(2012/01) Jan 2012

me also one of the NEL mummies.. i stay at buangkok

i thought i was the only one

seems like we are in the same boat. MIL also cover backside and disclaim long time ago. She is not gg to help us with kids.
hahahaha i cant believe it...as we are talking now...AWARE's president is now commenting that there is a lack of IFC in singapore (extract from yahoo news)
really words bottom from our hearts
jingles: i'm trying to see if any friends going BKK can help to buy Naraya..hehe..much cheaper

Me staying in Sengkang near Rivervale Mall...not very far from Punggol..hehe
way to go AWARE president!! reflecting the issues we mommies face!! no wonder birth rate still so low! infrastructure not good enough!! :p

Jac: I'm hiring a maid too..think MIL alone cannot handle.. i'm also praying har no maid issues..have heard so much horror story!
by the way..wanna ask you all if doc ever prescribed cough mixture known as Dhasedyl (black cough mixture) to you before? I'm having dry cough..super itchy throat.. and doc prescribed this..but this med quite strong leh..will cause drowsiness.. but doc knows i'm pregnant...dunno if i shld take or not...worried leh...
Vanessa, u can pre-register your bb in My First Skool new branch. It's at blk 153 Rivervale Crescent, next to Rivervale Mall right? They provide IFC too..opening in Jan'12.

Hiring maid will be my last resort..if i can't cope..nowhere to put the maid while at work..haizz..
and of cos all the horror maid stories..and house already so small.
(X): you mean the MFS at Rivervale Crescent?
u mean the queue is too long so they dunt allow? or cos bb is not going to skool till 18months so they dunt allow to waitlist for 18months or more?
vanessa, wha.. hmm.. double whammy.. good luck to both of us then!! ;)

(X), the new MFS at Rivervale Cresent is only opening in Jan 2012.. u mean the waitlist is already full?

btw, i also watched the baby talk show hosted by Mark Lee yest.. one of the mummies complained that her previous IFC tied her daughter to a car seat the whole day.. then when she went to spot check on her daughter during lunch, the care-taker quickly transfer her from the car seat to a small play pan.. n another mummy who was there told her that her daughter was left crying in the car seat for the past dunno how long liao.. IFC sound so scary too.. sigh..
Jac: whhhaat?!! infant tied to car seat?! is that some sort of punishment for wailing too loudly??? ohhh dear! poor baby!!
vanessa, the care taker say her daughter is too active.. scared she fall down or hurt herself so tie her to car seat or confine to the small play pan lo.. quite poor thing hor.. tats the time when kids r suppose to learn how to crawl/walk n explore their surroundings..
yalor..that's the time they learn...if keep constraining, the poor kid's not gonna learn anything at all! aiyoooo~~ kids are supposed to be active mah... put them in infantcare for them to take care they dunt take care and even constrain them!! scary~~~~
Forgot to check back aft my last posting. -_-" lol! Erm, add me in fb then I invite u guys in. Its a secret grp tts y no one can see it. Most of us chat thr nw cuz easier to catch up.. here will tend to forget to check it.. My add is [email protected]
<font color="0077aa">jingles</font><font color="aa00aa">: the link you sent has got very nice and sweet decals.. a bit pricey compared to the only thread I came across on the BP section. If I don't rem wrongly, its around 20+ per piece.. Shipped direct from Korea upon ordering.. Sorry, i don't know how to insert a link here!</font>

<font color="0077aa">vanessa</font><font color="aa00aa">: I'm also thinking of getting the Ikea furniture. Surfed the Mothercare and Motherswork sites and I wanted to faint! Cupboards generally range from 700+ to 1+k, dressers not any better around 500+! Still deciding if I should splash $500 on a cot bed from Mothercare.. That's the only piece of furniture the babe comes into contact with (as opposed to cupboards and drawers) so I may pay a bit more for that..</font>

<font color="0077aa">jamie</font><font color="aa00aa">: I've just sent you a friend request on FB..

