(2012/01) Jan 2012

Thanks for all of your concerns.
My FIL got acute pneumonia loh. Last night drive him to A&E due to persistent fever and rapid heart beat. But he is still lOok normally, can talk and conscious . Then midnight my gal fever, don't think due to injection as so many days from her injection already. Took medicine now no more fever but vomit just now loh. I'm so tired, deprived of sleep already.

think tat info u get its from @bb123nanny? think its v exp from them...if u get those neighbourhood aunties to look after ur bb, def not this rate lo. Aunties where will know how to register online for a job :p tats why they are cheaper.

buy size 34 and call them them to enlarge for u la..they got such service de lei
yup..i used to do that..but think still too tight. like "bao ba zhang"..:p
now best is buy size 35 then use a insole at the back to "tighten". can walk in it but cant run..
Hi mummies, I come from mummysg and my little girl was born in Jan2012. thought to join this thread to share info.. I stay in Punggol area.

Anyone have this (refer to attachment) and would like to give away? It's a free gift item in Mustela set. It no longer on sale already. Please email me at [email protected] if you have and would like to give away.

morning mommies
haiz...dear bb has a hoarse throat since last sat...now worried that bb is down with sorethroat...does bb has sorethroats?
now i am worried is cos she is sleeping in a/c room almost the whole day in my pil house....haiz but if i pinpoint that the throat is derived from sleeping in an a/c house whole day....they sure denial de...said that bb has been sleeping there nearly 3 months like this..now then sorethroat???
My gal has a cough for the past 2 weeks and after taking thoses medication mentioned to you all earlier, it did not recover. Took her to Lilian for a check up again as she was coughing badly every night and seems worst lately. Guess what? As she has too much phelgm, dr Lilian has to insert a tube right into her nostrils with two nurse holding on to her head while my parent hold on to her limbs. My gal was crying frantically and struggling hard my mum told me. I wasn't around as I had to visit my FIL while my parent took her to doctor. She will have to inhale saline mix with salbutamol inhaler through a machine every 4 hours for the next few days. I really hate to expose my gal to these medications, it's no good but I have no choice. I'm wondering if I have made a wrong choice to send her for infant care. She was fine and healthy until we sent her to IFC where she likely caught fever, cough there. I'm worried that she may get HFM or catch more bug there in future.
Mummies is there anything I can eat so that I can improve the immunological or quality of my milk so that I can pass the benefit to my baby?
xuan mom
wah lao..i hear liao my heart also break...
it must be heartbreaking to see ur bb going thru such torturous process...*sobs* so young only
ermm have u tot of getting a humidifier for bb when she sleeps? it will help her to sleep better also good for bb who has dry cough.

ermm cant advise on the part on b/f though... as i dun bf.
Thanks for the Welcome Xuan. My girl was born on 25Jan.

Xuan: sorry to hear what your girl went through. I bf for first 3 months but sad to say I think I didn't eat nutritiously enough so she didn't gain enough weight. So i supplemented with formula at the end of 2nd month and *boom* her weight just went up! So, Xuan, can't really advise on how to pass good quality milk to baby.. I have stopped bf now that I've returned to work.
jingles: hmm..never heard of bb having sorethroat and they cant tell us too. Has she been crying/ screaming that give her hoarse voice?

xuan_mom, understand how u felt. when i brought my boy to Dr. Lilian for his flu, she also did the nasal suction for him. no worries, Dr Lilian very gentle. her nurse held my boy's head while i hold his legs. Very fast stopped crying after the suction. Uncomfortable, that's why they cried. dont think it's painful. Think of a positive side, at least she feels better after the suction. so u rent the machine from the clinic?
usually tend to cough more at nite & dont blow the fan directly at her.

but then be prepared that bb tends to fall sick when they start going to sch. For cc, at least the 1st 6-9 mths.

