(2012/01) Jan 2012

ok, this post has got nothing to do with pregnancy la.. but i just want to rant abit... my sister in law is ANNOYING!! wah, cannot take it sia, seeing her behaviour! blah!

OGTT - oral glucose tolerance test. That is when I ate a stupid fillet before the routine test and the litmus (for sugar) changed color -.- and i need to go for that OGTT...then i got a heart attack of few weeks leading to OGTT, worrying i have diabetes and suffer the stupid jabs from the nurses as I got to draw blood at 2 hrs interval
cos for the 2nd draw, they could not draw out the blood anymore.

That is why after the incident, I am v cautious about glucose intake...

errr....cannot drink coke cos its cold and got lots of sugar ah!

wat happen?
jingles: *gulps* okok i will stop drinking coke! ice lemon tea is better? or same same? now i am drinking lots of plain water convincing myself that this will dilute the coke in my stomach. lol. shucks.

silsilly: yeah what happened? dun get so agitated!!
dont worry la...guess once or twice is ok bah...but coke and lemon tea is same....cos also alot of sugar lo..best is plain water, milk or mineral water bah
look at the position of the baby's knees when he is in the carrier. for bjorn-type of carriers, baby's legs are dangling and the angle of his knees is >90 deg. In a beco/ergo type carrier, baby is in a sitting position and his knees are at 90 deg or less (like how we sit in a chair).


you can really see the crotch dangling position in the front facing position, which is actually not recommended for babies as it is bad for spine development
Alicia: Ya, coke contains caffeine and like what jingles said it's cold and very high in suagr content. But in moderation shld be ok. Ice lemon tea too - in moderation
jingles and adeline: okay i will take note. i drink like 2 - 3 times a week so i hope it's okay! lol. thank u!

echo: thanks for sharing!!
sorry but i'm abit slow in this..so you mean the first 2 pictures (with baby facing us) is a better carrier. the crotch dangling position look uncomfy!
moscato: no leh i dont have low lying placenta..that's y panicking now..i shall monitor from now till the time i knock off if there is an increase in discharge..if so i will go gynae tonight, if not then prob will monitor overnight and see how..

jingles, Alicia: Thanks!

echo: thanks for the explanation! there's so much to learn being a new mommy manzz.. so many comparisons to make..hehe

Alicia: wahhh mac's ah..make me wanna eat also lor.. just had fries with cheese dip after lunch cos my lunch was not filling at all...haha..feel so sinful now.. no good to drink any form of soft drinks or tea bah... i usually ask for milk or hot milo and dilute it with lots of water cos their milo can be too sweet sometimes..
i think the ones on the left is the incorrect one...the one at the bottom is actually same as the left pic..only its front view. The one of the right is the correct one lo
yup jingles is right. the left pic is the same carrier as the bottom pic, just that it's different positions. generally, if the carrier can be used into toddlerhood (up to 20kg), means that it supports good spinal development. these are carriers like ring sling, pouch sling, soft structured carriers (Ergo, Beco, Manduca, Patapum), wraps (sleepy wrap, moby wrap).

you can visit this website: http://www.babyslingsandcarriers.com/
They have a shop in Square 2 and the sales assistants there are very knowledgeable and helpful.
vanessa: ok..u rest well and minimise your movements..rest in bed will be the best.

mac: i always order ice lemon-tea when i take mac..cant take their milo when in 1st trimester. I go kopitam can only drink milo kosong, cant stomach in ice milo or hot milo with milk. Anyway i still drink teh-o every wkday morning. :p felt so bad..not so disciplined in this pregnancy.
i will share 1 cup with my hb during breakfast. or else dont know what to drink leh (oops..excuses..LOL) since gynae & sinseh said 1 cup a day is fine.

