeah thread has been a little quiet lately, so guessing that mummies are busy now that our kids are more mobile!

jingles, my son has been on vacation to Melaka twice so far. stuff I usually bring are always:
- spare clothes
- alot of diapers
- some snacks and food (I buy those fruit pouches) for babies
- toys
- a swaddle cloth (can be as blanket, nursing cover, padding, bedsheet for cot..etc)
- a small non-slip mat for bathing
- a bottle of cool boiled water (cos I kiasu..not sure about water condition for baby even tho boiled haha)
- and a not-so-fancy change mat. I couldn't find a changing table when I was out in Melaka, and I had to change my son's diaper on the stairs on the floor. -_-""
- small travelling bottle of baby dishwashing detergent for washing containers/bottles
- small travelling bottle of baby laundry detergent

btw, you are starting toilet training so early! Like most mummies, I intend to 顺起自然` and wait for things to happen.

lush, I haven't tried dou miao but should be fine ah. I have recently, tried leek, watercress and celery. I think my baby quite ke lian..I look at all the veg combination that I have been pureeing, and pity him eating it haha. Look so green.
so early starting to toilettrain ah? i think i will wait till 2 to 3 yrs old or till he shows some signs.
letting cc train is a good idea...in fact they will be more willing to be trained seeing their peers are trained oredi.

me oso no party...bb will have party wif his parents and siblings only.

re: infant care
ok i see.. no wonder i dun even bother to remember...lol
Hello mummies,
How is everyone? Been busy w my BP and ongoing business...have added quite a number of new pieces of clothings... Have a look at my Facebook if you are free

Opening new batch for coming Chinese new year...
Facebook page
Clothes link

Just finish celebrating my elder son birthday at rws...then followed by his concert...all is fun fun fun;)
Been very adventurous these days as I let didi try all sorts of things such as bread, chu Chang fen, pumpin porridge by outside restaurant, soya bean. Don't think I have given that f my number 1 last time:p. so far, as long as us food, my boy eats everything...
Talking about toilet training, aiyo I still trying to toliet train my no.1 and till now still trying.. He is 4 yr old... At night still on diaper
but since he not ready, don't wan to force him too much.
Both sons are coughing now and hope they recover fast...
hello mommies
how are all of you this morning?

hope everyone is up and chirpy and not like me

I am down with cold la..haiz....wearing mask over the weekend and my sil said i look like a robot..chey i dont wan spread to bb mar -.-

yes lei..toilet training can start from 6 months old. infact my mil told me my bb already poo poo in the potty in her house...pee still duno how to control yet la...cos my ah girl poo poo will make a funny noise :p

moscato (pong pong :p)
haiz....eh can PM me or not...then we chat via message lei....cos sometimes i dont pop in here and i miss ya

hey thanks very very much for the list..
I will bring the swaddle cloth and changing mat.
Thanks for the tip

Think I will add on to another few which some may miss out :
1) insect repellant
2) cool patch
3) travelling fan

sorry hur i read in another link and saw u feedbacking on this china p/t cleaner...
You looking for one too?
I also looking for one lei...think I will get via agency le...mine i used her for 15 months and now she gg back to China..I will miss her..haiz
can your baby call mama papa oredi?

ussed up ccl but still have my own annual leave. recently my single colleague reminded me abt this infant care leave which i have forgotten...ha. so i started asking again. after knowing it will be deducted by salary, then i rem i did see this type of leave b4 but never bother to rem...

take care. i am oso sick...coughing, so sian.
wah jingles...now my hair not pong pong..cos rebond..lol..

jkids, my baby will go "ma..." when he wants me to carry..will also say "papa" but not really in reference to my hb..also say jie-jie (sounds like) and nei-nei..
now will get jealous at times when he saw me attending to jie-jie..

any of your bbs not crawling on all fours? Mine still commando-crawling..think will start walking late.
mine can...
but randomly ...sometimes she will call hub - papapapapapa non stop :p

mine is crawling v fast le..she got her own expressway at home LOL....which is our house hallway short corridor...every morning she will demand to crawl there.
no sweat la moscato...when the time is right, he will crawl properly le
the virus out there is really really bad sia.. every1 muz be careful & take care k.. my boy & mum juz recovered from bronchitis, & myself from sinus infection, been a really bad bad week at home.. my boy still having some phlegm-y cough, PD say still have to continue with zyrtec & singular for some time.. thinking of bringing him to see tcm.. any1 got any experience to share? as in will tcm be helpful for cough/bronchitis/etc? muz go how many times/how long to see the improvement?

my boy also will call "mama" "papa", but i don't think he knows who he's calling (sometimes juz call everyone he sees "papapa").. but he'll say "nei nei" when he sees/wants milk (don't know who taught him that coz we always refer milk as "milk") & "but" when he sees the bus..

