(2012/01) Jan 2012

i did the GBS test during my last checkup at 32W.. it's like pap smear when doc take a swab for lab test.. gynae didn't mention that it's optional, she juz went "ok, today i'm going to do this blah blah blah for u".. but it's not included in my prenatal pkg so got to pay extra $$ for it..

Hi mummies to-be,

I have a Medela PISA for sale. Used for a month. Still got local warranty from The First Few Years. Comes with L size shields.
Looking at $350..interested please email me at [email protected]

oh... when do we know we need to take GBS?

my boss also not hiring temp staff to cover me.. she said my work will be split amongst 3 person, each one do a little bit..
I havent handed over anything yet as she said i can do so in mid Dec..

Delphina.. yalor.. I am v tempted to give birth in end Dec.. but just not sure yet.. because it's also true that bb will be very young & small when compared to other babies in 2011 next time. But then next yr is dragon year.. v sien to have to fight for school spots. Just hoping for bb to want to come out on her own in the last week of Dec!

Tomorrow Suntec having Baby Baby Fair.. duno worth to go to squeeze with the crowd or now..
i think its an optional test lei....
norm its done in the final trim, after 36 weeks.

dont go la.....rest at home better....so many ple to squeeze with. dangerous for our big tummies :p
Lush : yeah very sianz to fight for spot and a bit waste of 1 yr if just difference by few days. i think at the beginning, the kid will struggle a bit, but in the end will catch up..

Btw, the baby baby fair at stc- i think it will start on fri 2 dec right??
re gina ford: we tried for my girl. failed miserably. now she's 20 months, i still have to lie with her to pretend to sleep about 10 min then she will fall asleep. dunno whether to try again for this one. think of the screaming and crying also i cannot tahan already. whoever want to follow gina ford, also must remember that the main caregiver must be the one that does it. so if going back to work after ML, then grandmother must be willing to follow. else also no point. if go IFC, can forget it.

lush: i was induced but end up cannot dilate and emergency caesar. after that read that first time mothers induced labour have a higher rate of c section. a little bit regret induction but it was 'medically indicated' so hb say lan lan. i'm also 34+ weeks, booked a date for elective caesar after xmas, before 30th. =) hey, we got same EDD.

jingles: ya, i also cannot tahan the pain. early on got pain only i start take epi. cannot imagine going thru hours and hours of labour pains. however, with epi i vomited and was very sleepy so slept thru some of my 12 hours of labour.

catherine: some ppl say try durian can increase weight of baby. but i thought 2.2kg at 34 weeks is 50% so shd be ok ba. most ppl don't want such a big baby, hard to deliver.

vanessa: end up at night i pump and my hb bottle feed cos pump/bottle feed take 20 min in total. latch she take 20-30 min each side to drink, so for the extra few min of sleep, i pumped at night and latched in day
bianz: did you try laying down more? It's makes a difference between laying down & sitting up. Avoid wearing too muhc flip flop sandals, but FitFlop is fine to me. I invest in good pair of walking shoes like Clarks. You can feel the difference too
jingles: i had a frend oso asking abt birth plan..i was saying..simi birth plan..just lie on the bed..open ur leg and push..

Recently i had heard of a few cases where the mummies did not dilate enuff n end up c-sect..so worrying..
hi all

have delivered my baby princess yesterday morning ^_^ she is 34wks n 2.13kg a bit light but happy she is 48cm long. Hope she can gain weight fast. All e best to e rest of e mum waiting to deliver

have a smooth deliver n a healthy baby ^_^
Hi Preggy ladies,

My first time to see this thread and got a lot of info!! I'm on my 34th week, edd around Jan 4-7, but my gynae told me by 37th week onwards(Dec 17) it will be ok to give birth... just hoping it's gonna be after Christmas as I don't wanna spend Xmas in a hospital

This will be my third baby, I already have twins (girls) now 3yo, delivered vaginally at 37 weeks. So I'm hoping to have a normal delivery again.

Would just like to get some advise where to get cheaper Graco pack n play & strollers aside from the Kaki Bukit hyper stores there? Any dept store having discount for baby items now?

Where can I get a postnatal massage with home service?

Sorry for the epic intro

Goodluck to your pregnancy and hoping we all have safe deliveries and healthy babies!!
tuete_cottage: Congrats mummy !! Is this your #1 ? Delivering at week 34, not consider as pre-mature right ?

Jia You and do well for your confinement
hi mummies.. my bb also small sized, 1.6kg++ at week 32.. doc also ask me to eat more!! haha

btw anyone of u buying the bean pillow for bb?
do u all know where to buy and how much? hee.. ;p
Mummies are you all ready for the confinement ?

