(2011/12) Dec 2011


As it's my first BB, i will choose to store the cord blood for her. Was just wondering abt how the donation scheme works cos i read from somewhere that if u donate, u have priority when a need arises.


hello all

had a bz week...#2 was down with high fever...i twisted my arm and went to sinseh to fix it etc etc...

hope everyone's doing well...

briefly scanned thru the posts...

congrats to those mummies who already found out their bb's gender...

ace, ur fren tha put on 30kg's very scary!!! so far i put on abt 5kg...hopefully can maintain below 10kg...thas my goal [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

CT, regarding bill at TMC, my past 2 pregancies, the cash top up is abt 1.6k+ if i rem correctly (inclusive of gynae fees), natural birth w/o epidural and single room with companion... but think the room charges had increased already...so shd be more ex everywhere now...

jac, wow ur agent wanna sponsor ur stroller? so good eh? better choose an ex one!! hahha

mama ash, thks for updating the table!

re: cord blood banking

think i am not gg to bank for #3, will donate to the public bank like what i did for #2, treat it like doing it for a good cause! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

dawn, hopefully ur placenta will move up soon... do u have this prob for #1?

Flee: yes this was mentioned in the donation FAQ. actually the answer is yes if your cord blood is still theer and not used... but usually you wont need your own cord blood.. the theory is if someone get some health problem.. usually they cant use their own cord blood to help themselves. they need someone else to help them as what is missing in their own cord blood needs to be obtain from others....

Hi Flee, Congrats to you on yr little princess!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Am in my week 18 and also having vomiting every morning and occasionally at night. And heartburn every night. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] But i drink milk just before bed (2hrs before i go zz) and it helps a bit. Mayb you want to try tat to see if it helps for you.

Kimiko: Jul 20 will come fast!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ace: Don worry. I am attending this antenatal programme weekly in KKH and they did touch on low placenta. Most of the time, it usually goes up later months. But don carry heavy stuffs, walking fast, standing long and avoid sexual relationship as well. Jus rest well and be happy k! The yr bb will be happy happy baby! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

For cord donation, my hubby is keen but i am more interested to donate. Still deciding though. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Anyways, its FRIDAY!!! Wishing all mummies a great weekend!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Flee

Yup tat wat I was told.. Stemcord is stored in 2location thus

If smti happen to 1location .. U hv another backup thus it is more secure..

In term of extracting more cells.. Tik shd b the same ba

Anyway good to find out more n still my stand will be .. Get the one with a better deal n also the one both u&hubby will be more comfortable with [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Saifya

Oh oh .. I jus carry abit of heavy stuffs move table today.. Asked my logistic ppl to set up a meeting room but boss dun like it .. N time is running short .. So we helped the guys to re-arrange it agn [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

And I had always been walking fast .. Hubby n friend kept nagging me to slow down slow down [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yup will be a good mummy (tried to be) for now on [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ya i heard that baby's own cord blood has got not much use also for our bb... i donated my gal's cord to public too last time. Will do the same for the 2nd.

Thanks AshMama for update of list. My girl will be my #2 child. Thanks!

Jacqueline, I am advocate of infant being in the car seat since their first ride in our car. In UK, if you do not have a car seat installed, the midwife from the hospital will forbid your baby from checking out of the hospital!! I always think it is wise to spend a little more on a safe seat than to regret later. If you are no consistent in keeping the baby in the car seat, eventually, your baby will not want to sit in the car seat. Like any other parenting, we should be consistent in what we do with the kids so they know what to expect and where the boundaries lies. This is esp if you need to drive the child around alone.

I strongly suggest you do not compromise on your child's safe for a few hundred dollars of savings. It is not worth. Furthermore, the traffic police are pretty stern with the penalties when they catch children unbuckled in the car. My cousin's husband was fined for a child not buckled in the seat and my cousin carrying their baby 2 years ago. This happened not long after my mom begged me to carry my 4 days old boy in my arms as she thought he looked "poor thing", and I explained how important it is to have him in the car seat..

