(2012/01) Jan 2012

Mummies who have placed their babies in infant care; just want to find out what sort of routine are the babies placed in? Cos thinking of sending my maid away and enrol my baby in infant care but worried that baby will just be placed on a rocker for the whole day ( horror story coming from a distant relative)

My gal in infant care, I feel like a maid when I go fetch her these few days. Carrying 3 bag on my shoulder and carry her, very tired. One bag for her lagguage, one bag for her BF milk, one bag for myself ... Then need to wash bottle, do housework very tiring. Bb get sick there easily. My hubby suggested we get a maid instead because I get so stress up.

How is ur experience having a maid to help out? Not good?
Xuan mon it is Great Deals Singapore: Shiseido Brands Sale”...me a sahm... Just that last time I working I been to the sale and all the things quite good buy
xuan mom,
yup i used my medisave to pay for the pneumococcal jab..

any mummies using kodomo wet wipes? they are back at watson's $2 sales, i just grabbed 10 packets hahaha
Xuan mom,
Think getting a maid is really based on luck. Initially mine was ok; i guess start to get bored with the household chores then start to short cut lots of things including baby stuffs. When tell her, she will show attitude else ask why cannot? Why cannot?
Imagine I have to pay her salary,my mother in law have to cook for her ( cos she don't know how to cook) stay in my house and still 受气!
dekora, actually I also not sure if there's any routine. basically they will feed, bathe & make ur bb sleep. when bb younger most of the time will be sitting on the rocker la. then the teacher will sing to them & give them toys to play/grab, & occasionally will put them on the mat for tummy time (not sure how often they do it, but the teacher watsapp me a video of my boy flipping on the mat b4). usually the older kids will be running all over the shop playing toys by themselves or with the teacher. think best for u to go visit a few infant care & juz have a look at how they handle the bbs. see whether u like the environment there anot b4 deciding. I also had a lot of maid issues previously. feel like we r the maid instead, somemore have to feed her, pay her salary & see her black face. damn sianz. of coz infant care also has its own set of problems la, but think it's still better than maid (with respect to looking after bb) lo. maid is mainly to do housework nia, not suitable to look after bb, can't speak English, don't know how play/interact with bb, don't know will abuse the bb anot, etc etc. never regretted putting my boy in infant care. in fact me & hb was saying if got 2nd one we'll confirm put in infant care too.

BUT, best is can put bb in infant care, got maid to do housework & I don't have to work!! I need strike today's $5m toto!!! hahah.

xuan mom, u gonna get maid & still put ur bb in infant care?
Me shopping at 168, anyone want to join me for bkfast?
Jac, Wah you infant teacher do nice to send you a video. She give you her personal Hp number? That's nice.
How I wish I can have both maid and infant care! Haha then I can shake leg. Headache, I'm staying with working in laws by the way. My hubby and them all suggested a maid do that I won't throw temper when stress up with work n baby.
xuan mom, yeah. the lead teacher will send us updates/info abt sch events via watsapp. occasionally will send photos/ videos since my boy is new there. Initially I also got a maid thinking that she can look after my boy & do housework. & also I don't have to rush home after work. but really cannot la. initially very onz, but after less than 2 mths I decided to send her back liao. actually was my mum who suggested sending her back la (my mum was the one who suggested getting a maid lo). nowadays the maid different from last time liao. hard to find a good one. got to work, look after bb & do hsework of coz siong la. although my hb & mum helping out, I always feel tired & stressed out & lose my temper too. my bb, hb & mum always kana from me. but I always feel very guilty after that, always tell myself muz do better the next time.
My gal ifc sometimes put her on bouners sometimes on mattress on the floor. There are a few teachers who will be on charge of playing w the kiddos. It seems they do sing to them everyday. For the older infants, they can participate but for younger ones like our little bbs, at least they r also exposed to songs and rhymths and i do think they more or less help.
Is urs my first skool?

My colleague's childcare ctr has a website where they will post their kiddos pics and videos, and even 'narrate' what they say!
valteen, ur gal start the new IFC liao? better? how come difficult to bathe leh? I think easier now leh. he enjoys bath time now, will kick & splash water, instead of screaming his head off. also less fragile, I not so scared coz I very chor lor.
valteen, yes yes MFS. ur colleagues one also? they were installing the web cam last wk leh. but never hear anything from the sch yet. was wondering wat the web cam is for.
Thanks Valteen, jac, Dekora for sharing.
I thought I'm performing badly as a mum and wife for losing my temper. But now it seems like is it just natural to lose temper with a change in our life. From a carefree single life to a mom with a young infant. Can't image what will happen if I have #2 later. Actually when I'm preg that time everyone ( hubby, in law, parent, colleague) told me to get a maid, but i insisted that i don't want a maid because I dont like having a stranger staying in my house and our house is too tiny to keep a maid. Also I can't trust maid to do things and I will probably be killed by a maid who likely cannot tahan my nagging and get onto headlines. LoLz! I thought aiyah Baby just eat, sleep and shit I should b able to manage. But soon after I delivered I started to regret loh. My mum says younger generation cannot take hardship

Brink : must be very tough for you to manage with two
she started mid March le at a pte IFC. June 1 changing her over to PCF Sparkletots near my house. My colleague's one is also part of MFS. First Skool International or something like that. Oh the clips were taken off the teachers' handphones and posted to their website de.
Nice hor. You can read the funny things your kids say on the website.