I'm planning not to wash my hair for the whole of my confinement until the day before I celebrate ym girl's baby shower. I know it's disgusting, but i rather choose to believe than not to. 1 month before my EDD, i will get my hair washed adn scrubed weekly at the salon. Bathing wise, i will only start on my 3rd week with the herbs, Choose the 3rd week becase of stitches (hopefully normal delivery)

As for the food wise, my maid wil be preparing them. Got to train her to cook them now, otherwise i will flip if she anyhow cook. I hate pig's organs but many were saying pig's kidney and stomach is good for the mummy during confinement.

I will try as hard as i can to slp in non-air con with fan not blowing at my direction as my room is pretty squuezy with my hubby, #1 girl, maid and myself. Think will be tough to pump milk at night with my maid. Otherwise (my girl can't slp without it & will request for air con), I will slp with long sleeves, long pants, socks, jacket with a hook. this is to make sure i don't catch a cold.

What about the rest of the mummies? Are you prepared for the confinement as well? For those who are not doing catering, how much do you set aside for the food. Since it's CNY period, the price of the food confirm will shoot up
emmeline, i tried not to wash hair for 7 days during my #1 confinement, i cannot stand it on the 8th day haha.. very oily and itchy leh.. i tried dry shampoo, it helps for a day then start to itch again.. u must really endure if u choose nt to wash ur hair..

I started bathing on the 8th day too.. then alternate days.. using herbs.. wash hair too.. ;p

i slept in aircon room.. my mum say aircon better than fan.. and hospital also on aircon 24 hrs ma.. hee... ;p
i just came back from my Wk 34 chkup, bb still underweight. 1st scan abt 1.9kg..then doc re-scan, abt 2kg.

Asked me to eat more and eat durian..

tuete_cottage: congrats! how come bb decide to see the world so early? natural?
i am planning not to bath for at least 2 weeks. but still will wash face, dry shampoo hair as well as wipe body with moist towel if bth.
gg to drink the dates tea also...will be calling mom to stand by to boil for me so tat upon in hospital can drink tat liao.

drink more milk also? think tat will help to gain fetal weight.

congrats being the 1st mommy here
jingles: yup, i have been taking maternal milk every morning now...now got to increase to 2 times i guess.

guess i didnt get enough rest after moving out to stay on my own. Bb was doing well before that, abt the same weight as jie jie..after moving house, his weight gain slowed down.
u poor thing lei..i think u stress urself too much for the shifting already.
try to rest well for the last few weeks...hopefully with more rest, bb can develop more fats


Condition: 9/10.

Please pm for picture if you are keen.

Am gg for my check-up tonight. Hopefully everything will be alright.

Moscato: I think after u rest in the next few weeks and eat more, bb should be okay.

Jingles: I am thinking to write birth plan and indicate if i have special preference on the birth process. There are some templates online and can customize.

Tuete: Congrats to you !! Enjoy motherhood ^*^

Re: confinement
I am also not engaging catering. Will get the CL to cook for me. As this is my 1st time, I am also not sure how much to set aside plus it's cny period. Maybe $1000 per mth excluding the herbs? This is for my food,CL, and hubby too. What do u all think?

Abt bathing, my CL seems to be okay with me bathing everyday (from our con) but I will see how my condition goes.
Btw, I heard dry shampoo can cause hairdrop. Anyone heard abut this? Any good brand to recommend that doesnt cause hairdrop and where to get?
u mean the 1k is for food? wahhh tats quite alot lei....ur CL will be cooking seperate dishes for ur hub ah? that is v nice of her.
Jingles - yes for food. my friend said everytime the CL goes to market, can cost $200 and only last for half a week. I am also worry $1K is not enough for cny period. Any mummy here can comment?

I asked my CL before if she is okay to cook different dishes for my hubby's dinner- she said Ok. Hopefully she will be good. I let her decide if she want to eat normal dish or confinement food.

Moscato- jia you!!! 2.5 more days to weekend.
yes i think 1k is not enuf. may hit 1.5-2k.

if dun cook seperate food, hubby may have nose bleed and sore throat, confinement food is for us only
Mamy poko 72 pieces S size 
Selling $20 each

Huggies newborn 2 pack 24 pieces + 27 pieces loosen pieces
Selling all for $18 

Huggies s loosen pieces 65 pieces
Selling all at $16

Interested pls email to [email protected]
Self collection at Jurong point
maddie, i also wish to latch in the day & pump at night, but i heard bb who are bottle-feed EBM might have problem latching on after that? did u encounter any difficulties?

tuete_cottage, congrats!! abit early at 34W? hope mummy & baby are both doing fine! take care!

twinny, maybe u can try looking for stroller, etc at the baby baby fair at suntec this weekend? there are quite a few postnatal massage services ard.. agency ones, u can try babies bellies, holistic & traditional post-natal centre, origins jamu, etc.. freelance ones, u can check out adverts/recommendations in this forum..