Yes, use the car seat carrier first then change to car seat then the 5-point booster seat. Try to keep the kid in the 5-point harness car seat as long as possible, its for their safety. My son is taller and heavier than average, therefore, by 1 year old, he could sit in the Britax Boulevard. Now at about 2, he is fitting in the Britax Frontier 85 well. So this trip to USA, we are going to bring back one.

His stroller was a travel system, so it comes with a car seat carrier. Your friend is very right, the car seat carrier is great!! I love mine though it can be heavy for me when he is sleeping inside, more so I had a C-section.

gbh, most of my gf bought combi cos the wheels are 360degree spin. But when we went to look, he immediately said no cos the wheels are too small and seemed unstable. I wanted a Peg Perego and it was my gf that said the Zippy is similarly stable and safe w/o having to pay so much. I only paid $850 for mine, but MIL already thought it's expensive because the USA Graco travel systems only cost $450 then. If I was in USA, I could get Graco for a mere $200!!!.. Things are too over priced here.

gbh, I salute you to want so many kids. my gf my age wanted 4 too!! I also salute her. Singapore Govt love you deep deep!!

RE: 2nd hand car seat

Only if the car seat was from a trustd source and that it had never been in an accident before. Likewise (touchwood) if there is accident when there is a car seat in the car, it's best to replace.

I lend my car seat carrier to 2 friends between my #1 and this pregnancy. by the time I deliver, it should be back to me as the baby should be big enough for his own car seat.

CP, I am the impulse buyer at times, but when I have a shopping list, I do better. But for baby, I hope I can resist.. Now that I know it's going to be a girl, I better restrict my feet.

ChanPL. most peopl I know recommend the use of playpen. 1. cooler for Singapore weather; 2. portable and easy carriage in case you intend to put it closer to where you are in the day, or even when need to lug it along during holiday trips 3. safer, because it's netted, the baby's limps won't get caught between the railings like in cot/ cot bed.

In my husband's family, they have a very weird concept that baby should be sleeping in a cot or bed, and must be new (!!!), so when I took a used cot from my neighbor, my MIL wasn't was pleased, she insisted to pay for the cot. so my hubby ended up buyin a crib, a cot bed and a chest of drawers from mothercare and costs as much as $1600!!! then the crib lasted us about 5mths, the cot bed was retired before he turned one, and since then he has been sleeping on the super single mattress on the floor, so that he does not flip flop so much in the night that caused him to bump all 360 degree of the cot. I received a big playpen, just to play and it's also a white elephant. So, in summary, we really do not know what will work for our child, in the path of discovering, we will ended up spending on something not useable for our kid. I just hope my #2 will do better.

One thing I never recommend is Moses basket.

RE: Low Placenta

Usually it will move up by the later stage of preg, if it doesn't then had to do C-section.

RE: Cord blood banking

I am advocate for storing baby's cord blood and I am with Cordlife as well, you can find my note in my other fb page, babiesbreaths.

As we may relocate, therefore the transportation packing for cordlife is better. Secondly, according to surgeons, when cord blood is needed in the surgery, they do no only thaw what is enough, they thawed all!! SO, what Stem cord claims on storing in different vials so that the cord blood can be used in another occasion is not going to happen. I also trust "plastic" bag to "glass vials" that can be broken during tranportation.

Anything I missed? Gtg..

I will be seeing gynae 2molo!!!!! So excited to be able to see bb agn.. Wanted to knw the gender too.. Doc told us at 12wks tat bb might b a boy.. Wanted to knw soon as I'm very excited thinking of names ;)

Will keep talking to bb tonite to show us 2molo .. Bb is really adorable.. Ask my bb to waive at my Frd at my last visit... Need to see the doc urgently n as im spotting n hubby was out of town... And bb really did wriggle the fingers .. Shocking my frd who exclaimed .. Bb is moving!!! Hahaha

Thus will talk to bb tonite to be good n show us 2molo [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Btw Im also getting abit heaty .. Had been hvg countless of cold sore attacks lately.. Had alway drink cooling tea to cool dwn my body..

Now tat we r hvg bb.. Is there other way to cool dwn our bodies beside cooling tea?