Er...diffcult as in she keeps slipping off,stretch her legs, move up her bum, still cannot sit steady so quite hard to hold her.

My gal on 'MC' since Tue cos of flu, cough and hoarse voice. Was on nebulizer for 2 days then now on oral ventolin. Sigh so poor thing. And me too have to take off from work since Tue. Think my boss gonna kill me.
xuan mom
errr where is 168 hur :p
kekekekek *^5*
eh we think alike lei...i also think....bb eat shit and sleep niah...tats why we make plans simply before the bb arrives..but when bb arrives..oh god..i was so damn wrong lo!
yes I also agree lei, our punggol floor is really so damn tiny lo..how to house another person, infact when my confinement nanny stayed with us hor I am already suffocating, funny to have another person staying with us and no privacy..but that time still can count down la. 1 month and she will be away. What if with maid?? Duno need to count how many years.....
Same here, I also have certain expectations, really worried if i nag too much at my maid, i am afraid she will vent on my poor bb lo
Xuan Mom
Many times I am also frus with things are at home. There was once I screamed at ah gal cos of frus with hubby. After that i truly regretted and I cried with bb. Now I keep reminding myself not to let my bad mood affect bb cos she is the 'innocent' party. If she is 'naughty', yes can be stern but not just screaming at her when I am in a bad mood. I hope I can continue to keep to that.

Sometimes, I think mummies can do wonders during adverse situations.
Haha Jingles/Xuan
I also worried I may end up serving my maid if I get one. But the thought of stranger in my house put the idea off me and also there is really no one to jagar her.
I got the same query as you. I have been bathing my gal with organic essential oil ( from my sis in law) only when she was born. No need to rinise off . Now this bottle I have pass it to infant care so when we need to bath our gal on weekend , I just bath her with water loh. Hiee..She got very little hair that I don't even use shampoo for her.

Now that I need another bath lotion for her at home but all of them need to rinise off leh. How do you all rinise off arh ? Scope water up and pour over her?

But hoh the prenatal class I attended at Amk by Wong boi boi says baby below 1 year old don't even need to shampoo.
Oh i still use the method my CL used for bb as an infant. Just squeeze two puffs of bathing lotion into the bath and just wash her. No need to rinse. Only the head, but i still use a bit of the bathing lotion. havent used shampoo yet though.
Hey where is this PCS infant care and what does it stands for?
My one at MFS but never heard of the pic/video thing on web.
But the teacher will take pic and pinned on the board loh.

By the way are you all losing hair a lot? I'm dropping quite a lot, scary. Going to do my scalp treatment at salon this noon.
3days ago, i also lost my temper while trying to make my baby stop crying and I raised my voice and the baby cry even harder , in the end I cry also. I think they are fully aware of what is going on and it will affect them. I'm guilty after that as well. My hubby also ke lian, always got bully by me. Although most hubbies are wiilangly to help out with housework, they are like machine with no auto function , you must push the start button then they will move. Haha...
Hahaha...i like that part about hubbies being the no auto function machine. They can do it on their own accord lor. Must tell one thing they do one thing. Then if they dont do and we get pissed, they can some more angry and say we should tell them to do what. Grrrr....this is what make me piss off most of the time. And better still, many times they think we ask for trouble ourselves cos certain things can just shut both eyes. To them, no need to do one but we want to do. That's men and women, husbands and wives for us, I guess.
Yah loh, my hubby always ask me "dear you need help mah ? tell me where you need to clean k, I help you"... only after I took out the cloth and start wipping the furniture. Then one day I very sarcastic and when he said the same thing seeing me with the cloth, I say "if you want to help me do it before I do, once I start doing I cannot stop. ". Then I say no need lah, apparently not very happy because his buttock still on the bed. I really have to agree that Men are just men ! Haha ...really can't blamed them lah they are created that way. LOLz...
I'm using mustela at home. not rinse free. but I juz squeeze 2 drops into the bathe water & bathe bb in it, never rinse off. think this is wat they do at hospital too, mrs wong bb say one leh. IFC using tollyjoy. they will apply directly on him then rinse it off.
xuan mom
duno mar...punggol plaza...i also duno wat block :p

ohhhhhhhhhh mommies, pazzion having sales today! so happy bot a pair of shoes for 40% off (extra 10% if you have a UOB card)
Xuan mom... w 2, it can be quite stressful at times when there is no help...and things may be worst if one after another bb fall sick. Have been feeling so depressed and unhappy nowadays as am tired and still need to do so much things although am a sahm. Feels obligated that I should do the house chores since hubby work while I don't but taking care of my sick boy these few days have really stressed me out... Throwing temper at hubby almost everyday since I do tired but still have to do all the chores. But luckily hubby understanding and not angry w me....relaxing now
so poor thing lor, at work he got so many things to do and at home have to tahan me...
Hmm... How come this forum do quiet over the weekend?
I'm going back to work tomorrow. Wonder how my day will be like... Probably be missing my Bb .
Hmm... How come this forum so quiet over the weekend?
I'm going back to work tomorrow. Wonder how my day will be like... Probably be missing my Bb . Haha don't know if I still remember my PC password .