weekends i will dutifully drink my maternal milk.
cheer bear
i bought my Beco from Agapebabies. I think they have a thread on the BP forum. It's much cheaper than going to Baby Slings & Carriers. But of course, got no one to show you how to use, although there is an instructional DVD that comes with the carrier.
vanessa, moscato & jingles: waa you all are quite disciplined already..i think i am the worst. i drink tea every alternate days, have my soft drinks 2 - 3 times a week, have fast food at least once a week. stopped drinking milk for awhile, now i try to drink at least a bottle of fresh milk everyday. oh no i suddenly feel so sinful and guilty towards babyy

echo: thanks for all the information..very helpful
so great to have experienced mummies around hehe!
carrier: previously bought 1 baby bjorn but sold it after few used. buy $299 sold $100.

my thoughts if u are the small build, can forget abt it cos by bb 6 months old they are like 8kg and abv. our shoulder and weight cannot take it. also for baby bjorn, cos of the safety features, its difficult to manage on your own.

my another friend, she is medium to big. she got one of the light weight and cheap ones she is happy with it.

my friend whom i sold too, also like it cos they can take the weight.
Alicia, high-five! but think I worse than u.. weekday & weekend without fail, I need my daily dose of teh-C during lunch/ tea break else can't function at all.. & also have Mac at least once a week coz that's one of the few stores that's still opened after work.. I usually have macgrill (grill chix) & change the fries to corn thou to reduce the guilt.. but I'll have hot/ice milo or hot choc (from Mac cafe).. sigh.. guess that's y me & bb r on the heavier side.. no discipline at all.. eh, anyone worse than me? heehee.. kidding..
If really wan drink milk best to drink those for mummies de.... More nutrients

Teh c got a lot of sugar ah! Rem to work it out so can burn out the sugar.. Also maybe can ask for skew dai... Less sugar
yup that's the BP that I bought from. Gemini allows for front facing, but Butterfly can only do rear-facing. I read that front facing is not good for baby's spine development and may cause them to be over-stimulated. So I chose a Butterfly instead of Gemini.

if you get a good carrier like Beco, you can comfortably carry baby until they are toddler stage, >10kg.
jingles, I like my teh-C to be sweet & milky leh.. heehee.. its like a treat for a hard day.. but I try to be more hardworking when it comes to exercising.. try do prenatal yoga, swimming & fitball once a wk..

carrier/sling/wrap: I'm thinking of getting the pupsik sling or sleepy wrap for the first few mths b4 transiting to stroller when bb gets bigger & heavier.. anyone got experience using these 2? which one better, more comfortable for bb & easier to use?
I have both a wrap and a pupsik pouch sling. Wrap has a steeper learning curve, compared to a pouch sling. sleepy wrap is made of stretchy material, so cannot use for too long (maybe ~6 months) as baby's weight will cause the cloth to sag and makes it hard to tie it tight. i used my pupsik pouch from NB till 9 months - my girl used to love sleeping in it. quickest way to get her to sleep. So you may want to consider a pouch sling, if you wish to continue using the carrier as baby gets older.
i finished my dinner half full only coz of my tight stomach, i couldnt eat more. now i am hungry, but stomach still tight, how to eat. (juz when i was finishing the last sentence, i rec a hard kick! muz be protesting its hungry!)
Hi Jan mummies, hopping over from Feb thread to check if any of your gynaes tell you they might not be around to deliver during CNY? My gynae mentioned yesterday and said if I want to look for other gynaes who will definitely be around, I should... sigh, need to start looking and visiting new gynae maybe :/
I also like :p
i have been lagging on exercise lately...stop swimming totally :x used to swim 4 times a week before preggie and twice a week....think got to start working on it soon

i also encounter this prob...sometimes i feel like eating a bit more but the tummy is just too tight lei..