Dear Safi,

I hate heartburn & vomiting! i tired milk before but it ended up as vomit still, worse is that milk when thrown up is so sour! I was on some medication for this bad heartburn but it has come to a point that it didnt help much.. as it progresses to being erratically bad on some days, i just pray that such days come less or disappear!!!

Ace, in terms of better deal, if u go for one shot payment for 21 years, Cordlife can save more.

Jac, if we get the same plan thru ur fren, will he/she oso sponsor us a stroller?! :p hee.. *just asking for fun lah..*

Hi Flee

Wow 21yrs wil cost alot of $ .. Our house is coming .. Bb coming .. Thus will go 1year 1st n upgrade later

Everyti so expensive [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] $ not enough

flee, yes bfly is rite... if urs wasnt used by anyone, u can use first at a "lower" cost... cuz there are cases tha some people banked their cord blood with commercial banks and ended up tha they cant use tha cord blood and have to get from the public cord blood bank instead... also, the public bank will check on the "quality" of the cord blood donated...so even if u wanna donate, there's a questionaires to be answered etc...


how many weeks are u into now?? so fast can see the wriggle of bb's fingers??!!!

last nite when I woke up to pee,i was shocked to feel a 'hard lump' ard the pelvis area.. told my sis this mornin and she said it could be the BB coiling up to sleep ard there... *puzzled*

Ace: DONT CARRY HEAVY STUFFS!!! Ask yr colleagues to help you k. Get the guys to help you move arnd! Tats wat i do here! hehe.. Actually, i also walk pretty fast and my hubby has to tell me all the time to slow down. So, now i consciously walking slow though sometimes i feel retarded walking at tat pace. But, anythin for our baby safety! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Flee: Oh dear! i use to vomit milk as well. But now, its ok.. Try avoiding oily and spicy food for time being. I will pray for you as well tat it goes off soon!!


you can use BB's CDA a/c to pay half of the 21 years fees.

wat KK mentioned is rite too.. my doc mentioned that if needed, all available reserve has to be used, so it doesnt matter how many packets u store them into. in this case, if cordlife can harvest more cells fr the cord blood available, it should be better too.

well, one plus point from dual storage (other than diversifying the risk) is the potential for stem cells regeneration. Else, there's abt it i guess..

actually u can take some time to read from both their websites.. however, i find that cordlife's is more informative.


thanks for keeping me in your prayers! i think our EDDs r pretty close.. hope u'll find out bb's gender real soon n let's get over the vomiting cum heartburn stage fast!

Thanks sisters. My doctor is quite experience as he predicted my 1st child right too. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi mummies, did my scan ytd.. Bb is well & was veri active. Kept kicking & doing somersault inside. Gotta see her opening & closing her mouth too. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Signed up the package with tmc, FBI & pre-natal class with mdm Wong as well. Will be going in oct as it's closer to our edd. Anyone gng? Only thing is dunno hubby can make it anot as he might be gng overseas for work during oct. Zzz..

Btw I'm down with flu! Really bad one.. Gynae said it's safe to c a GP, maybe juz tell the GP I'm pregnant. Luckily ms din bother me *touch wood & fingers crossed*.. but hope to recover soon..

Anyway, when is the best time for 3D scan?

Aiya .. I'm not seeing gynae 2molo!!! but next sat [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I remb wrongly n didn't check my calendar [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

1more week to go [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hi Flee

Bb is at sleeping position in wk12.. N is alrdy boucing away [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sucking the fingers too

At wk 14... Bb is in standing position .. Kept on facing back n then the front n wriggle the fingers

Really hope bb can let us see the gender clearly next wk [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

KK: You hv written a detailed & sensible comments on the issues we faced.

Yes, I strongly agreed on the importance of using a carseat irregardless of age..more so for infants as they are so fragile. My 5.5yrs old boy is still in the high back carseat as he's too light for his age so play safe don't promote him to booster seat. I'll still try to put my 7.5yrs old girl in her booster seat whenever I can for more protection. I do use a Moses basket passed down from my nephew but I do agreed no pt buying 1 as the baby will outgrown it v fast.