i also dont bf..so cant advise on that. Maybe you can drink lactating milk?
my boy also having cough & phlegm. hoping he'll recover himself so don't have to bring him to PD for nasal suction. cant bear to see him cry his head off. sigh.
Hi all, my boy has been having running nose and cough f the whole last week and now too but is getting better. Doc advised us to suck his mucus from the nose using our mouth. Anyone tried? That is the most effective one
usually when they cough it is a result of nose congestion...other than coughing at night, and bits and pieces in the afternoon, he is on the journey to recovery..
Xuan mom, like what others say, if u have someone at home or can bring maid to pil or your parents place, that is best. Like u, I wanted to put my child to infant care when he is young but they have not build up their immune system at such young age so better keep bb at home if possible. When I put my first son into cc at 18 mths, he almost every other week fall sick and it was heart breaking. The sickness slow down only when he older like 3 yr old now. So if you cannot bear to see your bb sick and sick , please keep her at home as they tend to get sick easier in infant and child care especially if it is fully Aircon .
brink: we tried to suck his muscus using mouth but didnt suck out anything..:p i also bought the Pigeon nose cleaner to suck..after a few attempt, managed to suck abit out then use tissue to wipe off.
moscato...hubby tried to suck nothing came out...like u we also have the pigeon nose cleaner and a really a bit of the muscus came out too..

Anyone using pigeon bpa free bottles to contain breast milk? how long can we use them?
Xuan Mom, I try to drink echinacea tea as it boosts immunity. Hoping that some will pass on to bb. I also started takin Prenatal Vitamins every morning, same as u Im also hopin that bb can boost her immunity fast. R u still taking ur Vitamins?

Btw, do ur babies entertain themselves? If so how do u keep them busy on their own, pils are looking after my girl n they kept asking why she cannot jus sit there quietly n always wan to hv company.. -_-

But my friend was telling me bbs now are different from the past.. In the past bbs can jus sit there on their own... Hmmm...
Lush: my boy will scream & cry once we are out of his sight. So usually he will cry while we leave him in his rocker to make milk. If we see that he has waken up from nap in his yaolan, cannot go over & peep at him 1st..once we do that & walk away, he will cry..if not, he will entertain himself for a while.
lush, yah think bbs now different from last time, maybe due to our nutrition during pregnancy & during bf-ing ba. my boy also cannot self-entertain, need to constantly have some1 talking/ carrying/ playing with him. even if make milk, I'll turn his bouncer towards me & keep on talking. sometimes he'll keep quiet & wait awhile, but most of the time is wail all the way. I bought alot of toys for him, but he's never interested in them for long. prefer ppl to carry him in standing/ jumping position, or carry him ard the hse & talk to him. he loves my dad coz my dad always carry him & let him jump on his big tummy. hahah. I juz ordered a jumperoo. hopefully he'll like it & can entertain himself & can give us some breather.
Jac, i also did that when i need to wash his bottles..i will move his rocker and face the kitchen while i wash. Usually enough time for me to finish washing, left with rinsing then he started crying..havent even put them into sterilizer. LOL..partly also he is feeling hot from lying on the rocker. got a few times i carried him to make milk. :p

my hb sure wont approve me to buy jumperoo. Closing factory..haa..anyway no space at my mum's plc. Maybe put in walker 2 mths later.
moscato, yeah my boy also gets hot very easily when lying on the rocker. nowadays the weather abit crazy. he lie on the netted yaolan with 2 fans blowing him also will sweat leh. initially don't intend to get the walker one leh, coz read that will delay walking & not so safe, that's y got the jumperoo. but my parents, ILs & grandma keep asking how come not getting walker. it's like a must in our generation. hahah. so see how lo. still worried he'll anyhow bump into things or start pulling things off the tables. how old can sit walker ah?
anyone feeding your bb prospan for cough and pheghm...I just switch from rhinathiol to prospan...don know if right choice anot...bb have been taking rhinathiol for 2 weeks already..but still coughing..hopefully prospan can speed up his recovery...
my bb likes to look at his fists and legs...if not he has the bean sprout pillow and pillow made by my mum to smell to self entertain..hahahah..if snatch away them he will cry so loud...now he sleep also need his pacifier and pillow liao...think when he go childcare next time will cry like crazy like my first that time...haiz...
Jac: i only let my #1 sit in walker when she is 6 mths old..some bb use walker earlier.