liv, i got my beansprout pillow (baby beannie -> http://www.babybeaniepillow.com/baby_beannie_pillow.asp) from kiddy palace at ard $25-30, abit ex, but read that it's good.. so.. got other cheaper ones sold at kiddy palace (cheeky bon bon, etc), spring maternity, or BP section as well..

moscato, think u need to rest more.. stress can affect bb's weight gain too leh.. can also try eat more durian, beef, hot chocolate/milo, cheese, etc?

re confinement, not getting CL.. food will be catered by confinement catering, housework will be done by maid, bb will be handled by hb for first 2 weeks.. think will TRY not to bathe (but will wipe down with wet cloth) & wash hair for 1st week ba, but seriously doubt that i can do it.. otherwise will bathe everyday & wash hair every alternate day using hot water & herbs..
ya..but some CL dont cook for hub. They will say help only for bb and mom. Hub got to eat out lo...so it all depends on wat kind of CL you are getting..not all wan do extra mile.

yes...cos the teats on bottles and latch, its diff texture and feeling. Some advise me to use latex teats when doing breast feed. Cos thats the most similar to our mammaries
jingles, mrs wong bb sort of implied that it's not true that latex teats will help leh.. she advised that it's best not to give bb any bottle as long as u wanna latch.. but guess it depends on individual bb, some bb not so fussy so still willing to latch after having bottle?

maddie, r u also using latex teats?
Jkids: Wah then I better budget 1.5k-2k. Btw, did u let ur CL buy the herbs? Or we prepare 1st before she comes?

Jac: Where to get the herbs for bathing during confinement? Any specific brand that I should get?

Jingles: I think the CL also needs to cook her own meal, so I doubt she will eat all the heaty confinement food everyday. maybe can ask her to increase the portion for ur hubby as well. Just a thought.
delphina, i got the the herbs ("da fong ai" or "da fong chao") from fu hua medical shop.. sold in 1 big pkt of 10 small pkts, $20 for 1 big pkt.. better go buy early coz the other time i went they left with last 2 pkts only & the sales lady say these 2 mths alot of ppl giving birth..
yes...i also heard...best not to bottle and full BF is the best. well...jst got to see bb and condition...at times even if we wan full BF, conditions also dont allow.

Oh ya hor...kekeke i forget that she (CL) needs to eat as well :p
Breastfeeding vs bottle feed - it's better to stick to either one in the beginning so as not to create 'confusion' to the infant. If I recall correctly, the two methods r slightly different in terms of sucking. So if bb started w bottle feed, may take awhile to learn to latch on to breast again. We may get frustrated. But sometimes certain circumstances does not allow mom to breastfeed. Perserve if you can give breastfeed at least for 6mths! It's still the best.

Btw, for those who r delivering at Mt A, access to car park thru marymount rd is already closed. Only can go by Thomson rd and all parking by valet if I understand the Reno leaflet correctly or self parking at Macritchie reservoir n take shuttle bus, which is available daily except Sun!
hkbaby, wha! parking at Mt A sounds quite jialat too! my hb & parents r not going to be too happy with the parking.. parking is 1 of the reason y i din opt for TMC.. sigh..
Yes, Jac. It sounded terrible.. Also will deter visitors fr coming to visit us
wonder how bad it's going to affect the wards.. The Reno leaflet showed Reno at main lobby didn't specify if wards too! Mayb it will stop awhile during cny as workers usually take a break! If deliver then, mayb no noise n dust!

Jus had my gynae visit yday.. Bb only 1.5kg at 32wk.. Seems lightweight but doc says ok didn't ask me to eat more! In fact my wt went down 0.7kg! Strange! He says bb oredi moves her head down n usually will stay tt way more or less. Position will b more fixed ard 34 wk. He seems happy abt bb position. Thot it's abit early n shld still have room for bb to move ard. Hmm...
ya... my CL already stated very clearly & plainly that her role is jus to take care of mummy & bb.. so no cooking for hb.. sigh.. but perhaps also good that mil will come over to stay with me 3rd week of Jan onwards.. so maybe she can cook for him. He sure v happy to eat mummy's food everyday.

Mrs Wong said for the 1st mth, we should just bf and not bottle feed. If we need to feed at nite & mummy is too tired, hb/CL should just feed using spoon or cup so that bb will want to go back to bf. Otherwise they wont want us anymore.. hmmm... how to use cup to feed ah? how to gauge the flow? dont want to choke bb also... hmmm...

I got my bean sprout pillow from Carrefour.