my boy also still crawling.. tot he'll walk early coz he started pulling up to stand early & can "walk" using the push walker, but till now he's still happy crawling & cruising ard.. think no hurry ba, can save $$ on shoes.. hahah.. btw, i'm thinking of getting shoes for my boy.. any1 can recommend whether pediped or see kai run is better? what will u all be getting/ did u all buy? any1 interested in shoe spree together?
i bot pediped. pediped is lighter, see kai run shoes color nt so nice and heavier lei...duno but thats wat i saw in marina mothercare the other day...in the end ended up buying pediped.

me me!! i keen to shoe spree

need some good retail therapy

if u wan tcm i can recommend lei...
wassap me ok?
its a bad mth ....so muz take care, today i am on mc...haha. your bb is in infantcare rite? how many meals is given a day?
Jac, i brought my #1 to Yu Guo before but she refused to take the med nor the belly bag so i gave up. Far to go Kembangan from my plc.

re: shoes
i bought Little Blue Lamb shoes for him though he can't walk yet...more for his first bday. I also bought LBL for #1, find it good for money so bought back the same brand.

Pediped good but ex lor. But OG sales sometimes has good price...
jac, agree with moscato about Little Blue Lamb. I bought my son a pair from a shop in Fusionopolis, quite decent price when on discount. Find that the leather is very soft for my son to walk. But the leather for some of the toddler shoes seem to peel, saw that on my friend's toddler's shoes. The infant shoes are good tho.
Jingles & moscato, yeah me thinking of bringing my boy to yu guo too, but heard the queue is very bad & it's far lo, then muz go consistently to see improvement, abit inconvenient, that's y till now haven't go see..

Jingles, where did u get ur pediped ah?

Moscato & enitsuj, yeah I juz found out that little blue lamb is the same china manufacturer as pediped. Like OEM product at half the price. Hahah. Am thinking of getting little blue lamb too. Where can I get it ah, besides at fusionpolis (abit far)? I saw it online at dearbaby.com.sg, but prefer to let him try out b4 buying..

Jkids, my boy takes his breakfast (usually cereal/ baby bites) & lunch (porridge) at IFC. Dinner at home. Y ask leh?
enitsuj, agreed! my toddler sizes shoes are peeling..the infant shoes are good.

Jac, dearbaby.com.sg is actually the one at Fusionpolis. I bought from dearbaby online for #1. The subsequent ones i bought from China directly cos i happened to be there on biz trip. :p
Baby Meadows @ Marine Parade used to carry LBL shoes. not sure if they still do so now. I check their online store, no items under LBL. Maybe you can call to check?
or you want to pop by my plc to take a look?
Mummies, how are you? It's been a challenging week for me. Why? Battles at mealtime! My son, who's turning 9 mth, suddenly decided last week that he's nt going to open his mouth to accept porridge or purée. These 2 days he even used his tongue to push away the spoon, causing a mess. Most times, he just sips his porridge or purée as if to taste and period. Then I wld be force feeding him and there wld be a power struggle. He's of course the winner bec what else cld mummy do to a baby. Sometimes I got so frus that I wld be all ready to throw him into a dustbin, if there's one nearby. Anyone of you know what's happening to my dragon warrior?
Hello Mummies,
My BP is up and running again..If you like Hello Kitty..I have a whole range for you to choose from. Feel free to browse through


How's everyone doing? Talking about shoes, have not bought any for my didi yet as most likely will take pass down shoes from his brother or relative.

Something unfortunate happen today, didi was sleeping and I close my door and when I heard him, I rush inside the room and he was behind the door and the door went over a few of his fingers..he cried so hard and I cry w him...so xin tong
Luckily he was ok after a while. Feel so bad

He has been taking cough and flu med for almost 3 weeks and never recover..my elder too coughing still after two rounds of antibotics.

Talking about Yu Guo, we went there a few times and like what moscato and Jac said..well the queue is super long and very far..take a long while to see effect so we went for the faster one which is western med..dont wan children to suffer too long...

Went garden by the bay today..nice place to bring the kids and as it is nice, cosy and cold...Quite like it as weather in singapore can be so hot, making one feel frustrated easily.

Dancing queen, is it teething issue cause sometimes the teeth coming out make them sick and lose appetite???
brink, don't feel bad..we learn along the way but thru a hard way. I "caused" some of my #1's injuries too.

avoid chicken & eggs for your elder since coughing..and don't let him sleep in aircon (anyway weather so cold recently).

for infant shoes, maybe should buy a new pair cos the shoes are soft and already "mould" to elder's feet ba.
Hi Jingles,
I employed this PRC for a month now and quite satisfied with her..only problem is she work too fast...lol...
You can try contacting her at Hp:81387966
moscato, think i'll drop by fusionpolis to take a look at the shoes ba..

dancingqueen, maybe try some other food? pasta stars? bread?

my boy's having fever again.. yesterday fever went up to 40deg & we brought him to KKH, diagnosed as viral fever.. sigh.. these 2 mths have been really really bad, boy keep on falling sick on & off.. really tiring & running out of leave.. sigh..
poor thing! hang on there hur. lucky its end of yr end and all of us are gg to hav a fresh set of leave soon. Guess its common if bb are in infantcare..hopefully the immunity will b stronger n after that in childcare u will hav less prob. i bot my pedipeds at marina sq mothercare.

