(2012/01) Jan 2012

My baby's record was 3 days without pooing, but she was still cheerful so seems like she didnt feel constipated. Usually she don't really poo daily anyway. My PD said same thing as mousepad's PD
my mousepad:
in the 1st few weeks when bb had prob sleeping on bed then i intro sarong. now he's better, can sleep in sarong and bed. 1st choice i give him is bed, if he fuss, then i put him on bed. but usually during family meal time or day time when its more noisy, i will put him in sarong so he sleeps longer and deeper sleep, then at nite, on bed. but at times atnite when he cries sleeping on bed, i will put him in sarong andhe will keep quiet and fall asleep
my boy having diarrhea for almost 2 wks liao. from poo 7-8 times a day to 4-5 times to now 3-4 times a day. his butt is super red & painful. cry & scream when we clean his butt. so poor thing. sigh. now change to use warm water & cotton bud to clean his butt, put baby powder & wear cloth napkins, juz like olden days. super troublesome. so many procedures & soiled diaper cloths to wash. sigh. wonder how our parents generation cope last time. hahah.

mousepad, my boy's sleeping better now liao. daytime sleep in yaolan (at home) or bouncer (at ifc). night time sleep on yaolan (parents look after) or mattress (i look after) depending on who's taking care of him. last time got to shake the yaolan non-stop, stop only wake up, but now only got to shake for abt 15-20mins till he deep sleep can liao. get the yaolan with 7-pc springs so that can use longer. 1-2 yrs old shld be fine ba. some of my cousins sleep in yaolan till primary school.
Dear mummies, I gave in and hired a helper to assist in the washing and household chores.. She doesnt do any cooking cos MIL will cook on weekdays and we ta Bao on weekends.im very hands on with my baby- feeding, bathing, putting her to sleep and night feed all done by me because I haven't gone back to work yet. And she says very tiring already and give me attitude. My husband told me to offload her for fear of our baby! What if I go back to work? She would have so much more to do. Really detest seeing her black face in my own house
Hi RitzC: ya, she show me black face or just expressionless when i talk to her
Jac: hubby don't want to go through the hassle and im worried what if the next one is worse. Haiz...
re: baby carrier
anyone can buckle the shoulder strap without anyone's help? i am unable to do it! then how am i able to use a carrier when i go out alone?

so will yr maid be handling bb when u go back to work? i heard of many maids who dun listen to instructions one...duno how true..

y diarrhea so long? very heartpain. hope bb recovers soon.
and for bb carrier...isit necessary to adjust the straps(shoulder and waist) everytime u put bb
in? or adjusting once will do?
dekora, understand how u feel. my previous maid also like that. eng until can sit on her bed read newspaper, magazines & quran. she somemore got time to take afternoon nap (btw, she sleeps at 9pm & wakes up at 6+am). ask her do things then frown or give black face & anyhow do. alot of things also dare not ask her do (esp to do with bb) coz scared she anyhow do (e.g. bathing water too hot/cold, milk put too much/little water, etc) or spoil our things. in the end she only do basic housework & wash bb clothes & bottles nia. also always find excuse wanna go out buy groceries, etc. in the end we got rid of her & send bb to IFC lo. didn't change another maid coz also scared it'll be worse & I find it hard to trust a stranger to be alone with the bb. u got anyone supervising ur maid at home when u go back work? if u at home she can behave like tat liao then it'll be worse when u go back work. she may get even more frustrated & take it out on the bb. better don't leave bb alone with her.

jkids, ya lo. also don't know y so long still not yet fully recover. but he seems to be better yesterday, poo 2 times. hopefully will be back to his once a day soon. BUT what's more worrying now is his CC got 1 case of HFMD!! yi bo wei ping, yi bo you qi. sigh. not sure whether to keep him home for this wk anot. btw, the carrier adjust one time can liao, unless u share it with ur hb, etc. very good to use ah, never regret buying.
valteen: My boy poo only twice a week..saw PD and was advised to change to similac total comfort, tried but think got lots of burble and bb dont like it so I continue w the normal simliac for infant. PD also say actually ok for bb to poo only twice a week as they fully absorb the breastmilk...me on 20% breast feeding and 80% formula. Eating fruits and letting bb drink water
early in the morning helps