Any mom keeping track of the $$ we're spending on the babes? :p I'm slightly overwhelmed at how much they 'cost'.. And I'm not even halfway through the shopping yet.. <gulp></font>
morning mummies

kekekee my mum is staying around tat area too..is MIL taking care of only 1 kid? My mum will also be only taking care of 1 and will be getting her a P/T helper to do housework. You may wish to look at this option so that you can omit the maid?

ya la...its not right and sometimes the caregiver also wont know wat to do with it hence just settle on the easy way out, restraining kids -.-
I once went to check on ifc. 4-5 Babies left to cry in baby cots in an air con room. Only 1 adult in the next room with anoth 4-5 crawling, walking kids. Principle told me they sing to the kids during bath time when i asked her what activities they have for the kids. And told me to just treat it like a second home and bring what i had at home when i asked her for a checklist of things to bring. That's when i decided to get a nanny rather than ifc
Appleseed: Ikea's generally cheaper bah... Cot bed for $500?!! that's very expensive. I saw a decent cot at Taka baby fair priced at $299 that is made of pinewood and is able to last baby till toddler age as it can be transformed into a playpen as well as a toddler bed. I was already thinking twice cos of the price! hehe..don't think I will splurge so much for a cot cos if baby doesnt like sleeping in it...waste money..hehe.

jingles: yup..MIL taking care of mine only. Thought live in maid easier cos get to clean the house everyday instead of P/T helper's prob once a week. Also I don't think my MIL has the energy to take care of baby so she's here only to make sure the maid's not up to any funny ideas..hahahha.. If it's my mum taking care, I would opt for P/T maid like you...alas! not the case!

abt IFC: after hearing what you all share abt IFC, think I'd just strike it off my list! scary leh..

abt baby expenses: I don't really keep a record of it, but I know i have spent quite a bit already and the real shopping has not even started yet! hehe~ cost a bomb siaaaaa~~~
299 is quite reasonable...some cots I saw in Taka shopping cte (not fair) cost about 400++ so its ok....ya...alot of friends told me dont invest on too much either as some of them may end up not wanting to sleep in cot and confine in playpen when they grow bigger.

have you look at the list yet? kekekeke I guess I will looking at clothes cupboard first rather than cot :p
i think it's heng or sway whether IFC or nanny.
Some nannies not very good too..my friend's nanny didn't wash her son's sippy straw..it's all black &amp; mouldy inside.

own mother or MIL is the best but they might not be available or willing to help.

like my mum, she has been taking of my #1 but unable to do so for #2 cos joints started aching...my MIL also have aching problems..old age....
ya agree..its matter of luck..sometimes if you are in luck, u will get a v good maid also. Beats any IFC or nanny..

ya...its a round and round about prob, youngsters tend to marry later, plan family later, parents will get older and we have no IFC available
hope that AWARE is able to make this prob known and ladies in the later generation will not suffer like us bah
Yah. It's actually by luck if you happen to have an afforable and good ifc near your place. You need to go look at a few ifc and talk to the in charge to find out more.

It just happended that the open nearest to my place is expensive ($850 after subsidy) and the principle is not good. The few reviews I managed to find online also were not flattering. The next nearest charged $900 after subsidy, which I felt was beyond my comfort level, so I ended up with nanny
IFC is from 2mth to 18mth.
Waitlist for punggol/SK area is damn long.
So long that they not accepting anymore to the waitlist. Haiz...
think IFC/CC/nanny/maid.. is all heng/suay one.. coz is not their own kids.. so can't expect them to take care of your kids the way u do.. best is if we can have mum/MIL to help.. or we'll have to stay home?

