(2011/12) Dec 2011

Bubbles, u mean the pd I met today is not dr Anne??! I also blur blur lah. But this pd, whoever she is, is not bad. I'll be going back cos near to my house. Maybe because u went at night, so must wait longer. Go before 10am, very few people.

Ebm every time put into fridge will separate into 2 layers one mah. Top part is the fats, bottom is the water. Just shake gently to mix them up before giving.


waahaha... i went at 630pm... n was told dr anne off on thurs lor...

was the pd u saw a long hair lady? a very very long hair lady, wear specs........ [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] she is the one i saw lor.... she's not bad... noe how to handle bb to make them feel at ease, tessa kip laughing n she did not wriggle when e dr chk her ears...my mom was impress wif her for e way she handle the bb....

oh... so the 2 layers is normal huh.. cos last time i oso noe the fats will be separated but i dun recall seeing such a light greyish bottom layer leh.. so i worry lor....

i din eat any supp to increase bm... jus contd to drink my brown rice tea n trying to pump regularly...... haiz...

Bubbles, the pd got short curly hair, also wear specs. Either she is dr Anne, or she's the relief dr with a new haircut. Hahaha! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


U no go massage lady?

Yi chin,

Great, think this pd makes u a more relief n happy mummy.

Cradle cap,

Aiks, those cradle cap just refused to leave my gal's scalp.i put olive oil, but wash dun go off, n I din scratch it off. So just stick there for months. Yucks!

Snowyotaru, brown rice tea can get from ntuc. Under the tea section. Now got promotion, buy 2 bottles, give a few packets free.

Dr Anne is in blk 214, jurong east st 21.

Yoyosan, my #2 had cradle cap, I bought a cradle cap shampoo from guardian, use about 2 weeks, ok then.

yi chin:

maybe its a diff relief doc... hahah... tat dr ho i saw is super long hair de lor..... way below the waist...


yi chin has helped me ans u!!! :D


i did go to see mdm r.... in fact, it was so badly block tat i went to c her 2 days in a row.... my condition is much better now.... she really clear until my nei becomes soft!! can swing left can swing right ar... hahahah.... anyway she did say tat sometimes clear all e blockage liao, may nid a few days before e supply comes back again... ;D i m monitoring lah.... hope i m not drying up anytime soon... wahahha.... ;)

as for cradle cap, i use olive oil tat a fren pass me.. i apply on the cradle cap 15 mins before bb bath... then as per normal use cloth to wet bb hair, shampoo n then rinse off.... after a week, cradle cap gone...... i oso got comb bb hair lor.. so maybe it help to cure e cradle cap... i use mustela 2-in-1... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] not sure if it helps... but bb no more cradle cap liao.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Snowyotaru, the brand is highlanders, plastic round bottle with yellow label. Not hard to find cos that's the only 1 brand available.

Ejunko, the fb event invite mentioned that they accept PayPal. Is that credit card? Or got ATM near her place? If not, have to bring a lot of cash if she is displaying big items?

Yi Chin: I think she's referring to online payment bah. I dont know if theres ATM, i only know nearby got food hahaha. K i check le update you guys.

Hi mummies,

My #2 was borned on 31 Dec, I guess she is the youngest baby in this thread? She is just 4 months and I returned to work recently. I used to latch her in the day and my husband feed her with bottle at night. So I went to work recently and we found that she has been refusing the bottle, every feed is a battle, unless she is tired and falling asleep. I am worried about her milk intake, she is already not taking much, about 120ml or less every 2.5-3 hours. Now she refused the bottle and just took 40, 60ml or not at all. I have not started solid yet and she seemed ok otherwise, except for sleep time battle, on some days. Any babies here have this problem?


Wa, ur nei can swing left right, better wear bra, dun swing then saggy wor! Hee hee. Wat abt boiling green papaya n fish bone to boost supply like during confinement? I still do that sometimes, whether help or not, dunno la, but dha in fish also good for bb la. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Mustela shampoo gd for cradle cap? If u got spares, I dun mind. Thanks wor.

Curry, yuet sim,

Hv a good trip. Enjoy!

Hi cookie monster!

My bb refused e bottle, but since I sahm, I gave up forcing. Guess I can't help u much here. Some (ftwm) mamas would be able to re-share their experiences.

Cradle cap

when my DS has cradle cap, I put pigeon oil and then brush it off w/ bb comb. Took me an hr. Now his hair being shaved, didn't see any more.

Hi cookie monster! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I think most latch on babies will have the same problem. I got 3 girls, all ended up refusing the bottle! Stressful period to bottle train them!

I started the training quite late for #1 and 2, a few weeks before going to work, so had to use the cold turkey on them.

