(2012/01) Jan 2012

twinny: OG is having storewide 20% + additional 5% for Maybank card members. Promo period 1 - 4Dec. You can take a look there.

Mummies, what did you prepare for the arrival of your baby? Shall we do a checklist to make sure nothing has been missed out

I got ready stroller
baby bathing products (Physiogel coz my #1 has eczema)
cotton balls (for poo poo)
at least 2 sets of new clothes, hats, mittens & socks (some belief that baby has to wear a whole set of new clothing when he/she first discharge from hospital & of coz another set for his/her baby shower)
cotton bud (smallest size for the ear, belly button)
Breast pump
Milk storage bottles
Laundry detergent - Kodomo
Wet tissues
Cloth diaper (to swaddle the baby)
Nail clipper (their nails grow really fast!)
towels (Aussion coz they are really soft)
bibs (plenty)
Bottle brush
Bottle cleanser - Tollyjoy
Gripe Water (to get rid of wind, in case)
Ru yi oil
Diaper cream - Destini
baby lotion

Need to get:
baby sling / baby carrier (optional)
milk bottle (not sure if any recommended brand. NUK is award #1 milk bottle for 0-6mths by Mother & baby. But each bottle easily cost $10.50!)
Infant formula (standby)
mini dustin (easily disposal of unwanted)
baby diaper (considering Giant, PetPet. Shall start with the lower quality ones & hopefully she can get used to it)

i will be using phillips milk bottle lo...if i gg to use NUK need to buy new bottles...also i think steriliser may not be able to fit....cos i heard phillips steriliser only can fit in pigeon or their own stuff

for the list
u may wan to add in a thermometer
Jingles: I have PM you my whatsapp no. Not sure if other mummies will be keen to.

Are you all on SingaporeMotherhood Live Chat? We are set a private group as well.
agreed with you leh..dun force urself to do BF..cos sometimes,circumstance don't permit..i oso alternate my boy with bottle n bf then..so far so good..somemore i oso give FM beside BM..dun put too much stress on ourselves..
hi mommies! hope everyone is feeling good today!

milk bottles: I bought Avent ones as recommended by my friends...

List: I got the Nasal Aspirator from Pigeon in case bb needs ot get his nose cleared
Also got milk strage bags instead of bottles co can stack up in fridge..my fridge not very big..i also got the calendular cream in case b gets rashes or accidentally scratch himself then can use this to ease it...if you're delivering in Mt A they will give you the bath tub to bring home, otherwise gotta get one and an anti slip mat.. will get the bath thermometer as well cos i am bad at gauging temperatures. The bes temp to have for bb's bath water is 37 degrees C. For those that bought cot, need to get bumper and fited sheets as well.. got them at OG 20% sale..quite worth it..

jingles: I just PM u my number for whatsapp
Hi Mummies,

I am at Wk35 now, EDD on 3rd Jan. Just want to share something on my preparation.

There is a Chinese medical hall at Kovan that have confinement soup package. The lady will advise the soup menu week-by-week. You can don't follow they full course, the price goes by individual herbal packs. They also sell the bath herbs at $2.50 for 2 pkts. Cheapest I found so far...

Because my mum will be doing confirnement for me so i did some research myself as CL is ex during Jan due to CNY.

Am glad to visit this forum again to see so many info shared by mummies. Keep going!
Hi Mummies, for preparation, I'm also thinking of ordering the Epi-No. However, you have to order this from Australia and it's not cheap.Not sure if most of you have heard of this, I can't find much discussion on this in Singapore forums. www.epi-no.com.au
It's to prepare the perineum for labour. More useful for first time mothers and the overseas hospitals really believe in this as it's not standard practise for them to perform episiotomies, not like in Singapore.
Just wondering if anyone has tried this?
i added you in the wassap group le

i think i know which one u talking abt..is it there is a flight of steps infront of the shop de?
Hi Jingles, yes. we should be talking about the same shop.

Hi cutebaby, it is at blk 210 Hougang st21 #01-237. Shop name shd be Herbs Health Ben Cao Kang Mu Pte Ltd... what a long name.. =) U are not engaging CL as well?

Anyone checked out caterers or full month cake packages? I thk the full month celebration shd be a headache for us as well cos during CNY, most shops are close.
afternoon mummies!

babytum, thks for sharing! totally agree with u! everytime i tell ppl i dun intend to get CL or follow traditional confinement practices then ppl always give me the "??!!" look & go "OH NO!! CANNOT LIKE THIS, ELSE WILL BLAH BLAH BLAH & REGRET LATER ON!!".. sigh.. will play by ear & see how it goes la.. most impt is not to stress ourselves & enjoy our new bundle of joy..