Appleseed, u can try http://www.creativewalldecal.com/category.php?id=4 for wall stickers (from korea).. not very ex &amp; service quite fast.. i've already got 2 pcs from them.. abit KS.. haven't even finalise my nursery design/ bought my furnitures yet.. :p alternatively, there's a push cart at harbourfront, 2nd floor, near escalator outside iora that sells cheap wall stickers (from korea) too.. abt $10-15 per pc.. Cot wise, maybe can wait for the Baby Expo Fair in Oct? I'm hoping to get a good deal then too.. I'm also absolutely overwhelmed by the amt of $$ i'm spending (more to come.. haven't started shopping yet).. prenatal pkg, prenatal classes, hospitalisation &amp; gynae fees, confinement nanny/catering, postnatal massage, cot, stroller, car seat, nursery furnitures, maid, feeding bottles, pumps, etc etc etc....... wonder how our mums manage last time.. hmmm..
Have added a few mummies to the fb grp

Moscato: ya ur rite, my mum n mil dun wish to b commited to help w my girl. So I've been sahm for 28mths alr. Luckily expenses not high (for now) so hb still can tahan financially. When we move nx year, hopefully still not as shiong for him so I can jaga 2 kids till they r older then I work.
Vanessa: U can call up ur gynae office and ask if the cough mixture ok to take o not..the nurse will be able to advise you

I last bot my bb cot from the bb expo..think abt $200+++..still quite sturdy..so will be using it for #2
jingles: yah lor.. that time taka fair was the 1st time i ever shopped for baby stuff so didn't know that $299 was actually a steal..haha..now regret lo.. the list ah? i only got the Avent sterilizer bundle at taka fair and also some baby clothes at Robinsons sale.. that's all leh..the rest aiyo havent buy..
think try to buy the essentials first...spread out over a period of few months...some mummies advise me stroller and pumps can buy later. Cos first few months dont need.
I am also overwhelmed by the akan datang amount
many a times i will have sudden panick feeling and will quarrel with hub over $ management
I've also not bought anything yet except milk bottles and sterilizer which I bought during sales too. I've not even stated buying any clothes. Totally at a loss now as I've totally no idea what's the "to-buy-list" for newborns.
me too...think the only think i bot from list are clothes :p
i will need to tidy up kitchen and all before i start buying baby stuff lo....must set up one area for bottles and steriliser..
jingles, me too! sometimes will get panic attack/ worried thinking abt all these $$ issues &amp; child care arrangement.. then hubby is like "aiyah.. why u so kan jiong?".. think he still hasn't realise what he's in for.. ignorance is bliss..

vanessa, no worries, i'm worse than u.. haven't got anything yet.. waiting for the baby expo fair in oct.. hopefully the deals will be good..

adeline, try these following websites for "to-buy-list"?
Maid vs nanny vs IFC: all outsiders so it's a just a job for them, not like own mom or MIL.. hope we all are lucky enough to get good IFC/maid/nanny!

jamie: Thanks for adding me!

zhuzhu: Thanks! The cough mixture is ok. But still dont dare to take much..scully baby inside also drowsy drowsy..hehe..

baby expo: think there is one in Oct at Singapore expo? going there to 'sweep' things...hahahhaa~~~
hello mummies!
see that a lot of you have been looking at childcare and shopping already! i have done neither lol..maybe it's time to start shopping before i get too heavy and lazy to walk around =p

anyway i went for my detailed scan yesterday and am confirm carrying a baby boy
boyboy was so active throughout the whole scan hee..such a joy. everything is good, except that doctor says the abdominal circumference is slightly high (still within range) and baby has a chubby tummy lol. and she told me to cut down on fried food and fast food (gulps i've been craving for those!), lesser starchy food (i've been eating lots of potato haha) and have more diary and soy products (like milk and nuts which i dun like). so now i have to force myself to eat more healthily. if not baby will have more fats than muscles when born which is not too good

feeling guilty towards baby but on the other hand i dunno how to force myself to eat food i dun like too! sobs. any mummies here facing a similar situation?
expo fair
hahaha i think i will recce around first...and i doubt i will go there unless wan to take leave and go bah....tummy getting a bit big and i am afraid horrendous people will bump into my bump!

ya...sometimes they dont see the entire iceberg, they only see the tip -.- they dont realise we nag is to prevent things from happening. Not cos we enjoy lei...

maybe you can go recce around with hub to get a rough idea. So even though if you cant go out next time, you can just tell hub what to get...i will be doing that since my hub is first time daddy.

about food i dont like, i have never been a fish person but i guess bb likes lo. Had been eating lots of fish......and yes the thing i dont like is drinking warm milk! YUCKS! but no choice, just got to drink it down. Few more months....just tolerate abit.
jingles: ya baby stuff need alot of room! thought of buying Ikea's kitchen trolley cos my tabletop not enough to put!

