(2011/12) Dec 2011

Gerald- oh I didn ask about warranty. Will call and ask the SA.

Verene- not reall soak. Cos the 4"thick + the bed size cannot be folded. I was told to use a hose to wet them so that water flows through. So you need to wet all areas of the bed. Then after that put under sun for 1hr on each sides.


Hi mummies,

I manage to get the maternity pillow at og orchard pt. Can choose cover also. Total damage ard $30 plus only. They hv the u shape kind too. Now trying out-it's huge so my weight doesn't allow me to lie on it but at least my feet n tummy r more comfy now.

Act spring has gd deals for cot. I bought mine at $299 with air free mattress n 3 adjustable height. My fern bought hers at $399 with top end mattress n bedding set. I find their deals cheaper than taka fair.

So medela pump shld use only normal bottles isit?

Verene- my hubby jus called the SA and she told us that there is one yr warranty against manufacturer defects. So rest assure. She said the guy is delivery the cot to remind e guy to write on the DO that it's inclusive of one year warranty.

Winnie, that's good news indeed. The old man that day was quite firm that there's no warranty. Of course quality is good but always good to have some peace of mind. Enjoy ur cot.

Hey stardust, the pillow is it shaped like the one ling has? Just long long type? If so, I go get too this fri [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] thanks for sharing

No need to fuss so much on baby cot...my experience with my 2 older kids is they won't sleep long in it. They'll somehow find their way to your big king/queen size bed..ha..ha..unless you're firm enough like the angmos leaving them to sleep on their own. I tried the playpen type of bed & a mattress baby bed which was passed down by my BIL, spring sarong...all can't match my king bed..hee..hee.. Wonder if the baby knows the comfort of my bed or the baby wants to be near mummy..ha..ha...

Items Nos 


Mattress 1 

Cot Bumpers 1 or 2 

Bedsheets At least 2 sets 

Pillows / Bosters 2 Sets 

Blanket 2 

Sarong 1 

Waterproof Mat for Changing 1 

bed lining 1 

sleeping bag 1 

Muslin wraps 3 


Car Seat 1 

Knitted Cap 1 or 2 

changing mat 1 

Blanket 2 

Baby bag 1 


Breast Pump 1 

Storage Bottles/bags for Milk At least 6 

Bottles for Feeding 6? 

Teats (check Nuk/ pigeon)

Brush for cleaning bottles and teats 1 

Steam Sterilizer / Sterilizing tablets & container 1 

Plastic container/basin to wash baby bottles 1 

Box/closed container to keep sterilized bottles/ teats

Tongs 1 

Nursing Bras 

Nursing Blouse/ t-shirt 

Breast Pads

Cream for Nipple Sores 1 tube 

small face wipes/ Muslin sheets 10 or 20 

Baby's Wardrobe

Jump Suits/ Rumpers (Short sleeve) 5 

Jump Suits/ Rumpers (Long sleeve) 5 

Short sleeves / Long sleeves Tops 5 

Long Pants 5 

Mittens 5 

Booties / Socks 5 

Bath Toiletries

Bath Tub 1 

Non-slip Mat 1 

Short Stool 1 

Small, soft face towel / Bath Sponge 2 

Foam Bath 1 Bottle 

Baby Oil 1 Bottle 

Nappy Rash 1 Tube 

Liquid talc 1 Bottle 

Soothing Oil for stomach 1 Bottle 

Towel with hood 2 to 3 

Other Necessities

Disposal Diapers for New Borns 3 Packs 

Nappy Wipes 4 Packs 

Cotton Wools / Cotton Balls/squares 3 Packs 

small plastic bowl 1 

Nail Cutter / Scissors 1 

Thermometer 1 

Pacifier 1 

sterilized cotton balls 1 or 2 

Storage cupboards/ drawers 1

Posted on Thursday, June 30, 2011 - 11:23 pm:        

Things to pack for labour 

Items (For Mum) Nos. 

Nightdress (Should be suitable for nursing baby too- buttons in the front) 2 

Dressing gown- to wear over nightdress while walking in hospital 1 Pair 

Face Towels 2 

Slippers 1 Pair 

Nursing Bras 2 

Breast Pads 4 Pairs 

Disposal Maternity Underwear 3 

Sanitary Pads- extra large size 1 Pack 

Sweater / Cardigan 1 

Toiletries Bag (Toothbrush, toothpaste, face cream, deodorant) 1 

socks 2 

magazines/ ipod/ camera (charged battery) 1 

Nipple cream 1 

Items (For Baby) Nos. 