SQin, have u decided on the venue of the full mth party? think most caterers are open for CNY ba, juz that might be more ex.. most ppl use neo garden/ orange clove/ delihub (all same company), meihao99, four seasons, kriston, YSL, liang, chilli padi, etc.. i'm thinking of either getting neo garden or meihao99, which one are u considering? for full mth cake packages, the popular ones r sweetest moments, choz, e-creative, le precious, etc.. i'm thinking of getting from sweetest moments, how abt u?
moscato, did the hospital charge u for the glass milk bottles & nipple shields? besides the cup & glass milk bottles, what else can we request from the nursery ah? :p
Jac, juz do wat ur heart desire, others will comment but as long as u stand by it & DH support it...

my case is since my MIL suggest only taking care of bb in e daytime & we r taking e nite shift, i will insist on our own method of letting him sleep in other room with bb monitor, since mag expert also say tat it's good for both parents & bb but of course it will b tough initially when breastfeeding. my other friends also practise it & kid is more independent as a result.

but as expected, my mil will nag abt 'not right to let bb sleep alone' which we will juz say 'no choice since we will take care @ nite, we will follow our method' =p
last time i get my family to help me buy, she would tell me what to buy. my mum did my 1st confinement and she said CL food spent were quite a lot.

re CL:
hmn, when i engaged my CL last time, i actually told her right before i wanted to engage her that she needed to cook for my hubby as well. and they would charge higher amt accordingly one. if you tell her only when she is here on the 1st day, she may not be too happy, unless u tell her you will give her a bigger angbao hee. but this time round, there are more members in my famiy, i decided not to let her cook for my family coz the cny rate is already very high.
bianz, yah agree.. everyone is entitled to their own beliefs/methods.. u very hardworking leh.. i lazy to walk to another room to bf that's y putting the cot in my room.. :p
For full month cakes, I going for sweetest moments
hehe... Btw, is it halal? Might have problem if distribute to Malay colleagues...

Catering, I going for ysl. Food not bad and price reasonable

Anyone got gd recommendation for nice venue? Dun intend to hold at home cos hate to clean the mess.
jkids/ catherine, sweetest moments is/was halal-certified.. but saw this announcement on their website.. so might need to confirm with them ba..

19 Sep 2011, Mon

Halal re-certification is in process, so we are taking down the halal logo during this period.
Oh... As long as it's halal, even re certification ongoing, they wun change the way they bake. I think I will still get it from sweetest moments
Hi Jac and all,

yar.. probably consider Neo garden for catering as i engaged them for my ROM as well. I think meihao99's food also not bad as i tried it during my fren's party.

For cakes.. i thk sweetest moments is popular and nice. I actually checked out Pine Garden (AMK). $13.50 per box for 9 pcs of cakes. I find their cakes nice but they only open on the 10th day of CNY and can only collect on the 12th or 13th of CNY... so if my little boy comes out earlier, might be a little prob.

I guess I better call sweetest moments and some caterers to check out when they re-open during CNY... will u girls know if i have updates
went to see gynea today..baby is already 3.1kg!!! I don't know to laugh or to cry when gynea told me " you better dont eat too much".. the fact is..i only put on 8kg till now..so i havent been eating alot.. hubby very happy coz his little boy is big and strong.. i very worried coz i scare he too big for natural birth..
Hi Poseidon, how far r u into pregnancy? Already vry good 2 put on only 8kg to me

Hi Jac, I not hardworking lah juz my DH say he will bring bb over, though juz pray tat he can hear him :p tat's y spouse support xtremely important, but hope 2 do my shs of work too :p

We're juz hopeful tat our 'early hard work' will reap 'better life' in future :p
Wah! 3.1kg? Nice leh.. And best part is u didnt gain much weight. Hmm.. I gain 13kg, only 2.2kg went to baby... What u eat usually?
SQin, i've tried neo garden but not meihao99.. which one is better ah? neo is getting more & more ex, also saw complains abt the food quality getting worse.. so still deciding...

poseidon, congrats! 3.1kg is good weight ah.. somemore u didn't gain much.. well done! did gynae mention anything abt bb too heavy for natural birth, inducing early, etc?
Jac: nope, they don't charge me for the glass bottles. Helping them to clear space leh..haa..those glass bottles are those used to feed the bb in the nursery.

Not sure abt the nipple shields. I think it should be chargeable though i think they forgot to charge me.:p

i guess nothing else you can request FOC already. :p
hi all

its a c-section, wound is painful but happy to hear baby crying e moment she is out. im waiting for e wound to heal n baby to grow bigger. Lucky its rainy now so my confinement is not so hot without e normal shower. hope can last through e confinement without any ailments.

