(2012/01) Jan 2012

thanks for the tips! i din remove the plastic cover from d bb's mattress? so that could be the reason? gosh...i shall try out by removing it!!! but my cl did comment that bb did not sleep weell coz he feels warm. yet on the other hand, we let him sleep on bed, he also cannot sleep thro...shall try out diff ways...

RitzC: my playpen mattress doesn't have a latex nor plastic cover leh. I even swopped my #1's old mattress with his new one, still the same.
ritzc, thanks for the reminder.
my cot mattress doesnt come with a latex cover. & anyway my boy doesnt sleep on his cot (in the master bedroom) much.. he usually sleeps on the bouncer, yaolan or a thin mattress in the living room (& i'll sleep on the sofa).. coz dont want disturb hb's sleep..
Hi Ritz,

Same case here with my in laws, they have the thinking that my gal has to be kept warm. Esp now she's sick, they'll say we should let her wear long leeves and long pants, mittens and botties and swaddle at the same time. Yup my gal sweats easily, but we'll switch on the fan blowing but never towards her almost 24hrs a day ah.

My gal love to sleep with legs open, or cross legs at times with her arms above her head or besides her chin. So in the afternoon, we dun swaddle her but but the beansprout pillow on her tummy so that she'll won't be startled when she wakes up.
Hi Ritz,

Same case here with my in laws, they have the thinking that my gal has to be kept warm. Esp now she's sick, they'll say we should let her wear long leeves and long pants, mittens and botties and swaddle at the same time. Yup my gal sweats easily, but we'll switch on the fan blowing but never towards her almost 24hrs a day ah.

My gal love to sleep with legs open, or cross legs at times with her arms above her head or besides her chin. So in the afternoon, we dun swaddle her but put the beansprout pillow on her tummy so that she'll won't be startled when she wakes up.
moscato, ya lo. sleep in living room with baby lo coz living room got sofa to lie on & also closer to the dining table so easier to make milk. sounds so ke lian hor. hahah.

pamela, I ordered mine from sweetest moments. not too bad.

i finally started my jamu massage after 6wks. wonder still will effective anot. sigh. for mummies who've c-sect & did the jamu, does yr c-sect wound feels painful when the ML massage yr tummy? everytime so worried the c-sect stitch will burst, but scared not effective if massage not strong. also how long do u all leave the binder on ah? how to carry baby with the binder? feels so awkward leh.
hey jac
I delivered my baby on 21 Jan... and arranged to start jamu after 3 weeks. Was thinking about the same problem... not too sure if anyone who had experience can advise. Some of my peers said post 4 weeks others said 2 weeks can alr... Mine was cz too...
dolphin, have u checked with yr gynae whether ok to start the massage? coz I had abit of infection so gynae told me to postpone the massage till now. althou start so late but still very worried abt my cz wound.
Though I have not started my massage this time round (plan to do it in 2 weeks time), I did mine the last time 4 weeks after c-sec. Remembered it did hurt around the wound area do had to ask the lady to be gentle around the area which she did. Actually by day 3-4 of the massages, everywhere started to hurt, just need to bear with the pain. Stomach did go down after the massages though.

My gynae advised 3-4 weeks after c-sec then can do the massages.
Jac: i might be the next one sleeping in living rm if my bb disturbs his papa. Haa

I leave my binder on til the next day when i want to shower.
Moscato, my CL left yday and i gave her 50. She didnt open to check before she left so duno she happy with it or not :p Anyway we think she is average only so didnt wanna "tip" tpp much as well. Heard its ok to gv 50-100.

Jac, i started my massage 2 days ago as well when im 4wks. The area surrounding the wound does hurt a little, nt when she massages as she avoids the area, but when she binds me. The binding is v tight so when I sit up, it presses on the wound I think, im also not sure if its ok. :-/ I leave the binder on overnite but am so tempted to remove it before I sleep as the body is really oily, see how long I can dong :p

The massage lady put a scorching hot towel on my breasts as she said its slightly engorged. Wapiang its so hot lor! I was screaming thru out. How can she do this
Im v scared of overstimulating and resulting in more engorgement, shall ask her not to do it today.
lush, my ML put a sanitary pad on the cz wound b4 she bind so it's not so painful when the binder presses on the wound. I only feel pain/ tugging when she presses down on the tummy & tries to push up the womb. I also try to leave overnight but my boy doesn't like the smell & feel of the binder so he cries when I carry him. carry him cry, put him down also cry. quite frustrating. in the end had to ask hb to help with nite shift. poor hb didn't sleep much last nite. sigh. did u carry ur baby? got bathe or wash off the oil b4 u carry?
its not a norm to give massage lady angbao. i din give oso.

