(2012/01) Jan 2012

Lush, i give my boy a gentle push on the arm that usually gets stuck, after a few times he gets it and does it by himself. Now that he stucks flipping he is no longer contended to sleep on his back so i let him sleep on his side then adjust him to his back later.

My sis-in-law baby boy is allergy to wheat and dairy too. It is so bad until if he happens to eat anything that contain wheat ( even the slight stain on his lip or spoon) he will go breathless and need to do an self emergency injection immediately to reverse the action before sending to hospital. As for dairy he will get rashes all over.

You may want to consider sending you baby for a skin test if it persist or ery bad rush or doesn't seems better with your change of diet. My SIL is on TBF so she also have to avoid eating wheat or dairy product. A lot of things contain wheat, including bread and soya sauce. In such cases you got to buy gluten free product eg gluten free soya sauce, glutton free chocolate etc. they are found in fit hose bigger supermartsike Ntuc fine select or marketplace or organic shop. Hope it helps! Cheers !
Thanks ladies. Will check out Kiddy Palace and the Bedok, I'm living in Bedok.. heh

Moscato, do you let your #1 sleep in yaolan all the time, or alt between bed? I have limited space in my house. I can only choose either one. When bb is 18mths, do you think he could sleep with us on our bed? I also plan to send him to cc then. By then, if possible, let him sleep with us and the yaolan could be left for our #2. I don't know bb will still be very fragile by 18 mths?
Jingles and all

Hahaha itz really fun to see them keep wanting to flip. But itz quite a handful trying to change their clothes or diapers. Sometimes after she flip over she cries.
Yah they r busy ppl. Difficult to bath gal now too cos she keeps stretching out her legs and body and wants to turn. Aiyoh.
Mouse pad
Jingle is right. Vinegar works as well. You can buy at phillip head office building at toa payoh or at kiddy palace where they also sells Phillip descale critic pack. They should have other brands as well.

You intend to let your #1 sleep with you and hubby in the same room arh? But hoh sometimes you need to have some quality time with your hubby right... Keke..You know what I mean. Also i read from articles that letting your baby sleep in his or her own room helps to learn independent.
Xuan Mom, Jac, Ritz, thanks... Xuan Mom, yes it's v v difficult to avoid wheat entirely... Im also not sure if food is truly the cause of her allergy... how to avoid soya sauce? I bought gluten free cereal and pasta.. but they tastes quite yucky.. but for the sake for bb I try my best to avoid... sometimes I couldnt take it and will eat buns or biscuits.. ;p

I have tried to give bb a helping hand by pulling her legs over.. but she is still only able to turn her upper body only. haha.. SHall try n try again..
xuan mom, it's me who wants bb to sleep with us. We are still living with parents, so bb definitely has to sleep in the same room as us. BTW, how do you make your gal sleep through the nite? How much milk she drinks each time and how many times a day? My boy is 14 weeks, he drinks 160ml each time. Day time, I find he hardly cries for milk. Nite time, usually 5hrs, so day time, I will give him milk every 5-6 hrs interval, not waiting for him to cry. After he finishes the 160ml, I take out the bottle, he will cry and move his mouth around. I assume he wants more milk? But I won't give more to him, I give him pacifier and he can quiet down. Shortly after, still can throw up some of the milk. So, I don't know if he is taking too little or too much. Now on average, he takes only 640ml a day, previously when he was 2-3mths, he took 900ml. I don't understand how come he is taking less milk as he gets older. Any mummies with the same problem? Headache.
I read articles which says that babies love predictable routine. So when my hubby notice that our gal has been falling into sleep around 8pm, we let her fall into the pattern of sleeping longer at night by giving her a warm towel clean, swaddle and give her a last feed and put her to bed in her room with curtains drawn leaving a little gap just enough for a little light so that I can still see her in the dark. Usually that is her longest sleep, abt 4h then slowly from two feeding to one feeding at night and then throughout the night without any feed. Personally:
- I put her to bed when she is drowsy and pat her shoulder a while before leaving her room
-I ignore her when she moves or make some noise. She will learn to fall back to sleep by herself.
-if baby wakes up, i do not talk to her and try to pat her back to bed. If pat doesnt works, I will rock her to bed. If these two fails,only then I will feed her.
- no diaper change unless she poops
- no lights on

Of course, once a while my gal do wake up for one or two feed, like when she is sick or going though her initial milestone of flipping. But every baby is different, so you have to observe your baby behaviour and work from there. The idea is to help your baby falls into his own pattern and not try to change his pattern.

