(2011/12) Dec 2011

Girltradester, no, mine is not the steamer cum blender cos I don't find it versatile. But i studied both Philips and Bearba before I decided to stick to my blender.


wah so fast you guys talk about steamer and blender...i have no clue at all man.

that is to mesh food right? when do we need to intro these to baby?

ejunko: after introducing rice cereal between 4 to 6 months, then can puree vege, fruits, etc for baby. Instead of buying steamer/blender, you can also do it manually, steam on stove then mash through sieve.

ohh...i havent start cereal yet...these days he only poo after 2-3days break, i scared if intro cereal he constipated leh. Will or not ah?

I bought just the Avent mini blender @ $60 from Expo yesterday. It's really a small equipment. But i suppose that's enough to feed a baby.

ejunko, i also havent started introducing other food. Just want to get ready for it =P

ejunko: i haven't started either. just getting ready, bought cereals, spoon, bowl, blender, etc. Was thinking of starting in a week or two, cause baby has been getting up about 4 +/- hrly to feed at night, yawns... he used to be able to sleep 6 to 7 hrs straight...sighs. Anyone else experiencing the same thing?

Yuet sim: my boy's sleep schedule has changed since he turned 4 mth. Now he wakes up every 3-4hr. Sonetimes less than 3hrs he wants milk again. Last time he would have a stretch of 6-7hr sleep. I really miss that!! And the timings he wakes up are so irregular. Like last night he woke up at 11.30pm for milk, which he usually never did. Every night dunno what to expect. I need my sleep! :-(

Hi all.. It's been ages since my last post.. Have been busy with work.. Anyway, good news to share.. My bb finally drink fr bottle.. So happy..

I'm looking for a walker for Emma, she refused to sit down, even in our arms, just kept wanting to stand! So, she better walk in a walker!! Argh!!

KK, I'd like to exclusively breastfeed and introduce solids only after 6 months, since I'm not working yet. Just another month or so to go anyway! I've also read that giving solids doesn't actually help promote better sleep. On the contrary, it may give potential digestion problems. My pd also said i don't have to start solids so soon cos baby's been gaining weight. So I'm in no hurry!

Fruit tree, good news! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yuet sim and tangerine, mine also like that for 1 week already. Used to sleep till 5am or 6am, now waking up at 2am or 3am. And she started solids for 2 weeks already.

Ejunko, pd did mention that rice cereal will firm up the stools. If constipated after starting rice cereal, cannot increase the number of scoops of cereal.

My girl coughing for 1 week already. Diagnosed with bronchiolitis. Today is the 3rd time we are seeing the pd at kidslink cck. Went in at 9.30am, only saw dr at 11.45am. He said her lungs are clearing but not yet fully recovered, batter not to start infant care this week. So I've extended another 1 week of annual leave till next week. Haven't started work yet this year, already used up quite a number of my annual leave already!

Tangerine, yes, I am aware of digestive problem in a child that may be misread by parents. Normally, this happens to baby who already have problems as young as their earlier months. Also, if you check with your PD, there are new directions on starting solids, so even the printing in the food chart produced jointly by KKH and Nestle are no longer up to date.

Fruit Tree, yay good to hear that!

Tangerine: Ya you're right, thats what i heard too - about the digestion issue. Then xingku ni le - give more frequent feeds loh.

Yi Chin: Ouh poorthing, hope she recovers soon!

Kidslink always so packed. Anyway watch out for other kids. Previously we went becoz Lucas didnt poo for 5 days, lord, it was sooo pack. I saw a boy with mucus all over his mouth - he then wiped his mouth with his hand....the next moment he opened the door and went out to play - comes in and go out again. He did this for at least 5 times! I can see the door knob screaming for help loh.

Then some innocent mother came opening the door - the next moment she wipe her daughter's face with the very same hand. -_-"

And then followed by many parents opening the door....

At the same time i saw a boy licking a toy phone, 15mins later another boy went to lick it. The moms just dont care. Very scary.

For starting of solids early, better to wait for pd advice. I had to start so early because she is not gaining weight adequately. Pd said that her tongue thrust reflex is not very significant, so she felt that my girl was ready to start solids then.

Ejunko, kidslink business very good, there wasn't a single time I don't have to wait for more than an hour. Used to bring my older kids to the playground at lot 1 during the wait. But now so many bugs going around, I only bring baby there. If not the older children will be playing with the infected toys.

Yi Chin: hope yr girl recovers soon and u can have some annual leave for year end.