Baby Jump Suits (Long) 2 

Mittens 1 Pair 

Baby Blanket (To keep baby warm) 1 

Disposal Diapers 1 Pack 

Cotton Wools / Cotton Balls 1 Pack 

Knitted Cap (To keep baby warm when discharging from hospital) 1

Hi mummies, can't rem where I got the above list fr, could be fr this thread...or other threads.... Just reposting for mummies who might have missed it n thanks to the mummies who contributed the list in the first place ;)

Littlefren - yes, the long long maternity pillow. It's at one end of the section.

On list - am compiling mine too. And asking frens to look at it. They are ruthlessly shrinking the list, haha. Will add on when I arr at final list. I think useful if experienced mummies can share which are the better brands and where best to buy these items, if applicable.

Thanks stardust for the info.... Yeah... Pls share your edited list once ready! Will be helpful for first time mummies like me...

Ha... Ling... Ya... Unleash your shopping queen inner self... Haahaha no lah.... I see Liao I also can't buy.. Hubby only let me buy maybe in another 2-3 mths time.......;(

littlefren, dun buy now. i also planning to buy during the last mth. i only order the big items like stroller and baby cot. breast pump too. i also bought 3 pyjamas so that i can start to wear now. that is all. the rest i will get them later or see anyone who is willing to hand down to me

wow that's a long list.. But how to know what u will actually need? Cos my colleagues were telling me.. Especially 1st child, we tend to buy things that we end up not using...

Ya....very long hor.... But I look thru, I think I will take away the sarong n iPod....the rest all seems quite necessary.... Any comments fr exp mummies???

Ling, so far, I hv only ordered breast pump n bought bb monitor cos on sale, mil n a fren got me some rompers, hooded towels, bibs, cos they were in USA n aus, cheap mah.... Other than that, I hv got nothing! A hahaha!

I getting a playpen fr my bro son, will use that for bb to sleep in first few mth... Then intend to skip buy cot n buy a single mattress put on floor instead.. When bb older, just buy a bed n put the mattress on top... Not sure if this will work out ;) cos bb sleeping in other room, worried will climb out of cot when I didn't see....

Morning little darling.... Yay a, going cut hair then orchard tml, hubby took half day off... We go buy n also see see taka fair...;)

Littlefren true.. my boss also tell me dun buy cot cos bb bigger will learn to climb out of the cot then if not under supervision will fall.... So put on the floor with the mattress is the best.. But make sure there's a mat or something below the mattress.. They say floor will absorb the body moisture not good.. unless ur floor is timber wood flooring..

littlefren, thanks for sharing the list. I've only bgt a few items under Nursing heading. Everything else not bought yet! Only look see design & prices but duno which to get, esp for stroller, car seat & cot.

Just to add on to your list based on info by ex-colleague:

Nappy Rash 1 Tube - Drapoleam brand

Soothing Oil for stomach 1 Bottle - Ru-Yee brand

Bath Tub - might be given by hospital as part of goodie bag when discharged

Wow that's a really long list! Thanks for sharing, LittleFren. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

For the changing pad, I heard can get from Ikea for $10. I'm thinking of getting two types: 1 for use at home, 1 is those foldable types for use outside.

Mt Alvernia gives a baby bath tub when you discharge, so for mummies delivering there can drop this item from the list.

Wow! Thanks LittleFren for sharing the list. Its really useful for first time mummies like me! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Now i have loads of homework and shopping to do cas i have not start any!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hi chan, thanks, noted the brands on my list...

Hi yallo, ya, was wondering what changing pads to get.... Will go ikea check out.... Whats the diff between use at home n use outside type...? I'm getting my nephew's bathtub ;) save $

Just to share.... I was at aussino last night, their bedding set selling at $89.90 before any discount, aussino card 15% off... What's the usu price for bedding sets?

Littlefren: Based on what my sis is using, the changing pad at home is thicker, looks more "cushiony" but not foldable (stiffer?). Whereas those to bring out is just a sheet, much thinner, can fold up and put into bag.

Ling, what breed is your dog? Mine is a JR. Kinda worried. But guess really have to supervise. Now training my dog not to come my room and jump my bed. Haha

Also have dog, a bit Concerned on how to keep place dog n baby frenly at same time. Baby can be on floor but will use play fence to keep dog away lor.