As for feeding, she drink 5 to 6 feeds a day about every 3 or sometimes 4hours . No fixed schedule. For bottle feed, she takes in abt 140ml. Now most of the time I let her latch on. My gal takes in lesser feed now. By now, your baby weight should double his newborn weight.
mousepad, it's normal for bb to drink lesser when older. mine does too. probably 160ml at one go is too much ba, thats y he throws up. try giving lesser amount but more frequent feed? my boy is 19w & takes 120-150ml every 3-4hrs during daytime & wakes up 1-2 times to feed at nite, 6-7 feeds a day, avg 800ml a day (when he was younger he takes more than a litre!). can try using lemon juice to descale. use half a lemon & leave on for more than half hr. I find it works better than vinegar & no vinegar smell.
Xuan mom, you mean your gal sleeps from 8pm till next day morning, what time?

My boy usually has his longest hours of sleep after his night bath. Previously, we tried to schedule his bath before his 9-10pm feed - Bath, feed, then sleep, hoping he wakes up only once in the night. But cos he sleeps very little now during the daytime, like today, only 2hrs =(, he gets very sleepy ard 7-8pm. So I will bathe him and let him sleep, else I might have to wake him up an hour or so to bathe him, which I do not wish to. He will sleep for 5-7 hrs, it's different every day.

He doesn't have a fixed routine, I seldom wait for him to cry for milk now. Long as he's awake, and it's 5-6 hours from last feed, I will feed him. If I bring him to my grandma's house for yaolan, he can last 8hrs without milk. But somehow, he will regulate his timing to get 4 feeds a day.

Yes, my boy has doubled his weight, seems normal, just that I find his milk routine irregular and everytime he drinks, he seems not satisfied and yet throws up his milk later on,so not sure if Im feeding him right.

Actually babies his age should be sleeping ard 16-18 hours a day? or 13-15 hours? I'm worried he's sleeping too little.

When did your gal start learning to flip? My boy still hasnt had full head control yet, still very wobbly. Any mummies know of torticollis? It's a syndrome for babies with tight neck muscles. My boy has it, he doesn't like to turn to his left because of his tight left neck muscles. He likes to lie on his right, so his right side of the head is flatter, haiz. I have to do neck exercises with him every day. Might be this reason if he is slower in learning to flip. I think sleeping in yaolan can also make his head rounder, else by the time he reaches 6mths, his head shape will be more or less fixed, more difficult to change liao.
Jac, I used to feed my boy 130ml, every 3-4hrs, for about 2 mths, average 780ml a day. When we start noticing after each feed, he still moves his mouth and cry,we up his feed to 160ml. But still, some times, he will still move his mouth and cry.. haha. We think ah..surely 160ml is enough le ba, so we never give him milk, give him pacifier can work. Also, he doesn't throw up after every feed, some times only, so we think ok and remain at 160ml, but the interval is lengthen to 5-6hrs, so total 640ml a day. Maybe I should try reducing to 130ml again.
This website is quite informative, you may like to read up:

My girl use to sleep from 8pm plus throughout the night till 7am plus when she was 2 month plus. Now she is older sleep lesser and later, take her last feed at 9 or 10pm then sleep till 7am plus. Actually she usually fidget ard 5am but so long as she never cry we just ignore her and she doze off again till 7am.
As long as your boy weight is gaining well ,then it should be fine. Babies changes a lot as they grow so it is normal to have irregular feeding time. As they grow, their tummy gets bigger and are able to store more food. Thats why they can go without feeds 4 or 5 hours. They have growth spurs and may suddenly increase their feedings. Website like Babycenter provides very good info, you can subscribe to free newsletter and they will update you by email every week.