Cant take e normal confinement food now as need to wait for wound to heal else might be too heaty n bad for wound recovery.

Best wishes to the rest going to enter confinement period. ^_^
my EDD is 3 jan..so now is 36 wk bah.. gynea didnt mention anything about baby too big for natural birth or what lah but he just say "your baby a bit big..dont eat too much"

I eat normally..nothing special except durain once or twice..hmm wonder is it the durain.. Normally eat dinner at my mum's place during wkday and eat out during wknd..normal right?? Tell hubby i will stop eating all fast food/tibits/unhealthy food until baby come out and he keep laughing..argh..

very ke lian ley..baby too small cannot.. baby too big also worried..

I didnt ask my gynea if he will induce me early due to baby size anot..maybe will check with him during next visit which is 10 days later..but my dad who is a TCM physician told me most prob i will give birth early..based on his experience..
tuete cottage: just curious, is there a reason for the early delivery?

Ya now rainy days..so quite cooling to do confinement...
Wow Poseidon.. u only put on 8kg!! so envious! I think Poseidon u should be 35 or 36wks rite?

I'm like Catherine.. I have already put on 14kg, baby is 2.2kg at 34weeks. I think I should eat less! I usually take a normal breakfast (sandwich or a cup of cereal.. + fruit), lunch will be the usual portion (e.g. a bowl of noodles or a plate of rice), afternoon around 5pm, I will be hungry, so I will eat 1 or 2 buns or tau hauy. Dinner will be homecooked food (rice + some veg/meat/fish) and sometimes I will drink vitagen or eat fruit after dinner. Like to have sweet taste in the mouth after dinner, otherwise will feel queasy... Is it the same as what you ladies eat or am i eating too much? But if dont eat will feel nauseous leh... so usually I will try to eat brown rice or brown bread.

last week I went bellies & babes for massage, they were recommending this ganggang treatment for post-natal. Which involves you sitting on a chair.. and they will burn a pack of herbs on the ground.. and let the fumes steam your V area to tighten & detox. so interesting.. hhaha.. ;p
Poseidon, how heavy is ur bb at 32 weeks? I juz had a scan 2 days ago, my bb is about 2.2kg at 32 weeks, my gynae says too big n put me on strict diet for borderline GD. Agree with u that bb too small also cannot, too big also cannot. Mine gain like 200 to 400g since week 27, so I gotta really control less have a v big bb
poseidon, think probably is the durian ba.. heard is quite potent.. high sugar, high fats & all goes to bb.. i'm also abit worried that my bb might be too big for natural birth.. but juz see how it goes la, nothing much we can do too.. leave it to God ba..

lush, i'm like u & catherine.. already put on 14kg at 32W, so shld be more now.. my meals also more or less the same as u, but worse, i eat out for dinner & usually is mac, subway, etc & also been drinking lots of milo, hot choc & teh C.. telling myself muz control.. but.. sigh.. somemore i've slightly low bp so need to eat else will feel nauseous & giddy.. almost blackout once.. juz hoping that bb can quickly come out & my lifestyle (diet, exercise, etc) can go back to normal.. i tried ganggang b4 when doing spa at batam.. feels abit weird to have something smoking down there.. hahah.. the lady boss of baby bellies recommends ganggang for normal V birth, not relle helpful for c-sect..
RitzC, my bb was 2.1kg at 32W.. gynae say is avg leh.. never tell me to control my diet also.. hmmmm.. what kind of strict diet did your gynae ask u to follow?
RitzC.. For my little boy..32W 1.7kg 34W 2.2kg 36W 3.1kg.. hmm so i think your gynea is right that 2.2kg at 32W is a bit big..

you have GD??? GD will cause baby to be bigger than normal..i also curious..what kind of strict diet did your gynea ask you to follow..

Lush..your meal portion is normal..like mine..except in the afternoon i will eat 1 pcs of bread to tahan until dinner..hee the gap between lunch and dinner time is too large..i will feel hungry around 4pm

Jac..yes i also suspect is the durain..tell hubby i wont touch my fav fruit until baby come out..sad ley..i love durain!!!!
poseidon, wow your boy put on 1.4kg in 1 mth? hmm.. now i'm worried.. will mine hit 3.5kg at 36W? wha!! scary!! hahah.. my next checkup is on next sat, got to wait till then to find out.. on the durian part, REN!!! at most another mth to go nia!! jiayou!!
Poseidon n Jac, I'm only diagnosed w GD this week coz bb putting on quite a lot of weight since week 27, before that his weight was still within acceptable range. But more or less I know I have been eating a lot of high fat food for the past month coz I have pre term labor risk so thought I better fatten baby up in case he is premature. Anyway, GD is suppose to go off after pregnancy n my reading is borderline so no need insulin yet, juz strict diet.