For #3, I started the training earlier, at 2 month. Initially, she was like yours, taking the most 60ml, sometimes just screamed her head off and refused to drink any. I just continued the training, she eventually took the bottle after 2 months. But she's still a small drinker, 120ml the most. That's why now still so light.

I know it's very heart aching for the mother, torturous for the baby and frustrating for the person giving the bottle, but just have to continue lor, feed more frequently. Eventually they'll get there one! Jia you!

How did u train ur #1 last time?

Yoyo... I cannot tahan without bra leh although i really wish to go bra-less!!! Tink my neinei too sensitive liao.... Touch fabric wil feel ouch!!! So gotta wear bra + breast pads 24/7... Bleh!! Hates it manz!!

Hello cookie monster!!

Yah, now nipples very sensitive! Scared will trigger the let-down easily. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Never mind la, baby almost 5 months old, another 2 to 3 months to the end of my bf life, then can go braless at home!

Hi yi chin, thanks for sharing. My #1 dont have problem as i bottle feed her since day 1. That time, i dont know how to latch baby so i express breastmilk for her. I think baby will drink from eventually hor. I got worried as her milk imtake is not much and thus she has less than 6 wet diapers a day.

Cookie monster, give her some more time to get used to bottle feeding.

Try feeding 2 hourly? Then put lesser milk in the bottle, like 70 to 90ml, so that u don't feel so heartache throwing away the ebm. If intake in the day still low, she may drink more when u are around, such as having more frequent night latching.

Cookie monster,

When u back from work, latch her exclusively? Make up for her loss time.

Yi chin,

U plan to wean from bm in 2-3 months time?


Ya manz, I also bra +breast pads 24/7. And worse, I sleep facing up. Din lie on my sides for so long, cos pressing on the breasts, pain. So dun even talk abt lying on front. Ouch! Last time preg, always got to lie on the left, I missed lying on my back. Now I missed lying on my sides liao. But jiayou la, all for the little ones lor.

wahsai...you guys still feel pain on your boobs? Means the production must be good! I no longer feel anything even if i didnt pump for 8hrs straight...no ducts...but thats because my production not alot.

When will you guys bf until? Will our boobs shrink after we stopped? I desperately need them to go back to "original"...or will lose weight helps?

Yoyosan, #1, my supply dried up at 7.5 months, #2 at 8 months, so should be around that time I'll have no more bm. Not that I don't want to continue, if pump and pump for 30min, only yield 30ml, no point continuing. ;)

Ejunko, sad news, breasts will be smaller after end of bf life. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Any idea what is a good way to withdraw from the moo moo club without any engorgement or problems?

How long does it take for the breasts to stop producing milk after pumping stops?

I notice my milk production decreasing too, and more so on my right than left. Today I went 10hrs without nursing and when I pumped, could get only 60ml from the right side. It didn't feel full after so many hours, unlike last time when it would feel like exploding. Does milk dry up on its own even though the nursing/pumping hasn't changed in frequency?

Btw, I'll join u gals tmr if baby sleeps well tonight. Otherwise he may be cranky tmr.

Oh smaller than pre-preg...but...like how much smaller? Wont be 1 or 2 cup bah???

Ok the saggy part is scary - but i guess since most of us dont wear bra often, its just a matter of time lah - "gravity" mah lol

Indeed, i am also experiencing drop in supply. I think taking oats and drinking hot milo has helped me a little though. Dunno why, i have more trouble with my left than right boob. The left hurts more when baby latches.

See you tomorrow!! *excited*


I hv frens whose neis became bigger than prepreg after wean from nursing. The lucky rare ones. For the bulk of us, pray it stays prepreg size, dun shrink anymore liao pls.

Great to be able to meet most mummies and babies today! Thanks for organising, ejunko! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

snowyotaru, to stop bf, I pump until supply drops. Pump for so long and only pump out little bit, then I'll just stop, no engorgement, the next day will have no more bm.

But to stop when supply is good, I don't know already, no experience. My colleague told me she just dragged the pumping duration, engorgement a bit, then no more within 1-2 days.

ejunko, mine went down by 1 cup size. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Nice meeting with the mummies today! Hope we will meetup again soon!

Breast size

mine also drop abt a cup, but my rib increase by an inch. :S

My girlfriend who was like a C cup before she was pregnant, has her neh sag like a lao-hong balloon.. which reminds me of what my cousin told me, her breasts after her first was like touching her waistline..

Good thing after my number 1, mine was still decent. Can still use bra to hold up the "sleeping" muscles and see the cleavage. But can no longer wear those party tops that requires no bra.

My rib also increased.. I am hoping after this girl, my cup size wont shrink.


For my #1, I stopped pumping while ss was still good. I dragged the duration bet pumps, n dun finish pumping breasts everytime. Just pump halfway. Then slowly reduce pump freq. Took me a few weeks to completely stop cos I din wan to stop too abruptly as I need time to see how #1 get used to fm. If wan hasten, cold cabbage leaves to apply frequently would also help.