My gal did her first full flip by herself from lying on back to tummy when she was 3month week 3. But she is still not so strong to flip back, success rate is very low haha. Every morning we let have tummy time to strengthen her muscles. Don't worry every baby is unique and will master their skill in no time. Cheers!
Jac - u don't accept pm. Pls pm me or SMS 93679627. Interested in mini electric. What's condition?

Mummies, looking for cheap pump to use when I return to work so no need to lug mini electric to/fro. Anyone willing to let go cheap?
Wow mousepad, ur bb can go without milk for 8hrs?! Wow.. Wad does he do in between? He does not fuss at all? So good... Mine drinks every 3hrs, closer to milk time she will start to eh eh. She also eh eh when it's not 3hrs, she likes to be entertained and doesnt like to lie there on her own. So can be quite tiring for the adults!

Xuan Mom, my bb only sleeps for 30-45 min at a stretch in the morning... About 3-4x in the morning. Evening she takes a last feed at abt 7pm and she will usually sleep after this feed. She still wakes up at nite thou. Sometimes only at 3+am or twice at 11+ and 3+. Actually I dont mind her waking up if it's just once at 3+ cos otherwise I need to pump, even more troublesome. Haha.. But eventually when she weans off bm, I hope she will sleep thru the night. She usually wakes up at 7am the next day. Your bb so guai, can sleep thru the night!

Jac, after i used citric acid to descale my Avent steriliser, I find that it makes it worse. Now after every cycle, there is a yellowish-brown stain on the plate which i have to manually wash n scrub off. Previously I wont have this stain till after a few weeks. Gosh. I descale 2x in a week already still like that.

I have another Pigeon Steriliser at my mum's place. Till now I have not descaled it and the plate still looks good as new. I dont like Avent grrrrrr...
lush, I'm using pigeon sterilizer. lemon juice works fine for me. I descale like once every 2wks or 1mth nia. lazy mummy. heehee.

my boy also sleeps very short stretches in the day (20-30mins) & wakes up 1-2 times a nite. longest is 6hrs without milk. sigh. still waiting for the day he'll sleep thro. envy mummies whose babies r sleeping so well... he also can't self-entertain leh. like not interested in toys. prefer ppl to talk to him & carry him. very tiring lo.
My girl also always eh eh, i find her quite bad temper. My buttocks can't even seat down for a minute when she is awake lor. She want me to carry her and walk around... You know lor hdb flat so tiny, I have to walk dunno how many times around the house plus the super hot weather makes me sweaty and tired. I think I burned more calories looking after her than going to gym - come to think of it, it isn't a bad thing after all as I can shed off the fats! Haha... Actually now that she knows how to flip, it is slighty better as she seems enjoying her tummy time and also learns to appreciate toys. I can relax for ten mins.

I have the same issue as you, my gal doesn't sleep long in the day, usually 3 to 4 short nap for about 30 to 45 mins and once a while 1 to 2 hour. But at least she doesn't wake up for night feeds. After she is asleep, that's my happy hour! Haha...

Oh yah I agree with you that Avent sterilizer is not so good as you can't clean the metal plate directly. I did my first descalling and gosh very dirty yellow-brown stain came out and I followed the instruction to pour out the water and pour in clean water (90ml)to let it run one more cycle. After that is it clean. I didn't encounter your problem of having stain after each cycle. To run one cycle, you have to let the red lights to go off. If you still have problem, call Philip to check and if it is faulty ask for a repair if within warranty.
Jac, Lush, by the way how old is your baby now? My girl also enjoy listening to people talking or likes people to talk to her. She is very chatty. She seems to be more guai when she goes out or when there is people around.
hi hondabar88 (hondabar88),
I read your blog. interesting
. Just like you, I have 2 sons who is 3 and 3 mths old respectively. My first son goes to full day childcare while i took care of second son myself...am currently a sahm and been thinking if i should rejoin the workforce and let my mil take care of my second boy. I do not have a maid but feels like a maid when I am not at work cause I feel obligated to do the housechores while hubby work...I do have a part-time helper that comes once a week to clean up my house....
Mummies who are sahm and have two kids can you share what you usually do at home...thanks
I'm up for the nite feed. Nowadays become so used to waking up in the nite, I have trouble falling back to sleep after the feed. Am so awake now. Daytime I also won't feel gong gong. Any mummies like me?