Jac: u are sooo right! the hubby is not kan cheong..i say "let's buy first ten can strike off the list..if not last min when my tummy sooo big, ohow to go shopping?" then the hubby says "aiyah u forever kancheong lah"... wahhhh hot siaaaaa.... they just dunt understand!!

baby fair : it's on Oct 21~23.. gear up mommies! it's gonna be major shopping time! hehe ~~~
Alicia: baby boy! same same!
glad to hear everything ok for ur detailed scan
my gynae didnt tell me to avoid eating any food or eat more of some food.. she jyst say " everything in moderation". I crave for junk food too lei..fries, burger, coke..shiok! dats y now sick lo..hahah... then i eat more meat than i usually do..my mom sayas cos boy so meat intake is more... then i like pasta also..cook my own.. simple and healthy (i hope) cos using Prego's pasta sauce..dunno eating too much of it good or not..but i figured it's all tomato and mushroom..shldnt be any bad..heheh..

Re foods that u dunt like... just squeeze your nose and drink or eat it..for the good of baby lo..another few months..tahan tahan...gambatte!

jingles: think i'll take leave cos dunt wanna squeeze with pple...prob somone shld invent bump shield or something so if pple bump into us, they hurt instead of us..hahah..cannot trust my hubby to buy things.. haha..

Adeline: yup! looong list! happy shopping!
they already invented

i think i saw in one of the bb shops in KKH. Its actually more for safety/comfort reason when travelling in the car. Also for mummies when driving...deems can be effective during accidents la.
jingles: haha i am a very niao person. =p i think i better go with him cos i want to make sure i get what i want!! lol. somemore baby things are so ex, buy wrong then very waste money ah haha.

omg i cannot stand warm milk. if i were to ever drink milk will definitely be chilled ones. lucky you that baby likes fish though
it's good for you and baby! i'm not a fish person and am still not. haha. i guess you are right..few more month. tolerate. the greatness of mummies! hehe.

vanessa: hee thank you
yah she also say everything else can eat in moderation but need to cut down on fried food..i think i've been eating way too much. like fast food twice a week? lol. meat is good, cos they are rich in iron and protein..so eat more!
pasta should be fine la hehe. just be in moderation! lol. yup will try to tahan. anything and everything for baby yay
happy shopping~

cheerbear: thanks for sharing the info!! good stuff!! :D
just went to one of the links that you post just now (loving mums). OMG the mummy is in labour now....still FB-ing!! Gambatte man!!!

i also hate warm milk lei..but bo bian every mummy i bump into, first qns is ask me got drink milk or not -.-
so better KS a bit and drink lo
With smart phones, updates on FB can be done so easily. Plus... maybe it's a form of distraction from all the pain.
ya lor.. i totally agree... when i was in pain... i call my friend to chat.. tell them how is the contraction pain... cos nothing to do mah... the TMC delivery suite TV is so small... and my hubby is sleeping hence call people to chat lor.. sianz... also can past times faster... hee hee
Hi mummies,

Letting go of the following:
1) Avent pre sterilised cups with lid 180ml x 10 at $25
2) Avent pre sterilised refill cups 240ml x 5 at $10
3) Lamaze spin &amp; explore garden gym for tummy time at $30

Condition: 9/10.

Kindly PM me if keen.

Thank you!!

Re: Milk
If dun wan to drink fridge cold milk..put some packets of the milk in the office..office got air con..so the air con can keep the milk slightly chilled.

Re: BB items
items to get first will be the milk bottles and sterliser and cot/play pen..the rest like stroller n breast pump can buy after u delivered

Re: bb expo
I think some vendors might only accept cash payment..so better to bring some extra cash..