Dekora: change a maid...like many whom commented, attitude problem when you are around what happen if you are not around? I had a maid previously but also got some attitude problem..cause she nice to my boy, I close eyes and like you, I find it a hazzle to change maid...then finally cannot stand her and send her off and send my son to cc.
Jac, you apply desitin for your bb? last time my bb also like that and I air his backside after each wash...all red and sore so heartpain then...
Jac: my goodness, I think your previous maid more "eng" than me heh. I haven flipped a magazine in ages! Ya, we are worried abt maid mishandling our baby- that's y my hubby told me to treat the maid nicely. I feel like our maid's maid. Always avoiding to ask her do things. But when she needs stuff eg top up her mobile phone she will be nice!
My hubby thinks I'm making a mountain out of a molehill. He doesn't understand that I'm the one facing her the whole day. Argh!he thinks just providing money is sufficient to bring up a child! He sees me as mother of his child and not his wife
I know it is not right to compare but I can't help but be envious of some of my friends whose hubby will be super hands on with the kids or even plan a night out with their wives without the wives reminder. Mine idea of hands on is playing with baby for 10 mins and put her to sleep and he can sleep at the same time and his night out is bringing whole family out- mil, sil and family and maid and baby. He still can ask me I get to go out already, should be happy what
are u able to buckle the shoulder strap at d back by yourself?

hfmd quite worrying one.
my kids get normal sickness i oredi headache on who can look after them. stress wow. if u can keep it will be good, but it means muz take leave rite?
dekora, maybe coz u haven't start work yet so ur hb thinks u shld be doing more for the bb/hse? also he may think that u got a maid to help u, shld be grateful instead of complaining so much? my hb was like tat. he was quite hands-off when i was still on ML & got maid ard. complain to him abt the maid also one ear in one ear out. heng i got my mum ard to help out & complain to. anyway after i got rid of the maid & returned to work then my hb become more hands-on. heng he got help with the housework, else there's no way i can look after bb & finish all the housework by myself. but still he can't really handle bb alone or put bb to sleep, maybe coz last time too hands-off liao. so usually i'll handle bb then he'll do the housework.

jkids, yep. can buckle the shoulder strap by myself. muz stretch overhead to the back. don't know if u know what i mean. hahah. ya lo. i very very very worried he kana hfmd. my colleagues kana b4 & said it feels very terrible. imagine adults feel so terrible liao then wat's more babies. sigh!
Jac: my #1 kena hfmd now lor. Poor girl, sick again. It's terrible even though mild strain. Cant eat nor drink. Lucky she is so much better today. Finally can drink herself, no need me to keep coaxing her.

Just back from ML, now i got to take leave again.
moscato, aiyoh so poor thing. she muz be feeling terrible. she caught it from cc? u muz take care yrself too k. my colleague kana from his son one. quite potent ah.
I guess from sch cos she only goes sch n home. But when i called sch this morning, supervisor said she is the 1st case. The current strain is the mild one. So far only uclers in mouth n recovering after giving her oral lotion. Have to hard-hearted cos the lotion gives stinging sensation. I dropped in after she fell asleep and she will shout ' la la' after a while.
how did u know she got hfmd ah (b4 u confirm with the doc)? coz she got ulcers in her mouth? got any fever? what r the symptoms that i shld be looking out for ah?

feeling abit paranoid liao...
Hi Mommies,

side track a bit, I have 2 tins(900g per tin) of Nestle NAN H.A.1 Gold Infant Formula selling cheap at $30 each. Given to us as gift. I have checked the expiry and confirmed the orgins is of latest production.

For fast deal contact me @ 94798041. Collection point can be at Buangkok or Harbourfront station.

jkids and jac: Thanks, ya, nite time is fine, my boy can sleep well. It's the daytime that is a headache for me. You know where I can buy the 7-string yaolan, how much does it cost? I'm living with my mum and she hasn't agreed to me buying one. Haiz, I hope I can persuade her to agree. My boy is sleeping in a travel cot now, I need to change one for him very soon, the bassinet can only hold 6kg, and he is over the mark le.