Xuan mom, your gal can sleep for 11 hrs straight and without milk, unbelievable...! U r one of the lucky ones!

Lush, for the 8 hrs gap, 1st half he plays, 2nd half he sleeps. If awake, he will start Eh Eh after 5 hrs.

Seems a lot of your babies are also taking very short naps in the day and like to be carried around, I still tot my boy is more difficult. Then don't u all think u r too occupied with the baby and can't do much of other work in the day? I'm worried my mum cannot cope when I return to work. If my boy wants to be carried, he will shout at the top of his lungs when you put him down, no chance to go toilet. Now at least me and my mum can take turn, next time my mum says she also needs to wear diaper Liao. This time the yaolan will come in very handy.
Mousepad, i have been thinking about using yaolan now too. We all grow up with one right? Yet now it is advocated to use cot bed and some like me still need to walk n rock n pat bb to deep sleep before putting on cot bed. My boy is getting quite heavy and sleeping lesser in the day esp after he learns to flip over. Think i better install one soon.

Btw, happy mothers' day to all!
Xuan Mom. My girl is 4 mths now. She is v small size. Jus 5.75kg. PD said she needs to put on more weight. Argh... What should i do.

Jac, ya man.. My girl only likes us to carry or talk to her. She doesnt like to entertain herself even though we bought some toys to hang on her rocker.

Mousepad... Yes v tiring! I cant do much in the daytime, only free time is for the short 30min that she naps. :p
Are you on total BF? Did your PD gave you any advice? I think maybe you can encourage your baby to take in more feeds before you consider to supplement with formula. Personally I target to BF exclusive my gal for at least 6 months. Frankly I'm struggling to BF and not too sure if I can continue doing so after returning to work. Anyone doing pump at work? Can share your experiences?

Jac, Mousepad,Lush
I'm glad to be in this forum to share our experiences. I thought I'm the only one having baby which needs to be constantly held. I have people telling me that I had "spoilt " the baby by carrying her too much and see... Now you have to suffer or comments like let the baby cry out. Seriously I hate hear these comments because, if they are taking care of the baby whole day, they will understand it is impossible not to carry the baby.

I'm so tired and stress out that I tend to lose my temper or become very grouchy. Haha...I think my hubby had a hard time hearing my nagging almost everyday. Actually I feel quite guilty about it, my hubby does help me on washing laundry, fold clothes, wash toilet, sterilized & wash bottles, change bb diaper, bath n bottle feed her each morning without a single complain but I always nag on him not doing in the "right" way or the way I think it should be done. Come to think about it, I shouldn't have expect him to do a perfect job - after all guys are by nature not program to do such things. That's why women are always by naturally better at handling after babies

My poor gal has just recovered from fever last Tuesday (jus after 3 days being in infant care) and now having a flu and a bad cough. It's pain aching to see her coughing so badly that she has coarse voice. She has been waking up frequently for the past few nights that I can't even rest well.

My in laws and parents are working so no one can take care of her. All these while I have to look after herself on my own but my mum will drop by to cook my lunch in between her work. I'm glad that my mum is there to help me out a little whenever she can.

Actually I'm a strong believer of BF after learning the benefits on mum and baby so I'm bit surprised that my gal caught the virus... Hope my girl recover soon.
morning mummies...