hmmmm then i think better start looking for new one...at least ur gynae is responsible to tell you so many months in advance!
I think I win hands down. I need an expresso to get started every morning. And if I'm having a terribly bad day, another cup to perk me up in the afternoon.
I do make sure I take all my vits and supplements daily. But I figure a sane & operating mother is definitely better for the baby than one who's cranky from caffeine withdrawal
echo: your girl can sleep in pupsik ah? when i put my girl in, she seems so cramped with her legs folded. Initially thought i bought the wrong size, went back to the shop, the salesgirl said i shouldn't change to a bigger size cos it'll reach my hip bone so will strain my shoulder. End up i only used when i can hip carry her.

jac: only disadvantage (i feel) about pupsik pouch will be catered to your built so cannot share with your hb. He has excuses not to carry the baby..Haha..if bb carrier like Beco, guys can use. As for slings, i think most papas don't like ba. :p

when bb is heavier, u can still use sling/pouch, by hip-carrying them. In fact i prefer to bring my pouch out, compared to stroller. Cos i cant manage my stroller well in/out escalator and troublesome to shop ard in small shops.

chewie: depends on your preference. If gynae is not around, they will pre-assign another gynae to attend to you during their absence. If you are not comfy with that, then better change now. My gynae will be away during Xmas, only be back ard 01 Jan. i also hope my bb will wait til he is back. Must tell bb.
my girl liked the cradle hold in her first few months but preferred the tummy-to-tummy hold later on. But this hold is easier to use in a ring sling than a pouch sling, esp when bb is small.

Tummy hold in ring sling

Tummy hold in pouch sling

Cradle hold in pouch sling
jac: lol high 5! that time i went for detailed scanning, doctor told me baby has chubby tummy and told me to eat healthier lol! i was so embarassed lor haha..naughty mama. =p at least you change to mcgrill and corn ah..for me mac is not mac w/o fries so.. :x haha. 1 cup of tea per day is not an issue..my gynae says can drink 2 - 3 cups of tea. must still pamper and treat ourselves on and off yea

jingles: haha i just went to try the anmum sample packet last night! the previous one i tried (enfamum i think) was so gross that i puked and swear off mummy's milk for awhile. anmum's quite nice so i was very happy while drinking hehe! but i tried the chocolate flavoured one lol..it should be fine if i buy the chocolate ones instead of the normal ones right? mornings easier to drink bottled milk

chewie: your gynae is very responsible to let you know earlier on! at least you are prepared for it. dun fret over it and discuss with your hubby yah

birdbrain: i so agree with you..a sane mum is better than a cranky mum lol! so must still listen to what our body needs!!
echo:my girl always look awkward in cradle hold position, like squashed up..:p

i think i might have to sell away my S size and get a M size this time.
Hee.. The few of us r 'naughty' mommies.. After the posts here last nite, I also can't resist n went to da bao kfc since I have some coupons
but end up the original chicken is quite dry such a disappointment!
used to love teh c now I drink on alternate day but it just doesn't taste the same anymore! Waiting for my normal taste bud to return looks like it will prob b af I deliver! As long as eat or drink in moderation it shld b fine lah.
Haha. I used to be very disciplined during the 1st few months of my pregnancy. But after I started eating my first scoop of ice cream 1 month ago, I've been craving for it and eat it once every week! Following which, all the fast food came into picture and I eat them quite often too! Oops!

Alcia: Same! Mac is not mac without fries for me too! :p
yes i also drinking choco milk...i hate to drink warm milk lei..so to motivate me..i guess got to drink flavour ones..if not i will dread drinking it lo...

me too! my taste buds have gone cranky. Love to eat chicken rice and eat bananas...but duno why whenever I eat these 2 now, they will taste v funny to me lo.

hmm now i am abit worried...think i should ask my gynae if he is gg on leave during the festive period....
mommies good morn!!

working from home today..so tempted to eat fast food for lunch later, complete with ice cream! hehe

thanks for all the info on baby carriers and the various slings. prob will drop by Square 2 to take a look at the actual stuff before deciding which one to get. My hubby would wanna carry baby too so cannot get the complicated patterned ones..haha..so boring right...

wanna check with you mommies if during the hospital stay do you wear disposable undies or normal undies? and for maternity pads, how many packets do you get? thanks
i wore disposable undies till no more blood.
Haha... too lazy to wash!