Agreed that 1st time mummies tend to buy too much..juz buy th basic necessities 1st coz your friends/relatives will buy you those clothings, books, toys, etc... If you have space at home, I highly recommend th bathing unit - a bath tub on top with a cover as a changing bed, below is either drawers (for wooden type) or dotage racks for younto put diapers, toiletries,etc. I find ot v useful coz no need to bend down to bathe the baby & can use it as a storage space for the baby too.. But th minus is the bathtub can't be used for too long..est once th baby hits 6 mths, may have to move the tub to the bathroom floor...

If you're considering letting your baby sleep in a mattrss on th floor, you may wish to consider those ABC rubber puzzle mats for extension of space. Colorful & the kids will love it when thy'r older, can learn ABCs & can use it as playmat..definitely worth buying..

If you have a dog, maybe it's safer to keep your baby in a playpen. Then your baby can enjoy playing with the dog from a safe place too...

I went to ToysRus at Forum this afternoon. They have many types of strollers & caresses on sale too. I'll compare them if the Taka fair when I go there next week.

Re: Dogs.

I have 2 westies..they stay in the balcony and blocked by the swing back door.

Re: changing table

Any mummies getting/using a changing table?

Winniep, mine is also jack russel. Always like go bark when ppl outside the house or ppl come our house. So sad it shock my baby when he is sleeping

I'm using a bathing unit cum changing table. Find it rather useful as it's juz the right height. V good if your old folks are helping out as they don't have to bend down. It takes up space so buy if you have space at home.

Ling, haha yes! They bark at anything. I was thinking it's good also so bb will get use to sudden loud noises and not b afraid.

Gerald, what dog do u have?

I don't think I'm getting changing table. Will go traditional way put bb on mattress on e floor to change. But of cos dog have to b out of e way.

our house also got 2 dogs.. 1 belgian shepherd the other is a schnauzer... the shepard very calm and lovable.. the schnauzer super noisy and tends to bite..

mummies, anyone knows where we can view Capella stroller models? i've been to several shops & still have yet to find Capella on display

Winniep: mine is a 1 yr old welsh corgi, very timid, scared of strangers and thunder. But he likes to pounce on us so will be bad for baby...

Is it true dogs can recognize baby/children and will be more gentle?

Mscarpe: thanks for the wonderful video! Wah, can save money on toys. Dunno if I'll let my dog lick the baby though haha...

zmama: I went to Mothercare's flagship store at Harbourfront, think they have quite a number of stroller designs there.

Mscarpe: thanks for the wonderful video! Wah, can save money on toys. Dunno if I'll let my dog lick the baby though haha...

For mummies interested in aussino, there used to be a 20% discount coupon on their website. I used it to buy my bb's cot set. Not sure if still available.

For those who are members it's 40% discount during bday mth. So far, I find theirs the nicest and cheapest.

I have 2 dogs at home too. But looking at my niece who grew up with a maltese (and sharing food and sleeping with it...i know yeeks!), I dont have such worries. My dogs (one ckcs , one toy poodle) have been very gentle with me since I turned preggy. They seem to know. At first, they were wary of me...but then soon got used to me and the bump and are not so rough when they play with me. In fact, when I didnt know the gender, the elder one i.e. ckcs will response when I pt to tummy and said mei-mei? But he'll walk away when I said di-di? And he's spot on!

Haha,I admit I am dog-crazy...but hubby share sentiments, he also say the dogs are family and will continue to be so when bb arrives [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Gerald: Glad you like it! I particularly like the part somewhere in the middle of the video where the child stumbled when trying to crawl towards the dog and the dog lowered itself down as well. Perfect empathy with the child.

My friends who love dogs and have a chihuahua and planning to have a kid were very encouraged by their friend's dog playing with their toddler-kid as well. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ooo ms carpe this video really makes my day! So cute!

WOW we have so many dog lovers here!

My JR is already 10 but still active and she snaps at strangers who try to touch her. So I'm praying that she will get use to BB Lucas.

Does any1 have any idea do we have to pay our hospital bill when we discharge or willwe just get a bill when we discharge and pay later when they send the final bill to our house?


Usually the depposit collected + medisave is enough to pay, but if not enough, they will ask u to up before leaving