Agreed that playpen is more feasible for our hot weather. Anyway, I use both.. Playpen for day downstairs & cot for night upstairs. Playpen can be easily caries around if you frequent M'sia or sometimes going back to mom's place to sleep..

Now my headache is which pram to buy..so many types.. All so costly...so different from those used by my older kids...

I used Cordlife for both my kids & will stick to them for my 3rd kid. My 2 brothers used Cordlife for their darlings too. If you speak to the reps & do a detailed study & comparison, you'll find that Cordlife is better & more reliable tho' costlier. I was impressed by their personal service & touch when my girl was born in 2003 where cord blood banking was new here...

Went to Robinsons to shop for baby clothes this pm. Their discounts q attractive.. Regular items with 20% + 15% for card members. Cloth nappies come in yellow color in Mothercare - now 15% disc. Heard they ran out of pink color ones. Anyway, I'm expecting a boy so will be v envious if I see the pink color option..ha..ha..

Hi Ace, yr bb sound like my bb...

I did my Oscar scan at wk 13. Gynae saw nasal bone, thumb & sticking out of tongue!

Really v cute to me tho is my 2nd time being a mummy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Gynae said cld be a boy but he wan to wait till hb is ard then he wan to cfm...

Haha, so he shows his so many times yday (wk16) till gynae has to call him show off boy haha....

Hope u & all mummies can get to see the gender in next visit...Cheers [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

morning mummies ...

baby kingdom and babymart are 2 different warehouse at Kaki Bukit?

I wanna source for stroller, playpen ... which other place can I go to?

swimming - i tot of gg to play water as i cdnt swim haha. did u all buy maternity costume?

Morning everyone!! It's monday again!!!! =(

haha! flee, free stroller?? i also duno leh.. lolx. coz he is out friend mah, so msybe he might really buy it and share with the other buddies?? coz a stroller is really quite ex...

i also feels like center lower tummy area seems like a hard bump!! and we believe it's where the baby is at! haha!! and slowly, the bumo will get bigger and the whole tummy will be more firm!

ace, 6 more days and u can see baby!! start counting down.. sat will be here very fast!

CP, u started buying the clotes leh?? was at marina square ytd evening but i was so unwell that we went straight home!! i passed by Fox and they are having a sale! haha!! robinson also got sale?? till when?? actually when is a gd time to start buying baby stuff? i duwan buy it so fast coz no space and collect stuff but we need to buy a playpen, yao lan, cabinet, etc to put baby's stuff... basically all the expensive items 1st...

might be going see doc after work.. my nose is horrible for the past 1 week plus. sneezing, liu bi ti, pain and itchy.. the area ard my nose is dry dry coz of all the wiping and now it's flaking.. and my throat also sala le.. pain and dry..

oh ya, i wanted to ask.. can we go dentist and clean our teeth??

Good morning ladies. I went to look out for cordy over the weekend; I didn’t know it was so ex. Haha. But after I told my mil tat I wan to take, she start to nag. She asks me dun anyhow take herbs. The pills im taking everyday contains cordy. Is 750mg enough for everyday?


yeah..both baby kingdom and babymart are 2 different warehouse. both warehouse are quite nearby, walking distance. u can see see look look 1st then decide. I bought different item frm both warehouse after compare price previously.


can check with ur dentist and tell them that u r pregnant now. i think normal cleaning should b no problem but it's also depends on ur body condition..


what pill u r taking now?

but i heard cordy is good if compare to birdnest..

jass, my mil bought from Tong Ren. inside already got couple of herbs hence she ask me dun anyhow eat. one day eat 3 capsules

thanks jass!! maybe will go ask soon.. very long nv wash teeth le.. haha!! actually for the 2 marks, baby kingdom and babymart, usually what will be cheaper for each of them?? for eg strollers, will it be cheaper than getting from kiddypalace or mothercare?

Ling, u also eat chinese herbs?? i eat my multivits, calciuma dn iron pills i already cannot tahan already and will still forget to eat also..

morning mummies... it's monday again...