Wow tuete_cottage, you're the 1st one amongst us to give birth !! Gong xi Gong xi!! how was the experience like??

emmeline.. you r v onz leh.. not bathing, not washing hair, no aircon and u r still going to wear long sleeves, long pants + jacket to sleep! wow.. I sure faint.. ;p
wow.. my bb was 1.9 at 32weeks. then now is 2.2 at 34weeks. & I have already put on 14kg!! arghh.. if only I can donate some out! ;p

oohh.. bb is hiccuping now.. can feel the vibration.. hehee.. bb why do you hiccups 3, 4 times a day? so much air ah. heheee
Sigh! Mayb tt's y I got to carry till full term! My #1 was 2.9kg at 40wk1d when delivered. So judging by the progress for #2 also full term again lor
think I shld eat more so tt bb puts on more and arrive earlier?? My bb also seems to hiccup quite abit but dun recall #1 had tt..
lush, i think bb slightly heavy better than light? i juz wanna donate out my (mummy's) weight.. hahah.. i also dunno how to spoon/cup to feed leh.. never buy spoon/cup also.. praying hard bf will go well..

hkbaby, mabbe coz u & your hb are both smaller built so bb tend to be smaller size too? my gynae had to keep on reassuring me that my bb is avg size (2.1kg at 32W4D) coz hb & myself r bigger built.. hahah.. my bb has been head down since 28W & din change since then, which is good la..
hkbaby, dun think it's true that bb heavier means arrive earlier rite? delivery depends on when the bb is ready to come out.. but if bb too heavy then probably have to induce earlier else bb might hit more than 4kg at 40W, which makes natural birth abit difficult..
Thanks emmeline,
had been in bed with feet up for last 2 days n feel slight better, till my next shopping trip... never imagine tat i will even drag shopping b4 tis... will demand my DH 2 wheel me next time.

I had invested in Ecco sandal which can be expanded to fit my swollen feet but also same results... cant wait for bb to arrive but logically it will be better for him to stay in since e real hard work will only start when he's out. console myself by saying that now is a more convenient way to enjoy his presence inside me thought =)
Wow emmeline,
admire your spirit to follow confinement practises, as for me more like how to wise up & cheat during my confinement =p

already told my DH to take my side should anyone comment abt me bathing / stay in AC room =p anyway will say it's personal hygiene as advise by doc, hee...
Bianz: Thanks for the recommendation on Boba carrier, will check it out!

Maddie: Think it's a good idea to pump and bottle feed at night..i'd also want extra sleep..hehe but see how baby reacts to the bottle bah...
emmeline >> u are really traditional!! for me, after i delivered my first one, the very next morning when i was off the bed, i zoomed straight to the toilet and washed my hair n bathe as usual. 24 hrs no wash hair i alr cannot tahan, just feels oily cos im used to washing daily. end of day confinement practices are all based on what we believe... for pp who believe, no harm enduring. for me, im the mordern ang mo thinking, so for my #1, i bathed everyday and after 1 week at home, i went out to shop for groceries on my own (hb kept buying the wrong stuff hm.. ha). i did not engage any CL or catering as i did not believe in them personally. so all i did was just to cook my usual soups for dinner (no herbs) and lunch wise, usually hb will help me da bao sandwiches.. i continue indulging in daily dessert treats to make myself happy during the stressful period.. so i had ice cream, ice kachang, cakes whatever...air con wise was an absolute yes for me cos my place nearby got reno so if i open windows i feel its too dusty anyway. so far i did well after the whole one month and i plan to do the same for #2. it helps that i did not stay with my mum or MIL so i could freely do what i wanted and believed. but when i tell pp what i did, everyone gimme the ??!! look.

bottlefeed vs breast >> i was v adamant following mrs wong that must latch first month then intro bottle but after mt #1 experience, i always advise my friends that each baby is diff and we shd learn to play by ear. thats the most impt. don;t die die wanna follow some pre set rules and make yourself diff. i ended up pumping after day 3 as i jut couldnt master latching (haha) and i never regretted. my baby belongs to the super chin chai type.. she drinks from breast, bottle, syringe.. aynything.. and seriously, i did not feel pumping affected my supply as i went on to breast feed her for a year. i was glad i was not too stubborn to insist on latching otherwise i would end up with engorgement as the milk couldnt fully b let out. i think an open mind is the most impt. don;t worry abt not being able to bond with baby. BF is just one of the 1000 ways to bond.. most of our mums all BF us but some of us are just not close to them now, isn't it?
Jingles: I have friend who uses latex teats and she commented some rubbery smell when they rinsed it with hot water. Is there any special brand of milk bottle u are using? NUK, Philips?
morning mommies

regards to small cup...think need to go and hunt...through one lactation nurse told me - the small cup they are refering to is as small as the ones we use to rinse our mouth wash with...till now i have yet to see where to find lei :p

morning mummies..

jingles: think u can request for the cup from the nursery before you discharge. Quite small and comes with a beak.

i requested for glass milk bottles before i discharged to store BM, in case pumping. But you have to buy your own caps for the bottles.
I so silly then..they gave me nipples shields for bf..and i didnt bring back when i discharged. thought disposable...silly 1st time mummy..LOL