brink: i never try prospan before. My own PD prescrible Ventolin for cough and Rhinathiol for phlegm for my #1.
Just wondering if placed in infant care/ child care, the babies will definitely fall sick is it? Cos between parents and pil/maid/nanny/infant care- there is so many considerations. Making me go crazy especially when my extended maternity leave is drawing near. I'm thinking of it everyday
brink: oh dear..how come need antibiotics? is he having infection? U brought him to PD or GP?

Dekora: ya, usually will fall sick. Cos a lot of kids there, they will spread the virus to one another.
I went to a GP..he has been seeing my first boy after I stop seeing the PD in my area..antibotics cause his cough and flu almost 2 weeks still not well and now fever again...
...feed med until I scare already
..my first boy only fall sick 18mths when he go cc...why is my second boy falling sick at such young age
dekora: if u have someone at home and can afford..please employ a maid. cause my son does not go to infant care, he already sick..if u bring to infant care confirm sick lor and it is really heart breaking to feed kids so much med at this age.
ic...is his flu & cough bad? GP prescribe Augmentin? usually GP prefers to prescribe antibiotics compared to PD.

i also wonder why my #2 fall sick so young too. Like you, my #1 only fall sick when she goes cc. Wondering if it's becos of me..didn't take as much care of myself while preggy.
i took more tonics when preggy with #1.
dekora, i had the same worry. and my gynae said "at home then won't fall sick meh?", PD said "falling sick is part of growing up", and quite a few ppl said "even if next time go CC will also fall sick one lo, so might as well start building the immunity now". well, I guess go infant care will definately fall sick easier coz got more ppl & kids & interaction, but if no1 help look after bb then no choice got to send bb to infant care lo. & the only thing u can do is to help ur bb build up his/her immunity lo, e.g. thro bf-ing or feed better milk powder, find a centre that has a clean environment & practice strict hygiene, etc. actually it also depends on ur kid la. so far I think my boy is doing well in infant care. his cough/cold/phelgm is not very serious, think largely due to the inconsistent temperature of aircon & hot weather. adults also fall sick easily if we keep going in & out of hot & cold places mah. he also kana his diarrhea at home during wkends, not in sch. so I guess if ur hse got alot of ppl going in & out, if u keep bringing ur baby out under the hot sun then aircon places, or if u don't have a clean environment or practice proper hygiene at home, then ur bb can fall sick easily too.
my jumperoo came yesterday! let my boy try for 5-10mins. he seems to like it. due to his weight he can touch the floor on flat foot at the lowest setting. hahah. he havent start jumping very high in it yet, still exploring the toys & slight wriggling nia. hopefully means less carrying for me!
Hi mummies I'm back here.

Brink, I brought my to a&e KKH after my girl cough and running nose seems getting worst with the inhaling thing prescribed by my pd. She was given a chest x ray and antibiotic after that. I don't like to expose her those things at such a young age but it seems like it is for the better as we fear of her getting pneumonia with long time coughing. Luckily her lungs are cleared. Your antibiotic is it a pink strawberry smell kind?

Rem I told you all about the inhalier things? All these cost me another $160+, if she recovers I don't mind the money. But the thing is that after spending so much still not better.