Jac: haha.. i tot only me forget my pills!! i only take folic acid in the morning & multi vit @ nite.. but always forget my multi vit! haha... dare not have more.. gynae was asking if i wanna take fish oil, i say no... haha... as for strollers, i suggest u have a look around, cos my feel is most of the strollers have controlled pricing, so shd not have too much a diff...

CP: Agree on car seats.. we had been telling our kids how impt it is to be seated in car seats & when hb happened to see accident on roads, will tell my 6YO & 4YO that if they dun put on seat belts, they will fly out of the car if accident happened! so they super scare, first thing to do when in car is buckle seat belts!

Ace: abt cordblood, as wat many mummies commented, we selected cordlife due to the method of storage, we feel it's better to have the blood stored in 1 location cos if there's a need for it, even that 1 bag is not enuf... so we tot can reduce contamination too... but of cos, up to individual lah... we had been paying yearly fees for it, cos even though there might be savings if we pay upfront till 21 yrs, we dun see the need to put in the lump sum of $ there...

littledarling: rgd swimming, i still wear my normal swimwear, cos very stretchable! haha... :p


oic..yeah, better dun anyhow eat cos chinese herbs sometimes will b heaty..


actually for both marts, u can check out their strollers, soemtimes they really give very good deal for those strollers especially old model.

but hor from my experience, sometimes i foudn that when Robinson/Taka/mothercare having sales, it's really cheaper if compare to both marts. so, really have to do a research 1st..

btw, i bought my baby cot at baby kingdom..

Actually my friend recommended me this store called Cheong Choon Store at Chinatown. Blk 34 Upper Cross Street #03-132. Tel: 65323855. Nothing much in the showroom, but they have catalogue, so you can visit departmental stores to check out what you want and let them know the model no. and they will let you know the price.

They open Mon - Sat from 1.30 pm onwards until i think 6 or 6+ pm. Can call and ask. They do provide delivery.

Previously i bought quite a lot items from them. The lady boss is very friendly..


u still taking folic asid? i stop taking since my gynae prescribe me multi vit, calcium & fish oil. very scare to take all these 2 medicine as i have problem to swallow it..sigh

Morning all!

I'm taking multi-vit, calcium & fish oil too, gynae said no need folic acid specially coz the multi-vit contains it liao. I was told by a friend not to take multi-vit and calcium pills together, coz apparently the iron content in the multi-vit pills will render the calcium useless??? Anyone heard anything like that too? But yah swallowing the pills are very torturous! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Ehh what's cordy ah? Sorry for being suaku. I'm the type that's very scared of eating TCM coz of the bitter taste heh.

Jac: Go dentist clean teeth should be no problem, just be sure to let your dentist know that you're pregnant.

jass, thanks for your info...think reallgy need a lot research and time to walk ard and see see.. any idea when is the next mothercare fair??

yallo, yap, from what i know, the nurses told me that i cannot take the iron pills with the other med coz the effect will be gone. so she advise that i take my iron pills after dinner while the other 2 take morning.. but i didnt know multi-vits and calcium cannot take together.. usually i will just take 1 each after every meal but sometimes lazy and not bringing any bag out so i just take them together.. like this morning i just took my multi-vits together with calcium!! cannot ar?? hmm....

ling, from what i know ginseng is very heaty in general leh... some ppl really cannot take it de..

jass: yes still taking folic, guess diff gynae diff bah... my only ask me to take folic & multivit & fish oil, but i opt out for fish out.. cos all the pills r so huge!

ling: haha... been so time since i last wore my norm one.. but i rem still wearing norm one during my #1 & #2 pregnancy... haha... dunno tis one can fit or not... :p maybe shd get bikini, since norm times i can't wear! hahaha... :p

yallo: cordy is 冬虫草 super ex chinese med... i only had it during my #2 confinement... my CL make soup for us... nice... but very ex lor...

ling: i think can bah... american ginseng is more of cooling, but dun take too much lor... like ginseng chicken soup shd be fine... tat's wat i did...