Hope our babies begin sleeping through the night soon. Miss the continuous 5 to 6 hr sleep at night. Books say babies start sleeping 10 hrs through the night fr 4 months onwards. Let's work towards that [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hohoho! I am still waking up every 2-4 hours to latch at night. I'm so used to it that if Gabriel doesn't wake up this often to feed, i'll feel uncomfy from engorgement =S

But i find that pump volume has dropped about 30% lately. Wonder if it's due to a less rich diet or something else..

Thanks for sharing Tangerine. It's very true that we parent differently. And back to the article, I know of parents who totally let go and let the child cry on their own in the crib. We all call her "Commando mom".

My MIL suggested to me to let my son (then 4mths) to cry to sleep, which of course it not my parenting style. She said that she did that to my hb and it worked on the 4th day, not more night waking up. Later, I found out my hb was then 1 year old and I got upset with her. My son gets energized when he cries, so I could no adopt the letting him cry method or I'll be very emotionally drained.. However, this article is more objective than my MIL's suggestion. Had my MIL pointed to me this article, I wouldn't be as upset with her.

tangerine, very insighful article! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I was reading it so enthusiastically, then at the end, became a consulting service.

Done, did i miss out any mommies for the gathering ah?

Tangerine: Nice article. I must be the only who cannot agree hahaha but yes we all parent differently - im too KS to let bb cry too much at least not at this age lol

Yi chin: haha yah they charge for their consultancy services. But u can subscribe to their newsletters for free. They have pretty good articles.

On the crying issue, they don't advocate CIO but that some crying is prob fine or even necessary. I think it applies to my boy for his afternoon naps. Last time I used to have to carry him or put in my sling for him to nap. Recently I've been trying to put him in his cot. He would cry, as described in the article. But i realised it's more of the whiny type of cry and he's actually trying to sleep at the same time. So I just give him paci and pat him, instead of picking him up. After abt 10-15min he actually goes to sleep. Today he looked like he was going to cry but he didn't. Just fussed a bit then slept. So maybe he's finally learning to sleep on his own! Hopefully it gets better.

I think crying is fine - for communication wise, but am not too sure if its necessary leh.

Thats why i cannot agree with the article. And there are so many ways to keep our babies entertained these days, just the flipping part took my son's energy away man lol.

Just let him flip man, flip and flip soon very tired already, let him lie down on bed, on a/c, drawn the curtains make sure its super dark (i might be the first person to die of tunnel vision), on the white noise, give him the milk, - he drink till shiok will doze off one.

I think i read somewhere that if our babies have a good nap in the day, he'll have a good night rest too. Then no crying needed~ hopefully lah.


my #1 then din like cereal so I intro mesh food earlier. So depends on bb. If like cereal easier, add milk n good to go. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Fruit tree,

Good for you. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ur method same as yi chin's? Cold turkey?

Yi chin,

Wish bb quick quick ok. Nowadays lotsa coughing, turn around everyone cough. Weather bad. Hot, rain, thunderstorm.

Yoyosan, don't know leh, she got the coughing and bronchiolitis, so didn't bring her to her usual pd to take the prevenar jab.

Then like what Ejunko mentioned, kidslink use the standing weighing scale and minus-ing adult weight method, very inaccurate, so I just told them her previous weight, didn't weigh her there.

Tomorrow will bring her to see another pd at Anne's baby clinic at jurong east for prevenar jab, cos they take walk in. Hopefully they'll have the baby weighing scale to weigh her there! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I find that one side of my boobs produce more diluted milk than the other side, do u all notice, or i'm wierd.

Do u still put beanie pillow on bb's chest when they sleep? Mine will grab hold of it then somehow cover her face sometimes, so must always chk on her.

Yoyosan, stop coughing already. I've stopped the coughing and phlegm meds. Going infant care next week, want her to get the jabs before starting.

My left breast produces more milk then right. Also don't know why. Maybe I latch more on the left without knowing it.

I also stopped pillow already. She'll grab it with both hands, hold up to her face and start talking to it. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yoyosan: still put beanie pillow at night. He has yet to pull it off fr his chest to put in his mouth but if it is by his side it will be soaked with his saliva in no time.

Any mommies who's sarong ring sling expert going to e gathering this sun? Hands up pls. Cos I still dunno how to use. Got live demo best! Anyone??

Hi Dec 2011 mums,

I'm not sure if I'm welcome to join this group out of the blue. My bb girl was born 1 Dec and is my #2. Big bro turns 3 in a couple of weeks.

yoyosan, I was reading and decided to post on this thread cos your question reminded me of the 3M gathering we had (back when I had #1). I was offering "tutorials" with the MIM sling and had to demo and tutor again and again. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] oh, I wish I could bring my #2 and join u all for a gathering!