My hubby say KKH is better, $90 all in with test and medicine and consultation than seeing her Pd which is x and does not recover. KKH say stop the cough syrup and the inhalier her for as it is not suitable for infant.
But if give parents/pil look after, I'm worried that at times certain things when u have issues, very hard to bring it up to them. Especially elders take offence so easily. And maid- not sure if reliable cos I heard of cases whereby the maid = 2 headed snake and create a lot of unhappiness because she carry tales to and fro. Haiz.. So many considerations
dekora, don't worry so much. things might turn out better than expected, if not then take it as it comes. one thing I learn from this whole bb thing is that we can't plan things too far ahead coz got so many uncertainties & IFs, so y worry or think so much, juz take things as they come. juz go ahead with what u think is the best for ur bb, try it out first, if work well then congrats, if not then move on to the next best alternative. I'm those sort who like to plan & plan & plan, in the end make myself worry so much & so miserable. nowadays I juz live one day at a time.
Jac: MFS 183 finally called me...but i'm giving up cos no vacancy for my #1. Even no guarantee for Jan13 for her. i cant manage to go 2 centres myself.
if not our boys will be classmates..keke..
moscato, aiyah! hahah. ur gal in which cc? so ur boy gonna continue staying at ur mum's hse? or u stil waiting for the IFC near ur hse?
my gal is in sweetlands. i will wait for the ifc near my hse..targeted to start in sept/oct. at least my hse is in between the ifc (if i managed to get a place) and my gal's cc.
Hi xuan mom,
My boy has been drinking panadol, prospan, actifed syrup, allermin and clarithromycin.5 med.. I feed med to him until I scare lor
been eating med f 2 weeks already, saw 2 diff doc
yesterday just started the antibiotics. Can see he getting better now...
Initially wanted to see pd but as usual the waiting time really pissed me off and is not cheap so I stick to my no. 1 gp instead. My no.1 has been seeing Vanessa f KidsLink since born but realize her med not that effective on him then I went to see this gp at my mum place at Macpherson and we never look back. My gyn also from the same clinic and is a senior consultant at KKH. This gp as compared to others is not cheap but at least the med he gave suits my boy. As he is traveling today, he even ask his nurse to call my hubby to ask about my boy condition and if anything wrong, bring my boy to KKH if his fever did not subside or he not drinking milk. Sometimes seeing a pd depends on luck too cause not all med given suits your child.. By trial and error, u be able to find a doctor that suits your child and stick to it lor.
Mascota: ya same like u, my second pregnancy lots of outside junk good and drank a few bottles cough syrup when pregnant lor
maybe that is why. When I had my first, j was staying wy parents, everyday home cook healthy food and lots of fish... My second pregnancy everyday packet food not healthy at all.. But not forgetting cause our no. 1 go cc, they will also spread the virus to us. Theirs is a super potent one lor... I got cough f my first and till now have not fully recover... Then spread toy no. 2
Hey Jac! Heh u sounded just like my best friend she told me I always qi Ren you tian. I'm probably going to stick to IFC choice but depending on vacancies as well. Cos personally I feel once relationship with PiL sours, super hard to mend and hubby will be stuck in the centre. Won't want to risk it
moscato, ic. sep/oct close liao. ren!!! then can see ur boy everyday liao.

brink, glad that ur boy is getting better. cheer up k. don't stress. if never get better, mabbe u wanna try kkh a&e like xuan_mom. think kkh will be more experienced ba.

dekora, it's normal for us to over-worry la since we only want the best for our bb. I cried so much during pregnancy (even after the maid come) coz everyday also worry abt child care arrangement (& also hormonal la). actually now still do lo. have to make a conscious effort to keep telling myself not to worry & focus on the facts/issues at hand (elimate all the WHAT-IFs) & not to get into a vicious cycle/loop.

My baby girl (#2) arrived late Jan.

Brink/ moscato: my baby girl also fell sick at 3+ months, no thanks to her korkor bringing back very potent bugs from cc.
In fact, she started antibiotics (Augmentin) at 3+ months and was hospitalized for fever/ chest infection 3D2N.
All this while on total breastmilk also no use...heart pain that she has taken so much meds + put on drip at such a young age.