As for maternity pads, i bought the sofy ultra long ones. Think 45cm. Can't remeber how many i used. But was pretty fast, ard 5 days no need to use liao. Coz mine was csec, so gynae actually cleared quiet alot for me. So not much blood left to be discharged.
hkbaby, vanessa & adeline: lol i see that we are all fast food lovers!!! gosh! now i am tempted to eat ice cream!! hahaha :D

vanessa: so good to work from home!! anyway how are you today? everything ok already?

jingles: hehehe ok then i guess i will go buy one tin of choco milk to drink! yah those normal warm milk are so erk. i guess they have choco flavor for a reason!

(X): i just ate that yesterday! lol but super sinful cos very very oily :x
i brought normal undies for my hospital stay cos i felt it's more secure than disposable. But in the end the nurse gave me TMC ones when she changed for me (supposed to charge but i dont think i see it in my bill). It's stretchable and blood stains easily wash off and dry easily. I brought those back & intend to bring them along for this delivery.

for pads, i use kotex overnight pads (cotton type), think 38cm long type. When in hospital, the nurse used 2 pads at 1 time for me. dont ask me how she did it cos i forgot liao. :p
echo & moscato, thanks for your advice! guess i'll go for the pupsik sling instead of sleepy wrap since i'm looking for something that's easy to use & suitable for NB.. the ring sling looks abit more complicated compared to pupsik pouch sling which is one-piece leh.. but ring sling is adjustable & hubby also can use? hmmm.. for the sling, which is the best position to carry a NB (without neck control)? cradle hold? i'm worried that he might suffocate if i carry in the wrong position..

birdbrain, my tots exactly.. a sane & operating mother is better than one that is cranky & sleepy.. i suffered from caffeine withdrawal too.. used to have at least 2 cups of old town kopi a day.. now 1 cup of teh-C a day is the best i can do liao..

alicia, my gynae say teh, teh-C, teh-O, etc very potent.. max 1 cup a day leh..

chewie, so far my gynae din mention if she'll be away.. but i already paid my prenatal pkg in full & it's non-refundable.. hope she doesn't pull a fast one on me.. fingers-crossed..
(X): Thanks for sharing
will get maternity disposable undies to save the hassle then~!

Alicia: yah wanted to monitor if anymore discharge so req to work from home
so far till now no more brown discharge..hopefully it stays this way!

moscato: thanks for sharing
the nurse at TMC gave you disposables that can washed and re-used?
Vanessat > they will give u 1 disposable panty. Its like a shorts type, netted with holes
I bought a few of them from TMC pharmacy. Around $4 each. You can take a look.
vone/moscato, shorts with netted holes.. very hard to imagine.. aren't disposables supposed to be worn & thrown? how come still can wash & reuse?
Jingles & Alicia - eat better then dun eat, right? Tis pregnancy dun know y the healthier the fd the worst the taste. Top of the list: milk, wholemeal bread, enriched white bread, oats, rice. All these taste bad. In contrast n to my surprise, fast fd, fried kway teow, fried carrot cake (black) taste nice!

Jac - those disposable panties I used then were thin cotton type like normal cotton panty not those thin papery type we use for traveling. So can b washed n used again. Dries up v fast. But now I can't recall where I bought them..
jac: it's not paper material..it's cotton material. can wash & re-use type. I can take a pic if u want to take a look. Happened to bring in out from the box last wkend while searching for my nursing bras.
hello! you feeling better mar? did u see gynae yesterday? what did he say? hope everything is ok
for maternity pads, i decide to buy the one from kotex - its box pink in color and specifically states (maternity pads)

^5....i am also super duper on on fried carrot cake black color!!!!! I will eat that every sunday without fail lo

hmmm undies with netted holes...eh sounds v intriguing lei :p kekekekee post a picture so we do not need to visualise :p