thanks! but my china helper decided to help me out, so no change for me

awwww i felt ur pain lei...must b damn painful for bb.....
hmmm i also a frequent visitor to gardens! love the plc. but lately its rather noisy as most mornings is packed with RC ple lo. my girl love gg to the Clouds

dancing queen
isit a phase? last few mths ago, my bb was also like dat. pushing all food out via tongue but now stop le...nt sure if its the fd also. i change diff variety. mayb sick of the fd, i change other soup stock, then the pushing of fd ceased too.

i am thinking of setting a common blog, where all can share their lobangs, plcs of interest n tots in. will any one b keen to join in?
toking abt garden by the bay..m thinking whether to bring my kids there. isit worth the price? i intend to bring them to bukit timah one of these days though..

i can feel the pain lah. my kid last time oso kena by the elder one. it reminds me of a case which happen to a toddler i saw at the clinic. i happened to see a doc there and saw his mother rushed to see doc with this toddler, his fingers full of blood...i teared when i saw it...very hardpain...

i asked coz in ccc, dinner arent provided so i am not sure for infant care, will they provide since some fetch bb at 7pm...and if no dinner provided, will bb go hungry?
Hi all,
Thanks for the concern. Didi fingers are getting better thank god... But my elder down w stomach flu and it may have spread to didi now as he vomitted 3 times yesterday
haiz....whole night hubby and myself never really sleep just washing and cleaning him and all the bed and mattress cover...
Jac: hope your child is getting better now...
Just wish that all children get well soon... So tiring but we need to hang in there...jia you mummies...
Brink, oh no, u jiayou & take care k! can understand the pain mann.. previously me & hb also whole nite washing mattress, bouncer & car seat coz my boy puking after every feed when he had bronchitis, then somemore next day have to work, I survived mainly on coffee for those days.. u brought ur kids to see doc liao? Hope they get well soon!! My boy's fever is gone liao, but still having very thick & yellowish mucus in the nose, praying the fever doesn't come back & he'll recover on his own.. Sigh, guess this is part & parcel of parenthood, hope they'll be stronger after they cross 1yo..

Jkids, no dinner provided ah, they usually give milk ard 430-5pm, so can last him till dinner time at ard 730pm. I know some ccc operate till 9pm, those will provide dinner. I'm also wondering whether it's worth it to bring bb to gardens by the bay. not cheap leh & dunno if bb will enjoy it? nicer than botanic gardens?
morning mommies,
hope all bbs are getting better..
wah i just saw one of my friend's bb at 2 months old...wah she looks SUPER HUGE lei...at birth she was small size now, she really gain on weight..duno wat she give to her bb..must ask her later :p

as for gardens, yes i think its worth it lo..provided its not crowded...think its really peaceful and the a/c is rather cool..and with the plants in there, it made the air somehow rather fresh...ermmm personally i find its worth it cos all of us are nature lovers
Good morning all! It's one more week to Christmas! Yippee!!

Regarding Gardens, I had actually planned to bring my son there. However, my gf told me that her PD mentioned he has seen quite a few babies who became sick after breathing in too much pollens In the Dome..allergy, I think. So I've shelved the visit for now.

Btw, I've a pack of brown rice which I want to grind. Is it ok to use normal home blender to grind it into powder or can I bring it to a shop or medical hall to pay them to grind for me?
wha!! my boy's IFC got 1 case of HFMD in the infant class today!! i'm freaking out!! wonder if my boy was/is having HFMD or juz normal viral fever & throat infection.. hmmm...

dancingqueen, wha, pollen allergy ah.. hmm.. then i better not bring my boy there since WE both have sensitive nose, mabbe older abit ba.. i buy ready-made brown rice cereal, not sure abt normal brown rice..

jingles, 2mo can only drink milk ah, mabbe drink alot of milk ba?
Jingles, my friend's friend had a baby girl who weighed 10kg at 3mos. Total breastfeeding :p

Jac, I heard Gardens is very nice and I was looking forward to spending an afternoon there. Guess have to wait for a few more months. Anyway, my boy is not very keen on cereal. So I'm giving him brown rice in porridge form. Just need to see where I can grind it..
Dancing queen, my mum ask at medical hall before... Most of them don't grind it anymore. Bt u can check with the ones in your neighborhood. For me, I juz cook as per norm porridge in slow cooker. After ard 1-2h it's v soft already, I will use a spoon to press n mash the pumpkin n rice grain then add in si Shen powder to cook further for 1/2-1h.

Bb have been eating brown rice porridge since 7mth, no issue.
Mummies & Momobb, I cooked my short grain brown rice in slow cooker but have problem with the husk, which are too hard for baby to digest. What should I do? Sieve the porridge?? The husk is where the nutrients are right?