MIA last week..busy with #1 at hm..got to coax her to drink..wash all the bedsheets & toys to make sure the HFMD virus doesn't linger around.

mousepad, my yaolan is in the living room. I use playpen in the room so my bb will sleep in playpen at nite. i removed my #1 from playpen to my bed when she is abt 10 mths old. Ever since then til i move house, she sleeps with me on the bed, hb on the flr. Haa..cos staying with my parents then. When we move to our hse, #1 has her own rm and we trained her to sleep by herself. By 18 mths not fragile already. My #1 even rolled off the bed a few times. So remember to cushion the floor if you want to let bb sleep on your bed.
hi Xuan mom,
Noted that your bb got fever. My boy also had fever yesterday and was told to bring him to KKH if med did not manage to bring it down.
luckily his fever subside today...heartpain to see him sick at such a young age..he is only 3 mths and does not go infant care..also donno what happen and when it started
...maybe I should not bring him out so often..
Oh by the way, u are not alone in terms of being grouchy and bad tempered
. I was like you too when I had my first boy and I stayed home f 18 mths to look after him...even though hubby do all the housework, i feel somehow it is not enough...and always throw temper when he come back from work...and due to singapore hot weather, i feel so sweaty and irritated if I cannot shower since I need to look after my baby. can only shower after hubby comes home...
brink, try to mimimise bringing bb out. Weather so hot nowadays..go inside shopping cold..hot cold hot cold..bb will get sick easily. Is he better now?

After 2 experiences with KKH, i dont like to go there anymore unless emergency. If go in for fever, queue for so long, only asked u to do sponging and give u fever med which i also have at home, even though my #1 was having 40 degree fever then. So i prefer to go GP or PD the next day. KKH also don't prescribe med for cough..said no cough for kids below age of 2. But if u go GP or PD, they will have.
Hi moscato,
Bb fever subsided but keeps coming back again
so am sponging him now... Hope he be cleared of fever by tomorrow... Ya yesterday brought my boy to airport and he was shivering when I tried to changed him in the stroller ... Maybe that is when he got the fever

Understand what u mean when go KKH, last time my boy also 40 degree and there is nothing they prescribe but prufen and panadol and ask us to keep sponging him... Really nothing much they can do... But cause he is still so young, my gp is out station For the next few days and KKH have all the facilities so he advise if 38.5 go KKH directly to check...
My mum has said no to yaolan, so I'm not getting one anymore. I'm still staying with her, she has the final say. I'm so looking forward to moving out to my own house, but that would be end 2014/early 2015. By then my boy is already 2 yrs old. I might even have the 2nd kid liao.

My boy seems better these few days. Less carrying liao. I'm training him to sleep on his own in the day time. Nite time he can liao. He was trying just now, I think now he's sleeping le, but eyes half closed only. Haha, I know babies will sleep with eyes open, but whenever I see him like that and motionless..er.. a bit funny.

Moscato, when you let your bb sleep in the playpen, she sleeps in the bassinet? Or at the bottom? My bb is sleeping in the bassinet, but read it can only hold up till 6kg? My boy is already 6kg+ le. We are also thinking of letting bb sleep with us, when he outgrows the playpen. That would be very soon.

Seems a few of the little ones are falling sick, may they recover fast and well. Mummies take care too.
hi, haven't been here for a long time... any mummies experiencing a drop in milk supply after going back to work? did you eat/drink anything to keep supply going? Though this is my #2, i am going back to work 4 months earlier than the last (i took another 4 months no pay during #1, so supply not affected much), and i find my supply dropping like crazy. Does not help that I do not pump at regular intervals due to meetings. Any advise?
brink, if viral fever, will take 5-7 days to subside. Just have to keep monitoring. It's tiring..but no choice. That time i thought they will give suppository since 40 degree and my ger refused to take med and refused to be sponged.

mousepad, my bb sleep in the bassinet. bottom too deep to carry up & down. By the time i moved #1 out, she was above 6kg, still ok leh. In fact now she climbs into in, said want to sleep in there..:S but of cos i didnt let her do so..she is abt 12kg now.
Brink, thanks for sharing your experience ☺. Me too, can only shower when my hubby return home. I think I must work harder to attain the 3 stars: 信心,爱心,耐心. Oh, by the way I also enjoy going to changi airport for koppi and food, with or without my gal along and terminal 3 basement has a very nice nursing room.