Share w u my gynae's sample plan here, there's a lot of info coz it comes w food equivalents to substitute into the plan, but I will juz summarize here:

Breakfast: 2 slices of wholemeal bread, 1 egg, milk, margarine.

Mid-morning: 1 slice of wholemeal brea, milk

Lunch: Medium bowl of rice(12 tablespoons), 1 palm size (4 dessert spoons) of meat or fish, large portion of vege, fruit

Mid- afternoon: 1 slice of wholemeal bread or 3 tablespoon of oat, milk

Dinner: same as lunch

Supper: same as mid-afternoon snack.

Generally avoid laksa, chicken rice, lontong, fried carrot cake, mee goring, hokkien mee, nasi briyani, char kuay tow, roti prat a, yu char kuay, goring pisang, curry puff, ham chi peng, fried spring roll, deep fried chicken, ngor hiang, French fries, bubo cha cha, hashbrown, chendol, sweet beverages: malted milk drinks- Milo, horlicks, cereal drinks, flavored milk, cultured milk drinks, fruit juices, syrups, maternal milk.

So u see, I got practically nothing I can eat now. The substitutes for the meal plan are limited portions of plain thosai, congee, wholemeal crackers, plain soon kueh , chew kuay, potato, yam, peas, oats etc. Haiz, going to stick to these for the next 8 weeks forsake of slimer bb.
Ritz: you can take this diet positively. at least you won;t be gaining too much of weight too, easier for post natal slimming
Let me try this diet too ... haha! I'm taking too much staples & unhealthies
Hi all,
any suggestion which milk bottles to get, since I'm keen to breast-feed but also wish to express into bottles for DH to feed since he wants some bonding time with bb.

But concern abt e confusion when bb is sucking, since heard tat once they try bottle which has a smoother flow they will tend not to latch on for breastfeeding =p
Hi Poseidon, my boy's EDD is same as ur baby. When I visited the gynae at wk34, she felt my tummy and said, Big baby! So she expected he was 2.5kg at that time, but turned out to be ~2kg lar. Dunnoe his weight now cos gynae din measure him again 2 days ago. To date, I put on 13kg alr!
Just to share - I think sometimes its not say we eat alot baby grow alot and vice versa.. Sometimes its how much baby absorbs.. so for those who still want to eat durians, i think it's fine. Im a naughty mummy.. I take 3/4 pint of ben and jerrys DAILY! its like a must.. if not i feel so unsatisfied and grouchy. But i do monitor my weight. So far im doing fine so i continue this bad habit.

My #1 was like 3.5kg at 39 weeks and I was so scared it was too big. Gynae says its not the weight that matters. It's the bone structure. Like us adults if we weigh alot but bone structure small, natural birth should not be an issue as the extra weight might just be fats.. Vice versa you can have a 3kg baby but head big, shoulder broad... I was a 4.5 kg baby myself and i was delivered naturally.. mum says no issue!
RitzC..basically no unhealthy food..didnt expect maternal milk, malted milk drink and cultured drinks to be in ur gynea's list..

Jac..yes..scary right..must be the durain!!!
babyturn..i think what shock my gynea more is both my hubby and i are consider small size..both of us are less than 1.6m..

SQin..which hosptial u going?
Oh my god....4.5kg and delivered naturally?How did they do that??
my 2nd was 3.8+kg when born...no time to epi at all....:>fainted leh....I have low tolerance level one....haiz...
thanks for sharing. i also have high sugar level, but my gynae not as helpful, so i had to go find out myself wat i can eat/cannot eat. but at times i am also not disciplined lah...hope things will turn out ok when i go checkup tomorrow.
poseidon_gal >> my hubby and i also small.. and baby was 3.5kg at 39 week but then again don;t forget the machines have some error rate, so your baby might be 10% lighter anyway. I was so scared need c-sec but my gynae's philosophy is just try first... Cannot then say. Cos it's really the structure that determines whether easy to come out or not. Some pp weigh alot but don't look like it..

Jac.. my next gynae is also next Sat.. Im also very scared about bb's weight. Cos my tummy is quite big.. everyone says that my tummy is huge.. -_-

RitzC, think we will need to take more brown stuff. & more protein. Ohh.. can eat Chwee Kuay & Soon Kway not bad.. heee.. I luv that too! :p
I feel that milk (esp maternal ones!) & eggs are potent weight gainers.. I try to cut down on milk too, but I simply luv my cereals.. v tong ku.. ;p

Soy milk without sugar is ok rite? That one has more protein & less/no glucose.