I'm from the feb thread, am recovering from mastitis, supply is affected. Does anyone knows how long does it take for supply to be back to normal? If I only pump 4 times a day, possible to build it back? Any way to avoid mastitis from recurring? I pump about 45min per session does that helped to trigger it?

Sorry for the loads of qns..
yes...i totally agree...one i already feel v stress and overwhelm. Dont say 2 lo...Ermm dont feel this way, previously when I was on maternity, I also felt this way, but dont ok. Staying at home looking after bb is not a stroll in the park either. Its consider a full time job and at times when bb is cranky is def. more stressful than work in the office. Glad that your hub understands you....hmmm is there a way u can engage p/t help so that ur housework can relief, then spend more time resting and looking after bb?

xuan mom
guess most of us are working mommies la...weekends time to catch up with housework and bbs :p
Guess what? I have got a sleepless night. My gal have fever again past midnight and i have to stay at home take care of her. My FIL got admitted yesterday also . Busy...
morning all...

bz with kids since Fri. Brought my boy for vaccinations on fri..night time fever came...high fever near midnite..gave me a scare..luckily fever finally break on sat nite. dont rem my #1 had bad fever after jabs last time.

Xuan_MOM: your gal fever due to jabs or virus? how is your FIL?

jingles: just saw your post on pazzion..ahhh..i missed the sale!

re shower gel: i use GAIA at home..rinse-free..but i dropped directly on bb then wash off.
its still on lei!
but duno if still got ur size or not, go check out during lunch la!

ehh yes, need to ask wat sunscreen ur bb are using hur? need to buy cos sometimes bring her to the park she like kana sunkissed lei :p
xuan mom, wkends usually very quiet here, every1 bz with bb. wkdays got time to come in here during office hrs. hee. ur gal's fever due to her jabs? u took leave? tot u suppose to start work today?

moscato, ur boy is 2nd jab? my boy also had mild fever after his 2nd jab. gonna take 3rd one in mid june. quite worrying. sigh.

jingles, I read somewhere like its not recommended for bb to use sunscreen now leh. coz their skin might be sensitive to the chemicals. best is after 6mths when they start building some immunity ba.
jingles: I have a part-time helper that comes clean my house every week but daily chores still need to do..I wash my boys clothes everyday.
Xuan mom: hope both your gal and fil is better..
moscato: hope your boy is better..
weekend really so quiet...was waiting for anyone to post on the web..hahahah.
By the way, do u all use moisturiser for your kids? what brand?
jingles: my size hard to get at sales..think i wear size 35 now...used to be 34 but now a bit tight..but 35 abit loose..haizz...y no size 34.5..LOL
my kids dont use sunscreen.

Jac: yup..2nd jab...had 5-in-1, pneumococcal and rotarix. Next one in jul..6-in-1 and pneumococcal..didnt know pneu can start in mth 2..so got to make another trip in Aug for the 3rd pneu jab...haizz...

brink: thanks. my boy is well now. my colleague said generally boys' immunity and body not as strong as gers..cos gers' body are prepared for childbirth..

i use Mustela but seldom apply..dont really like the smell..and partly becos i kept forgetting. :p
just found and read these..OMG, it is so expensive to employ a nanny nowadays...

1) For employer that send the baby to babysitter's house, based on 5 days Mon-Fri, from 7.30am to 7pm(neg), the cost starts from $600/month

2) For employer that send the baby to babysitter's house, based on 5 1/2 days Mon-Fri, from 7.30am to 7pm(neg), Sat(alternate Saturday, 7.30-1pm), the cost starts from $650/month

3) For employer that send the baby to babysitter's house, based on 5 1/2 days, Mon-Fri, from 7.30am to 7pm(neg), Sat(every Saturday, 7.30-1pm(neg)), the cost starts from $700/month

4) For day & night care(24hr) at babysitter's house, Mon-Fri, the cost starts from $1000/month

REMARKS(for babysitting at babysitter's home):

- For Babysitter that has certification in early childhood there will be additional of $100 on top of the price stated above
- For babies taking solid food(eg. 5~6month old), please add $50-$100 if the baby starts to take solid food cooked by the babysitter (includes porridge / fish / meat / fruits, etc... )
- Client needs to provide milk powder, disposable diapers and etc
- Time stated above is negotiable

- Prices may varies depending on individual requirement and experience of the babysitter


Babysitting fees will varies depending on working days/hrs

For babysitter that comes to your house, based on 5 days, Mon-Fri from 8.00am to 6pm, the cost starts from $1500/month
a) Babysitter's meals are to be provided by the employer
b) Duties are to look after the babies, including cooking meals for babies; washing baby clothes, etc. Excludes doing household chores


- At Employer's home

- At Babysitter's home

a) Minimum 4 hours per babysitting session

b) One-way taxi fare for babysitter from 11pm onwards