Moscato, I think generally cough syrup not recommended for babies below 1year old so maybe that is why hospital doesn't give. I also hate to give her medicine at such a tender age but Bo pian, her cough is just too bad and may not do any good if I don't give her medicine. Hope she recover soon so that she doesnt wake up in the middle of night for milk to ease her choking.

To all mummies, we will brave through all these difficult times, jiayou! Our little ones also will grow strong and healthy. Cheers !
Mummies who express, esp those using medela pumps. How often do u change the accessories, eg tubings, membranes ah? I saw a slight dark spot in one of the tubes and is worried.
hi valteen, i actually change the accessories every 3 months, especially the parts that come into contact with the milk. As for the tube, i don't change that often cause i don't wash the tube. If you do wash the tube (i.e. when milk accidentally seeps into the tube), please try to dry the tube (find it super hard to dry though), if not, black spots do appear.
Yes itz hard to dry the tube. Even when washing, i dont even knw if itz cleaned. There were once or twice (just happened once on sat), dunno y the milk was in the tube. Gosh. I was trying to figure out how is the funnel connected to tubes. Guess the tube more like suck the air from te funnel rather than into it yah.
Xuan_mom: was referring to my #1. She was 2 then, kkh dont prescribe her cough mixture. But can see the difference: kkh said give brufen when fever is 39 & above, PD is 38.5, GP 38. :p
xuan mom, my boy is 4.5mths now. also having slight cough. my dad say coz heaty so shld give more water. I also not sure. hope it don't get worse.

mousepad, y ur mum so against yaolan? funny leh. my parents & in-laws hardsell the use of yaolan to me mann. no choice got to use since parents r the one taking care of my boy at nite. I'll let him sleep on mattress (on his tummy) if i'm taking care. but actually both ways are not recommended. hahah.

if i put my boy to sleep on his tummy he'll crawl/wriggle all over the shop. 2 adult mattresses put together also not enough for him to crawl. sometimes my hb will sleep on the floor to make space for him. or either that he'll juz use his head & ram at me coz I refuse to move. that's y never put him sleep in cot/playpen. think he'll juz ram the sides lo.
Jac, she thinks she can cope without the yaolan. She's the one to look after my bb when I work, so I didn't insist. Personally, I love the yaolan! Whenever I feel pek che, I will go to my grandma house for yaolan, I feel so relaxed over there. When baby's sleeping, I can go out cut hair, buy things, go Mac buy ice-cream, slowly walk back home, and there he is, still sleeping in the yaolan, wonderful! This will never happen at my own house
Not bad leh, you still can go out of the house. For me I can't even go to toilet when she is awake as I'm looking after baby myself. You are fortunate to have your grandma and your mum to look after the baby.

Envy you, same like mousepad ,you got your parent to look after the baby. For me, my " off day " is saturday night where I stay over my parent house till sunday. I have to struggle myself almost whole day. Actually I felt a sense of relief when my girl is in infant care and quite look forward to put on my heels and dolling up to work next week. But yet I hate the feeling of leaving my baby in infant care. Conflicting feelings. I wonder how my mum cope when I was still a baby.
mousepad, wow ur bb sleeps really well in the yaolan. hahah. mine only at most 15-20mins then fuss then I got to go shake shake hoping he falls asleep again. so I'm like running to & fro, trying to do house/bb chores & shake yaolan.

xuan mom, my parents & in-laws r all working. so my boy goes infant care too. my boy got sleep problem, so we all take turns to look after him lo, else cannot take it ah, zombie at work. today is my turn, boy sleeping beside me now.
super cranky juz now, so turned on the aircon & he's finally sleeping! shack! can understand how u feel. I actually feel more relax at work than at home. home got to take care of bb & got tons of bb chores to do. everyday reach home abt 8pm then struggle to have my dinner, bathe, carry & play with bb & make him sleep, wash & fold his clothes, wash & sterilise his bottles, pack his stuff for infant care, etc etc. super shack. u got maid to help u? maybe u can consider moving back to ur parents place after u start work lo. that's wat i did. else very hard to work & look after bb at the same time leh.
wow...i read all your posts and really feel for all mommies out there! I'm also an advocate for the yaolan, loves it lo....when my bb was younger she sleeps really long time in it, now bigger le, she dont seems to like it so much, she prefer her cot now, most prob all the toys there she can play with.