Dekora, you are not alone, I agree with Jac, I'm still on ML, I'm doing more than my hubby. He thinks that ML is for me to care for the baby. Somemore, since I'm not working yet, I can take my rest during the day time. I wake up during the nite to feed baby. He sleeps through it. When are you returning to work? I'm going back end May, so my hubby is getting worried. He told me he wants to start getting used to the nite feeds, else when I get back to work, I might not have the energy to handle the nite feeds every day.
Dunno if i am correct but i notice men dont really 'bother' abt things not directly related to bb care, eg washing milk bottles, washing bb clothes, etc. they feed but then leave the bottles and if u dun wash it, the bottle can be there from dusk till dawn. It can be quite frus at times.
Valteen, mine dun even know how to feed my boy nor pat my boy to sleep. So he is in charge of playing with my boy and washing milk bottles. Very frustrating esp when im so tired and yet he still has his many 'me' time like managing to watch 2 dvds in a night. Faint.
Hi Valteen
You can buy a 3 fold mattress from Seahorse shop ( sengkang compass point or bishan J8 have) . I brought one for my gal to sleep when she is at my mum house overnight. I brought it at $39 during promotion. Cheers !
my mousepad
hey u can buy the 7 string yaolan from kiddy palace...

my hub will try his best to help when he sees me really stretch out...cos when I am stretched I will get a little cranky :p
so he will try to feed bb, help to get ready for bb bath and wash bottles lo...
but most of the time I will tell him to sleep as I am afraid as he will be groggy when he drives..

as for mattress, last time used to let bb sleep on the floor with mattress over the weekends when my whole family shifted to ILs place, normal mattress la. But those with stiffer support.
what I meant was mummy eat more fruits and the breastmilk she feed the baby can help bb pass motion
Jac: my ger started with fever in the morning. In the evening, she started to refuse to eat n drink. Saw 1 ucler in her lower gum, thot maybe self inflicted. The next day still the same, then keep saying pain. In that evening, saw red spots on her lips, gg to turn into ucler type. Really turned into uclers and looked diff from our usual uclers.

U shld check for blisters/red spots in palms n feet as well. My ger didnt have them though.

Re hubby: mine never wash bottles before even though we have 2 kids. When he helps to swing the yaolan, eyes on tv and i think bb knows his attention is not on him, continued crying. When he helped to feed #1 in the past, eyes also on tv.
mousepad, u can get the yaolan from kiddy palace. quite ex leh. manual one for $100+, motor one for $250+ I think. I got 2 sets (1 for my hse &amp; 1 for mum's hse) of 2nd hand manual one from here -> www.mummy<<xyz>>sg.com/forums/f100/ (unable to paste correct link here. remove <<xyz>>). if u getting 2nd hand one, remember to check with seller whether the yaolan frame is 2 arms kind (like inverted u-shape) &amp; spring is 7pcs one anot. can tahan the weight better.
valteen, men don't even wash their own cups leh, somemore wash bb's bottles? hahah. my hb does help wash bb bottles &amp; clothes la coz he scared I tired then lose temper at my boy. so no complains.
I also using seahorse 3-fold. good! think promo still on. $39 nia. very worth it. quick go grab!!
mousepad- you can check out those neighbourhood shop that sell bb stuff...i think should be cheaper. I got mine from a shop at Bedok interchange, the manual type which can be push around....$89.90 if I'm not wrong. Motor one cost more ...about $120 i think.
Don't get the motor one- I ever hear that it malfunctions and and the baby was inside. Better get the manual one and put a mattress underneath to cushion
I can understand your frus. Sometimes it's not that they dont help. But they help when they feel like it and when they are tired or lazy, well that's it. They would probably go back to their 'screens'. And when you are angry, they retort and say you never open your mouth and ask them help wor! Wah......win liao hor.

Xuan MOM
That's good. The ones I am using at home are the not so good quality type and i dun really want my gal to keep slping on it. So am thinking of getting a better one. Ok, will check seahorse out. The mattress you bought is the normal size for adult, not specially for bb one right?

That's good. Hahaha yah sometimes my dh so tired and back pain I also try to go pick my gal from ifc and let him rest. But when home he has to help me jagar her a bit for me to at least finish whatever packing I need to do for gal and my bath lor. But then everytime finish already late. He is also doing a course and need to study.