But since I can't this time round, HAVE LOTS OF FUN WITH THE KIDS!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/biggrin.gif]

Yoyosan, I find that the beanie pillow doesn't really help my boy. He will put it in his mouth or cover his face now so I have stopped putting on his chest.

Hi Cassey! Join us for the next gathering then =)

Yoyosan: We still use the beanie, but no longer on chest coz my son sleeps on his sides now - he prefers it over his arms so that he can hug to sleep. Anyway, now that your bb girl knows how to grab over, very soon she'll know how to grab away...then sooner than you know she'll grab and throw liao lol.

Hi Cassey! Very welcome to join our chats! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] u Ftwm or sahm?

Baby finally got her prevenar jab today! Completed first cycle of jabs. Pd commented that she is behind time for the jabs. Told pd that the previous pd not keen to jab cos she is not 6kg.

Anyway, she is finally 6kg today! But I don't think it's due to the solids, cos she was 5.8kg 3 weeks ago. Weight gain still quite slow leh.

Bubbles, thanks a lot for the pd recommendation! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] dr Anne's clinic is so much more peaceful compared to kidslink, saw her within 10min and she is gentle with the baby. Then no need to make appointment weeks in advance some more, told me I can walk in anytime during opening hours. But clinic will be less packed on weekday mornings.

I have been using ring sling, not an expert though. Used it more when baby was younger, now less cos getting heavier.. So we put him in stroller.

I now also let baby hug the beanie to slp.

Blessed morning girls!

And welcome Cassey. U and I are in a quite similar boat. My son will turn 3 in Jul, and my girl is just 3 days younger than yours.

I also just "rejoin" this thread.

Oh! And I asked dr if baby still has colic. She said if baby not crying so much, means she should have outgrown it. She said longest will be by 6 months to outgrow colic, which is very soon! So mummies with colicky babies, hang in there, it will be over very soon! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mine still fussy in the evenings, so I'm still going to continue with the gripe water.

Im still feeding my boy ridwind too. But my boy still have problems sleeping soundly in the day and night =_=

As for our gathering this Sunday, advisable to bring more cash right? =P

Hii cassey, welcome!

Yi chin,

So is dr anne concern abt bb's wt, or wt gain?


Haha, ya man, once she take n throw away, her ma will keep it forever liao. But for now she seems to like to wear it as a shawl round her neck or as eye pad. So dangerous!

Yoyosan, this pd not concern leh. She said baby looks healthy and happy, can hold her head up firmly when place on tummy and can weight-bear on her feet. Keep saying "good baby", then asked whether I had started solids. I said yes, then she gave me more cereal samples and asked me to come back in 2 weeks time for 2nd round of 5 in 1 jab.

I think I see her, less stressful to my mental health.

wah... yi chin, i heard dr anne very gd leh.. but she off on thurs.. tat time tessa was down wif cough n flu i went there... saw the relief doc dr ho or hor (cant rem cos i was sick so was outside the clinic)... n she was very gd leh.. explain a lot of tings to us... but waited an hr plus to see her....

hmm, ur experience reminds me of my dr gong at gleneagles kinderclinc..... he oso nvr mention percentile, etc... jus see bb is happy n can eat well, then nothing else matters... i was still tinking to switch to dr anne for tessa's future pd visits... cos my sil also bring her son there..... n she says she is gd leh....

bean bag:

ya i still put on tessa cos she sometimes get startled... so i put bean bag on her when she zzz.....

she does has a chou chou (bolster from PM) tat she hugs to zzz but nowadays it has become her hair band... she like to hold it n put above her head... if not, cover her eyes or cover her face... she jus likes to play wif it n throw all around.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] make mummy so bz catching back her bolster for her......

i hv realised my ebm hor seems to hv 2 layers now... when i go fridge take out the ebm n shake it to mix it well again before i pour out n heat, i realise the bottom layer is greyish..... funny... wats happening to my bm?????


wa... we r finally seeing one another soon!!! so excited!! ya, mus bring more cash.... no credit card machine rite? wahahahaha...... so excited to get my MAM products.... got my wishlist stated down liao!!!

mummies, those who express bm.... is ur supply stil e same huh? mine seems to be dropping... mus wait til 6-8 hrs pump then can get ard 200+ml...... if not, ard 150-160ml....... if i pump 4 hourly, abt 110-120ml..... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