If pumping/latching din change n kept constant, then external factor like stress, lack of rest, insufficient fluid intake..etc will affect.

Yoyosan: sigh I dunno what's changed. Definitely not stress. These days I have to supplement with fm, usually at night. Hope my bm days are not seeing the end so soon.

Tangerine, heard that if night feeding frequency decreases, supply may drop also. So on one hand, we need our sleep and will drag night pumping duration, on the other hand, at risk of supply dropping.

But 1 more month to hit the 6 months mark! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] After that I'll feel more at ease to convert totally to fm, can get my sleep back and can spend more time with children, no more pumping and sterilizing!

Yi chin,

I was pumping exclusively then. Washing, sterilising, middle of nite pumps.. V tiring. I pumped extra to freeze to last till she's 1yo. But missy din like frozen ebm taste. By then past 8mos, solids also intro liao. Giving up the moo pumping career is v liberating. Finally can sleep through. no need pump every 4hrly liao. Can concentrate more time on her.


if menses coming, ss will also drop. N if give up night latching, menses will b back faster. That's wat I heard before, Dunno how true. Ur bb growth spurt maybe? Was it for just last few days or some time liao. Relax, maybe u din hv enough rest, too bz? Or take some supplement to help, like fenugreek..etc

yes, my SS drop quite badly after my first menses is here!!! I thinking of starting solid @ 5th month.

hello all!

so happy to see all of u ytd! all e babies are so cute la!


y nv join us ytd? =(


Evie has cradle cap too.. hubby says she got 'chao tau' aka stinky head. hahaa! I only start to apply baby oil half hour before bath recently. waiting patiently for the cradle cap to go away!


how often you all pump now ah? i was thinking to stretch longer hours le leh.. very sian to pump every 4 hours..

I've been taking fenugreek since Chinese new year, haven't stopped. Also been latching day and night. It's night time that he doesn't seem satisfied. He'll wake up like 2hrs after a feed. But daytime he can stretch for 4-5hr sometimes. So total no of feeds per day hasn't really increased. Still haven't started menses.

Curry: wanted to go but baby woke up early, then at abt 9-10am needed to nap again. The pics of all the babies lined up look so cute! Must have another gathering so that I can join!

Yoyosan, then what happened to the frozen ebm? In the end she decided to drink it?

Annie, can start at 5 or 5.5 months, cos with the tongue reflex, it'll take at least 2 weeks of training before they can really swallow most of the solids. So by the time can swallow, 6 months old already. Just right to intro other food as well. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Curry, ur boss so good, allow u to pump 4 hourly? I'll be pumping 5 to 6 hourly when I go back to work.

woo.. the 1st outing for the 2011 dec bb was so successfully, im so sad that i was unable to make it =(

By the way all e mummies out there, when ur bb wake up, wat activity you will give him/her? eg. play w bb, let bb watching tv, go walk walk, bla bla bla.... i need advise wor. Thank u

Lay leng, u sahm?

I watch baby DVD with her, talk to her, baby flash cards, bring downstairs for walk, or just put her on my bed, let her play with the overhead mobile while I sit next to her and play iPhone..

I think yunrui can turn over already, twice today, all unwitnessed. I put her on her back on my bed this morning, when I came back to the room, she was on her tummy, crying with her face on my bed. After I turned her over, she angry already, refused to turn anymore.

Then this evening, my husband put her on her back, on our bed. When he turned around, she fell off the bed! Lucky didn't hit the head.

Fell off bed!! Omg..so scary. I think Gabriel also flipping. I suspect he did it early this morning cos neither me nor husband placed him upside down but he was found on his tummy!

Last night I was kiasu and boiled a serving of sacred tea. Not sure if it caused me mastitis now... Nipple was swollen n very sensitive and painful...let bb latch also of little use. I took a got shower n think I squeezed out some yellowish plus pink discharge *shudders* [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]



I wait till no patience liao. Last time I combed n scrapped away for my #1. This time I decide let it drop naturally but it's taking way too long. Dun wan to comb it out lei, I feel painful for bb.


Could bb be doing cluster feed? Store more more so can sleep longer in the nite? He sleeps longer after the fm nite feed or no diff?

Yi chin,

Frozen ebm: I did 4x milk bath w #1 recently in dec before I pop. Yes! I kept my milk for 2 yrs frozen. Took up half the freezer but I refused to throw. So heartpain lei. Every drop of blood n sweat. But bb coming, need space for new milk, that's y I clear stocks by doing milk bath. And #1 recently asked me, mummy, when can we hv milk bath again. Told her, choi, dun wan liao. Haha!

Flip: ouch, so painful. Bb must hv screamed e whole hse down. B careful liao, either middle of big bed or the cot.