give her when she is abt to leave at the door, hehe. so u dun need to see her expression. i intend to give abt $40 coz she is my 2nd cl who works a few days for me only.imagine i need to give 2 cl a total of 2x2 angbao. and to me, anybao is juz a yi si yi si, since they oredi got the cl amt liao. how much u plan to give?

lush and jac:
how u settle your meals? u bring bb to mum's place or? i will handle alone after sun...wonder how to find time to bath and cook and eat, ha. maybe will slim down further.

i ordered fr melrose. 1 reason is coz only $50 is required for free delivery.
lush and moscato:
do u/did u have wild thoughts that your cl will/would take "something" when she leaves/left on the last day? things like 3-in-1 beverges, small items wifout telling u? or even drink your essence of chicken. my 1st cl...took a new toothbrush without asking us. the current one, bundle 7 3-in-1 tea together and leave in the kitchen cabinet. my 1st thought was... was she planning to put in her luggage when she leave? but i guess very hard to monitor what they take rite so long we keep our valuables properly...

if i have a choice, i dun want a stranger inmy house..all my cl would comment and interfere in my lifestyle. keep a lot of can food and flasks containing water they also wan to comment...they are supposed to take care of me and bb rite...haha...
Jkids: actually i plan to give $200 cos sometimes she helped to cook my #1 porridge. She is quite gd la, she even chg my bedsheets, wiped my windows. She cooked more cos my mum is ard but just more in quality or some non-confinement dishes that i can eat as well.

Now my mum said she wants to give her $50 on her own so maybe i cut mine a bit? Haa. I gave her $38 when she came cos she is not my original cl and a $50 for cny.

Oh ur cl took your things ah?like maids hor? Lucky not valuable stuffs. Having stranger at hm not comfy. 1 hand glad that cl can look after bb but on the other hand, i want my privacy and ways of doing housework and handling bb back.
jkids, I still have a maid now so maid will cook lo. but nothing fantastic la. even coffeeshop food is much nicer than what she cook. mabbe u can order tingkat for lunch? then get yr hb to tabao dinner home? think it's too much trouble to go marketing & cook now ba. maybe when bb bigger than can bring him out to marketing/tabao food/makan.
Hey Jac

My Gynae advised 3 months, but he said can do normal massage so long as is a prof doing for me, they will know which area to exert force and not to. I m gonna do on the 3rd week... shall see my wound... hopefully everything is ok... :X
oh man, I was thinking how much should I give when she goes, I alr give her a Cny ang bao when she started... abit reluctant to give her e second one given tt e cl's pay has taken CNY into consideration.

Do u intend to just give cakes or also bb shower? I m not sure if there is a need to give cakes whereby I already invited em for e bb shower....
Hi Mummy,

How are you?

I'm Yvonne here. Anyone interested hiring a confinement lady can contact me at this no: 9009 4481.

My mum and aunty are working as confinement lady. They are very experience, friendly and not calculative person.

Please don't be hesitate to contact me for any enquiries.

Thank you.
Jkids >>> have faith in yourself.. We woman r good at multi tasking.. I'm on my own since day 1 with hubby helping only in mornings and after work. My hubby will do my groceries for me since now not too convenient to bring bb out and I will just cook for myself lunch n inner for hubby n I. I express my bm so lotsa washing n sterilizing to do plus no maid means housework all DIY. As long as u plan well it's possible. I usually do the stuff when bb sleeps n when got extra time
Like now I can surf web n sleep. It's only chaotic whn a few things sudd happ at one time but end of day can settle n manage one... When bb cries n u in the midst of sth c what it's for but most of e time can wait. Bb cry a while nvm one...
Dolphine: have to give 1 when they come, 1 when they go back leh...give a small one as yi shi yi shi lor.

i give 1 when mine came..then cny 1 more..now got to give 1 more..

Bianz, heard Dr. Lilian at Kids' Clinic at Rivervale Mall is good..

But queue super super long...take queue no., go home and wait for the nurse to call you then u head back to clinic.
jkids, i actually ordered another 7 days of confinement food fr natal essentials. Haha MIL say its good to continue eating those. After the 7 days i will probably ask my own mum to cook for me.. Which means i will need to go home to stay a few days.. Am thinkin abt that.