Same here, whenever I take care of bb alone, I will get really irritated. Sometimes dont even have time to shit in peace, cos now bb can flip, whenever I am in the toilet, she eh-eh I will rush over, cos I duno what is happening. So now if I really need to do housework, I will put her in the rocker, while I do housework, like hanging clothes. Quick quick one. If not my bb also cannot sit in the rocker too long, her back will really get heated up fast.

Yes, alot of airborne virus lately, think try to avoid going to crowded places. Last week was the spike for flu according to MOH website.

Last sun was mother's day...I keep thinking how I wish I am a stronger and richer person. Strong so that I have the energy to look after bb alone and dont need to rely on others, rich so that I dont need to work, still can afford everything we have....I really wonder how last time ple can take care of 10, 14 kids single handedly..and last time somemore no washing machine lei....haiz..at times I will think I am really a lousy mommy cos look after 1 bb already cannot make it le -.-
morning mummies.. had a bad nite.. now having running nose & super stoned..

jingles, don't feel lousy abt yrself. I felt the same way too. but got alot of ppl tell me now the babies different from last time, now babies smarter & more hyper (even when sick!), last time babies juz eat & sleep nia easier to take care. my grandma, parents & in-laws all commented that my boy is difficult, but from what I read here he seems quite normal leh. hahah. my grandma got 8 children & she said if got 1 like my boy she faints liao, cannot eat by himself, cannot play by himself, cannot sleep by himself. my mum also say I very easy to take care one, keep on sleeping, had to wake me up to see if I'm still alive & to feed, even slept all the way when they brought me to see mid-nite show (James bond movie, super loud noise). also dunno y my boy got sleep problem. genetically not rite like that leh. hahah.
ya lo...frankly if i never get into this forum i will think that my bb is super hyper. Thank god that this forum exists! Hahaha...

ohh bb issues aside, Jac u stay near to Prive mar? Wahhh seems like its super small lei... even smaller than my house!
morning mummies...

Jac, no worries..my boy is like your boy..even though sleep in yaolan also cant sleep long type. Have to keep swinging..if he fell asleep, got to do things very softly or else sure wake up.

jingles, which rocker are u using? My boy back & head also heated up very fast in rocker. I'm using Fisher & Price one. Think he needs the netted type. drink milk also sweat..Haa..just shave him botak last week.

in the past ppl can have many kids but they don't give as much attention and the elder ones will look after the younger ones. Dirty also like that, 肮脏吃肮脏大.
moscato! ohaiyo!
ehh..i am wondering why u all dont get the mechanical yaolan hur? I got mine mechanical lo...if keep rocking think my hand will break :p

rocker i have 2. one is F&P in my IL place and I cant rem the other one in my house...I bought the cooling mat for my bb for her car seat last 2 weeks ago, seems better now cos she is not so easily heated up...maybe buying another cooling mat for her play mat so that when she lies there wont get heated up so easily also.
my hb did suggest of buying but my mum doesn't want. She heard it's not good. Now my boy is used to having someone with him..if leave him alone, he will wail..:S

Which cooling mat did u get? I have the Naforye one but dont feel it's that effective..haa..

jingles, I'm staying opp the mrt. my parents' hse is opp prive. yeah, it's super super small!! probably studio apartments?? dunno leh. what cooling mat ah? what brand?

moscato, same! my boy drink milk also will sweat. tummy time machiam like bathing in sweat like that. Heng he got not much hair. hahah. the netted bouncer cant take my boy's weight leh, sit liao his butt will touch floor.