Good Morning mummies!! I hope yr weekend went well!

Do any of you felt yr baby heartbeat? Over the weekend, i felt the heartbeat in my stomach, but i m not sure if its the baby's heartbeat or my pulse.. a bit confused... Didnt know whether to be excited or jus pass it off as mine.. :-(

I am also taking muti-vit, calcium and fish oil but i have huge probs swallowing them! N the multi-vit pills causes me to vomit as soon i take them. So, i jus stop taking them temporary. goona see my gynae this wed and want to let her know.. But am guilty cas there are times i don take the pills.. :-(

littledaring: I am going swimming, not to do laps but just to float around and swim arnd. Apparently, i feel very fresh after the mini exercise. hehe.. I can still fit into my swimming costumes cas it is stretchable! :)

Jac: I know you cant do dental surgery when you are pregnant and but cleaning shouldnt be a prob. But jus let yr dentist know u are pregnant. :)

Hi leftbraini

Ur bb is so so cute =)

was telling my hubby abt it and he was laughing away

Hi littledarling

I managed to buy a maternity swimwear for only $23 =) it is a small little shop located at US

I think level 2 ..

Hi Jacqueline

Yup ..6more days!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]Btw i also feel abit of lump on my tummy le ...so exciting

Hi mamaAsh and all

We had alrdy signed up with Stemcord and so thanks all for your advises [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi ling

I just took american ginseng soup on sat [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Dear all

There is this concentrated soup from Eu Ren Seng .. If u are busy but wan some nice soup, u can actually get it from there .. No preservatives and it tastes really nice

However we will tried to make our own soup whenever we can and my friend's mum had offered to make me soup once in a while .. Her soup is super super nice [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I had also taken 4 pieces of durian over the weekend .. (finally given to temptation and my family had it in the fridge) .. Super nice but I retricted myself to jus 4pieces [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I had also bought a 3/4 pant and a full length pant from Spring .. Wow the pant cost $60+ .. I hardly spend so much on a pant b4 ..but it is super comfy ..

Really hope I can come across good sales for maternity clothes .. Coming to 17wks now ..and I discover I cant fit into some of my clothes le [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] quite uncomfortable

my swim wear is so tight now until i cant breathe lor. my dh ask me to buy 2 pieces de but i shy. haha

i plan to add the ginseng into hot water and jus drink it as water


I too wanna throw up whenever I swallow he multiple-V.. I have been vomiting every nite fir the past days.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I was advised by the clinic nurse to take calcium n multiV at least 2 hrs apart.

Ace, haha.. I realized I kinda misread ur post on the wriggle of fingers.. Tot u saw it on ur tummy skin... Paiseh..

Aside from the hard lump at the side at nite, this morning I had the first real kick from BB! Felt it once and I put my palm at the spot and BB kicked again! Haha...

gd morning [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My gynae started me on multi-vit, fish oil & calcium at wk 16. When i asked abt folic acid, he studied my blood report a while then said no need, coz multi-vit pills have. I can't take my pills right after a meal else will feel sick. Usually I wait 1-2 hrs later.

Jass, the chinatown shop will be able to get those models we see at dept stores at cheaper rates? Or only can choose from their cataloge?

Ydy couldn't resist and finished 1/3 box of durian. Soon after felt bubble/tapping on lower abdomen. Maybe bb likes durian? hehe

who was the one who mentioned abt the PruFirstGift? I'm meeting a Pru agent later about it...ha ha...will ask him abt the free storller!

AC, i think its me.. but i didnt mentioned getting the policy will have 1 free stroller.. it's between our pru agent who is my fren and us.. lolx!!


haha!! Ling, there isn't any connection... PruFirstGift is a policy that parents can get when mum is 18w preg.. this will cover the mother and baby... after delivery, it will be transferred to the baby but will also cover the mum for 3 years from date of policy.

here's the story of the stroller, our pru agent is also our friend.. so, hubby tell our friend who is also our agent to sponsor us a stroller since we got some policies and investments with him as a gift to our baby lor.. so, it's just purely a deal/joke between us as friends lah.. lolx!!