Jkids, ya we were also paranoid abt her taking things, but I dont think she will valuables, maybe jus take an extra piece of meat to go home to cook or something.. She seems to be those lazy eat snake kind... cos she like always v happy if my Mil is nt around. She will sit there watch tv. Anyway we jus lock up the valuables to play safe.

I tried to bath bb for the 1st time today, wa i dont think i can handle on my own! Haha was so scared of bb slipping, then was at a loss cos have to hold bb with 1 hand then swiftly cover her with a towel with another hand, then tshirt all wet already. Lucky MIL was there to help me, cant imagine doing it alone :p hopefully practice makes perfect.
Thanks jkids, will check out melrose as well.

Dolphin, me not intending to have baby shower, just a small gathering for family members. Will be buying the cakes for office and friends who gave ang paos. Don't really like too many people carrying baby since he is still so fragile. Maybe a 1 year birthday party would be better
Hi mummies,

I've the following to let go:

- Tiny Love Musical Mobile $65
- 3 tins of Similac Mum (exp Oct'13), $12 each (*$30 if taking all 3 tins)
- 2 tins of NAN 2 (exp Oct'12) $10 each
- 1 tin of Gain IQ (exp May'12) $10
- 2 tins of Mamil Gold 2 (exp Oct'13), $15 each (free tin of 400g)
- Lamaze Gardenbug Foot Finder & Wrist Rattle Set @ $10
- Avent twin electronic breast pump full set $350

Kindly PM me if keen/ for pics, thanks!
yes practice makes perfect. once u are done bathing bb, u wil find yourself fully sweat! i hate the bathing part. i din try, juz look at how the cl do. abit rusty now but i thnk i cam do it (slowly)haha

does your bb at this pt still sleep soundly? coz if bb keeps wanting to be carried...very hard to do housework. so any frustration u have or u are very steady?

all cl would expect 2 angbao leh...its their practice...maybe u dun give and see whether your cl would say anything when she leaves...:p

i might end up with tingkat dinner coz my hubby need to fetch the elder one from ano place and wun be back home early. its the lunch...maybe juz anyhw eat, haha, doubt i have time to cook and wash for dinne leh, looking at how sticky my bb is

u are very generous...but y not..hehe... your cl has so much time ah...can wipe window somemore. think i need to get a pt maid to clean my kitchen liao.
most probably I will give still as m thinking of hiring her again in future... haiz... mayb 1414 lorz...

anyone doing baby shower for your baby? I sm thinking of doing one but don't give cakes...

u can try pine garden at AMK... was thinking of getting that or chozconfectionery...
Jkids: i abit paiseh la. Cos i swopped her from her original assignment. That one pay her 3.2k while i'm only paying her 2.7k as per agreed with my original cl.

She wiped on n off while bb sleeping. She also started cleaning up my kitchen now cos leaving on fri.

Is ur bb sleeping better now?
Jkids: I am keeping my fingers cross that the CL wont do that.. It's already cost us a significant amt to hire since our edd is near cny. How much Is ur CL fee? The first one u mentioned seems very good leh.

Well, It is coming to end of confinement for us so hope the next few days will be smooth sailing. It is not comfortable to have strangers around but at the same time, I dread thinking of doing evything alone after CL left.

Lush: I also had sweat when I bathed the baby. i still do not dare to do it alone without the CL around.

Dolphin: I think when they go back, we have to give as yi si. It is more like a custom and good luck purpose. The amt depends on how satisfied with her work.
I'm doing my bb shower next sat n I'm only giving cakes to relatives cos of their old-fashion thinking n upon my mum's insistence. Cos I feel no need give cakes since got celebration heez

Is Choz or kyo better? Any comments?

My baby's temperature is a bit high today, very worried that she's gonna have a fever..or issit just the hot weather today?
my bb shower is next sun...
u try not to swaddle her n check temp again... my niece also lidat, her temp went down after my SIL unswaddle her....