I see! Hahahaha, *blink blink*

Really ah.....okie okie....but I can only go weekend ah! Hope I get it.
Jac: yup, she is quite fully recovered. Active since yesterday. Can eat porridge n butter cookies today. Hope her uclers can fully healed by tmrw so that i can bring her back to doc for clearance. But she refused to let me chk her throat, just have to try my luck.
Actually the seahorse 3 fold mattress always on promo. :p i also bought 1 when we shifted #1 to co-sleep with me when she started to climb in/out the bassinet. My hb slept on it but complained backache. :p

Mousepad, i wean my #1 off yaolan when she was abt 1.5 yrs old to prepare for childcare.
That's a single bed size. They have two type actually, I brought the cheaper one @ $39( crashed foam )the other one is $99 (supposingly better, one single foam). But for baby because they are smaller n lighter , I think it is quite alright for them. It be good if you have space constrain. At least it is easy to keep when not in use or move to another room / living hall.
Mummies, my Bb xuan has started rolling from lying position onto her tummy. So I'm having restless night these few days because she keep doing her rolling upon waking up at night lately. She used to sleep through the night till morning.

Any tips to share on keeping sleeping longer and don't roll at night?

I have stop swaddling her now since she started rolling.
Xuan Mom, i position 2 bolster on each side of his body with his arms in his usual 'surrender' sleeping pattern above them. The bolster are near to the side of the cot and tight enough to block off access for him to turn. My boy keeps flipping over, be it awake time, diaper or clothes change and sleeping time, he is unstoppable haha
xuan mom and ritzC
yes my girl also keep flipping. sleep also flip, change also flip, poo also flip...cant stop. According to all the books i read, bbs are actually v busy ple, they will think nonstop how to improve and learn faster. So i believe nothing can stop them lo.

Mine i put bolsters at the side, she also continue to flip lo.
My bb hasnt learned to flip leh. :-/ she flips halfway (upper body) and doesnt know how to do full flip yet. How ah.

I heard that its normal for bbs to want to practice their newfound skills in bed, thus keeping them awake.. So dont worry, it will pass Xuan Mom.

Anyone bbs still struggling with ezcema? Mine keeps recurring... So frustrating. Im trying my best to avoid dairy, eggs, nuts, berries, seafood and wheat already (im on tbf). But wheat i find it v difficult to cut off totally so will indulge in some biscuits or bread or noodles from time to time. Duno if that's the reason why she nvr recovers. This morning tons of red patches on her cheeks again
PD gave me steriod (desonide), it suppresses the symptoms for a while but now it is back again so I dont feel like using it already. Haiz.
my boy also keep flipping. so I let him sleep on his tummy when sleeping on mattress lo. no need flip since already on tummy liao. even if I put him on his back he'll also flip to sleep on his tummy. he'll also try to flip in the yaolan, struggle &amp; struggle, got to keep on holding his hands &amp; shake the yaolan until he deep sleep lo.

nowadays he learning to crawl using his legs &amp; head. the hands still no strength to support his weight yet. hahah. but think he like getting the hang of it liao. really can't take my eyes off him now.
moscato, glad to hear ur gal is recovering well.
mabbe she wanna stay home with mummy! so don't want let u check her throat so no need go see doc for clearance then no need go back sch. hahah.
lush, u can try help ur gal to learn how to flip. assist her a few times so she gets the idea. but slowly la. different babies learn different things at different pace. mabbe she juz prefer to be on her back than her tummy. got a few friends' babies recovered from eczema after they changed their diet. u got to try &amp; see what food u ate triggered the eczema lo. I gave up bf-ing long time ago liao. sigh. bf-ing really needs alot of discipline &amp; determination. salute u!! jiayou jiayou!!

Hi mummies,

I've the following to let go:

- BN Playskool busy balls patterns &amp; colours $15
- BN Pigeon breastmilk storage bottles (3pcs) $10
- BN Pigeon S sized teat (standard neck) $2.50
- BN Pigeon M sized teat (wide neck) $3.00
- BN Nuk Anti colic wide neck teat 1 0-6m (silicone) $5
- Tiny Love Musical Mobile $65
- 2 boxes of Tollyjoy napkin liners 200 pcs $10
- 2 tins of NAN 2 400g (exp Oct'12) $20
- Avent twin electronic breast pump full set $350
- Avent refill 10 cups (240ml) $18, with lids $25
- Medela Mini Electric breast pump full set $105
- 2 tins of Mamil Gold 400g (exp Nov'13) $20
- 2 Pigeon pacifier for 8mth+ $7

Kindly PM me if keen/ for pics, thanks!