Tks, delphina... m also afraid of handling alone once my cl is gone, i haven really hands on changing clothes & nappies n bathing my bb... thinking of doing in the last few days... right now, m asking my maid to learn as much as possible fr my cl...
Hi mummies,
Anyone interested in infant swimming lesson? It's feature on Sunday times classified, can start fm 2nd month onwards Grp of 4 bb n mothers @ $28 per session of 30mins @ trainer's upper thomas hse pool, in case u interested we can form Grp of 4
bianz, my boy's seeing dr lilian lim @ the kid's clinic @ rivervale mall (sengkang). find her very detailed & patient in checking & explaining. will be going back to her for my boy's jabs.

jkids, y not get tingkat lunch & dinner?

dolphin, I had my baby full mth celebration over last wkend. buffet for sat dinner & sun lunch. gave cakes to relatives only. super hectic. so glad it's over.

moscato, i've got call from MFS. surprisingly they've vacancies at 183 punggol & 153 sengkang. muz start by 1st apr thou, my boy only 3mths then, but if don't accept the offer now then very hard to get in liao leh. will be going down with hb to take a look at the ctrs tmr & reply them by fri. u've got any calls from them? mabbe u can call HQ to check ba.

so far I haven't bathe my boy on my own yet. usually with my mum or hb. one person hold him, the other person will wipe him. my boy's always struggling & crying. already such a whirlwind liao. wonder how to do it alone. hahah.
bianz, I read that babies r still not very good at regulating their temperatures & prone to infection now. i intend to bring my boy swimming after 6mths ba.
Jac, mine is the same. I bathe him, my mum standby to hold him coz he cries n struggles wildly. Need 2 person to get him safely in n out of water.

V tired, my boy melt down in front of my inlaw coz he was roused from sleep. He cried no voice n had difficulty calming down esp with many people fussing to calm him down. My inlaw even asked me whether he is sensitive to lights n sound. Like he is a bb w special needs... haiz.
Babytum, so impressed by u. Doing everything by yourself.im also worried if i can cope with my baby and everything else. And whats more, I'm those who can't stay home type- guess have to curb that since baby is still too small to go out for too long and too far.
So far, I only watch how to bath baby cos can't touch tap water still giving me ache at the finger joints and knuckles... Anyone with the same problem?
Dekora: I got problem with my finger joints and knuckles too. But that's because i keep touching water during confinement. need to bathe baby, do washing etc. never employ maid nor confinment lady and my mum only help out during weekdays. now doing accupuncture and it seems to work
maybe you can try accupunture too.

Jac/Ritzc: I was quite lucky. My baby loves to bathe. From the very first day I brought him home from hospital, he never cry during bath time. he alwaysSeems very relaxed when put him in water. He will only fuss when we take him out from the bath tub because it's v cold. But once we wrap him up with towel and dress him, he's all right.
I guess no need to worry about bathing baby alone. Baby was in the waterbag for so many months in mummy's tummy, they should love to play in water too.

Bianz: My son is visiting Dr Allyson Tan from the kids clinic at rivervale mall. Not too bad. she's sharing clinic with Dr lilian.
will be taking their 6 in 1 vaccination package.
There are a few baby fairs coming up.

Baby Expo(17 to 19 Feb)
Baby Care Festival (24 to 26 Feb)

Any mummies going?

I wonder whether got the below exhibitors for the above fairs cos need to stock up supply. But cant find much information. Any mummy know where to find the exhibitor list?

1)Pigeon (wet wipes)
2)Dumex (Mamex gold)
3)Goon or Pampers (diapers)
mommies who give ebm to bb,

how much milk do they drink at 4 weeks old? for me, i gave my bb abt 80-90ml every 2-3 hrs.. went to pd ytday cos he caught the coughing virus.. the pd say i shld b giving him 75 ml instead.. 90ml too much meh? he also said, in between the milk feeds, if he gets thirsty, i shld give him glucose water.. 60ml water to half teaspoon glucose..
haizz.. tried giving him 75ml ytday nite he violently protested.. had to give my breast to him to suck til he feels full..
not easy taking care of a sick colicky infant..
need to vent cos im dead exhausted.

At 4 weeks, I also feed my son 90ml ebm every 3hr. Till night time, i will give him 90ml formula hoping he can slp longer. PD nv say it's too much leh.. She say my baby weight is growing well.

My boy is 7 weeks now. I upgraded him to 120ml to 150ml every 2 to 3 hrs. Sometimes he vomit out his milk. So i will reduce it to 90ml so that he can absorb better. Hehe.. I nv give my son glucose water, i gave him some plain water to quench his thirst. Cos my mum keep saying must let him get used to taste of water. Or else nxt time he wun want to drink

Btw, my baby loves to stretch his body, arms and legs violently & squeeze his poo during his feed. So sometimes end up vomiting out his milk. Does all babies do that? Or just my baby got this bad habit?
